More than 900 people have been fatally shot by police officers in 2015

There really needs to be an accurate accounting of actual police shootings. Many departments refuse to divulge this information. It shouldn't be optional.

Its not optional.

The Freedom of Information Act mandates all police reports be public. It's how the media gets all their info.

The FOIA is a federal law that that mandates that federal records be divulged. It doesn't apply to States. Many states have their own FOIA. But those that don't are under no mandate to divulge the information to the public.

In many instances the Washington post had to go to news reports to get their information, as it wasn't available in public records.
Well. Since tRump loves the Naz.........I mean PoPo, maybe he can budget a few hundred million for shooting lessons so they can triple the numbers with 1/4 of the ammo.
Make Amurrika Efficient Again !
Bucs thinks that everything is reported and if its not reported it didnt happen. Seems fair. Everything that happens in out in the public.

Then the next thread Bucs is going to tell you that Obama secretly wants to take your guns but its not on TV because....uh,

Well....if police shoot and kill someone...the entire Internet knows about it within hours. Kinda hard to no report that huh?

:spinner: Weee! Logic!

There really needs to be an accurate accounting of actual police shootings. Many departments refuse to divulge this information. It shouldn't be optional.

Its not optional to do a report or release the report. It's NOT optional to forward it to the state police. It IS optional to send it to the FBI....because the FBI does not have chain of command authority over state or city police (Yay states rights!)

The Freedom of Information Act mandates all police reports be public. It's how the media gets all their info.

You can find out about any shootings by any agency with a simple FOIA request.

"I'm sorry Mr Bucs. This information you've requested is not currently available to you serfs due to many of the cases not yet being decided and/or listed for re-review."
Thank you. Don't forget taxes are due midnight April 15. Have a nice life.
When a shooting happens it's instantly on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter...CNN MSNBC and local news. Lawyers scramble.

And this means that every shooting is known by the public. How can Bucs make that assertion?

By asserting it to be true.

There really needs to be an accurate accounting of actual police shootings. Many departments refuse to divulge this information. It shouldn't be optional.

Its not optional.

The Freedom of Information Act mandates all police reports be public. It's how the media gets all their info.

The FOIA is a federal law that that mandates that federal records be divulged. It doesn't apply to States. Many states have their own FOIA. But those that don't are under no mandate to divulge the information to the public.

In many instances the Washington post had to go to news reports to get their information, as it wasn't available in public records.

Every state has it:
State Freedom of Information Laws | State FOIA Laws | NFOIC

So you're saying the Washington Post found incidents where police shot and killed someone....but that department didn't do a police report? PLEASE show me just 1 incident like that.
When a shooting happens it's instantly on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter...CNN MSNBC and local news. Lawyers scramble.

And this means that every shooting is known by the public. How can Bucs make that assertion?

By asserting it to be true.

So you're saying police are shooting and killing people and:
A) News and social media don't report it
B) Police don't do a report
C) Family of deceased don't go to the media

Is that what you're saying? How many more other than the appx 1000 the WP notes do you think happens like that??
Well. Since tRump loves the Naz.........I mean PoPo, maybe he can budget a few hundred million for shooting lessons so they can triple the numbers with 1/4 of the ammo.
Make Amurrika Efficient Again !
Ya hopefully!
The more dead fucking gang-bagers the better!
Another time and place and everyone of the fucking Tree Dweller sub-humans would be extinct by now.
I'm thinking libs watch way too many Hollywood cop movies.

They're alleging cops are shooting and killing people....then doing no report....and somehow the news and social media never get wind of it....and the family of the deceased is silent about it.

That's some real Mexican police style shit right there.
When a shooting happens it's instantly on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter...CNN MSNBC and local news. Lawyers scramble.

And this means that every shooting is known by the public. How can Bucs make that assertion?

By asserting it to be true.

So you're saying police are shooting and killing people and:
A) News and social media don't report it
B) Police don't do a report
C) Family of deceased don't go to the media

Is that what you're saying? How many more other than the appx 1000 the WP notes do you think happens like that??

Putting it quite simply. What metrics are you using to determine that all shootings are known by the public? Here is a clue: Pointing at your gut is not a metric.

Good luck!
I'm thinking libs watch way too many Hollywood cop movies.

They're alleging cops are shooting and killing people....then doing no report....and somehow the news and social media never get wind of it....and the family of the deceased is silent about it.

That's some real Mexican police style shit right there.

You say the police not reporting it is silly?

How many police shootings a year? No one knows

Criminal justice experts note that, while the federal government and national research groups keep scads of data and statistics— on topics ranging from how many people were victims of unprovoked shark attacks (53 in 2013) to the number of hogs and pigs living on farms in the U.S. (upwards of 64,000,000 according to 2010 numbers) — there is no reliable national data on how many people are shot by police officers each year

But of course you might do a back peddle and claim thats just the liberal Post (which you relied on their data). Here is another:

FBI director calls lack of data on police shootings ‘ridiculous,’ ‘embarrassing’

FBI director calls lack of data on police shootings ‘ridiculous,’ ‘embarrassing’

[FONT=PostoniStandardBold, Georgia, serif]So Buckaroo, tell me why the post who you said did deep studies on it are wrong. Then tell me why the FBI director also cant find that data to which you just so happen to be privy too.[/FONT]
When a shooting happens it's instantly on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter...CNN MSNBC and local news. Lawyers scramble.

