Morning Joe lays out the definitive timeline of Trump-Russia connections

Take ten minutes and watch because this is well laid out - AS you watch, consider that these are the things publicly known, representing maybe 5 or 10% of what Bob Mueller knows.

Tick Tock :cool-45:

The Definitive Timeline of the Trump-Russia Connections


^ One Year later and still the only tie between Trump and Putin
^ One Year later and still the only tie between Trump and Putin

You didn't watch .. Figures :rolleyes-41:

Thanks, those who watch Fox have no idea what is happening or happened, or listen to R. wing radio big mouths. Ie : Rush, Ingraham, Hannity, Beck.

Na, this Russia shit will be back. Right now America demands a different list.

Corcoran wants congressional sexual harassment 'hush fund' shut down

He sent a letter Monday to House Speaker Paul Ryan after numerous media reports about the Office of Compliance releasing information that it has paid $17 million since 1997 from a fund it manages. Those settlements, however, cover multiple types of workplace misconduct settlements, and specific data covering the cost of resolving sexual harassment complaints are not publicly available
Progressive are so defeated by their failed "Putin hacked the Inevitable Hillary election" narrative that they're backtracking to "Trump did business with Russia!!!!!" as if...
Thanks, those who watch Fox have no idea what is happening or happened, or listen to R. wing radio big mouths. Ie : Rush, Ingraham, Hannity, Beck.

The Nothing-Burger crowd are about the lowest information bunch on the planet.

Thanks, those who watch Fox have no idea what is happening or happened, or listen to R. wing radio big mouths. Ie : Rush, Ingraham, Hannity, Beck.

The Nothing-Burger crowd are about the lowest information bunch on the planet.

And parroting everything you see on the biased media and believing it like the fools you are is pathetic!
Smells like desperation in here. Yet another Russian contact with Kushner. Another contact they insisted never was. Then got caught lying about it.

But you know what's easier? Making a big old joke out of the constant ties and finanial dealings between a President of the US and an Enemy who just comitted cyber espionage. Ha ha. That''s funny stuff
Smells like desperation in here. Yet another Russian contact with Kushner. Another contact they insisted never was. Then got caught lying about it.

But you know what's easier? Making a big old joke out of the constant ties and finanial dealings between a President of the US and an Enemy who just comitted cyber espionage. Ha ha. That''s funny stuff

...and that's how Putin hacked Hillary's inevitable election
Take ten minutes and watch because this is well laid out - AS you watch, consider that these are the things publicly known, representing maybe 5 or 10% of what Bob Mueller knows.

Tick Tock :cool-45:

The Definitive Timeline of the Trump-Russia Connections
It was interesting. It was all circumstantial. I saw it early this morning before I walked the dog, who woke up everyone in the house when I put on my shoes. I don't know if Muller has anything more. It seems obvious to me that when the Oranguton said he was going to give a speech exposing Hillary, he anticipated having the Wiki pirated emails from a couple of days earlier. But whether Mueller has emails or something explicitly showing collusion ... I dunno.

Mueller seems to be looking for hard evidence linking Comey's firing to Russia, though the Oranguton explicity said it was.

If some hard evidence ties the Trump campaign to collusion, and IF hard evidence ties Comey's firing directly to something the Oranguton had reason to not want exposed, this could get interesting.

And Trump Inc ties to Russian money should be exposed.

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