More than two years later. . .


Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
More than two years later, James Clapper accuses Politico of misrepresenting what he and 49 others put in a letter stating Hunter's laptop had all the earmarks of 'Russian disinformation.'

Clapper now seems to be desperately backtracking on his signed statement that the laptop and emails were Russian efforts to interfere in the 2020 election with the implication that was to help Donald Trump. He never corrected or complained to ANYBODY that the media accounts distorted the letter until the GOP called him before a House committee.

Here is how the media played all that over and over, hour by hour, day by day in the days and weeks leading up to the election:

Clapper says he didn't see any of that or the Biden campaign gleefully using it to attack Trump? Really?

And now most of the MSM is protecting Clapper et al by not covering that story at all.
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An infamous laptop remains locked in a mayo jar on Funk and Wagnel's front porch as a nothing burger of Jared's proportions.
What exactly was/is on Hunter's laptop that has had Trump supporters foaming and frothing for the past 2 years?
No it didn't. I think it's funny that Hunter Biden has become an international man of mystery. He's a crackhead. He couldn't find classified docs if you put them on his kitchen table.
With Hunters known penchant for both crack & whores, the proper term would be International Man of Dysentery.


10% to the Big Lie!
No it didn't. I think it's funny that Hunter Biden has become an international man of mystery. He's a crackhead. He couldn't find classified docs if you put them on his kitchen table.
Hunter was a Navy officer. He had to have at least a Secret Clearance. He knew, he read, he passed info to PRC.

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