More thhalf drivers licenses issued in Calif in 2015 were issued to illegal aliens


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
People who support this law claim that it will get more people trained and insured.

That may be.

But I have a question.

Now that the State of California has probable cause to believe that Esteban Rodrigues, whose residence is 1234 Main St. in Los Angeles, is an illegal alien, why doesn't an officer from the Dept. of Homeland Security go to his house, arrest him, investigate his immigration status, and (if he's found to be an illegal alien) deport him?

If the authorities found probable cause to believe he was the guy who robbed the 1st National Bank last month, wouldn't they send an officer to see him, arrest him, and put him on trial?

Of course they would.

Why are illegal aliens getting a break?


Over half of new California driver s licenses go to undocumented immigrants The Sacramento Bee

Over half of new California drivers licenses go to "undocumented immigrants"

By Jeremy B. White
July 17, 2015

More than half of the driver’s licenses California has issued in 2015 have gone to residents living in the country illegally, reflecting the success of a new law extending licenses to people regardless of residency status.

A new California law offering licenses to undocumented immigrants has proved enormously popular. Nearly half a million people applied for those licenses between the start of 2015 and early April, exceeding the pace of California Department of Motor Vehicles’ expectations for 1.4 million applications over three years.

The number of applications from undocumented immigrants ballooned to 687,000 as of June, and immigrants in California illegally have outpaced other recipients. Of the 759,000 total licenses the DMV has issued, 397,000 – or 52 percent – have gone to the undocumented. More than 1.1 million undocumented immigrants have taken the written test, and another 436,000 have taken the driving test.

“I think it was a surprise how many people actually came in in the first six months,” said Jessica Gonzalez, a DMV spokeswoman.

While the surge initially meant customers faced longer wait times and had difficulty making appointments, Gonzalez said those logistical issues have eased as the initial rush subsided and the DMV made more appointments available to people who are renewing licenses and registering vehicles, rather than filing initial license applications.

Read more here: Over half of new California driver s licenses go to undocumented immigrants The Sacramento Bee
California is also going broke. Once they do, they should be told tough shit.......
Why are illegal aliens getting a break?
Because we have nothing like what it takes to round them all up and send them home, and the bill for doing so would run hundreds of billions of dollars, roughly 600 billion actually and take ten to twenty years. If you really want to find out who should be here, start with a National photo ID like other modern nations have. Taking DNA at the same time would also be good. You have nothing to hide, right?
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their government almost has the State filled with Illegal immigrants to complete their commie Utopia. Of course all those in Government will be THE MASTERS
People who support this law claim that it will get more people trained and insured.

That may be.

But I have a question.

Now that the State of California has probable cause to believe that Esteban Rodrigues, whose residence is 1234 Main St. in Los Angeles, is an illegal alien, why doesn't an officer from the Dept. of Homeland Security go to his house, arrest him, investigate his immigration status, and (if he's found to be an illegal alien) deport him?

If the authorities found probable cause to believe he was the guy who robbed the 1st National Bank last month, wouldn't they send an officer to see him, arrest him, and put him on trial?

Of course they would.

Why are illegal aliens getting a break?


Over half of new California driver s licenses go to undocumented immigrants The Sacramento Bee

Over half of new California drivers licenses go to "undocumented immigrants"

By Jeremy B. White
July 17, 2015

More than half of the driver’s licenses California has issued in 2015 have gone to residents living in the country illegally, reflecting the success of a new law extending licenses to people regardless of residency status.

A new California law offering licenses to undocumented immigrants has proved enormously popular. Nearly half a million people applied for those licenses between the start of 2015 and early April, exceeding the pace of California Department of Motor Vehicles’ expectations for 1.4 million applications over three years.

The number of applications from undocumented immigrants ballooned to 687,000 as of June, and immigrants in California illegally have outpaced other recipients. Of the 759,000 total licenses the DMV has issued, 397,000 – or 52 percent – have gone to the undocumented. More than 1.1 million undocumented immigrants have taken the written test, and another 436,000 have taken the driving test.

“I think it was a surprise how many people actually came in in the first six months,” said Jessica Gonzalez, a DMV spokeswoman.

While the surge initially meant customers faced longer wait times and had difficulty making appointments, Gonzalez said those logistical issues have eased as the initial rush subsided and the DMV made more appointments available to people who are renewing licenses and registering vehicles, rather than filing initial license applications.

