Zone1 Mormons who have apostatized or stopped going to Church

So, when the men met the Savior after the resurrection on the road, did they not know because of the burning in their bosoms that the stranger was the Lord? The Bible says this is the way you know. It’s called the Holy Ghost testifying to you. It’s not the only way. A still small voice that’s undeniable.
James 1 tells how to study. We preach this to study the things you read out in your own mind. Then, with real intent, faith not wavering, without a double mind, you will know by the influence of the Holy Ghost. The truth will be manifested to you. All parts are important. But the key one that most people have the most difficulty with is the double mind. They let their experiences and former teachings influence how they read and comprehend. How they study isn’t with real intent to find the truth. The double mind is the key. And you have a huge double mind. The list I provided is Biblical. The double mind, which today we use “normalcy bias” clouds your reading. And it causes you to spew hatred towards others and attack other’s beliefs.

Telling you that your beliefs are wrong is not "hatred" and it is not an "attack". I am not obligated to believe the lies of Joseph Smith, and am allowed to call them lies. Sorry, those are just facts
Your description can be applied to all Christians, not just Mormon Christians. There are a lot of problems with the Bible, and most honest, thoughtful Christians know that, but they don't care. Christianity for them is more experiential and it enriches their lives and creates a sense of belonging in a community where they feel like they are part of something valuable, even if it's not 100%, absolutely perfect with an "inerrant Holy Book". Even if all of the Biblical stories aren't historically accurate.

People identify as Christians, even when they know the Bible isn't perfect because of how a Christian way of life helps them cope with the challenges and pains of a mortal existence. You're not saying anything unique to Mormon Christians, this is true for all forms of Christianity (And all religions in general; Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism. etc). You're pretending that your critique of the LDS doesn't apply to you too. Everything that you said in your attempt to discredit the Mormon Christian faith, can be said of Evangelicals with their Bible full of contradictions and fabrications (Ancient Middle Eastern Mythology, Greek-Platonic/Gnostic Philosophy..etc). Welcome to the club.

Are you a communist again?
Telling you that your beliefs are wrong is not "hatred" and it is not an "attack". I am not obligated to believe the lies of Joseph Smith, and am allowed to call them lies. Sorry, those are just facts
Assuming that what you're claiming is a fact and not just your opinion, you're critiquing another faith, as if your faith is squicky clean or doesn't suffer from the same level of corruption. You're quite confused and self-deluded, thinking you have the high ground to point your finger at the LDS. Don't throw stones at your neighbor from a glass house.
Assuming that what you're claiming is a fact and not just your opinion, you're critiquing another faith, as if your faith is squicky clean or doesn't suffer from the same level of corruption. You're quite confused and self-deluded, thinking you have the high ground to point your finger at the LDS. Don't throw stones at your neighbor from a glass house.

What's "squicky"
What's "squicky"
Squeaky. Simple typo. Whenever someone begins to play this English grammar game with me, I just go to their post history and I always find plenty of misspellings and grammatical errors. It doesn't take me more than a minute to find typos.
Squeaky. Simple typo. Whenever someone begins to play this English grammar game with me, I just go to their post history and I always find plenty of misspellings and grammatical errors. It doesn't take me more than a minute to find typos.

Dude in case you have not noticed, I'm not going to engage with you. You're a Christian today, not tomorrow, then a communist, then an atheist, I don't know.

have a nice day.
I don't expect or even desire to convince belligerent, rude, condescending, close-minded, anti-LDS polemicists. If I take the time and exert the effort to respond to your rhetoric it's for the sake of others, who might be genuinely searching for the truth and don't have a personal and irrational, emotionally charged ax to grind against my faith. I don't even bother with people like you unless you're on a forum like this spewing your vitriol against the LDS, which might confuse or even influence someone who is sincerely searching for God. I respond to your posts for them, not you.
I found God without the lds. Millions of people do. Your arrogance is astounding.
Assuming that what you're claiming is a fact and not just your opinion, you're critiquing another faith, as if your faith is squicky clean or doesn't suffer from the same level of corruption. You're quite confused and self-deluded, thinking you have the high ground to point your finger at the LDS. Don't throw stones at your neighbor from a glass house.
Yet, you say all Christian churches are wrong. The body of Christ is the Church, not an organization. Do you know what is meant by "the body of Christ"?
I was once an atheist-agnostic/materialist, a naturalist until I began to do research using "radio sweepers" a.k.a. "Spirit/Ghost Boxes", about 8 years ago when I was living in Tucson, Arizona, and taking some courses at U of A. The method of using radios or other electrical devices to communicate with "spirits" is called ITC (i.e. Instrumental TeleCommunications), which includes the EVP or Electronic Voice Phenomenon, mostly done with voice recorders. You don't have to "believe" that this is real, you can do some simple, not-too-expensive experiments and confirm it for yourself, as I did, no faith required.

