Morley Safer Has Died

The only picture of our POTUS that I have ever seen where he didn't look like a faggot, and it is him getting booked. LOL nice
In the mid sixties in Calgary I heard that Morley was going to be giving a free media lecture in a church basement.
There were some posters put up at the university.
I showed up and Morley showed up.
We waited for 1/2 hour but no one else showed up. Turned out the posters had the wrong evening on them. Morely says: "Do you know where to eat somewhere cheap is nearby?". I said ya. Right across the road is a little Ma and Pa italian restaurant.
We walked over and had a fabulous authentic italian four course dinner for about five bucks each. We stayed in touch over the years.
Very nice gentleman.
He sure didn't get much out of his retirement.
People who love their work don't look forward to retirement; they know they'll be bored.

OTOH, about twenty years ago there was an article in the Navy Times about retirees; those who retired after 20 years lived about 5 years longer than those who retired after 30 years. It appears to have something to do with personal identity. Those who retired after 20 years began a second career and diversified their identity while those who retired after 30 years simply retired. They were no longer Colonels/Captains or Sergeant Majors/Master Chiefs, just an old skin least in their minds.

Since Safer was still working at 84 years of age, I'm guessing he really loved the worked since he didn't need the money.

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