More than 900 people have been fatally shot by police officers in 2015

The county coroner and state police. That's who. Then the case file on record for....well....forever.


Show me ONE case....just ONE....where cops A) killed someone and B) didn't do a report.

And sorry....police nationwide aren't gonna do a spreadsheet delivered right to you and Bernie Sanders door.
Buc, they're saying that there isn't an agency in the fed gov tracking all of the shootings. That's what they're complaining about.

Not us. The FBI director is complaining that he can't get reliable numbers on police shootings, as the reporting from local law enforcement is VOLUNTARY.

That's ridiculous. It shouldn't be voluntary. It should be mandatory. If I ask how many people the police shot to death this year, I shouldn't have to be guessing. And the FBI Director certainly shouldn't.

We should have accurate, reliable and Mandatory reporting from Local LEO on how many people their officers have shot to death.

We do. It's right there at the state level for anyone who wants it. The FBI wants every state to gift wrap it and deliver it.

It is MANDATORY. Go to any police academy in America and ask "If I kill someone as a cop do I have to do a report?" Yes. Yes you do.

Every on duty police shooting IS DOCUMENTED on an official government document. All 50 state police agencies have this info. So does each coroner's office.

Why hasn't the FBI done the ground work to gather it? Who knows. It's public record. If Channel 15 news can get it....the Feds cant?

Says meaningless gibberish. Again, your only source is yourself.

The FBI on the other hand can't get reliable numbers as the reporting is voluntary. Says who? Says the FBI Director.

The FBI Director is infinitely more credible than meaningless gibberish.
he is, didn't he say that we should vet all refugees and the pres and dems said otherwise? You have the hots for the FBI director I see. He can get anything he wants but he has to go get it. Why is that so hard for you to grasp? You feel sorry for the lazy guy or something? There are 50 states, does he have the resources to collect all of those records? the media seems to be able to? I agree with Bucs there. now you're offering us on FBI director quotes, citing yourself. While insisting we ignore the FBI Director on national crime stats. And instead believe you. Citing yourself.'re nobody. You citing yourself means jack shit. You get that, right?
Reported to WHO? That's the issue.
well what makes you think they don't? If you can't produce an account of one, why then are you making an accusation you can't back up? I'm sorry, but dude, now you're out there.

Its simple.

The stats just destroy the lefts anti cop argument. 0.1% of cops shoot someone. And the majority are clearly justified.

People are starting to see just how tiny the stat is.

And the left knows they look silly. So.....their new stance is "They kill way more....they just don't report it".

Which is ridiculous obviously.

It simple: you're nobody. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. You're not a source on this topic. Thus, any time you cite yourself, you're just offering meaningless gibberish.

Meanwhile, the FBI director says there are no reliable numbers on the number of people shot by police.

The FBI Director vs your meaningless gibberish has the same winner every time: The FBI Director.
again, what's with you and the FBI director. What is it he can't get. It's all available to him. Bucs stated that already, me thinks you are in love with the FBI director.

Show me a better source than the FBI Director on the matter.

Buc citing meaningless gibberish certainly isn't it. What else have you got? And if you've got nothing, then why would any rational person ignore the FBI Director on the FBI's ability to get accurate numbers on police shootings...

.....and instead believe you?
the attorney general, the one responsible for the state activity. That's who, why doesn't the old FBI guy go and discuss with the Attorney General.
Skylar or ClosedCaption.......


Just produce one news youtube God damn snap chat.....of a police on duty shooting that did not result in an official police report being done.

Just one.
Buc, they're saying that there isn't an agency in the fed gov tracking all of the shootings. That's what they're complaining about.

Not us. The FBI director is complaining that he can't get reliable numbers on police shootings, as the reporting from local law enforcement is VOLUNTARY.

That's ridiculous. It shouldn't be voluntary. It should be mandatory. If I ask how many people the police shot to death this year, I shouldn't have to be guessing. And the FBI Director certainly shouldn't.

