Morgan Spurlock Confesses To Past Sexual Misconduct...


Diamond Member
May 19, 2012
Morgan Spurlock Confesses Indiscretions: “I Am Part Of The Problem”

With the growing storm cloud of sexual harassment allegations hovering over Hollywood, Academy Award-nominated documentarian Morgan Spurlock has come forward and posted revelatory essay saying that he is “part of the problem.”

Spurlock posted a link to the lengthy manifesto of sorts giving his thoughts on sexual harassment and how heroes have fallen for their indiscretions asking, “when will they come for me?”

He shared his own personal stories from his past including one during college when a one-night stand was turned into rape accusations and how he settled a sexual harassment allegation at my office eight years ago when he referred to a former employee as “hot pants” and “sex pants.” The former employee asked for a settlement and he paid it.

He goes on to talk about how has been unfaithful to every girlfriend and said: “I would look each of them in the eye and proclaim my love and then have sex with other people behind their backs.” He adds, “I hurt them. And I hate it. But it didn’t make me stop. The worst part is, I’m someone who consistently hurts those closest to me.”

In admitting his faults and confessing all his own indiscretions, he closes by saying that he “will do better” and “The only individual I have control over is me.”

Read his entire statement below...

I didn't post his entire statement, but you can read it in the link.

In the midst of all of these allegations this is an interesting first. He admits to a past rape accusation, a settlement he paid eight years ago, and to being unfaithful to every girlfriend he has ever had. It seems like a pretty genuine confession since most of it probably never would have to come to light, but the most interesting line is, "when will they come for me?"
This is stupid.

Based on what I just read none of this is fucking rape! GODDAMNIT!!!

Saying you have hot pants or being a unfaithful asshole to your girl friends ain't sexual harrassment. These women are being too fucking sensitive and down right fascist.

Goddamn I am sick of this.

And it all goes back to treating women somehow better then you'd treat any man in your wildest fucking dreams and if you don't do that = off with your fucking head.

Unless he forced these women to his bed and fucked the shit out of them I don't want to hear anymore about it. Grow up
This is stupid.

Based on what I just read none of this is fucking rape! GODDAMNIT!!!

Saying you have hot pants or being a unfaithful asshole to your girl friends ain't sexual harrassment. These women are being too fucking sensitive and down right fascist.

Goddamn I am sick of this.

And it all goes back to treating women somehow better then you'd treat any man in your wildest fucking dreams and if you don't do that = off with your fucking head.

Unless he forced these women to his bed and fucked the shit out of them I don't want to hear anymore about it. Grow up

Looks like he's just turning a corner in his life. You have to take stock every once in a while of the good and bad and the ugly during certain time periods to be able to truly move on.

Because of all my years in rock n roll and the music industry at large, I never had a problem with the men that I knew as lovers or buddies being assholes. Hell's bells who isn't an asshole at certain times right?

It's a tough gig but worth every moment I spent in those years and I never would have made it if I'd been a china doll. And I would never have expected any man in my life to be perfect. That shit just doesn't happen in real life. And visa versa.

I'm with you though. I'm getting maxed out on screaming headlines that someone got their ass grabbed 1972. And is still freaking out.


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