Zone1 Mormons who have apostatized or stopped going to Church

There are many. But here's ONE:

For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers

The "firstborn" is the eldest
Not always. It also means preeminence.
"Satan" created himself thru rebellion
That’s just dumb. Satan was Lucifer and thrusted out of heaven to the earth and became Satan. He was Jehovah’s spirit brother of Jesus as we’re all of us as the hosts of heaven. When he came to the earth, he’s still Jesus brother. Why does this bother Christians? Because they are spirit brothers doesn’t give Satan any glory.
That’s just dumb. Satan was Lucifer and thrusted out of heaven to the earth and became Satan. He was Jehovah’s spirit brother of Jesus as we’re all of us as the hosts of heaven. When he came to the earth, he’s still Jesus brother. Why does this bother Christians? Because they are spirit brothers doesn’t give Satan any glory.
Jesus created all the angels. All things were created by Jesus. So now you admit that mormons believe Jesus and Satan are spirit-brothers.
Jesus created all the angels. All things were created by Jesus. So now you admit that mormons believe Jesus and Satan are spirit-brothers.
There is nothing in the Bible that says Jesus created the angels. He was one of the angels, Jehovah, who was called by Father in Heaven as a member of his Godhead. Along with the Holy Ghost.
There is nothing in the Bible that says Jesus created the angels. He was one of the angels, Jehovah, who was called by Father in Heaven as a member of his Godhead. Along with the Holy Ghost.
The Bible says Jesus is the Creator. You don't know your Bible.

Colossians 1:16-17 NKJV
For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him. And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist.
The Bible says Jesus is the Creator. You don't know your Bible.

Colossians 1:16-17 NKJV
For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him. And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist.
Things, objects not personages. So ignorant
Yes it does. Foolish usurpers of the Priesthood.
Your interpretation of NT priesthood is error. It isn't scriptural. You can deny Scripture, but it's stuff like this that cause so many people to leave lds. They read their Bible and find errors in lds doctrine. You haven't restored anything. You've invented an entirely false gospel. Read this.

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Your interpretation of NT priesthood is error. It isn't scriptural. You can deny Scripture, but it's stuff like this that cause so many people to leave lds. They read their Bible and find errors in lds doctrine. You haven't restored anything. You've invented an entirely false gospel. Read this.

It’s all from the Bible. You so-called Christians circular reasoning wrap yourselves into a wad of crap trying to discard the royal priesthood. Before that verse it talks about pollution of the priesthood and standards of the Lord. Using others who attempt the same thing is so circular without logic or reasoning. It’s hilarious!
It’s all from the Bible. You so-called Christians circular reasoning wrap yourselves into a wad of crap trying to discard the royal priesthood. Before that verse it talks about pollution of the priesthood and standards of the Lord. Using others who attempt the same thing is so circular without logic or reasoning. It’s hilarious!
Hebrews is describing Jesus as better than Melchizedek. Jesus is described in Hebrews as "Better" than everything in the OT. The OT points to Jesus. You never really studied the Bible before you became a mormon, did you.
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Hebrews is describing Jesus as better than Melchizedek. Jesus is described in Hebrews as "Better" than everything in the OT. The OT points to Jesus. You never really studied the Bible before you became a mormon, did you.
Now you are making things up.
Dude in case you have not noticed, I'm not going to engage with you. You're a Christian today, not tomorrow, then a communist, then an atheist, I don't know.

have a nice day.
Focus on the arguments, the arguments...TEST ALL ARGUMENTS.
I found God without the lds. Millions of people do. Your arrogance is astounding.
The LDS don't send everyone to fire and brimstone for not converting to their brand of Christianity or even to Christianity itself, yet Mormons are arrogant? You Evangelicals, especially you Calvinists, throw practically everyone into the lake of fire for not converting to your "correct version" of Christianity. If you're a non-Christian, you're going straight to hell like a rocket for not converting to Protestant Christianity. Mormons aren't like that, they're smart enough to know that YHWH is more creative and compassionate than how the Evangelicals portray Him.
The LDS don't send everyone to fire and brimstone for not converting to their brand of Christianity or even to Christianity itself, yet Mormons are arrogant? You Evangelicals, especially you Calvinists, throw practically everyone into the lake of fire for not converting to your "correct version" of Christianity. If you're a non-Christian, you're going straight to hell like a rocket for not converting to Protestant Christianity. Mormons aren't like that, they're smart enough to know that YHWH is more creative and compassionate than how the Evangelicals portray Him.
That's another false narrative. You label me a "Calvinist". Then you deny that lds believe that they are the only true church. You deny a lot of things about your religion, then spew false narratives about other believers. You're really a nasty piece of work.
That's another false narrative. You label me a "Calvinist". Then you deny that lds believe that they are the only true church. You deny a lot of things about your religion, then spew false narratives about other believers. You're really a nasty piece of work.
The fact that Mormon Christians believe their Church assembly is the one with the completely restored Gospel of Jesus Christ, doesn't imply that everyone who loves Jesus and worships God in Christ, outside of the Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints, isn't a Christian or is going to burn in hell. Mormon Christians acknowledge that you can indeed be a Christian irrespective of whether you're a member of the LDS or not. Mormons even believe that non-Christians will have their place in the world to come, thanks to the propitiary atonement sacrifice of Jesus Christ, which affected all of humanity, not just Christians.

I clarified in an earlier post, that I am attending the LDS Church ("Ward") near my home and seriously considering becoming an official, baptized member of the Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints. I haven't done it yet, but I like what I have experienced so far and what I've studied and learned about The Church.
The fact that Mormon Christians believe their Church assembly is the one with the completely restored Gospel of Jesus Christ, doesn't imply that everyone who loves Jesus and worships God in Christ, outside of the Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints, isn't a Christian or is going to burn in hell. Mormon Christians acknowledge that you can indeed be a Christian irrespective of whether you're a member of the LDS or not. Mormons even believe that non-Christians will have their place in the world to come, thanks to the propitiary atonement sacrifice of Jesus Christ, which affected all of humanity, not just Christians.

I clarified in an earlier post, that I am attending the LDS Church ("Ward") near my home and seriously considering becoming an official, baptized member of the Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints. I haven't done it yet, but I like what I have experienced so far and what I've studied about The Church.
So much of your spiel is wrong biblically. You're just another parrot for lds.

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