You can remain an atheist-agnostic because the paranormal doesn't "prove" the existence of a personal God or religious dogmas, but it does open the door to another dimension of life, that we don't fully understand yet. It will broaden your view of reality.

Here are some examples of two types of methods using radios:

Radio Sweepers:
John Huntington, US

Shannon a.k.a. "Mortis The Wizard", UK (He's a bit dramatic and even silly sometimes, but I know the phenomena he's filming is real out of my personal experience using radio-sweepers or "spirit boxes".)

Marcello Bacci, Italy (He didn't use radio sweepers, he used shortwave radios, which is a more advanced method of ITC, rendering even better results.):

Ernst Senkowski (German Physicist):

On National Television in Germany, back in 1983, Senkowski and Hans Otto Konig (An Acoutic Engineer), established contact with two intelligences that presented themselves as the deceased children of the mothers who were there with them during the event. The two women admitted that the spirits had the voices of their children:

Hans Otto Konig (German Acoustic Engineer): v=keOfFmHKvm0&list=PLGBiItTSb8uwiN6wpwMiVGIK5YW5bP2E6

Anabela Cordoso (ITC researcher and Portuguese diplomat, who collaborated with both Senkowski and Konig.):

Scole Experiments:

Seattle VIdeo-ITC:

You don't have to believe anything, just confirm it for yourself. Do what I did, and you will know for yourself, if it's true or not. No faith or belief is required.

