More vote buying by the left. 14 billion on internet for lowlifes.

If you were any kind of a school teacher you'd know that NYC alone has a larger population than our ten lowest populated states combined and that's just one city. Now that you've been busted for a moron you're going to change your lie from teacher to businessman. Geeze.
Republican whites and Dem whites have the same welfare levels. Discriminated against minorities may do even worse....If you're trying to prove minorities do worse that would hardly be a surprise. Blacks have 1/10 the wealth of whites...GET THEM ALL ONLINE AND VAXXED AND INFORMED, super dupe. And give them ALL cheap college and training like every other modern country, DUH...You're a gd disaster....
If you were any kind of a school teacher you'd know that NYC alone has a larger population than our ten lowest populated states combined and that's just one city. Now that you've been busted for a moron you're going to change your lie from teacher to businessman. Geeze.
and that is irrelevant. PLENTY of white rural GOP voters on welfare. There is a rural depression going on, and police overreach to pay the bills...Great job!
That’s reality. We looked at the data.

They have a high rate of poverty and food stamp recipients. Their education achievement levels are low. They’re less likely to be connected to the internet.
Good thing they have an intelligent, educated liberal self-appointed to swoop in and save them from themselves, isn't it?

Now do ghettos in Democrat-run cities.
WILMINGTON, Del. (AP) — The Biden administration announced on Monday that 20 internet companies have agreed to provide discounted service to people with low incomes, a program that could effectively make tens of millions of households eligible for free service through an already existing federal subsidy.

The $1 trillion infrastructure package passed by Congress last year included $14.2 billion funding for the Affordable Connectivity Program, which provides $30 monthly subsidies ($75 in tribal areas) on internet service for millions of lower-income households.

With the new commitment from the internet providers, some 48 million households will be eligible for $30 monthly plans for 100 megabits per second, or higher speed, service — making internet service fully paid for with the government subsidy if they sign up with one of the providers participating in the program.

Biden, during his White House run and the push for the infrastructure bill, made expanding high-speed internet access in rural and low-income areas a priority. He has repeatedly spoken out about low-income families that struggled finding reliable Wi-Fi, so their children could take part in remote schooling and complete homework assignments early in the coronavirus pandemic.

So I guess free education, free food, free housing, free school lunches, free medical care, free daycare isn't enough. Now this country at 30 trillion in debt is going to provide lowlifes with high speed internet service thanks to idiots that voted for this moron. This cost is about twice as much as Trump asked for to secure our border which is totally out of control today, and will be much worse by the end of the month according to the Border Patrol.

Oh, and the subsidies will not be enough. The providers will likely increase rates on working people to help pay for their philanthropy.
You hate poor people. We get it, magaturd.
Republican whites and Dem whites have the same welfare levels. Discriminated against minorities may do even worse....If you're trying to prove minorities do worse that would hardly be a surprise. Blacks have 1/10 the wealth of whites...GET THEM ALL ONLINE AND VAXXED AND INFORMED, super dupe. And give them ALL cheap college and training like every other modern country, DUH...You're a gd disaster....

Instead of us being like any one of these countries you brag about why not just move to one if you think it's so bad here. Our founders specified what we were to spend money on and that's it. We were never intended to be a Socialist or Communist country like you so desire. If you don't like what our founders created......move. There is only one USA in the entire world and nobody else comes close.
You can spuriously apply whatever label you like. You don't get to make that decision for everyone. You should learn to accept that insanely simple fact.
You don’t get to decide what the appropriate label is for what I say.
perhaps you also should not have approved of the spending bills PASSED BY A REPUB CONGRESS and signed by Repub POTUS that took us from 19 trillion dollars in debt to more than 24 trillion. This congress did not spend all 30 trillion, it was a group effort by the Dems and the Repubs but you only give a shit when the Dems do you.

People like you are why we are 30 trillion in the hole and growing

On several occasions the only reason Trump signed spending bills is because of the threat of a shutdown. Now can you name me the last time your leftist media ever blamed Democrats for a government shutdown?

If it's a Republican President and a Democrat Congress a shutdown is his fault. If it's a Republican led House, the shutdown is their fault. If it's a Republican Senate with a Democrat President, it's the Senate Republicans fault.

At least under Trump most of the spending benefited most if not all Americans. You'd be hell pressed to find any major spending that did not benefit the Communist party.

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