And this means that every shooting is known by the public. How can Bucs make that assertion?

By asserting it to be true.

So you're saying police are shooting and killing people and:
A) News and social media don't report it
B) Police don't do a report
C) Family of deceased don't go to the media

Is that what you're saying? How many more other than the appx 1000 the WP notes do you think happens like that??

Putting it quite simply. What metrics are you using to determine that all shootings are known by the public? Here is a clue: Pointing at your gut is not a metric.

Good luck!

Ok I'll explain. But I want you to explain how they arent.

Metro City cop has a guy run at him with a bat. Oh shit. BAM! Shot fired suspect dead.

Sgt and Lt. are notified...followed by the Chief. Everyone is there. Blue lights blazing.

Residents nearby hear or see. And begin to film. Or post to social media.

Live News team with Ron Burgundy HEARS THE radio transmission on police scanner ( listens to scanners) and hears "shots fired". Media is en route.

Then the county coroner (elected position) comes out. Someone is dead. They have to. Family of the deceased is notified. explain to me how the police then just say "Nah....never happened" and don't do a report????? Because that's how shootings go down. I unfortunately had to be around a handful in my 8 years.
I'm thinking libs watch way too many Hollywood cop movies.

They're alleging cops are shooting and killing people....then doing no report....and somehow the news and social media never get wind of it....and the family of the deceased is silent about it.

That's some real Mexican police style shit right there.

You say the police not reporting it is silly?

How many police shootings a year? No one knows

Criminal justice experts note that, while the federal government and national research groups keep scads of data and statistics— on topics ranging from how many people were victims of unprovoked shark attacks (53 in 2013) to the number of hogs and pigs living on farms in the U.S. (upwards of 64,000,000 according to 2010 numbers) — there is no reliable national data on how many people are shot by police officers each year

But of course you might do a back peddle and claim thats just the liberal Post (which you relied on their data). Here is another:

FBI director calls lack of data on police shootings ‘ridiculous,’ ‘embarrassing’

FBI director calls lack of data on police shootings ‘ridiculous,’ ‘embarrassing’

[FONT=PostoniStandardBold, Georgia, serif]So Buckaroo, tell me why the post who you said did deep studies on it are wrong. Then tell me why the FBI director also cant find that data to which you just so happen to be privy too.[/FONT]

Yeah, but what the fuck would the FBI know about US law enforcement stats.

When a shooting happens it's instantly on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter...CNN MSNBC and local news. Lawyers scramble.

And this means that every shooting is known by the public. How can Bucs make that assertion?

By asserting it to be true.

So you're saying police are shooting and killing people and:
A) News and social media don't report it
B) Police don't do a report
C) Family of deceased don't go to the media

Is that what you're saying? How many more other than the appx 1000 the WP notes do you think happens like that??

Putting it quite simply. What metrics are you using to determine that all shootings are known by the public? Here is a clue: Pointing at your gut is not a metric.

Good luck!

Ok I'll explain. But I want you to explain how they arent.

Metro City cop has a guy run at him with a bat. Oh shit. BAM! Shot fired suspect dead.

Sgt and Lt. are notified...followed by the Chief. Everyone is there. Blue lights blazing.

Residents nearby hear or see. And begin to film. Or post to social media.

Live News team with Ron Burgundy HEARS THE radio transmission on police scanner ( listens to scanners) and hears "shots fired". Media is en route.

Then the county coroner (elected position) comes out. Someone is dead. They have to. Family of the deceased is notified. explain to me how the police then just say "Nah....never happened" and don't do a report????? Because that's how shootings go down. I unfortunately had to be around a handful in my 8 years.

Buc, lets start slowly:

You citing yourself means jack shit. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. And you can't back your horseshit up with evidence.


The FBI tracks a subset of police killings, a category it calls justifiable homicides by law enforcement. But it relies on voluntary reporting by police departments, and the figures are limited to cases in which the civilian was killed while committing a felony.

The Death in Custody Reporting Act, signed into law last December by President Barack Obama, aims to get a step closer to a national total by allowing the attorney general to withhold federal grant money from states that fail to report their deaths.

One Year After Ferguson: Why Nobody Knows How Many People Are Killed by Police

The reporting is *voluntary*. And the FBI can't get reliable stats. Which is outrageous.
I'm thinking libs watch way too many Hollywood cop movies.

They're alleging cops are shooting and killing people....then doing no report....and somehow the news and social media never get wind of it....and the family of the deceased is silent about it.

That's some real Mexican police style shit right there.

You say the police not reporting it is silly?