Read more here: Over half of new California driver s licenses go to undocumented immigrants The Sacramento Bee

Well that's a big fucking 'no-duh'. The law was just passed that allowed undocumented immigrants to get licenses. Of course they are going to make up a sizable portion of new licenses in the year or two after the law is passed.
Why are illegal aliens getting a break?
Because we have nothing like what it takes to round them all up and send them home, and the bill for doing so would run hundreds of billions of dollars, roughly 600 billion actually and take ten to twenty years. If you really want to find out who should be here, start with a National photo ID like other modern nations have. Taking DNA at the same time would also be good. You have nothing to hide, right?

If we were serious about illegal immigration we could set into motion the necessary changes in about a day by passing 1 bill.

Simply require employers to use E*verify for all new hires. Any employer who fails to do so faces a minimum 1 year in prison. Extend that law to hiring managers, HR directors and board rooms. If E*verify is used and the employee passes......then no matter what their legal status, the employer is covered and free from any culpability.

E*Verify can be done online in about 5 minutes. Or on the phone in about 10. The system already exists, is already implemented, already works. It redflags SSNs used by multiple people, or those who are already dead. All you'd have to do is put some teeth into its use.

A few dozen high profile prosecutions, including some HR directors for say, Tyson. A few construction managers, a few business owners. And folks would get the message. Jobs would dry up. And illegals are here overwhelmingly for the jobs. Without work, its too expensive to live here. And they'd largely self deport.

Its reasonable, plausible, cost effective, fair, humane.....and could be implemented in an afternoon.

So of course it never will be.
their government almost has the State filled with Illegal immigrants to complete their commie Utopia. Of course all those in Government will be THE MASTERS

Steph your avie is very fitting

People who support this law claim that it will get more people trained and insured.

That may be.

But I have a question.

Now that the State of California has probable cause to believe that Esteban Rodrigues, whose residence is 1234 Main St. in Los Angeles, is an illegal alien, why doesn't an officer from the Dept. of Homeland Security go to his house, arrest him, investigate his immigration status, and (if he's found to be an illegal alien) deport him?

If the authorities found probable cause to believe he was the guy who robbed the 1st National Bank last month, wouldn't they send an officer to see him, arrest him, and put him on trial?

Of course they would.

Why are illegal aliens getting a break?


Over half of new California driver s licenses go to undocumented immigrants The Sacramento Bee

Over half of new California drivers licenses go to "undocumented immigrants"

By Jeremy B. White
July 17, 2015

More than half of the driver’s licenses California has issued in 2015 have gone to residents living in the country illegally, reflecting the success of a new law extending licenses to people regardless of residency status.

A new California law offering licenses to undocumented immigrants has proved enormously popular. Nearly half a million people applied for those licenses between the start of 2015 and early April, exceeding the pace of California Department of Motor Vehicles’ expectations for 1.4 million applications over three years.

The number of applications from undocumented immigrants ballooned to 687,000 as of June, and immigrants in California illegally have outpaced other recipients. Of the 759,000 total licenses the DMV has issued, 397,000 – or 52 percent – have gone to the undocumented. More than 1.1 million undocumented immigrants have taken the written test, and another 436,000 have taken the driving test.

“I think it was a surprise how many people actually came in in the first six months,” said Jessica Gonzalez, a DMV spokeswoman.

While the surge initially meant customers faced longer wait times and had difficulty making appointments, Gonzalez said those logistical issues have eased as the initial rush subsided and the DMV made more appointments available to people who are renewing licenses and registering vehicles, rather than filing initial license applications.

Read more here: Over half of new California driver s licenses go to undocumented immigrants The Sacramento Bee

It makes them appear legitimate. They can and do access welfare and can vote.

I am so tired of the argument that it would cost too much to deport people. Fact is that all we need to do is stop giving them welfare, driver's licenses and other perks. The ones here would go home on their own and others wouldn't bother coming. As it is, they head to the states and take advantage of tax payers. Mexico needs to come up with a way to help people instead of encouraging them to come here and send money back there. Mexico does like to encourage their criminals to come here. They don't want them and see America as a giant dumpster.

Criminals head right for sanctuary cities because they know no one will touch them regardless of what they've done. Sanctuary cities are illegal and those who participate in harboring criminals should be charged.

Handing out driver's licenses is just another perk to reward the new Dem voters. I am willing to bet each and every one was registered to vote through motor voter and that same ID would actually get them a ballot at the polls, if California actually had voter ID. All the left cares about are the voter registrations and I bet the illegals are informed that they need to vote Dem to keep the goodies coming. A lot of liberals are already saying that they should vote since they live here.
People who support this law claim that it will get more people trained and insured.

