More women are running for the House than ever before

We need more women in office.

We need wise and talented people in office, regardless of how their genitals are configured.
God you people are so dense. How many times must I say this? I’m not suggesting you vote for a woman because she is a woman. I’m saying more women to run so you can see qualities in a candidate you wouldn’t necessarily see. If you think the male candidate is better, obviously you should vote for him.
Most are democrats. I’m all for it. We need more women in office. They offer a different perspective to public policy. We need politicians who are more diplomatic and emphatic to average joe Americans. Men typically suck at this - especially if they are Republicans.

Can more women be elected? Of course. Since Trump’s inauguration both women and transgendered people have won special elections.

Oh and as a reminder, every special election since Trump’s inauguration has elected a democrat. Fox News won’t tell you that, so quit being a dumbass and stop watching it.

AP: Women file to run for US House seats in record numbers
who do you think currently fills that bill.

consider this; no dem is allowed to go off the rails and do anything the party does not demand they do.

That is inaccurate. You only need look at the last two big wins for Dems. Doug Jones and Connor Lamb. Both have some views which are very moderate or even right of center. They got nominated and won.

Let me predict your answer to that fact:

"Dems are sheep who will vote for anyone with a "D" next to their name". Amiright?
please enlighten me with a list of non-dems you have voted for.

aside from that, lying to your voters is standard, as soon as they can they will not do anything not far left.
You want Sarah Palin to run for congress?
Why would you be stupid enough to think I meant ANY woman? Obviously Palin is as stupid as Trump is. That’s why you like both of them.

Pelosi and Maxine Waters?
I don’t care for either one of them. Why should I? I’m talking about half of the population in general.

We should elect leaders solely based on their gender?

You do that already.
Most are democrats. I’m all for it. We need more women in office. They offer a different perspective to public policy. We need politicians who are more diplomatic and emphatic to average joe Americans. Men typically suck at this - especially if they are Republicans.

Can more women be elected? Of course. Since Trump’s inauguration both women and transgendered people have won special elections.

Oh and as a reminder, every special election since Trump’s inauguration has elected a democrat. Fox News won’t tell you that, so quit being a dumbass and stop watching it.

AP: Women file to run for US House seats in record numbers
Condoleezza Rice ?
Yes, if she wants to.
Please its a blow to the Democratic party when a minority runs as a Republican, a minority female running is an apocalyptic. The Democratic opponent can't use the party platform that makes accusations of racism and misogyny. That's not to say that there are no attacks. minority Democrats are allowed to call these people traitors, Uncle Toms, house negroes and other vile names.
Most are democrats. I’m all for it. We need more women in office. They offer a different perspective to public policy. We need politicians who are more diplomatic and emphatic to average joe Americans. Men typically suck at this - especially if they are Republicans.

Can more women be elected? Of course. Since Trump’s inauguration both women and transgendered people have won special elections.

Oh and as a reminder, every special election since Trump’s inauguration has elected a democrat. Fox News won’t tell you that, so quit being a dumbass and stop watching it.

AP: Women file to run for US House seats in record numbers
Condoleezza Rice ?
Yes, if she wants to.
Please its a blow to the Democratic party when a minority runs as a Republican, a minority female running is an apocalyptic. The Democratic opponent can't use the party platform that makes accusations of racism and misogyny. That's not to say that there are no attacks. minority Democrats are allowed to call these people traitors, Uncle Toms, house negroes and other vile names.
Maybe white Republicans should take a hint and call the white Democrats the same kinds of names....
Most are democrats. I’m all for it. We need more women in office. They offer a different perspective to public policy. We need politicians who are more diplomatic and emphatic to average joe Americans. Men typically suck at this - especially if they are Republicans.

Can more women be elected? Of course. Since Trump’s inauguration both women and transgendered people have won special elections.

Oh and as a reminder, every special election since Trump’s inauguration has elected a democrat. Fox News won’t tell you that, so quit being a dumbass and stop watching it.
the majority of Liberals look like
AP: Women file to run for US House seats in record numbers
Condoleezza Rice ?
God you people are stupid. You name a few female politicians and pretend that they are a representation of their gender.
You want more women to run I named a highly qualified, extremely intelligent female that I would vote for no matter what office . You dismissed my choice out of hand seems to me you don't really care if a woman runs or not as long as they agree with your political leanings.

It would be awesome to see Dr, Rice in a debate against a Liberal. They can't claim misogyny or pull the racism card so it would be just policy and brain power and she makes the majority of Liberals look like drooling moron,

I believe that most liberals find Rice to be palatable. She's very intelligent and has demonstrated the ability to examine data and evidence before making statements. She is well respected by liberals.

I'm curious about which of her clearly stated policy positions you most agree with....and most disagree with.

I agree with her on issues such as the need for affirmative action and the need to respect the contribution of immigrants, legal and illegal, to our society.

She's far more socially liberal than your average Freedom Caucus member. I don't see her attempting to outlaw abortion or kick gay people out of the military.

I'll add that I believe you probably know very little about her. You see a black Republican woman and you think you can use her to make yourself seem like less of an asshole. Didn't work.
Most are democrats. I’m all for it. We need more women in office. They offer a different perspective to public policy. We need politicians who are more diplomatic and emphatic to average joe Americans. Men typically suck at this - especially if they are Republicans.

Can more women be elected? Of course. Since Trump’s inauguration both women and transgendered people have won special elections.

Oh and as a reminder, every special election since Trump’s inauguration has elected a democrat. Fox News won’t tell you that, so quit being a dumbass and stop watching it.

