More Unanswered Red Flags Regarding Jack Texeira


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

More Unanswered Red Flags Regarding Jack Texeira

17 Apr 2023 ~~By Larry Johnson

Several former military and intelligence professionals have contacted me and voiced similar doubts about the pat story being circulated regarding National Guard Airman Jack Texeira and the allegations that he removed TOP SECRET documents from a SCIF, photographed them and then posted them to a gamer chat. They all agree, something is not right. The media account does not make sense.
The biggest oddity are the two two separate documents from the CIA’s Operations Center. Neither are complete and both deal only with the Ukrainian/Russian war. To reiterate a point from my previous article, that CIA Operations Center produces two daily reports — one in the morning and one in the afternoon. It is not a “Community” product, i.e., it is not distributed to the other intelligence agencies. It is an internal CIA document (of course, it is available to the Director of National Intelligence).
Texeira’s alleged possession of two separate reports is doubly odd because he did not copy the full reports. The one dated 1 March 2023 only shows 3 of 8 pages. If he was taking the documents to impress the youngsters on the gamer chat, why did he not take the whole enchilada? And why did he only publish the portions of the intel report that dealt exclusively with Ukraine and Russia?
There has been some media reports that he also posted a State Department EXDIS cable. I have not seen it and cannot confirm that it exists. If it does, that would be another huge red flag. EXDIS is bureaucratic speak for EXCLUSIVE DISSEMINATION. It has a cousin, NODIS — i.e., NO DISTRIBUTION. The U.S. military does not have access to such cables.
Another curiosity with the story, apart from Jack’s youth and the claim that he held TS SCI clearances and had access to CIA internal reports, is the schedule of his Massachusetts Air National Guard unit. That outfit had not been called up and assigned a 24 x 7 mission. Instead, the Air National Guard unit meets one weekend a month. In other words, Jack had to work his magic over a two or three day period surrounded by peers and those in command of the unit. You do not just show up and pursue your own interests. There are drills and assigned work, which is supervised by Non-Commissioned Officers (i.e., Sergeants) and Officers.
The documents I have seen posted on Twitter and Telegram, were dated 28 February, 1 March and 2 March, i.e., Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. According to the MI-6 funded Bellingcat, those documents were published on 4 March, a Saturday. Let’s assume that Texeira’s National Guard unit assembled for drill on March 4. We’re asked to believe that Jack Texeira showed up for monthly Air National Guard duty on Saturday, quickly scoured the high side computer for sensitive documents, printed them off, smuggled them out of the SCIF, returned home sometime after 5 pm (normal end of duty day), photographed the documents and quickly uploaded them to the Discord server. If that is what happened, it smacks of urgency. Most young airmen, after a long day at work, want to go out and party rather than stay at home photographing documents.

Americans no longer trust elections, and with good reason, as you say; unfortunately, the people that created that lack of trust callout anyone that doesn't trust that elections are honest as conspiracy theorists, members of Qanon, the tin foil hat brigade, etc. Who's going to challenge it? It could destroy a reputation, instills doubt in one's ability to think clearly, and isolates people. Sounds a bit like abusers, doesn't it?
The military, our Federal agencies and the media are pathological liars. Never believe this military; they are the enemy within. You can bet the CIA is in the middle of it and picked this kid as their patsy. It is a complete scam and unscrupulous people at the bottom of it. I hope he has a great legal team and they out the enemy within-the military and the CIA.
This incident is like an episode taken from the TV show 'Blacklist'....this kid is being set up.
I think the US is looking for an "out" in Ukraine. This war was planned since 2014, billions have been spent training, fortifying and supplying Ukraine to be the "meat" in a proxy war with Russia.
The problem....Putin has run circles around the US, UK and the EU....militarily, economically and politically. This war is not going the way the planners at tee CIA and Pentagon planned and need a way out.
Leaks are coming out about Zelensky's missteps and possible corruption regarding financial aid. This usually means his days are numbered.
The US has bigger fish to fry now....Iran vs Israel....China vs Taiwan.
I think it's a psyop to discredit the facts leaked recently that this is a designed proxy conflict planned since the Obama years when we sponsored the Euromaiden color revolution in Ukraine to install puppets who would be willing to sell out their country for cash & instigate Russia to attack.
Ex-President of France Hollande said this out loud to some Russians posing as ex-Pres of Ukraine Poroshenko.
Can't have that out there for the low-info's that still don't know this already.

