More than 90 Muslims, nearly all Democrats, running for public office across the U.S.

Sharia Law is every bit as compatible as the Christian version thereof. In other words, neither one has any place in our system of governance.

This is probably exactly what it's going to take to cleanse this far right, fundamentalist Christian mess out.
Give me a few examples of your supposed Christian Version of Sharia Law that is on the books, Is some one forcing you not to eat meat on Friday or go to Chirch on Sunday? Or do you mean the old blue laws where you cannot by beer before noon on Sunday?

The easiest one is gay people and marriage.

Bakers not wanting to bake cakes for gay marriages goes against the principles of the US Constitution, yet the right are trying to force this into being law.
Exactly what principles of the US Constitution does not wanting to bake a cake go against?

If a single group is singled out for exclusion, it violates the equal protection clause.

The Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment prohibits states from denying any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the law. The 14th Amendment is not by its terms applicable to the federal government.
It prohibits states not bakeries from denying any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the law. In other words it is a law for the states to obey

But then states make laws concerning bakeries. Usually they have laws which prevent businesses discriminating.
This should be a warning to all Americans. They must remember that Islam is not a religion, it is a political movement to dominate everything around it.

More than 90 American Muslims, nearly all of them Democrats, are running for public office across the country this year. Many are young and politically inexperienced, and most are long shots. But they represent a collective gamble: that voters are so disgusted by America’s least popular president on record that they’re willing to elect members of America’s least popular religious minority group.

Although their number seems small, the candidacies mark an unprecedented rise for the nation’s diverse Muslim community that typically has been underrepresented in American politics.

One only has to look at what elected Muslims have done in the UK.

More of this alarming news @ The blue Muslim wave: American Muslims launch political campaigns, hope to deliver ‘sweet justice’ to Trump
Calling Islam a political movement is the safest way for you to justify this post. Much the way the Nazis said the Jews were a threatening race rather than a religion.
Too bad we actually have real world examples of this and you are just paranoid about the non-existent "Islamophobia"...
Being an Islamophobe does not make you correct. In fact, it makes you the opposite of correct.
The Muslims siezed the holy land and were persecuting Christians.
And we were burning witches in Salem. And Joan of Arc was burned to death. Christians.

So, how do we get more of these Liberal Muslims elected?
This was 400 years pre-Salem. Yet...what do you say about Muslims burning Christian villagers in Armenia in their churches 200 year post crusades? What do you have to say about Muslims castrating and enslaving Africans openly until the 1910's?
You do realize that the African slave trade is alive an well in the name of Allah dont you? If you want to compare...we can alllll day long.
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But the crusades, the crusades!! Muslims are justified in throwing acid in the faces of Londoners. King Richard you know. are talking out of your ass. The Muslims siezed the holy land and were persecuting Christians. Go and read something you know about...Das Kapital...fucking Communist.

The Muslims seized Jerusalem 400 years before the Crusades... and no one cared at the time.

Then Urban II needed a cause, and he said, "Let's save Jerusalem!!" Even though Christian Pilgrims who wanted to go there had no problem going there.
Mac has an IQ 40-50 points higher than yours. That is why I like him.

As for me, I support gay rights, women's rights, a strong separation of church and state, strong environmental regulations and progressive taxation.

Only in the eyes of a lunatic Stalinist does that make me a wingnut.

No, what makes you a Wingnut is that you are a frothing Islamophobe.

The rest of that stuff doesn't really matter when you are displaying that one irrational bigotry. are talking out of your ass. The Muslims siezed the holy land and were persecuting Christians. Go and read something you know about...Das Kapital...fucking Communist.

The Muslims seized Jerusalem 400 years before the Crusades... and no one cared at the time.

Then Urban II needed a cause, and he said, "Let's save Jerusalem!!" Even though Christian Pilgrims who wanted to go there had no problem going there.
Sell your bullshit to someone else pinko.
No, they are doing EXACTLY what anyone would do when a bunch of foreigners invade their country.

So let's try "not invading their countries" for a change.
The Muslim world is a direct result of Muslim conquest...conversion by the sword...Karma is a MFer.

The Crusades weren't fought in Europe, although cross-wearing European Christians were the aggressors.
Oh fucking clowns and your crusade references. WTF do you think the CRUSADES were a reaction to? Hmmm? Do you think it was a reaction to the hoards of Muslims slaying, raping and enslaving people or force converting them across the known world?
Do you understand the sheer numbers that were murdered in the forst 500 years of Islam? Do you understand the sheer scope of the Islamic slave trade over the centuries?
Crusades..'thumbs vag' Crusades....muh crusades.

