More than 90 Muslims, nearly all Democrats, running for public office across the U.S.

Oh fucking clowns and your crusade references. WTF do you think the CRUSADES were a reaction to? Hmmm? Do you think it was a reaction to the hoards of Muslims slaying, raping and enslaving people or force converting them across the known world?

Acctually, they were nothing of the sort. They were a publicity stunt by a Pope who was fighting with an Emperor over who was the leader of Christianity in Europe.

You see, the borders between the Islamic and Christian Worlds had pretty much been settled hundreds of years earlier and really hadn't moved that much.
I'm not a wingnut.

I'm an independent.

The difference between the two of us is that I am intelligent and well educated whereas you are just a mindless little hack.

Really... other than kissing Mac1958's backside, I Really haven't seen you show much original thought here.

Hey, we got us a Muslim Bashing Thread, where is Mac?
" Japheth Struggling For Independence Domain Seeing Ancient Rome "

* North And South Commerce Control *

Are you trying to say European Christians didn't suit up and trek off to the Holy Lands? Or were you thinking Christians had given up slavery at that point? Maybe you were thinking the Inquisition wasn't going on at the same time. Or maybe you're just the Zombie Fucking Apocalypse.
Are you trying to say that Muslim hoards didn't invade Spain, France, Turkey, the Baltics, and threaten Rome? Maybe you were thinking that the West has a duty to lay down and die to appease the greater Caliphate? Or are you thinking your Beloved Islam has given up slavery at this point? It hasn't.
Elements for aggression arising in christianity and the directives for aggression in qurayshism seem systemic from necessary realities of those eras for arcane conflict .

One can discern that a war of aggression in the name of christianity contradicts antinomian edicts ; people often do what must be done .

* Inquiring Minds *

From the apologue of abraham , of isaac and of ishmael , torahnism and qurayshism are a genetic religions founded upon eponymous patriarchal lineages .

As granting autonomy to others stipulates that one maintain boundary limits to facilitate mutual accords , torahnism cedes limits to others by domain and range specified by geographic boundaries .

However , apparently , for whichever reason , boundary limits are effectively absent from the qurayn doctrine with a substituted directive to proselytize , even through hostilities when warranted as necessary .

In deed , hejaz means the barrier and it limits were determined through 700 years of digression by muff tea ( mufti ) jurisprudence .

Suppose europeans acclaimed kinship with japheth to establish pan europeanism based within a genetic identity , then how is pan arabism different when it acclaims kinship with the genetic identity of shem ?

Just as europe is not a demographic entirely of japhetic clad , neither is the demographic entirely of shem clad .

* Obvious Genetic Religion And Conquest Directives *

surah 8:75 And those who believed after [the initial emigration] and emigrated and fought with you - they are of you. But those of [blood] relationship are more entitled [to inheritance] in the decree of God. Indeed, God is Knowing of all things.

surah 9:39 If you do not go forth, He will punish you with a painful punishment and will replace you with another people, and you will not harm Him at all. And God is over all things competent.
9:41 Go forth, whether light or heavy, and strive with your wealth and your lives in the cause of God. That is better for you, if you only knew.

* Is Your Genetic Perception Of Reality Represented Does It Matter Any Weigh *

While one might assert life for mammon kind , such considerations demanding that all hue mammon life be necessary are incriminated by antinomian edicts to forgive and sustain without invocation of public policy directing its compliance ,

Alternatively , non aggression principles are a base from which to deduce validity of public policy within private interests .

* Extraneous References *

Human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup - Wikipedia
Mitochondrial Eve - Wikipedia

At issue is how individuals rationalize public policy and political science concepts : such as non aggression principles ; such as negative liberties , positive liberties , negative wrights , positive wrights ; such as the logical antonyms antinomianism versus nomianism .
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I'm not a wingnut.

I'm an independent.

The difference between the two of us is that I am intelligent and well educated whereas you are just a mindless little hack.

Really... other than kissing Mac1958's backside, I Really haven't seen you show much original thought here.

Hey, we got us a Muslim Bashing Thread, where is Mac?

In what way are you ISIS allies being bashed, JoeB Stalin? :dunno:

The enemy of America is the friend of the democrat, because:

The enemy of America IS the democrat.
Oh fucking clowns and your crusade references. WTF do you think the CRUSADES were a reaction to? Hmmm? Do you think it was a reaction to the hoards of Muslims slaying, raping and enslaving people or force converting them across the known world?

Acctually, they were nothing of the sort. They were a publicity stunt by a Pope who was fighting with an Emperor over who was the leader of Christianity in Europe.

You see, the borders between the Islamic and Christian Worlds had pretty much been settled hundreds of years earlier and really hadn't moved that much. are talking out of your ass. The Muslims siezed the holy land and were persecuting Christians. Go and read something you know about...Das Kapital...fucking Communist.
The role model for the perfect politician to serve in America is none other than the very successful Sadiq Khan of London. Democrats are most anxious to create the same kind of diversity here that Mayor Khan has created in England.
The Muslim world is a direct result of Muslim conquest...conversion by the sword...Karma is a MFer.

Is it? Because frankly, when the Christian conquered most of those lands back, none of those people were all that keen to convert. And then they chased them out again.
Do some research. Christian conversion in the holy land and Muslim conquest in the same place were highly divergent. Muslims ruled by the scimitar. They converted by it and held power through it. Islam is equal parts political, religious and cultural. There is no comparison.
As if the Muslim world sat placidly by...spare me.

No, they are doing EXACTLY what anyone would do when a bunch of foreigners invade their country.

So let's try "not invading their countries" for a change.
The Muslim world is a direct result of Muslim conquest...conversion by the sword...Karma is a MFer.

