Zone1 Mormons are fine, but I have to call BS on the golden plates story.

Moses actually had the tablets and they were placed in the Ark of the Covenant for many years and were had among the people. In the case of Joseph Smith, the angel took the golden plates and so we don't have them.
Do you understand the Scriptural standard for a prophet of God? If the prophet is wrong even only once, he's not a prophet of God.
It really does not matter if we have the golden plates or not. What matters is that there is no independent evidence that any of the events described in the Book of Mormon actually happened.

We know from evidence independent of the Bible that empires and nations mentioned in the Bible really existed. Many of the people mentioned in the Bible are also named in writings written by people who never read the Bible or knew it existed.

Nothing like this exists for the Book of Mormon. There is no Book of Mormon archaeology.
Mormons look foolish when they invent excuses to believe what is clearly untrue. I enjoy talking to Mormon missionaries. They are nice boys. They also know less about their faith than I do. When I ask them about the Book of Abraham they have never heard of it.

I figured out on my own that the manuscript from which Joseph Smith claimed to translate the Book of Abraham was the Book of the Dead. I went to a library and checked out a book that had copies of the Book of the Dead and translations. The similarity between the copies in the book, and the manuscript discovered in 1966 were astonishing.

The Mormon missionaries I was talking to were astonished too. They could not answer my arguments.
The Book of the Dead was first found in 1842. The best publication wasn’t until 1888. Joseph Smith began the writing of the Book of Abraham in 1835 and finished it in 1842. You are full of crap, again. And you lie about the missionaries too. You have no argument. Now that your argument is destroyed, what’s next? Read
It really does not matter if we have the golden plates or not. What matters is that there is no independent evidence that any of the events described in the Book of Mormon actually happened.

We know from evidence independent of the Bible that empires and nations mentioned in the Bible really existed. Many of the people mentioned in the Bible are also named in writings written by people who never read the Bible or knew it existed.

Nothing like this exists for the Book of Mormon. There is no Book of Mormon archaeology.
There is evidence. You simply have to look. But just like you didn’t bother reading and didn’t see the problem with the dates about the Book of the Dead, you won’t look and this you will continue to have a double mind.

Isn’t that what religion is all about?
Certainly not to the people who belong to that religion. This is fairly recent American History with a very specific location in New York. Haven't there even been treasure hunters looking for them?
There is evidence. You simply have to look. But just like you didn’t bother reading and didn’t see the problem with the dates about the Book of the Dead, you won’t look and this you will continue to have a double mind.
Explain what says in your own words. Every single non Mormon who can read ancient Egyptian writing thinks the Book of Abraham is a hoax. I figured that out on my own. Then I learned that the experts agreed with me.
The Book of the Dead was first found in 1842. The best publication wasn’t until 1888. Joseph Smith began the writing of the Book of Abraham in 1835 and finished it in 1842. You are full of crap, again. And you lie about the missionaries too. You have no argument. Now that your argument is destroyed, what’s next? Read
I actually like Mormon missionaries, but because you are getting nasty, I can get nasty too.

I know it takes a lot of courage to knock on doors the way they do. I tell them politely that I think Joseph Smith was a pedophile and a charlatan, and I explain why I think that.
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Explain what says in your own words. Every single non Mormon who can read ancient Egyptian writing thinks the Book of Abraham is a hoax. I figured that out on my own. Then I learned that the experts agreed with me.
Obviously you don't know what JL's sight is about. It's not an apologist sight. He is objective while he uses many reliable sources you can check yourself. This is typical of anti-Mormons to throw out something they know very little about and expect all to agree with them. Then, there are those who claim there are experts with objectivity. That's the real hoax. You can find scientists who get lots of money to agree that the climate is going to end all human life in 10 years. Gore said it 20 years ago so it must be true. Like the dude who claimed the Book of Abraham was actually from the Book of the Dead. Since the dates don't match up when the Book of the Dead was found and when Joseph Smith published the Book of Abraham and worked on it for 7 years before doing so. But, you people don't care about facts.
I actually like Mormon missionaries, but because you are getting nasty, I can get nasty too.

I know it takes a lot of courage to knock on doors the way they do. I tell them politely that I think Joseph Smith was a pedophile and a charlatan, and I explain why I think that. View attachment 781723
The Book of the Dead was first found in 1842. The best publication wasn’t until 1888. Joseph Smith began the writing of the Book of Abraham in 1835 and finished it in 1842. You are full of crap, again. And you lie about the missionaries too. You have no argument. Now that your argument is destroyed, what’s next? Read Why can you not answer this? You brought up the Book of the Dead as the source of the Book of Abraham. That's not being nasty. That's showing proof you don't do any study on these matters.
As far as your claims that Joseph Smith was a pedophile, you have no proof. And, he wasn't a charlatan either as you have no proof of this either. The missionaries have the Holy Ghost with them and know you are lying to them.
Mormons look foolish when they invent excuses to believe what is clearly untrue. I enjoy talking to Mormon missionaries. They are nice boys. They also know less about their faith than I do. When I ask them about the Book of Abraham they have never heard of it.