Are you trying to say European Christians didn't suit up and trek off to the Holy Lands? Or were you thinking Christians had given up slavery at that point? Maybe you were thinking the Inquisition wasn't going on at the same time. Or maybe you're just the Zombie Fucking Apocalypse.
Nope...if you weren't so GD dim I might not have to paint by numbers for you. They suited up and traveled thousands of miles on horseback BECAUSE the Muslim hoards had sacked the holy land and were oppressing Christians. They didn't just do it...cause.
You shitlibs should grow a GD brain....but muh crusades!!! muh Inquisition!

Sweet Jesus! You're the teabilly fuckstick who is pretending European Christians weren't the aggressors in the Crusades. If they had stayed home, the Crusades wouldn't have happened.

But the Christians! Spin that.
Once again we can follow the European model of government. How is that working out for London these days?
Sweet Jesus! You're the teabilly fuckstick who is pretending European Christians weren't the aggressors in the Crusades. If they had stayed home, the Crusades wouldn't have happened.

But the Christians! Spin that.

Sure dude, those Muslims were in the Middle East the whole time....
The Muslim world is a direct result of Muslim conquest...conversion by the sword...Karma is a MFer.

The Crusades weren't fought in Europe, although cross-wearing European Christians were the aggressors.
Oh fucking clowns and your crusade references. WTF do you think the CRUSADES were a reaction to? Hmmm? Do you think it was a reaction to the hoards of Muslims slaying, raping and enslaving people or force converting them across the known world?
Do you understand the sheer numbers that were murdered in the forst 500 years of Islam? Do you understand the sheer scope of the Islamic slave trade over the centuries?
Crusades..'thumbs vag' Crusades....muh crusades.

Are you trying to say European Christians didn't suit up and trek off to the Holy Lands? Or were you thinking Christians had given up slavery at that point? Maybe you were thinking the Inquisition wasn't going on at the same time. Or maybe you're just the Zombie Fucking Apocalypse.
Nope...if you weren't so GD dim I might not have to paint by numbers for you. They suited up and traveled thousands of miles on horseback BECAUSE the Muslim hoards had sacked the holy land and were oppressing Christians. They didn't just do it...cause.
You shitlibs should grow a GD brain....but muh crusades!!! muh Inquisition!

Sweet Jesus! You're the teabilly fuckstick who is pretending European Christians weren't the aggressors in the Crusades. If they had stayed home, the Crusades wouldn't have happened.

But the Christians! Spin that.
Who sacked the Holy City and killed thousands of Christians? Who drafted the Pact of Umar? Who were the first oppressors of Christians? Who enslaved and put Christians and Jews under dhimmi status and collected jizya?
" Clueless Mouth Pieces "

* Flapping Just To Be Yapping *

Sweet Jesus! You're the teabilly fuckstick who is pretending European Christians weren't the aggressors in the Crusades. If they had stayed home, the Crusades wouldn't have happened.
But the Christians! Spin that.
Perhaps they were to a biased , objective and ignorant fool of history or to members of an ideology blubbering about failing to conquer europe and trying to obfuscate intentions for dominating the entire world by doctrine that advocates violence as a means whenever they are superior .

Islam and war - Wikipedia

Crusades - Wikipedia
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Why do you Islamococksuckers always bring up the Crusades? You don't have a better excuse for slaughter of innocents TODAY?
This should be a warning to all Americans. They must remember that Islam is not a religion, it is a political movement to dominate everything around it.

More than 90 American Muslims, nearly all of them Democrats, are running for public office across the country this year. Many are young and politically inexperienced, and most are long shots. But they represent a collective gamble: that voters are so disgusted by America’s least popular president on record that they’re willing to elect members of America’s least popular religious minority group.

Although their number seems small, the candidacies mark an unprecedented rise for the nation’s diverse Muslim community that typically has been underrepresented in American politics.

One only has to look at what elected Muslims have done in the UK.

More of this alarming news @ The blue Muslim wave: American Muslims launch political campaigns, hope to deliver ‘sweet justice’ to Trump
So, you believe there should be a religious test for running for political office in the U.S. That's not a question.

I believe the ultimate test is the Oath of Office.

“I, AB, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

Anyone who professes faith in Islam is unable to fully and faithfully carry out that oath. Therefore, they are ineligible to hold such an office.

Too difficult for you to understand?

Yet Muslims in America take that office just the same as Christians in America.

Only bigots like yourself- sounding just like the bigots who claimed that any Catholic in America would hold the Pope before the Constitution- will continue in the great tradition of religious bigotry in America.