The Crusades weren't fought in Europe, although cross-wearing European Christians were the aggressors.
Oh fucking clowns and your crusade references. WTF do you think the CRUSADES were a reaction to? Hmmm? Do you think it was a reaction to the hoards of Muslims slaying, raping and enslaving people or force converting them across the known world?
Do you understand the sheer numbers that were murdered in the forst 500 years of Islam? Do you understand the sheer scope of the Islamic slave trade over the centuries?
Crusades..'thumbs vag' Crusades....muh crusades.

Are you trying to say European Christians didn't suit up and trek off to the Holy Lands? Or were you thinking Christians had given up slavery at that point? Maybe you were thinking the Inquisition wasn't going on at the same time. Or maybe you're just the Zombie Fucking Apocalypse.
Nope...if you weren't so GD dim I might not have to paint by numbers for you. They suited up and traveled thousands of miles on horseback BECAUSE the Muslim hoards had sacked the holy land and were oppressing Christians. They didn't just do it...cause.
You shitlibs should grow a GD brain....but muh crusades!!! muh Inquisition!
This should be a warning to all Americans. They must remember that Islam is not a religion, it is a political movement to dominate everything around it.

More than 90 American Muslims, nearly all of them Democrats, are running for public office across the country this year. Many are young and politically inexperienced, and most are long shots. But they represent a collective gamble: that voters are so disgusted by America’s least popular president on record that they’re willing to elect members of America’s least popular religious minority group.

Although their number seems small, the candidacies mark an unprecedented rise for the nation’s diverse Muslim community that typically has been underrepresented in American politics.

One only has to look at what elected Muslims have done in the UK.

More of this alarming news @ The blue Muslim wave: American Muslims launch political campaigns, hope to deliver ‘sweet justice’ to Trump

what YOU need to be scared of is you need to come to grips with reality it is the ZIONISTS Jews in AIPAC that have a stranglehood and control politics in america and that if you speak against Israels atrocities,they make sure you dont last long in washington as a politician.:rolleyes:

Israel owns and operates foreign policy of us journalists.
I'm not a wingnut.

I'm an independent.

The difference between the two of us is that I am intelligent and well educated whereas you are just a mindless little hack.

Really... other than kissing Mac1958's backside, I Really haven't seen you show much original thought here.

Hey, we got us a Muslim Bashing Thread, where is Mac?
Mac has an IQ 40-50 points higher than yours. That is why I like him.

As for me, I support gay rights, women's rights, a strong separation of church and state, strong environmental regulations and progressive taxation.

Only in the eyes of a lunatic Stalinist does that make me a wingnut.
Beware the Creeping Sharia! :D

The country that existed immediately following the implementation of the Constitution was far more like Santorum's vision than the one you idiots have created.

Guess that mansplains these quotes:

35 Founding Father Quotes Conservative Christians Will Hate
Pathetic interpretations of quotes by known Christians and Christian allies wary of Protestant and Catholic conflict in Europe, a bullshit and non-binding treaty used to fool anti-Christian xenophobes, and a lot of Jefferson quotes(funny how you dolts never really quote Jefferson for anything other than religion....). Yawn.

Try researching the history of state constitutions sometime. The Christian and theistic influences extended past the formation of the United States and into almost the 20th century. Secular America is barely over 100 years old.
Good for them. The more variety the better.

That's the same page they ran in 2016, they just changed the date to 2018. If you look at their website, virtually nothing's changed since then, and they're still using the "2016" date in much of the website.

If you click on the party platform link, it reads "THE 2016 DEMOCRATIC PLATFORM"...

What I like that's NOT within the Republican ideals;

Raising Workers’ Wages
Democrats believe that the current minimum wage is a starvation wage and must be increased to a living wage. No one who works full time should have to raise a family in poverty. We believe that Americans should earn at least $15 an hour and have the right to form or join a union and will work in every way we can—in Congress and the federal government, in states and with the private sector—to reach this goal. We should raise the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour over time and index it, give all Americans the ability to join a union regardless of where they work, and create new ways for workers to have power in the economy so every worker can earn at least $15 an hour. We applaud the approaches taken by states like New York and California. We also support creating one fair wage for all workers by ending the sub-minimum wage for tipped workers and people with disabilities.

Democrats support a model employer executive order or some other vehicle to leverage federal dollars to support employers who provide their workers with a living wage, good benefits, and the opportunity to form a union without reprisal. The one trillion dollars spent annually by the government on contracts, loans, and grants should be used to support good jobs that rebuild the middle class.
Calling christianity a political movement like islam, is iscorrect. You could have a better argument with judaism. Even then, it doesnt compare to the scale islam has in shaping a muslims entire world.

Throughout American history Christianity has been injected into our political system. How do you think we ended up with so many so called "blue laws?" For instance, there are still places where alcohol sales are prohibited on Sundays because it's the Lord's day. People complaining about Muslims getting elected aren't concerned about religion in government; they are concerned about someone else's religion in government.
When someone else’s religion includes shariah law, gross abuse of women, minorities, gays, trans and non Muslims NOW - it’s quite reasonable to be concerned about the someone else’s ‘religion’ infiltrating government and exerting influence politically. Perfectly reasonable, imo.
And we all know just how much you care about gays, and trans :asshole: You just hate Muslims just a little more and dishonestly use GBT issues to attack them when you do not give a shit,and are, in fact hostile to LGBT people:coffee:

Let's see if I've got this right.

You support those who throw gays off of rooftops, and Tilly has never said anything against gay people, therefore SHE is the one supporting homophobia?

We certainly do live in an Orwellian world, here, folks.
...he never said anything about supporting throwing gays off rooftops either. Make shit up much?

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