I figured out on my own that the manuscript from which Joseph Smith claimed to translate the Book of Abraham was the Book of the Dead. I went to a library and checked out a book that had copies of the Book of the Dead and translations. The similarity between the copies in the book, and the manuscript discovered in 1966 were astonishing.

The Mormon missionaries I was talking to were astonished too. They could not answer my arguments.
I answered your argument. The Book of the Dead wasn't found until 1842. But, even then, the writings weren't translated and published until 1888. Joseph Smith began writing The Pearl of Great Price in 1835 and finished in 1842 but not published until 1851, years after Joseph Smith was assassinated for his beliefs by people like yourself. So genius, explain that? I think you owe all missionaries an apology for lying to them. :hhello:
I've read a fair amount on the various major religions and I have to say, the story of Angel Moroni and the Golden Plates is the most suspect of all the stories I've read. Is there a Mormon out there who can better explain or defend why he or she believes these plates exist and were given to the Prophet Joseph to transcribe the Book of Mormon? This is not a knock on Mormons I have friends who are Mormons and they are very nice people and do lots of good things in the community and have good families. It's the Golden Plates story that just sounds like pure fantasy to me.
It is plainly not worthy of credence. On the other hand, there’s not a whole lot of credibility in the fable of the Angel Gabriel hand delivered a time written by Allah to the old pervert Mohammed, either. Of course, Mohammed couldn’t read. (It is a wonder that Allah didn’t know this.).
It is plainly not worthy of credence. On the other hand, there’s not a whole lot of credibility in the fable of the Angel Gabriel hand delivered a time written by Allah to the old pervert Mohammed, either. Of course, Mohammed couldn’t read. (It is a wonder that Allah didn’t know this.).
The story was that the Mohammed would go into a trance. The Angel Gabriel would dictate the Koran to him. When he came out of the trance he would dictate the Koran to a scribe.
The story was that the Mohammed would go into a trance. The Angel Gabriel would dictate the Koran to him. When he came out of the trance he would dictate the Koran to a scribe.
Why did the Angel Gabriel tell him to read it?
I answered your argument. The Book of the Dead wasn't found until 1842. But, even then, the writings weren't translated and published until 1888. Joseph Smith began writing The Pearl of Great Price in 1835 and finished in 1842 but not published until 1851, years after Joseph Smith was assassinated for his beliefs by people like yourself. So genius, explain that? I think you owe all missionaries an apology for lying to them. :hhello:
It does not matter when the Book of the Dead was found. What matters is that Joseph Smith pretended to translate from it when he composed the Book of Abraham. No non Mormon who can really read Joseph Smith's manuscript agrees with Joseph Smith so called "translation." None of them have any respect for the Mormon convoluted efforts to explain the fraud.

I have never lied about Mormonism. The Mormon missionaries I talked to did not lie, but Joseph Smith lied to them.

If Joseph Smith was alive today I can see him with a megachurch and a nationally broadcast television ministry paid for largely by contributions from poor, elderly, lonely women. Those contributions would also finance Joseph Smith's lavish life style. Eventually Smith would be discredited by a sex scandal involving underage girls. Nevertheless his partisans would continue to believe in him. They would think he had been framed.
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Why did the Angel Gabriel tell him to read it?
Ask Mohammed.

Mohammed's knowledge of the Bible resembles that of an adult who has never read the Bible, but who remembers Bible stories from Sunday school as a child. He knows about anecdotes, but he never mentions the writing prophets like Isaiah or Jeremiah. That was an omission by a man who claimed to be Allah's greatest prophet. The theology of the writing prophets was too complicated to be reduced to anecdotes understandable ny a child.
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Once I read an account by an ex Mormon. He said that Mormonism was like a beautiful Victorian mansion that he had known about for a long time. Finally he bought the mansion without examining its foundation. Finally he walked down to the basement and saw a lot of things he did not want to see.
Ask Mohammed.

Mohammed's knowledge of the Bible resembles that of an adult who has never read the Bible, but who remembers Bible stories from Sunday school as a child. He knows about anecdotes, but he never mentions the writing prophets like Isaiah or Jeremiah. That was an omission by a man who claimed to be Allah's greatest prophet. The theology of the writing prophets was too complicated to be reduced to anecdotes understandable to a child.
I don’t buy the Church of Latter Day Saints. I certainly don’t buy Islam. My own theory is pretty simple. I have chosen to believe something which I consider almost divinely inspired.

I believe in God. But I don’t believe that God believes in religion.
I think it is sad that a lot of people who leave Mormonism become atheists. God does not need Mormonism to exist.

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