We should have accurate, reliable and Mandatory reporting from Local LEO on how many people their officers have shot to death.

We do. It's right there at the state level for anyone who wants it. The FBI wants every state to gift wrap it and deliver it.

It is MANDATORY. Go to any police academy in America and ask "If I kill someone as a cop do I have to do a report?" Yes. Yes you do.

Every on duty police shooting IS DOCUMENTED on an official government document. All 50 state police agencies have this info. So does each coroner's office.

Why hasn't the FBI done the ground work to gather it? Who knows. It's public record. If Channel 15 news can get it....the Feds cant?

Says meaningless gibberish. Again, your only source is yourself.

The FBI on the other hand can't get reliable numbers as the reporting is voluntary. Says who? Says the FBI Director.

The FBI Director is infinitely more credible than meaningless gibberish.
he is, didn't he say that we should vet all refugees and the pres and dems said otherwise? You have the hots for the FBI director I see. He can get anything he wants but he has to go get it. Why is that so hard for you to grasp? You feel sorry for the lazy guy or something? There are 50 states, does he have the resources to collect all of those records? the media seems to be able to? I agree with Bucs there. now you're offering us on FBI director quotes, citing yourself. While insisting we ignore the FBI Director on national crime stats. And instead believe you. Citing yourself.'re nobody. You citing yourself means jack shit. You get that, right?
what the fk are you smoking dude? I never made any such post. Hey quote that baby up where I said that.

Now you are a LIAR You fking LIAR
Skylar or ClosedCaption.......


Just produce one news youtube God damn snap chat.....of a police on duty shooting that did not result in an official police report being done.

Just one.
I want them to tell me why they think that's done? Who accused the cops of that?
Reported to WHO? That's the issue.
well what makes you think they don't? If you can't produce an account of one, why then are you making an accusation you can't back up? I'm sorry, but dude, now you're out there.

Its simple.

The stats just destroy the lefts anti cop argument. 0.1% of cops shoot someone. And the majority are clearly justified.

People are starting to see just how tiny the stat is.

And the left knows they look silly. So.....their new stance is "They kill way more....they just don't report it".

Which is ridiculous obviously.

It simple: you're nobody. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. You're not a source on this topic. Thus, any time you cite yourself, you're just offering meaningless gibberish.

Meanwhile, the FBI director says there are no reliable numbers on the number of people shot by police.

The FBI Director vs your meaningless gibberish has the same winner every time: The FBI Director.
again, what's with you and the FBI director. What is it he can't get. It's all available to him. Bucs stated that already, me thinks you are in love with the FBI director.

The FBI director is basically saying they don't have a special until that specifies "Killed by cop" among stats....and that it's voluntary for police to SEND THEM that info.

No, that's YOU citing yourself. Pretending to be the FBI Director. And you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

Meanwhile, we have the FBI Director affirming that they can't get reliable stats on police shootings. With voluntary reporting and almost NO local law enforcement providing that information to the FBI, his concerns are understandable:

Getting reliable data on fatal police encounters in the United States is notoriously difficult. The FBI has struggled to gather the most basic data, relying on local police departments to voluntarily share information about officer-involved shootings. Since 2011, less than 3 percent of the nation’s 18,000 state and local police agencies have done so.

FBI to sharply expand system for tracking fatal police shootings

Less 3%. Yet you say that all the LEO provide this information. Citing who? Citing meaningless gibberish.

Try again. This time with actual evidence. As you citing yourself means jack shit.
Buc, they're saying that there isn't an agency in the fed gov tracking all of the shootings. That's what they're complaining about.

Not us. The FBI director is complaining that he can't get reliable numbers on police shootings, as the reporting from local law enforcement is VOLUNTARY.

That's ridiculous. It shouldn't be voluntary. It should be mandatory. If I ask how many people the police shot to death this year, I shouldn't have to be guessing. And the FBI Director certainly shouldn't.

We should have accurate, reliable and Mandatory reporting from Local LEO on how many people their officers have shot to death.