Congrats for joining a long line of religious bigots in America.

"Religious bigotry" is nothing more than a Progressive catchphrase to cover the truth that being opposed to Islam is actually Realistic Self-Preservation.

I am pretty sure that there are religious minorities all over the world- from Jews to Rohingya that would testify as to the reality of Religious bigotry.

You are no different than the anti-semite assholes who have been saying for years that Jews are a danger to the world.

Birds of a feather.
Why do you Islamococksuckers always bring up the Crusades? You don't have a better excuse for slaughter of innocents TODAY?

Why do you Christiancocksuckers always deny that you Christiancocksuckers have killed million of innocents in the past?

Really the idea that your Christiancocksuckers can say "well we killed less millions than those other guys" is just so pathetic.

The fact is that most Muslims- just like Most Christians- just like Most Jews, etc- don't want anyone to be murdered.

But religious bigots like yourself- will always find some religious minority to target- because that is what you do.

Jews- Catholics- Rohingya- Copts- you always find some religious minority you want to target with your hate.
The Crusades weren't fought in Europe, although cross-wearing European Christians were the aggressors.
Oh fucking clowns and your crusade references. WTF do you think the CRUSADES were a reaction to? Hmmm? Do you think it was a reaction to the hoards of Muslims slaying, raping and enslaving people or force converting them across the known world?
Do you understand the sheer numbers that were murdered in the forst 500 years of Islam? Do you understand the sheer scope of the Islamic slave trade over the centuries?
Crusades..'thumbs vag' Crusades....muh crusades.

Are you trying to say European Christians didn't suit up and trek off to the Holy Lands? Or were you thinking Christians had given up slavery at that point? Maybe you were thinking the Inquisition wasn't going on at the same time. Or maybe you're just the Zombie Fucking Apocalypse.
Nope...if you weren't so GD dim I might not have to paint by numbers for you. They suited up and traveled thousands of miles on horseback BECAUSE the Muslim hoards had sacked the holy land and were oppressing Christians. They didn't just do it...cause.
You shitlibs should grow a GD brain....but muh crusades!!! muh Inquisition!

Sweet Jesus! You're the teabilly fuckstick who is pretending European Christians weren't the aggressors in the Crusades. If they had stayed home, the Crusades wouldn't have happened.

But the Christians! Spin that.
Who sacked the Holy City and killed thousands of Christians? Who drafted the Pact of Umar? Who were the first oppressors of Christians? Who enslaved and put Christians and Jews under dhimmi status and collected jizya?

Hmmm well lets see- the noble Crusaders sacked the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire- Constantinople- directly leading to its fall to Islamic forces about 100 years later.

Who were the first oppressors of the Christians? Romans.

Who sacked the Holy City? Romans.

Who enslaved Christians and Jews- Romans.

Lets see now- who all sacked Jerusalum?
Rome did
The Crusaders did- who killed almost all of the Muslims and Jews.
Hmmm well lets see- the noble Crusaders sacked the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire- Constantinople- directly leading to its fall to Islamic forces about 100 years later.

Who were the first oppressors of the Christians? Romans.

Who sacked the Holy City? Romans.

Who enslaved Christians and Jews- Romans.

I knew the second I phrased it that way that SOME idiot would intentionally misconstrue. Common sense should have dictated that Islam did not exist until 6 centuries AFTER Christianities' formation...however, common sense is uncommon.

As I stated previously, Islam conquered through the scimitar.

"The jihad slave system included contingents of both sexes delivered annually in conformity with the treaties of submission by sovereigns who were tributaries of the caliph. When Amr conquered Tripoli (Libya) in 643, he forced the Jewish and Christian Berbers to give their wives and children as slaves to the Arab army as part of their jizya [tax on non-Muslims]."
Slavery, Christianity, and Islam | Robert Spencer

From inception Muslims enslaved and killed Christians and Jews.

The Crusaders did- who killed almost all of the Muslims and Jews.
Fair. Also, it is true that for the first ~100 years there was relative peace and prosperity under Muslim rule. However, all good things must end and after the initial 'honeymoon'...
The Christians had attempted to work with the Muslims for centuries (Pact of Umar) and had accepted their dhimmi status. Christians had accepted that Jerusalem had fallen and were sending aid to build churches and Christian communities. However it was the Muslims who pushed things too far.
There was forced conversion (policy), the destruction of Christian churches and the building of Mosques atop them, the increase of the jizya.
These actions came directly from the Caliphs.After centuries European Christians had finally had enough. This is was the impetus for the crusades.

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