Wrap it all together with the "leak" & claim it is all Russian disinfo.
I know it sounds too stupid to work but I guarantee it works on 90+% of the Dem witts

More Unanswered Red Flags Regarding Jack Texeira

17 Apr 2023 ~~By Larry Johnson

Several former military and intelligence professionals have contacted me and voiced similar doubts about the pat story being circulated regarding National Guard Airman Jack Texeira and the allegations that he removed TOP SECRET documents from a SCIF, photographed them and then posted them to a gamer chat. They all agree, something is not right. The media account does not make sense.
The biggest oddity are the two two separate documents from the CIA’s Operations Center. Neither are complete and both deal only with the Ukrainian/Russian war. To reiterate a point from my previous article, that CIA Operations Center produces two daily reports — one in the morning and one in the afternoon. It is not a “Community” product, i.e., it is not distributed to the other intelligence agencies. It is an internal CIA document (of course, it is available to the Director of National Intelligence).
Texeira’s alleged possession of two separate reports is doubly odd because he did not copy the full reports. The one dated 1 March 2023 only shows 3 of 8 pages. If he was taking the documents to impress the youngsters on the gamer chat, why did he not take the whole enchilada? And why did he only publish the portions of the intel report that dealt exclusively with Ukraine and Russia?
There has been some media reports that he also posted a State Department EXDIS cable. I have not seen it and cannot confirm that it exists. If it does, that would be another huge red flag. EXDIS is bureaucratic speak for EXCLUSIVE DISSEMINATION. It has a cousin, NODIS — i.e., NO DISTRIBUTION. The U.S. military does not have access to such cables.
Another curiosity with the story, apart from Jack’s youth and the claim that he held TS SCI clearances and had access to CIA internal reports, is the schedule of his Massachusetts Air National Guard unit. That outfit had not been called up and assigned a 24 x 7 mission. Instead, the Air National Guard unit meets one weekend a month. In other words, Jack had to work his magic over a two or three day period surrounded by peers and those in command of the unit. You do not just show up and pursue your own interests. There are drills and assigned work, which is supervised by Non-Commissioned Officers (i.e., Sergeants) and Officers.
The documents I have seen posted on Twitter and Telegram, were dated 28 February, 1 March and 2 March, i.e., Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. According to the MI-6 funded Bellingcat, those documents were published on 4 March, a Saturday. Let’s assume that Texeira’s National Guard unit assembled for drill on March 4. We’re asked to believe that Jack Texeira showed up for monthly Air National Guard duty on Saturday, quickly scoured the high side computer for sensitive documents, printed them off, smuggled them out of the SCIF, returned home sometime after 5 pm (normal end of duty day), photographed the documents and quickly uploaded them to the Discord server. If that is what happened, it smacks of urgency. Most young airmen, after a long day at work, want to go out and party rather than stay at home photographing documents.

Americans no longer trust elections, and with good reason, as you say; unfortunately, the people that created that lack of trust callout anyone that doesn't trust that elections are honest as conspiracy theorists, members of Qanon, the tin foil hat brigade, etc. Who's going to challenge it? It could destroy a reputation, instills doubt in one's ability to think clearly, and isolates people. Sounds a bit like abusers, doesn't it?
The military, our Federal agencies and the media are pathological liars. Never believe this military; they are the enemy within. You can bet the CIA is in the middle of it and picked this kid as their patsy. It is a complete scam and unscrupulous people at the bottom of it. I hope he has a great legal team and they out the enemy within-the military and the CIA.
This incident is like an episode taken from the TV show 'Blacklist'....this kid is being set up.
I think the US is looking for an "out" in Ukraine. This war was planned since 2014, billions have been spent training, fortifying and supplying Ukraine to be the "meat" in a proxy war with Russia.
The problem....Putin has run circles around the US, UK and the EU....militarily, economically and politically. This war is not going the way the planners at tee CIA and Pentagon planned and need a way out.
Leaks are coming out about Zelensky's missteps and possible corruption regarding financial aid. This usually means his days are numbered.
The US has bigger fish to fry now....Iran vs Israel....China vs Taiwan.
Larry John is a nut job. Supposedly a brilliant CIA Analyst who just a couple months before 911 said that the terrorist threat was way over blown.

He’s a crazy fucker
Larry John is a nut job. Supposedly a brilliant CIA Analyst who just a couple months before 911 said that the terrorist threat was way over blown.

He’s a crazy fucker
Americans no longer trust elections, and with good reason
False. The Cult doesn't trust them because you're a bunch of cranks.

