Zone1 Mormons are fine, but I have to call BS on the golden plates story.

As I've posted I doubt the early Christian stories as well. I think the difference is, this apparently occurred around 1820 in our country and the Golden Plates were put in a cave in a hill in New York. Why hasn't there been a concerted effort to find the plates? There have been enormous undertakings to find Noah's Ark and other artifacts of Christianity. No geological surveys or search teams for the Golden Plates? Why not?
It's all very silly, to a non-believer, but no sillier than the burning bush, and the Ark carrying all animal life, and twelve year old Jesus winning a debate with the Jewish scholars.

Playing Mormon's advocate, maybe there has been no large scale search for the plates because Smith said he was told by Moroni to hide them so Mormon's would not look kindly on someone trying to find them. A non-Mormon would not look for them because they would not expect them to exist.
I have to admit that I like the idea of a U.S. based religion. Most mormon's seem to be very much patriotic Americans except for Mitt Romney. I don't mind the idea of polygamy, and it's in the Christian "regular" bible. But multiple wives as a reward? Mmmm.
If you'd bother going onto the website, you would know that the work is extensive and I'd not be able to do what you want. And, why did you try to lie about the Prophet using the Book of the Dead?
I already looked at that website. This is what I found:

That Religion Thing​

Now here’s a topic that really spooks people. I should warn you that a portion of this site deals with religion. “Mormon? No, please, tell me you’re anything but a Mormon!” – to quote one woman I met in Switzerland. Mormons? Latter-day Saints? Yes, I’m an active member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (see and have written a lot about the Church and its beliefs. I take on a lot of common questions and attacks in the section I call Mormon Answers (LDS FAQ). While I answer common questions about my religion and defend my faith, I am not saying that the Church is perfect or has a monopoly on truth. I respect many religions and recognize that we can learn much from others. I also recognize that the Church has plenty of pesky mortals in it, and that means errors and embarrassments from time to time. But I do think we have some amazing things that the world should know about, especially The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ. Got one? It’s a major reason why I am proud to be a member of this Church. My experience with that book has greatly added to my conviction that Jesus Christ is real, that God lives, and that there is a way for men and women to find joy, peace, and meaning in this life and beyond. Oops, there I go, preaching again….

Is that all you've got? Where is there archaeological evidence of the Book of Mormon?
I already looked at that website. This is what I found:

That Religion Thing​

Now here’s a topic that really spooks people. I should warn you that a portion of this site deals with religion. “Mormon? No, please, tell me you’re anything but a Mormon!” – to quote one woman I met in Switzerland. Mormons? Latter-day Saints? Yes, I’m an active member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (see and have written a lot about the Church and its beliefs. I take on a lot of common questions and attacks in the section I call Mormon Answers (LDS FAQ). While I answer common questions about my religion and defend my faith, I am not saying that the Church is perfect or has a monopoly on truth. I respect many religions and recognize that we can learn much from others. I also recognize that the Church has plenty of pesky mortals in it, and that means errors and embarrassments from time to time. But I do think we have some amazing things that the world should know about, especially The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ. Got one? It’s a major reason why I am proud to be a member of this Church. My experience with that book has greatly added to my conviction that Jesus Christ is real, that God lives, and that there is a way for men and women to find joy, peace, and meaning in this life and beyond. Oops, there I go, preaching again….

Is that all you've got? Where is there archaeological evidence of the Book of Mormon?
Click on LDSFAQ. You will find all you want and need.
I have to admit that I like the idea of a U.S. based religion. Most mormon's seem to be very much patriotic Americans except for Mitt Romney. I don't mind the idea of polygamy, and it's in the Christian "regular" bible. But multiple wives as a reward? Mmmm.
Not a big fan of Romney either.
It's all very silly, to a non-believer, but no sillier than the burning bush, and the Ark carrying all animal life, and twelve year old Jesus winning a debate with the Jewish scholars.

Playing Mormon's advocate, maybe there has been no large scale search for the plates because Smith said he was told by Moroni to hide them so Mormon's would not look kindly on someone trying to find them. A non-Mormon would not look for them because they would not expect them to exist.
Joseph Smith only hid the plates while he was translating them. Afterwards the Angel Moroni came and took the plates. However, there were others who actually witnessed seeing and even touching the plates, see post #30 for the testimony of the witnesses.
Click on LDSFAQ. You will find all you want and need.
You cannot compose your own arguments, like I can. Anyone can find something on the internet they like. Unlike the case with the Bible, there is no independent evidence that any of the events recorded in the Book of Mormon happened.
You cannot compose your own arguments, like I can. Anyone can find something on the internet they like. Unlike the case with the Bible, there is no independent evidence that any of the events recorded in the Book of Mormon happened.
Little hard to have written evidence when the peoples of America had no written record except those in the book of Mormon.
Little hard to have written evidence when the peoples of America had no written record except those in the book of Mormon.
Pre-columbian Americans had writing. You're thinking of the plains Indians and the commanche and apache who were stone age hunter-gatherers.