We do. It's right there at the state level for anyone who wants it. The FBI wants every state to gift wrap it and deliver it.

It is MANDATORY. Go to any police academy in America and ask "If I kill someone as a cop do I have to do a report?" Yes. Yes you do.

Every on duty police shooting IS DOCUMENTED on an official government document. All 50 state police agencies have this info. So does each coroner's office.

Why hasn't the FBI done the ground work to gather it? Who knows. It's public record. If Channel 15 news can get it....the Feds cant?

Says meaningless gibberish. Again, your only source is yourself.

The FBI on the other hand can't get reliable numbers as the reporting is voluntary. Says who? Says the FBI Director.

The FBI Director is infinitely more credible than meaningless gibberish.
he is, didn't he say that we should vet all refugees and the pres and dems said otherwise? You have the hots for the FBI director I see. He can get anything he wants but he has to go get it. Why is that so hard for you to grasp? You feel sorry for the lazy guy or something? There are 50 states, does he have the resources to collect all of those records? the media seems to be able to? I agree with Bucs there. now you're offering us on FBI director quotes, citing yourself. While insisting we ignore the FBI Director on national crime stats. And instead believe you. Citing yourself.'re nobody. You citing yourself means jack shit. You get that, right?
Put up my quote you fking LIAR
well what makes you think they don't? If you can't produce an account of one, why then are you making an accusation you can't back up? I'm sorry, but dude, now you're out there.

Its simple.

The stats just destroy the lefts anti cop argument. 0.1% of cops shoot someone. And the majority are clearly justified.

People are starting to see just how tiny the stat is.

And the left knows they look silly. So.....their new stance is "They kill way more....they just don't report it".

Which is ridiculous obviously.

It simple: you're nobody. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. You're not a source on this topic. Thus, any time you cite yourself, you're just offering meaningless gibberish.

Meanwhile, the FBI director says there are no reliable numbers on the number of people shot by police.

The FBI Director vs your meaningless gibberish has the same winner every time: The FBI Director.
again, what's with you and the FBI director. What is it he can't get. It's all available to him. Bucs stated that already, me thinks you are in love with the FBI director.

The FBI director is basically saying they don't have a special until that specifies "Killed by cop" among stats....and that it's voluntary for police to SEND THEM that info.

No, that's YOU citing yourself. Pretending to be the FBI Director. And you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

Meanwhile, we have the FBI Director affirming that they can't get reliable stats on police shootings. With voluntary reporting and almost NO local law enforcement providing that information to the FBI, his concerns are understandable:

Getting reliable data on fatal police encounters in the United States is notoriously difficult. The FBI has struggled to gather the most basic data, relying on local police departments to voluntarily share information about officer-involved shootings. Since 2011, less than 3 percent of the nation’s 18,000 state and local police agencies have done so.

FBI to sharply expand system for tracking fatal police shootings

Less 3%. Yet you say that all the LEO provide this information. Citing who? Citing meaningless gibberish.

Try again. This time with actual evidence. As you citing yourself means jack shit.
hey you ass wipe post up the quote you accused me of writing. Come on you fking LIAR post it.
Skylar or ClosedCaption.......


Just produce one news youtube God damn snap chat.....of a police on duty shooting that did not result in an official police report being done.

Just one.
I want them to tell me why they think that's done? Who accused the cops of that?

Reported to WHO? Not the FBI. Not any national database. Less than 3% of law enforcement agencies have shared those stats.

As providing the information is voluntary. Its absolutely outrageous that it be voluntary. The reporting of police shootings by these agencies should be mandatory. We should be able, at a glance, to tell how many police officers have killed our citizens.
Not us. The FBI director is complaining that he can't get reliable numbers on police shootings, as the reporting from local law enforcement is VOLUNTARY.

That's ridiculous. It shouldn't be voluntary. It should be mandatory. If I ask how many people the police shot to death this year, I shouldn't have to be guessing. And the FBI Director certainly shouldn't.

We should have accurate, reliable and Mandatory reporting from Local LEO on how many people their officers have shot to death.