, as you say; unfortunately, the people that created that lack of trust callout anyone that doesn't trust that elections are honest as conspiracy theorists, members of Qanon, the tin foil hat brigade, etc.
Because you are

Who's going to challenge it? It could destroy a reputation, instills doubt in one's ability to think clearly, and isolates people. Sounds a bit like abusers, doesn't it?
The military, our Federal agencies and the media are pathological liars. Never believe this military; they are the enemy within. You can bet the CIA is in the middle of it and picked this kid as their patsy. It is a complete scam and unscrupulous people at the bottom of it. I hope he has a great legal team and they out the enemy within-the military and the CIA.
This incident is like an episode taken from the TV show 'Blacklist'....this kid is being set up.
I think the US is looking for an "out" in Ukraine. This war was planned since 2014, billions have been spent training, fortifying and supplying Ukraine to be the "meat" in a proxy war with Russia.
The problem....Putin has run circles around the US, UK and the EU....militarily, economically and politically. This war is not going the way the planners at tee CIA and Pentagon planned and need a way out.
Leaks are coming out about Zelensky's missteps and possible corruption regarding financial aid. This usually means his days are numbered.
The US has bigger fish to fry now....Iran vs Israel....China vs Taiwan.
And right after complaining about being accused of being a conspiracy theorist in the tin foil hate brigade, you follow up with a bunch of conspiracy theories like the tin foil hat brigade.

Former DNI Kash Patel Confirms Jack Teixeira Would Not Have Had Access to Documents He Leaked

16 Apr 2023 ~~ By Jennifer Van Laar

Despite working in information technology within an intelligence wing of the Air Force, Massachusetts Air National Guardsman Jack Teixeira would not have legally had access to the classified information he’s accused of leaking on a Discord server, former Director of National Intelligence (DNI) Kash Patel said Friday. Patel’s assessment echoes what was written at RedState on Thursday.
On Breitbart News, Patel also described several methods by which Teixeira could have gained access to the information:
Patel said, first, the suspected leaker, Jack Teixeira, would not have had access to the information without someone within the Department of Defense (DOD) or the intelligence community giving it to him, providing it to him, or telling him it should be put out there. “It’s just not possible,” he said.​
“You can be the biggest IT person in DOD, and you are still compartmented off of the actual information. Almost never does an IT person need to know, as we say, the substance of the intelligence. Their job is to provide the secure informations systems around it to protect any disclosures.”​
Surprisingly, ABC News also published a story on Saturday citing defense officials who agreed that Teixeira’s job description does not equal “need to know.”
Defense officials told ABC News that having a TS-SCI clearance is typical for Air Force personnel who in order to provide IT support might need access to classified spaces, computers and networks so they could do their jobs.​
But the fact that you have a clearance does not mean you have access to everything at that level. That access is based on your “need to know” the information for your job.​
Some have argued that since Teixeira worked on the computer systems within a SCIF he would have had access to these documents and that perhaps the intelligence wing he supported possessed the work product of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Presidential Daily Brief. Patel says, no way:
“This is crazy sensitive stuff,” he said. “Ninety-nine percent of people who have a Top Secret/SCI clearance don’t have access to this information. And me, as the former deputy DNI and chief of staff of the DOD and publisher of the [Presidential Daily Brief], with the highest security classification, knows that, literally, there is not a lot of people in the U.S. that have access to this kind of intel. It’s done for a reason. So this doesn’t happen.”​
As Patel said, in addition to the classification level and the “need to know” basis, there’s also the compartmentalization of information. While silo-ing of information within a corporate structure is a bad thing, within military intelligence it is vital.
It will be interesting to see what is found on print logs, and security video, and file transfer logs. There are still major questions to be answered about how this happened, who was involved, and what their motives are. The fact that ABC News is (maybe unintentionally) casting doubt on the narrative that Teixeira was a disgruntled, gun-loving, traitorous racist who acted alone is significant and raises additional questions about who’s driving what narrative with various news organizations.

This is reflective of the battle between the Intel Community and the White House.
The staged leak serves 2 purposes:
It undermines Biden's Ukraine and Taiwan policies and Biden himself. It further provides an excuse for the gov't to monitor website content.
The latest classified leaks were done by Biden's people to further erode America's alliances, and increase our military malinvestment in the Ukraine mess.. Why? Because - it helps CHINA.
Always ask, "Does this help China?" If yes, then Biden's people wanted it - and consciously did it.
Other sources have stated some docs were photographs. You mean this A1C brought a cell phone into A SCIF, obtained access to the docs and used a cel phone camera? In a SCIF?
Um, no ...
This is my working assumption when explaining each day's events - and it works very well, unfortunately....