AP: Women file to run for US House seats in record numbers
who do you think currently fills that bill.

consider this; no dem is allowed to go off the rails and do anything the party does not demand they do.

That is inaccurate. You only need look at the last two big wins for Dems. Doug Jones and Connor Lamb. Both have some views which are very moderate or even right of center. They got nominated and won.

Let me predict your answer to that fact:

"Dems are sheep who will vote for anyone with a "D" next to their name". Amiright?
I don't know about the area Lamb comes from but Jones is from my home state and I bet money he will not win another election once he starts voting the party line.
Most are democrats. I’m all for it. We need more women in office. They offer a different perspective to public policy. We need politicians who are more diplomatic and emphatic to average joe Americans. Men typically suck at this - especially if they are Republicans.

Can more women be elected? Of course. Since Trump’s inauguration both women and transgendered people have won special elections.

Oh and as a reminder, every special election since Trump’s inauguration has elected a democrat. Fox News won’t tell you that, so quit being a dumbass and stop watching it.

AP: Women file to run for US House seats in record numbers
Condoleezza Rice ?
Yes, if she wants to.
Please its a blow to the Democratic party when a minority runs as a Republican, a minority female running is an apocalyptic. The Democratic opponent can't use the party platform that makes accusations of racism and misogyny. That's not to say that there are no attacks. minority Democrats are allowed to call these people traitors, Uncle Toms, house negroes and other vile names.
Maybe white Republicans should take a hint and call the white Democrats the same kinds of names....
The overwhelming majority of the right doesn't give a shit about skin color. It's the left that seem to have an obsession with it.
I would vote for this one...

Dude what's wrong with her back? Invasion of the body snatchers comes to mind. Creepy
I'd say she looks damn good for 61. (Yes, she is 61.)
Most are democrats. I’m all for it. We need more women in office. They offer a different perspective to public policy. We need politicians who are more diplomatic and emphatic to average joe Americans. Men typically suck at this - especially if they are Republicans.

Can more women be elected? Of course. Since Trump’s inauguration both women and transgendered people have won special elections.

Oh and as a reminder, every special election since Trump’s inauguration has elected a democrat. Fox News won’t tell you that, so quit being a dumbass and stop watching it.

AP: Women file to run for US House seats in record numbers
Condoleezza Rice ?
Yes, if she wants to.
Please its a blow to the Democratic party when a minority runs as a Republican, a minority female running is an apocalyptic. The Democratic opponent can't use the party platform that makes accusations of racism and misogyny. That's not to say that there are no attacks. minority Democrats are allowed to call these people traitors, Uncle Toms, house negroes and other vile names.
Maybe white Republicans should take a hint and call the white Democrats the same kinds of names....
The overwhelming majority of the right doesn't give a shit about skin color. It's the left that seem to have an obsession with it.
Right....the last 8 years were just so color-blind.
Maybe a lot of freshmen women will force changes to the corruption of Congressional inner workings where they are required to pony up to get committee assignments.

Or maybe they'll finally create the spark necessary to touch off the Revolution this country needs right now.
Condoleezza Rice ?
Yes, if she wants to.
Please its a blow to the Democratic party when a minority runs as a Republican, a minority female running is an apocalyptic. The Democratic opponent can't use the party platform that makes accusations of racism and misogyny. That's not to say that there are no attacks. minority Democrats are allowed to call these people traitors, Uncle Toms, house negroes and other vile names.
Maybe white Republicans should take a hint and call the white Democrats the same kinds of names....
The overwhelming majority of the right doesn't give a shit about skin color. It's the left that seem to have an obsession with it.
Right....the last 8 years were just so color-blind.
Right leaning people disagreeing with a Leftist. You Liberals made it about race.
Women are still at a disadvantage due to Republican gerrymandering.
How do you explain people like Mia Love ?

How do YOU explain her?
1st generation American, Black women wins a seat in a deeply religious, and conservative area. Kind of blows the entire Democratic Party Platform out of the water.

No it doesn't. You seem confused. She's conservative.
Women are still at a disadvantage due to Republican gerrymandering.
How do you explain people like Mia Love ?

How do YOU explain her?
1st generation American, Black women wins a seat in a deeply religious, and conservative area. Kind of blows the entire Democratic Party Platform out of the water.

No it doesn't. You seem confused. She's conservative.
As are most black people, dumbass.

You are just allowed to be heavily conservative if you are black, Hispanic or Arab, as long as you don't vote Republican.
Most are democrats. I’m all for it. We need more women in office. They offer a different perspective to public policy. We need politicians who are more diplomatic and emphatic to average joe Americans. Men typically suck at this - especially if they are Republicans.

Can more women be elected? Of course. Since Trump’s inauguration both women and transgendered people have won special elections.

Oh and as a reminder, every special election since Trump’s inauguration has elected a democrat. Fox News won’t tell you that, so quit being a dumbass and stop watching it.

AP: Women file to run for US House seats in record numbers
Condoleezza Rice ?
Yes, if she wants to.
Please its a blow to the Democratic party when a minority runs as a Republican, a minority female running is an apocalyptic. The Democratic opponent can't use the party platform that makes accusations of racism and misogyny. That's not to say that there are no attacks. minority Democrats are allowed to call these people traitors, Uncle Toms, house negroes and other vile names.
Maybe white Republicans should take a hint and call the white Democrats the same kinds of names....
The overwhelming majority of the right doesn't give a shit about skin color. It's the left that seem to have an obsession with it.
How is that working out for you?

You are literally losing control of entire state governments because you don't hate white people.

Wake the fuck up and fight back.

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