We do. It's right there at the state level for anyone who wants it. The FBI wants every state to gift wrap it and deliver it.

It is MANDATORY. Go to any police academy in America and ask "If I kill someone as a cop do I have to do a report?" Yes. Yes you do.

Every on duty police shooting IS DOCUMENTED on an official government document. All 50 state police agencies have this info. So does each coroner's office.

Why hasn't the FBI done the ground work to gather it? Who knows. It's public record. If Channel 15 news can get it....the Feds cant?

Says meaningless gibberish. Again, your only source is yourself.

The FBI on the other hand can't get reliable numbers as the reporting is voluntary. Says who? Says the FBI Director.

The FBI Director is infinitely more credible than meaningless gibberish.
he is, didn't he say that we should vet all refugees and the pres and dems said otherwise? You have the hots for the FBI director I see. He can get anything he wants but he has to go get it. Why is that so hard for you to grasp? You feel sorry for the lazy guy or something? There are 50 states, does he have the resources to collect all of those records? the media seems to be able to? I agree with Bucs there. now you're offering us on FBI director quotes, citing yourself. While insisting we ignore the FBI Director on national crime stats. And instead believe you. Citing yourself.'re nobody. You citing yourself means jack shit. You get that, right?
Put up my quote you fking LIAR

And what, pray tell, am I lying about, JC?

Laughing......that a government building that isn't used by the government for 24 hours is 'abandoned' under the law? Save your pseudo-legal gibberish for someone who doesn't know you're fucking clueless.
We do. It's right there at the state level for anyone who wants it. The FBI wants every state to gift wrap it and deliver it.

It is MANDATORY. Go to any police academy in America and ask "If I kill someone as a cop do I have to do a report?" Yes. Yes you do.

Every on duty police shooting IS DOCUMENTED on an official government document. All 50 state police agencies have this info. So does each coroner's office.

Why hasn't the FBI done the ground work to gather it? Who knows. It's public record. If Channel 15 news can get it....the Feds cant?

Says meaningless gibberish. Again, your only source is yourself.

The FBI on the other hand can't get reliable numbers as the reporting is voluntary. Says who? Says the FBI Director.

The FBI Director is infinitely more credible than meaningless gibberish.
he is, didn't he say that we should vet all refugees and the pres and dems said otherwise? You have the hots for the FBI director I see. He can get anything he wants but he has to go get it. Why is that so hard for you to grasp? You feel sorry for the lazy guy or something? There are 50 states, does he have the resources to collect all of those records? the media seems to be able to? I agree with Bucs there. now you're offering us on FBI director quotes, citing yourself. While insisting we ignore the FBI Director on national crime stats. And instead believe you. Citing yourself.'re nobody. You citing yourself means jack shit. You get that, right?
Put up my quote you fking LIAR

And what, pray tell, am I lying about, JC?

Laughing......that a government building that isn't used by the government for 24 hours is 'abandoned' under the law? Save your pseudo-legal gibberish for someone who doesn't know you're fucking clueless.
post up what you accused me of or you are a LYING fking wacked out loony toon. You fk. apologize for your post now.
EXCLUSIVE: SC officers exonerated in more than 200 shootings

See this is my state. The Columbia news simply went to the State Police. Found out not just killings....but how many times cops even fired a shot!!! In SC....209 times in 5 years a shot was fired. is a sample of a state police database where they track EVERYTHING. ALL 50 do it.

South Carolina Law Enforcement Division

It's all there.

In my state of the past 5 years SC cops had to fire their weapons 209 times.

Why can't the Feds do what The State news in Columbia did....and do a state FOIA request....and get all the info for all 50 states?

Not sure why. Heck....SC doesn't even require that....they just post it online.

Maybe....just maybe....their boss (Obama) doesn't want that study because 0.1% isn't a big enough number for a cop smear campaign to thrive.
I'm willing to be open minded though.

Show me ONE....just 1....police deadly shooting where the cops just...didn't do a report.