You are a bonafide whack job.
Now you're refusing the authority of Scripture. You obviously don't understand the difference between the OT and the NT. Jesus is the fulfillment. The beginning and the end. An OT priest was the intercession between God and man. Jesus was the final sacrifice. Now every believer has access to the Holy of Holies, the presence of God. Scripture says I'm a priest. You can't do anything about that.
It's you refusing the Bible. Paul spoke to several of the priesthood during his ministry well after the death and resurrection of Christ. He named the orders as well as some of the offices in the priesthood. Other apostles did likewise when they pointed out the offices of the priesthood shall only have one wife. That is Biblical. So, your understanding of the priesthood is shallow and incomplete. And, completely wrong. But, you can believe as you may. You can ignore the Bible after the Lord had risen.
Telling you that your beliefs are wrong is not "hatred" and it is not an "attack". I am not obligated to believe the lies of Joseph Smith, and am allowed to call them lies. Sorry, those are just facts
You are not obligated to believe the doctrine of any Church. You aren't obligated to attack another's beliefs. You are a sinner if you do. If I were to ask you to give my what you believe and I agree, that's my prerogative. For you to attempt to show opinions of others and state that their opinions are doctrines of the Church and what all Church members believe is a false bearer, liar and an attack. It's pure hatred. You are stirring up contention. Contention is of the devil.
Telling you that your beliefs are wrong is not "hatred" and it is not an "attack". I am not obligated to believe the lies of Joseph Smith, and am allowed to call them lies. Sorry, those are just facts
You are not obligated to believe the doctrine of any Church. You aren't obligated to attack another's beliefs. You are a sinner if you do. If I were to ask you to give my what you believe and I agree, that's my prerogative. For you to attempt to show opinions of others and state that their opinions are doctrines of the Church and what all Church members believe is a false bearer, liar and an attack. It's pure hatred. You are stirring up contention. Contention is of the devil.
It's you refusing the Bible. Paul spoke to several of the priesthood during his ministry well after the death and resurrection of Christ. He named the orders as well as some of the offices in the priesthood. Other apostles did likewise when they pointed out the offices of the priesthood shall only have one wife. That is Biblical. So, your understanding of the priesthood is shallow and incomplete. And, completely wrong. But, you can believe as you may. You can ignore the Bible after the Lord had risen.
Show me the Scriptures you're referring to about Paul and other Apostles and the Priesthood.
Show me the Scriptures you're referring to about Paul and other Apostles and the Priesthood.
Aaronic Priesthood after the order of Aaron the Levite
  • he that is called of God, as was Aaron, Heb. 5:4.
  • sons of Levi, who receive the office of the priesthood, Heb. 7:5.
  • If … perfection were by the Levitical priesthood, Heb. 7:11.
  • those priests were made without an oath, Heb. 7:21.
  • confer the Priesthood of Aaron, which holds the keys, D&C 13.
  • to ordain you unto the first priesthood, D&C 27:8.
  • literal descendants of Aaron they have a legal right, D&C 68:16.
  • the lesser priesthood continued, which priesthood holdeth the key, D&C 84:26.
  • law of carnal commandments … continue with the house of Aaron … until John, D&C 84:27.
  • two priesthoods, namely, the Melchizedek and Aaronic, D&C 107:1.
  • other is the Aaronic or Levitical Priesthood, D&C 107:6.
  • second priesthood is called the Priesthood of Aaron, D&C 107:13.
  • authority of the lesser, or Aaronic Priesthood, D&C 107:20.
  • man be called of my Father, as was Aaron, D&C 132:59.
  • Upon you … I confer the Priesthood of Aaron, JS—H 1:69.
Melchizedek Priesthood after the order of the Son of God
  • Priest of our profession, Heb. 3:1.
  • Called of God an high priest after the order of Melchisedec, Heb. 5:10.
  • Jesus, made an high priest, Heb. 6:20.
  • such an high priest became us, who is holy, Heb. 7:26.
  • We have such an high priest, who is set on the right, Heb. 8:1.
  • Christ being come an high priest, Heb. 9:11.
  • having an high priest over the house of God, Heb. 10:21.
  • priests of God and of Christ … reign with him, Rev. 20:6.
  • ordained after the manner of his holy order, 2 Ne. 6:2.
  • priests … should labor with their own hands, Mosiah 18:24.
  • Alma, who was the high priest, Mosiah 26:7 (Alma 4:4).
  • he retained the office of high priest unto himself, Alma 4:18.
  • Lord God ordained priests, after his holy order, Alma 13:1.
  • Every … high priest, is to be ordained, D&C 20:67.
  • as a high priest of the Melchizedek Priesthood, D&C 68:19.
  • priests of the Most High, after the order of Melchizedek, D&C 76:57.
  • those who are sealed are high priests, D&C 77:11 (Rev. 7:3).
  • high priests should travel, D&C 84:111.
  • High priests after the order of the Melchizedek Priesthood, D&C 107:10.
  • called Seth, Enos … Enoch … all high priests, D&C 107:53.
  • Presiding High Priest over the High Priesthood, D&C 107:66.
  • duty of the President … of the High Priesthood, D&C 107:91.
  • Shem, the great high priest, D&C 138:41.
  • I became a rightful heir, a High Priest, Abr. 1:2.
  • See also 3 Ne. 6:21.
Aaronic Priesthood after the order of Aaron the Levite
  • he that is called of God, as was Aaron, Heb. 5:4.
  • sons of Levi, who receive the office of the priesthood, Heb. 7:5.
  • If … perfection were by the Levitical priesthood, Heb. 7:11.
  • those priests were made without an oath, Heb. 7:21.
  • confer the Priesthood of Aaron, which holds the keys, D&C 13.
  • to ordain you unto the first priesthood, D&C 27:8.
  • literal descendants of Aaron they have a legal right, D&C 68:16.
  • the lesser priesthood continued, which priesthood holdeth the key, D&C 84:26.
  • law of carnal commandments … continue with the house of Aaron … until John, D&C 84:27.
  • two priesthoods, namely, the Melchizedek and Aaronic, D&C 107:1.
  • other is the Aaronic or Levitical Priesthood, D&C 107:6.
  • second priesthood is called the Priesthood of Aaron, D&C 107:13.
  • authority of the lesser, or Aaronic Priesthood, D&C 107:20.
  • man be called of my Father, as was Aaron, D&C 132:59.
  • Upon you … I confer the Priesthood of Aaron, JS—H 1:69.
Melchizedek Priesthood after the order of the Son of God
  • Priest of our profession, Heb. 3:1.
  • Called of God an high priest after the order of Melchisedec, Heb. 5:10.
  • Jesus, made an high priest, Heb. 6:20.
  • such an high priest became us, who is holy, Heb. 7:26.
  • We have such an high priest, who is set on the right, Heb. 8:1.
  • Christ being come an high priest, Heb. 9:11.
  • having an high priest over the house of God, Heb. 10:21.
  • priests of God and of Christ … reign with him, Rev. 20:6.
  • ordained after the manner of his holy order, 2 Ne. 6:2.
  • priests … should labor with their own hands, Mosiah 18:24.
  • Alma, who was the high priest, Mosiah 26:7 (Alma 4:4).
  • he retained the office of high priest unto himself, Alma 4:18.
  • Lord God ordained priests, after his holy order, Alma 13:1.
  • Every … high priest, is to be ordained, D&C 20:67.
  • as a high priest of the Melchizedek Priesthood, D&C 68:19.
  • priests of the Most High, after the order of Melchizedek, D&C 76:57.
  • those who are sealed are high priests, D&C 77:11 (Rev. 7:3).
  • high priests should travel, D&C 84:111.
  • High priests after the order of the Melchizedek Priesthood, D&C 107:10.
  • called Seth, Enos … Enoch … all high priests, D&C 107:53.
  • Presiding High Priest over the High Priesthood, D&C 107:66.
  • duty of the President … of the High Priesthood, D&C 107:91.
  • Shem, the great high priest, D&C 138:41.
  • I became a rightful heir, a High Priest, Abr. 1:2.
  • See also 3 Ne. 6:21.
Don't you see that every believer is a priest?
Show me the Scripture that says Jesus is my elder brother.
There are many. But here's ONE:

For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers

The "firstborn" is the eldest

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