That may be.

But I have a question.

Now that the State of California has probable cause to believe that Esteban Rodrigues, whose residence is 1234 Main St. in Los Angeles, is an illegal alien, why doesn't an officer from the Dept. of Homeland Security go to his house, arrest him, investigate his immigration status, and (if he's found to be an illegal alien) deport him?

If the authorities found probable cause to believe he was the guy who robbed the 1st National Bank last month, wouldn't they send an officer to see him, arrest him, and put him on trial?

Of course they would.

Why are illegal aliens getting a break?


Over half of new California driver s licenses go to undocumented immigrants The Sacramento Bee

Over half of new California drivers licenses go to "undocumented immigrants"

By Jeremy B. White
July 17, 2015

More than half of the driver’s licenses California has issued in 2015 have gone to residents living in the country illegally, reflecting the success of a new law extending licenses to people regardless of residency status.

A new California law offering licenses to undocumented immigrants has proved enormously popular. Nearly half a million people applied for those licenses between the start of 2015 and early April, exceeding the pace of California Department of Motor Vehicles’ expectations for 1.4 million applications over three years.

The number of applications from undocumented immigrants ballooned to 687,000 as of June, and immigrants in California illegally have outpaced other recipients. Of the 759,000 total licenses the DMV has issued, 397,000 – or 52 percent – have gone to the undocumented. More than 1.1 million undocumented immigrants have taken the written test, and another 436,000 have taken the driving test.

“I think it was a surprise how many people actually came in in the first six months,” said Jessica Gonzalez, a DMV spokeswoman.

While the surge initially meant customers faced longer wait times and had difficulty making appointments, Gonzalez said those logistical issues have eased as the initial rush subsided and the DMV made more appointments available to people who are renewing licenses and registering vehicles, rather than filing initial license applications.

Read more here: Over half of new California driver s licenses go to undocumented immigrants The Sacramento Bee

It makes them appear legitimate. They can and do access welfare and can vote.

I am so tired of the argument that it would cost too much to deport people. Fact is that all we need to do is stop giving them welfare, driver's licenses and other perks. The ones here would go home on their own and others wouldn't bother coming. As it is, they head to the states and take advantage of tax payers. Mexico needs to come up with a way to help people instead of encouraging them to come here and send money back there. Mexico does like to encourage their criminals to come here. They don't want them and see America as a giant dumpster.

Criminals head right for sanctuary cities because they know no one will touch them regardless of what they've done. Sanctuary cities are illegal and those who participate in harboring criminals should be charged.

Handing out driver's licenses is just another perk to reward the new Dem voters.

They're here for work. Not driver's licenses. Welfare pays absolute shit, especially in comparison of the cost of living in the US in comparison to mexico or central America. Its not a money making proposition.

They come here to clean toilets, work grills, mop floors, do construction and wear paper hats. If you're serious about getting rid of illegals, focus on eliminating their sources of employment. The focus on deportation is idiotic. As is pretending that if we cut welfare that the illegals will magically disapear.

We don't even know the name of the average illegal. We don't know where he lives. He moves. There are tens of millions like him. Its ridiculously expensive to find him and deport him. And if we deport him, he can come back.

While employers advertise. We know exactly where they are. And they're not going anywhere. And there are fewer of them.

By any rational measure focus on the employers makes more sense. You'd need only a few dozen high profile examples and employers would get the message. And without jobs, the cost of living is way higher in the US than in Mexico or central America. Illegals would self deport and go where the jobs are.
Now that the State of California has probable cause to believe that Esteban Rodrigues, whose residence is 1234 Main St. in Los Angeles, is an illegal alien, why doesn't an officer from the Dept. of Homeland Security go to his house, arrest him, investigate his immigration status, and (if he's found to be an illegal alien) deport him?
People who support this law claim that it will get more people trained and insured.

That may be.

But I have a question.

Now that the State of California has probable cause to believe that Esteban Rodrigues, whose residence is 1234 Main St. in Los Angeles, is an illegal alien, why doesn't an officer from the Dept. of Homeland Security go to his house, arrest him, investigate his immigration status, and (if he's found to be an illegal alien) deport him?

If the authorities found probable cause to believe he was the guy who robbed the 1st National Bank last month, wouldn't they send an officer to see him, arrest him, and put him on trial?

Of course they would.

Why are illegal aliens getting a break?