Former DNI Kash Patel Confirms Jack Teixeira Would Not Have Had Access to Documents He Leaked

16 Apr 2023 ~~ By Jennifer Van Laar

Despite working in information technology within an intelligence wing of the Air Force, Massachusetts Air National Guardsman Jack Teixeira would not have legally had access to the classified information he’s accused of leaking on a Discord server, former Director of National Intelligence (DNI) Kash Patel said Friday. Patel’s assessment echoes what was written at RedState on Thursday.
On Breitbart News, Patel also described several methods by which Teixeira could have gained access to the information:
Patel said, first, the suspected leaker, Jack Teixeira, would not have had access to the information without someone within the Department of Defense (DOD) or the intelligence community giving it to him, providing it to him, or telling him it should be put out there. “It’s just not possible,” he said.​
“You can be the biggest IT person in DOD, and you are still compartmented off of the actual information. Almost never does an IT person need to know, as we say, the substance of the intelligence. Their job is to provide the secure informations systems around it to protect any disclosures.”​
Surprisingly, ABC News also published a story on Saturday citing defense officials who agreed that Teixeira’s job description does not equal “need to know.”
Defense officials told ABC News that having a TS-SCI clearance is typical for Air Force personnel who in order to provide IT support might need access to classified spaces, computers and networks so they could do their jobs.​
But the fact that you have a clearance does not mean you have access to everything at that level. That access is based on your “need to know” the information for your job.​
Some have argued that since Teixeira worked on the computer systems within a SCIF he would have had access to these documents and that perhaps the intelligence wing he supported possessed the work product of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Presidential Daily Brief. Patel says, no way:
“This is crazy sensitive stuff,” he said. “Ninety-nine percent of people who have a Top Secret/SCI clearance don’t have access to this information. And me, as the former deputy DNI and chief of staff of the DOD and publisher of the [Presidential Daily Brief], with the highest security classification, knows that, literally, there is not a lot of people in the U.S. that have access to this kind of intel. It’s done for a reason. So this doesn’t happen.”​
As Patel said, in addition to the classification level and the “need to know” basis, there’s also the compartmentalization of information. While silo-ing of information within a corporate structure is a bad thing, within military intelligence it is vital.
It will be interesting to see what is found on print logs, and security video, and file transfer logs. There are still major questions to be answered about how this happened, who was involved, and what their motives are. The fact that ABC News is (maybe unintentionally) casting doubt on the narrative that Teixeira was a disgruntled, gun-loving, traitorous racist who acted alone is significant and raises additional questions about who’s driving what narrative with various news organizations.

This is reflective of the battle between the Intel Community and the White House.
The staged leak serves 2 purposes:
It undermines Biden's Ukraine and Taiwan policies and Biden himself. It further provides an excuse for the gov't to monitor website content.
The latest classified leaks were done by Biden's people to further erode America's alliances, and increase our military malinvestment in the Ukraine mess.. Why? Because - it helps CHINA.
Always ask, "Does this help China?" If yes, then Biden's people wanted it - and consciously did it.
Other sources have stated some docs were photographs. You mean this A1C brought a cell phone into A SCIF, obtained access to the docs and used a cel phone camera? In a SCIF?
Um, no ...
This is my working assumption when explaining each day's events - and it works very well, unfortunately....
Kash Patel is a piece of shit.

Believe nothing he says. Ever
Texiera is an anti-simitc racist gun nut who betrayed his country.

Fuck him
Question, was it (in your mind) a foregone conclusion that the right wing loons on this board would quickly find a way to support this traitor's actions? I hoped they wouldn't but of course...I should know better.
False. The Cult doesn't trust them because you're a bunch of cranks.

Because you are

And right after complaining about being accused of being a conspiracy theorist in the tin foil hate brigade, you follow up with a bunch of conspiracy theories like the tin foil hat brigade.

No, it is because they have been caught lying so much. It takes a cultist, such as yourself, to look at 6 years of lies, and ignore them.
Frankly, let's get real here.

There's really nothing in these supposed "top secret" documents that is really all that shocking.

We spy on our allies? Um, yeah, we've been doing that for years.

The Ukraine was is grinding down to a stalemate? Anyone who can read a map would have figured that one out.
Question, was it (in your mind) a foregone conclusion that the right wing loons on this board would quickly find a way to support this traitor's actions? I hoped they wouldn't but of course...I should know better.
You should

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