How many police shootings a year? No one knows

Criminal justice experts note that, while the federal government and national research groups keep scads of data and statistics— on topics ranging from how many people were victims of unprovoked shark attacks (53 in 2013) to the number of hogs and pigs living on farms in the U.S. (upwards of 64,000,000 according to 2010 numbers) — there is no reliable national data on how many people are shot by police officers each year

But of course you might do a back peddle and claim thats just the liberal Post (which you relied on their data). Here is another:

FBI director calls lack of data on police shootings ‘ridiculous,’ ‘embarrassing’

FBI director calls lack of data on police shootings ‘ridiculous,’ ‘embarrassing’

[FONT=PostoniStandardBold, Georgia, serif]So Buckaroo, tell me why the post who you said did deep studies on it are wrong. Then tell me why the FBI director also cant find that data to which you just so happen to be privy too.[/FONT]

Then he should organize it.

FOIA every state police agency. They keep data on police shootings. They do organizing data from every county coroner's office and cause of death.

The FBI doesn't want to do the work. But it's right there for them. The Washington Post did it. I bet a group of 25 UC-BERKELEY graduate students of statistics could have it done in a year.
When a shooting happens it's instantly on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter...CNN MSNBC and local news. Lawyers scramble.

And this means that every shooting is known by the public. How can Bucs make that assertion?

By asserting it to be true.

So you're saying police are shooting and killing people and:
A) News and social media don't report it
B) Police don't do a report
C) Family of deceased don't go to the media

Is that what you're saying? How many more other than the appx 1000 the WP notes do you think happens like that??

Putting it quite simply. What metrics are you using to determine that all shootings are known by the public? Here is a clue: Pointing at your gut is not a metric.

Good luck!

Ok I'll explain. But I want you to explain how they arent.

Metro City cop has a guy run at him with a bat. Oh shit. BAM! Shot fired suspect dead.

Sgt and Lt. are notified...followed by the Chief. Everyone is there. Blue lights blazing.

Residents nearby hear or see. And begin to film. Or post to social media.

Live News team with Ron Burgundy HEARS THE radio transmission on police scanner ( listens to scanners) and hears "shots fired". Media is en route.

Then the county coroner (elected position) comes out. Someone is dead. They have to. Family of the deceased is notified. explain to me how the police then just say "Nah....never happened" and don't do a report????? Because that's how shootings go down. I unfortunately had to be around a handful in my 8 years.

Ok, I asked what metrics are you using not to tell me a story about how it could be possible.

What metrics are you using to determine that everything is known by everyone? And how do you explain the FBI director also not knowing because of "Bad" records or shootings?
When a shooting happens it's instantly on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter...CNN MSNBC and local news. Lawyers scramble.

And this means that every shooting is known by the public. How can Bucs make that assertion?

By asserting it to be true.

So you're saying police are shooting and killing people and:
A) News and social media don't report it
B) Police don't do a report
C) Family of deceased don't go to the media

Is that what you're saying? How many more other than the appx 1000 the WP notes do you think happens like that??

Putting it quite simply. What metrics are you using to determine that all shootings are known by the public? Here is a clue: Pointing at your gut is not a metric.

Good luck!

Ok I'll explain. But I want you to explain how they arent.

Metro City cop has a guy run at him with a bat. Oh shit. BAM! Shot fired suspect dead.

Sgt and Lt. are notified...followed by the Chief. Everyone is there. Blue lights blazing.

Residents nearby hear or see. And begin to film. Or post to social media.

Live News team with Ron Burgundy HEARS THE radio transmission on police scanner ( listens to scanners) and hears "shots fired". Media is en route.

Then the county coroner (elected position) comes out. Someone is dead. They have to. Family of the deceased is notified. explain to me how the police then just say "Nah....never happened" and don't do a report????? Because that's how shootings go down. I unfortunately had to be around a handful in my 8 years.

Buc, lets start slowly:

You citing yourself means jack shit. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. And you can't back your horseshit up with evidence.


The FBI tracks a subset of police killings, a category it calls justifiable homicides by law enforcement. But it relies on voluntary reporting by police departments, and the figures are limited to cases in which the civilian was killed while committing a felony.

The Death in Custody Reporting Act, signed into law last December by President Barack Obama, aims to get a step closer to a national total by allowing the attorney general to withhold federal grant money from states that fail to report their deaths.

One Year After Ferguson: Why Nobody Knows How Many People Are Killed by Police

The reporting is *voluntary*. And the FBI can't get reliable stats. Which is outrageous.

Oh boy.....

Ok let's define some stuff.

The FBI says it's "voluntary" for cities and states to report the data to THEM. That's true. States rights ya know?

It's NOT voluntary for it to be reported to the state police. All 50 state police gather and analyze all crime data in their state....including police shootings. it voluntary for police to DO A REPORT??? NO. You kill someone....a mountain of paperwork is being done by dozens of people. That info goes to the STATE police....not the Feds. Again....states rights. Feds can't mandate it.

The Feds exactly what the Washington Post did. FOIA each state (each state has a FOIA law) and just compile it themselves.

Why haven't they done it before?


There really needs to be an accurate accounting of actual police shootings. Many departments refuse to divulge this information. It shouldn't be optional.
you didn't read the earlier post i see.

If you have an argument to make, make it. But I'm not actually gonna go hunting for your pseudo-legal gibberish. Remember your claim that any government building that isn't used for 24 hours is 'abandoned' under the law?

I do.

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