Over half of new California driver s licenses go to undocumented immigrants The Sacramento Bee

Over half of new California drivers licenses go to "undocumented immigrants"

By Jeremy B. White
July 17, 2015

More than half of the driver’s licenses California has issued in 2015 have gone to residents living in the country illegally, reflecting the success of a new law extending licenses to people regardless of residency status.

A new California law offering licenses to undocumented immigrants has proved enormously popular. Nearly half a million people applied for those licenses between the start of 2015 and early April, exceeding the pace of California Department of Motor Vehicles’ expectations for 1.4 million applications over three years.

The number of applications from undocumented immigrants ballooned to 687,000 as of June, and immigrants in California illegally have outpaced other recipients. Of the 759,000 total licenses the DMV has issued, 397,000 – or 52 percent – have gone to the undocumented. More than 1.1 million undocumented immigrants have taken the written test, and another 436,000 have taken the driving test.

“I think it was a surprise how many people actually came in in the first six months,” said Jessica Gonzalez, a DMV spokeswoman.

While the surge initially meant customers faced longer wait times and had difficulty making appointments, Gonzalez said those logistical issues have eased as the initial rush subsided and the DMV made more appointments available to people who are renewing licenses and registering vehicles, rather than filing initial license applications.

Read more here: Over half of new California driver s licenses go to undocumented immigrants The Sacramento Bee

It makes them appear legitimate. They can and do access welfare and can vote.

I am so tired of the argument that it would cost too much to deport people. Fact is that all we need to do is stop giving them welfare, driver's licenses and other perks. The ones here would go home on their own and others wouldn't bother coming. As it is, they head to the states and take advantage of tax payers. Mexico needs to come up with a way to help people instead of encouraging them to come here and send money back there. Mexico does like to encourage their criminals to come here. They don't want them and see America as a giant dumpster.

Criminals head right for sanctuary cities because they know no one will touch them regardless of what they've done. Sanctuary cities are illegal and those who participate in harboring criminals should be charged.

Handing out driver's licenses is just another perk to reward the new Dem voters.

They're here for work. Not driver's licenses. Welfare pays absolute shit, especially in comparison of the cost of living in the US in comparison to mexico or central America. Its not a money making proposition.

They come here to clean toilets, work grills, mop floors, do construction and wear paper hats. If you're serious about getting rid of illegals, focus on eliminating their sources of employment. The focus on deportation is idiotic. As is pretending that if we cut welfare that the illegals will magically disapear.

We don't even know the name of the average illegal. We don't know where he lives. He moves. There are tens of millions like him. Its ridiculously expensive to find him and deport him. And if we deport him, he can come back.

While employers advertise. We know exactly where they are. And they're not going anywhere. And there are fewer of them.

By any rational measure focus on the employers makes more sense. You'd need only a few dozen high profile examples and employers would get the message. And without jobs, the cost of living is way higher in the US than in Mexico or central America. Illegals would self deport and go where the jobs are.

OH REALLY, just like they don't cross the boarder to have their BABIES here so they can be a UNITED States citizen and then collect every benefit that is suppose to go to the LEGAL American citizens. I don't why anyone take you serious
In all cap block letters on the front of a California driver's license for illegal immigrants are the words "FEDERAL LIMITS APPLY".

The back of the card also states the license is not to be used for official federal purposes.

This was approved by the Department of Homeland Security.
People who support this law claim that it will get more people trained and insured.

That may be.

But I have a question.

Now that the State of California has probable cause to believe that Esteban Rodrigues, whose residence is 1234 Main St. in Los Angeles, is an illegal alien, why doesn't an officer from the Dept. of Homeland Security go to his house, arrest him, investigate his immigration status, and (if he's found to be an illegal alien) deport him?

If the authorities found probable cause to believe he was the guy who robbed the 1st National Bank last month, wouldn't they send an officer to see him, arrest him, and put him on trial?

Of course they would.

Why are illegal aliens getting a break?


Over half of new California driver s licenses go to undocumented immigrants The Sacramento Bee

Over half of new California drivers licenses go to "undocumented immigrants"

By Jeremy B. White
July 17, 2015

More than half of the driver’s licenses California has issued in 2015 have gone to residents living in the country illegally, reflecting the success of a new law extending licenses to people regardless of residency status.

A new California law offering licenses to undocumented immigrants has proved enormously popular. Nearly half a million people applied for those licenses between the start of 2015 and early April, exceeding the pace of California Department of Motor Vehicles’ expectations for 1.4 million applications over three years.