Besides, isn't the story that native Americans are descendants of Israelites? The Jews have always been a bookish people. Why would they not have had writing?

Here is an example - actually caught on film - of Native Americans speaking Yiddish:

Pre-columbian Americans had writing. You're thinking of the plains Indians and the commanche and apache who were stone age hunter-gatherers.

Besides, isn't the story that native Americans are descendants of Israelites? The Jews have always been a bookish people. Why would they not have had writing?

Here is an example - actually caught on film - of Native Americans speaking Yiddish:

you would do well to learn a few things the descendants of Jews were wiped out.
You cannot compose your own arguments, like I can. Anyone can find something on the internet they like. Unlike the case with the Bible, there is no independent evidence that any of the events recorded in the Book of Mormon happened.
You want to know all the ins and outs to why I don't believe your crap anti-Mormon nonsense. There are pages and pages and links to other pages in this work of Jeff Lindsay. You link stuff to me to read. So, why do you find yourself so obtuse about reading what I have links to? and then click on LDSFAQ
You want to know all the ins and outs to why I don't believe your crap anti-Mormon nonsense. There are pages and pages and links to other pages in this work of Jeff Lindsay. You link stuff to me to read. So, why do you find yourself so obtuse about reading what I have links to? and then click on LDSFAQ
He isnt interested in facts just his ignorant claims
You want to know all the ins and outs to why I don't believe your crap anti-Mormon nonsense. There are pages and pages and links to other pages in this work of Jeff Lindsay. You link stuff to me to read. So, why do you find yourself so obtuse about reading what I have links to? and then click on LDSFAQ
When I clicked on I got:

This site can’t be reached​

Check if there is a typo in


When I ran Windows Network Diagnostics I got:

"Trouble shooting couldn't identify the problem."

I was able to get to yesterday. Maybe the website has been taken down.

Anyway, I copied and pasted what I found there yesterday, and I was not impressed by it.
He isnt interested in facts just his ignorant claims
I know more about Mormonism than the Mormon missionaries who come to my door to tell me about Mormonism. I have read The Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price. Many of them have not heard of the Book of Abraham, so I tell them about it.
You want to know all the ins and outs to why I don't believe your crap anti-Mormon nonsense. There are pages and pages and links to other pages in this work of Jeff Lindsay. You link stuff to me to read. So, why do you find yourself so obtuse about reading what I have links to? and then click on LDSFAQ
I found this website and clicked on it:

The Book of Mormon was described but not justified. There was no explanation of why there is no independent, contemporary mention of any of the events written about in the Book of Mormon, as there often is about the Bible. There was no mention of the Book of Abraham.
Not according to Southern Baptists. In their charter they call Mormons a cult.

The word cult is not an insult. I'm not sure why people always assume cults are bad. There are hundreds of cults in America yet only 4 have made any negative press over the last 50 years.

Jim Jones
David Koresh
Marshall Applewhite
Westboro Baptist Church

The rest of the cults are just fine and Dandy. I guess people should verify beforehand if they are referencing a bad cult or a good cult. I'd say if they aren't referencing the four mentioned above then they are simply describing the CULTure of the organization. See what I did there?
It does, yes. But so do most of the stories of Jesus. The water into wine, the rising from the dead, the casting out of the demons, on and on.

Is those stories any more credible for being set two thousand years ago?
The miracles attributed to Jesus cannot be proved or disproved.

It has been proved that the Book of Mormon and the Book of Abraham are frauds. I proved that the Book of Abraham was a fraud myself.
If you have read this explain it in your own words. Explain why the manuscript from which Joseph Smith is known to have used in composing the Book of Mormon says nothing about Abraham, and concerns ancient Egyptian gods and goddesses.

Keep in mind that I discovered the fraud of the Book of Abraham myself. Only later did I learn that the experts agreed with me.

Those essays are very long, but when they need to prove something they tell me to click on yet another essay. I could spend days reading all that stuff and still not have an explanation of why what I claimed in my first paragraph in this comment is invalid.

I doubt many Mormons read all that. They just think that in all those words there must be truth. I think all those words are smoke screens to hide the truth.
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