Just 1.

Reported to WHO? That's the issue.
well what makes you think they don't? If you can't produce an account of one, why then are you making an accusation you can't back up? I'm sorry, but dude, now you're out there.

Its simple.

The stats just destroy the lefts anti cop argument. 0.1% of cops shoot someone. And the majority are clearly justified.

People are starting to see just how tiny the stat is.

And the left knows they look silly. So.....their new stance is "They kill way more....they just don't report it".

Which is ridiculous obviously.

Really, I'm interested in seeing how you dismiss their other data with your switcheroo logic

Race remains the most volatile flash point in any accounting of police shootings. Although black men make up only 6 percent of the U.S. population, they account for 40 percent of the unarmed men shot to death by police this year, The Post’s database shows. In the majority of cases in which police shot and killed a person who had attacked someone with a weapon or brandished a gun, the person who was shot was white. But a hugely disproportionate number — 3 in 5 — of those killed after exhibiting less threatening behavior were black or Hispanic.
oh god, there you go again, you're pissing all over the place here. would you please stop. You know your statistics can be shot down by the crime in those areas. dude is it you wish to see the statistics on the black on black deaths for the population size of the blacks verses white. Yeah they kill each other a lot.Might be why the old police department is called frequently into those areas. Or do you think people don't call the cops when they witness shootings and robberies?

You know your statistics can be shot down by the crime in those areas.

There ya go! Except you forgot to shoot them down. I'm sure you just forgot to, right?
Skylar or ClosedCaption.......


Just produce one news youtube God damn snap chat.....of a police on duty shooting that did not result in an official police report being done.

Just one.
I want them to tell me why they think that's done? Who accused the cops of that?

Reported to WHO? Not the FBI. Not any national database. Less than 3% of law enforcement agencies have shared those stats.

As providing the information is voluntary. Its absolutely outrageous that it be voluntary. The reporting of police shootings by these agencies should be mandatory. We should be able, at a glance, to tell how many police officers have killed our citizens.
what the fk are you talking about. make some fking sense you liar.
Says meaningless gibberish. Again, your only source is yourself.

The FBI on the other hand can't get reliable numbers as the reporting is voluntary. Says who? Says the FBI Director.

The FBI Director is infinitely more credible than meaningless gibberish.
he is, didn't he say that we should vet all refugees and the pres and dems said otherwise? You have the hots for the FBI director I see. He can get anything he wants but he has to go get it. Why is that so hard for you to grasp? You feel sorry for the lazy guy or something? There are 50 states, does he have the resources to collect all of those records? the media seems to be able to? I agree with Bucs there. now you're offering us on FBI director quotes, citing yourself. While insisting we ignore the FBI Director on national crime stats. And instead believe you. Citing yourself.'re nobody. You citing yourself means jack shit. You get that, right?
Put up my quote you fking LIAR

And what, pray tell, am I lying about, JC?

Laughing......that a government building that isn't used by the government for 24 hours is 'abandoned' under the law? Save your pseudo-legal gibberish for someone who doesn't know you're fucking clueless.
post up what you accused me of or you are a LYING fking wacked out loony toon. You fk. apologize for your post now.

What lie, JC? Be specific.

Remembering of course that you don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about. And routinely make up insane, pseudo-legal gibberish backed by nothing.
I'm willing to be open minded though.

Show me ONE....just 1....police deadly shooting where the cops just...didn't do a report.

Just 1.

Reported to WHO? That's the issue.
well what makes you think they don't? If you can't produce an account of one, why then are you making an accusation you can't back up? I'm sorry, but dude, now you're out there.

Its simple.

The stats just destroy the lefts anti cop argument. 0.1% of cops shoot someone. And the majority are clearly justified.

People are starting to see just how tiny the stat is.

And the left knows they look silly. So.....their new stance is "They kill way more....they just don't report it".

Which is ridiculous obviously.

It simple: you're nobody. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. You're not a source on this topic. Thus, any time you cite yourself, you're just offering meaningless gibberish.