The number of applications from undocumented immigrants ballooned to 687,000 as of June, and immigrants in California illegally have outpaced other recipients. Of the 759,000 total licenses the DMV has issued, 397,000 – or 52 percent – have gone to the undocumented. More than 1.1 million undocumented immigrants have taken the written test, and another 436,000 have taken the driving test.

“I think it was a surprise how many people actually came in in the first six months,” said Jessica Gonzalez, a DMV spokeswoman.

While the surge initially meant customers faced longer wait times and had difficulty making appointments, Gonzalez said those logistical issues have eased as the initial rush subsided and the DMV made more appointments available to people who are renewing licenses and registering vehicles, rather than filing initial license applications.

Read more here: Over half of new California driver s licenses go to undocumented immigrants The Sacramento Bee

It makes them appear legitimate. They can and do access welfare and can vote.

I am so tired of the argument that it would cost too much to deport people. Fact is that all we need to do is stop giving them welfare, driver's licenses and other perks. The ones here would go home on their own and others wouldn't bother coming. As it is, they head to the states and take advantage of tax payers. Mexico needs to come up with a way to help people instead of encouraging them to come here and send money back there. Mexico does like to encourage their criminals to come here. They don't want them and see America as a giant dumpster.

Criminals head right for sanctuary cities because they know no one will touch them regardless of what they've done. Sanctuary cities are illegal and those who participate in harboring criminals should be charged.

Handing out driver's licenses is just another perk to reward the new Dem voters.

They're here for work. Not driver's licenses. Welfare pays absolute shit, especially in comparison of the cost of living in the US in comparison to mexico or central America. Its not a money making proposition.

They come here to clean toilets, work grills, mop floors, do construction and wear paper hats. If you're serious about getting rid of illegals, focus on eliminating their sources of employment. The focus on deportation is idiotic. As is pretending that if we cut welfare that the illegals will magically disapear.

We don't even know the name of the average illegal. We don't know where he lives. He moves. There are tens of millions like him. Its ridiculously expensive to find him and deport him. And if we deport him, he can come back.

While employers advertise. We know exactly where they are. And they're not going anywhere. And there are fewer of them.

By any rational measure focus on the employers makes more sense. You'd need only a few dozen high profile examples and employers would get the message. And without jobs, the cost of living is way higher in the US than in Mexico or central America. Illegals would self deport and go where the jobs are.

OH REALLY, just like they don't cross the boarder to have their BABIES here so they can be a UNITED States citizen and then collect every benefit that is suppose to go to the LEGAL American citizens. I don't why anyone take you serious

The overwhelming majority of illegals that come here....are men. And they don't have many babies.

And since we're talking about California, tell us: how much are they receiving in benefits? How much is the cost of living? You don't have the slightest clue on either. You're merely apeing a bumpersticker argument. And don't even know why.

Illegals are here to work. If they can't find work, they'll go home. Focus on the employers.....and the majority of the problem will solve itself.
It's megarich Pubs who love cheap labor that refuse a good ID and keep this mess going, hater dupes. Pass the gd Immigration Bill! (Allow a vote ferchrissake!)
I have to say that Skylar's idea will cut down on the number of undocumented workers in the US pretty fast due to the labor issue

Now how do we address the 'anchor baby' issue mentioned earlier? there may be other reasons why illegals come to the country as well, why not find the reason and create solutions based on those reasons?
I have to say that Skylar's idea will cut down on the number of undocumented workers in the US pretty fast due to the labor issue

Now how do we address the 'anchor baby' issue mentioned earlier? there may be other reasons why illegals come to the country as well, why not find the reason and create solutions based on those reasons?

There's no real solution for the latter issue without a constitutional amendment. The Wong Kim Ark decision pretty much annihilates any other possibilities. As long as the mother is subject to our laws at the time of the child's birth the child is a natural born citizen.

Granting diplomatic immunity to illegal mothers might work. Making them technically part of the Mexican, guatamalan, etc diplomatic corp, at least under our laws. That way they wouldn't technically be under the authority of US law. But then they could do anything they wanted short of murder and would be immune to our laws.

And we'd need to know which diplomatic corp to assign them and probably need the cooperation of the various governments involved.

If we wanted to get really extreme, we might recognize illegal immigrants as unlawful combatants. But we'd probably need to declare war against Mexico to pull that off. There are no good solutions there.

The E*Verify system would totally work. And is immediate and cost effective.

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