Meanwhile, the FBI director says there are no reliable numbers on the number of people shot by police.

The FBI Director vs your meaningless gibberish has the same winner every time: The FBI Director.
again, what's with you and the FBI director. What is it he can't get. It's all available to him. Bucs stated that already, me thinks you are in love with the FBI director.

It's all available to him. Bucs stated that already,

Welp, if Bucs said it it must be the truth :alcoholic:
Skylar or ClosedCaption.......


Just produce one news youtube God damn snap chat.....of a police on duty shooting that did not result in an official police report being done.

Just one.
I want them to tell me why they think that's done? Who accused the cops of that?

Reported to WHO? Not the FBI. Not any national database. Less than 3% of law enforcement agencies have shared those stats.

As providing the information is voluntary. Its absolutely outrageous that it be voluntary. The reporting of police shootings by these agencies should be mandatory. We should be able, at a glance, to tell how many police officers have killed our citizens.
what the fk are you talking about. make some fking sense you liar.

I'm talking about how law enforcement agencies around the country only provide the FBI with police shooting information less than 3% of the time since 2011. As the reporting is *voluntary*.

If you're having trouble reading this, push the nurse call button and have her read it to you.
Reported to WHO? That's the issue.
well what makes you think they don't? If you can't produce an account of one, why then are you making an accusation you can't back up? I'm sorry, but dude, now you're out there.

Its simple.

The stats just destroy the lefts anti cop argument. 0.1% of cops shoot someone. And the majority are clearly justified.

People are starting to see just how tiny the stat is.

And the left knows they look silly. So.....their new stance is "They kill way more....they just don't report it".

Which is ridiculous obviously.

Really, I'm interested in seeing how you dismiss their other data with your switcheroo logic

Race remains the most volatile flash point in any accounting of police shootings. Although black men make up only 6 percent of the U.S. population, they account for 40 percent of the unarmed men shot to death by police this year, The Post’s database shows. In the majority of cases in which police shot and killed a person who had attacked someone with a weapon or brandished a gun, the person who was shot was white. But a hugely disproportionate number — 3 in 5 — of those killed after exhibiting less threatening behavior were black or Hispanic.
oh god, there you go again, you're pissing all over the place here. would you please stop. You know your statistics can be shot down by the crime in those areas. dude is it you wish to see the statistics on the black on black deaths for the population size of the blacks verses white. Yeah they kill each other a lot.Might be why the old police department is called frequently into those areas. Or do you think people don't call the cops when they witness shootings and robberies?

You know your statistics can be shot down by the crime in those areas.

There ya go! Except you forgot to shoot them down. I'm sure you just forgot to, right?
yeah, you stay in that 10 mile radius of chi town and you'll find that the stats are really high. and if you took the numbers by race, they are double to triple other races. but hey, you go piss along
Reported to WHO? That's the issue.
well what makes you think they don't? If you can't produce an account of one, why then are you making an accusation you can't back up? I'm sorry, but dude, now you're out there.

Its simple.

The stats just destroy the lefts anti cop argument. 0.1% of cops shoot someone. And the majority are clearly justified.

People are starting to see just how tiny the stat is.

And the left knows they look silly. So.....their new stance is "They kill way more....they just don't report it".

Which is ridiculous obviously.

It simple: you're nobody. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. You're not a source on this topic. Thus, any time you cite yourself, you're just offering meaningless gibberish.

Meanwhile, the FBI director says there are no reliable numbers on the number of people shot by police.

The FBI Director vs your meaningless gibberish has the same winner every time: The FBI Director.
again, what's with you and the FBI director. What is it he can't get. It's all available to him. Bucs stated that already, me thinks you are in love with the FBI director.

It's all available to him. Bucs stated that already,

Welp, if Bucs said it it must be the truth :alcoholic:

Bucks source is always Buck. Which is just meaningless gibberish.

Its adorable to watch some anonymous idiot online insist that THEY know more about crime statistics than the Director of the FBI.

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