Moscow Mitch

Why are The Democrat Terrorist Organizations like ANTIFA and KKK standing outside Mitch's house while he is healing from a broken shoulder and shouting death threats to him at 3:00 AM?

Why are you Doxing Republicans and inciting Violence and Murder against them?

Why are you embracing violent fascism and communism and refusing to denounce The Leftist Organizations that sponsored and encouraged Mass Shootings?
This is a war. Don't you recognize it when you see it?

Ocasio-Cortez, Omar, Pressley All Refuse to Condemn Antifa Terror Attack on ICE Facility

I know full well it is a war. All the targets of Mass Shootings have been within The Conservative and GOP Demographic Groups.

Country Music Concerts, Walmart, Immigration Centers, Court Houses, Synagogues, Food Festivals, Churches, Congressional Softball Practice, A Republican Entertainment District in Dayton, Assassinations of Police Officers. Most of the attacks over the last 10 years have been carried out by Radical Islamocists, or their Radical Left Allies.

One small problem with your information. It's about 75% false. Over 75% of the political motivated violence has been done from the rightwing. But don't let that little fact get in your way in a good rant.
Wrong. Do your research.

ANTIFA SCUM and DEMNAZI Loyalists all believe in taking power through Rebellion, Sedition, and THE RESISTANCE which is a Democrat Lead Initiative based on Sedition, Slander, Libel, Propaganda, and Violence and Intimidation.

All three shooters have been proven to be Leftists.

The one in Walmart was clearly operating on the Trumpsters bidding. He even made his Manifesto that mirrored much of what your strumpster has said in the past. You can keep saying this over and over but no matter how many times you say a lie, it's still a lie. No free rides.

And the ANTIFA shooter in Dayton was triggered by the left.
I could watch this video all day! If “Moscow Mitch” thinks that this is going to stop, he’s mistaken. I hope that people continue this chant everywhere he goes until he is voted out of office. If there is anyone on this planet that deserves a good throat punch it’s this guy. He has literally refused to let any bills get voted on that would help prevent Russia interfering in our next election. He is more concerned with re-electing Trump than stopping Russia from interfering in our election process. Mitch McConnell is a TRAITOR!

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McConnell On Stage At Fancy Farm Picnic As Crowd Chants "Moscow Mitch"

I looked at his opponent. She's actually running as a trump supporter. In WV, if you don't support Trump, you are toast. Even a Democrat had better at least pay lip service to Trump. Her speeches are closely monitored not do say anything negative about Trump. But she's a bear when it comes to McConnel. And you can see what affect it's having.

I'm sorry but mcconnell isn't from WV nor is he running in WV. It's in Kentucky. mcconnell is from Kentucky. He's one of their 2 senators.
I could watch this video all day! If “Moscow Mitch” thinks that this is going to stop, he’s mistaken. I hope that people continue this chant everywhere he goes until he is voted out of office. If there is anyone on this planet that deserves a good throat punch it’s this guy. He has literally refused to let any bills get voted on that would help prevent Russia interfering in our next election. He is more concerned with re-electing Trump than stopping Russia from interfering in our election process. Mitch McConnell is a TRAITOR!

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McConnell On Stage At Fancy Farm Picnic As Crowd Chants "Moscow Mitch"

Lefties are such NPCs.

You are a fucking mindless bot.

You parrot whatever your liberal overlords tell you to say.
FU col. and your ah band of racists Just keep kissing trumps ass

You are such a brainless and feckless sheep. Such a puppet of your left wing marionettes. I hope you are like 17. If you are over 25, you’re really dumb.

You never actually, discuss anything. You are a intellectual lightweight. I am surprised you don’t drown when it’s raining,

Your idea of discussion is for us all to blindly agree with everything you say. Not going to happen, cupcake.

Making Trumpsters.

This is a war. Don't you recognize it when you see it?

Ocasio-Cortez, Omar, Pressley All Refuse to Condemn Antifa Terror Attack on ICE Facility

I know full well it is a war. All the targets of Mass Shootings have been within The Conservative and GOP Demographic Groups.

Country Music Concerts, Walmart, Immigration Centers, Court Houses, Synagogues, Food Festivals, Churches, Congressional Softball Practice, A Republican Entertainment District in Dayton, Assassinations of Police Officers. Most of the attacks over the last 10 years have been carried out by Radical Islamocists, or their Radical Left Allies.

One small problem with your information. It's about 75% false. Over 75% of the political motivated violence has been done from the rightwing. But don't let that little fact get in your way in a good rant.
Wrong. Do your research.

ANTIFA SCUM and DEMNAZI Loyalists all believe in taking power through Rebellion, Sedition, and THE RESISTANCE which is a Democrat Lead Initiative based on Sedition, Slander, Libel, Propaganda, and Violence and Intimidation.

All three shooters have been proven to be Leftists.

The one in Walmart was clearly operating on the Trumpsters bidding. He even made his Manifesto that mirrored much of what your strumpster has said in the past. You can keep saying this over and over but no matter how many times you say a lie, it's still a lie. No free rides.

And the ANTIFA shooter in Dayton was triggered by the left.

He was triggered by poor mental health. Unlike the Walmart Shooter, the Dayton shooter didn't have any political reason. He just wanted to kill and be killed. Trying to use sane mentality on someone like that just doesn't work. He had been building up to it for a long time. And he didn't give a rats ass if he killed a right winger or a leftwinger. Keep telling that lie. No matter how many times you tell it, it's still a lie.
I could watch this video all day! If “Moscow Mitch” thinks that this is going to stop, he’s mistaken. I hope that people continue this chant everywhere he goes until he is voted out of office. If there is anyone on this planet that deserves a good throat punch it’s this guy. He has literally refused to let any bills get voted on that would help prevent Russia interfering in our next election. He is more concerned with re-electing Trump than stopping Russia from interfering in our election process. Mitch McConnell is a TRAITOR!

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McConnell On Stage At Fancy Farm Picnic As Crowd Chants "Moscow Mitch"

I looked at his opponent. She's actually running as a trump supporter. In WV, if you don't support Trump, you are toast. Even a Democrat had better at least pay lip service to Trump. Her speeches are closely monitored not do say anything negative about Trump. But she's a bear when it comes to McConnel. And you can see what affect it's having.

I'm sorry but mcconnell isn't from WV nor is he running in WV. It's in Kentucky. mcconnell is from Kentucky. He's one of their 2 senators.

Glad you pointed that out. And you are correct. Kentucky doesn't want him either.
I could watch this video all day! If “Moscow Mitch” thinks that this is going to stop, he’s mistaken. I hope that people continue this chant everywhere he goes until he is voted out of office. If there is anyone on this planet that deserves a good throat punch it’s this guy. He has literally refused to let any bills get voted on that would help prevent Russia interfering in our next election. He is more concerned with re-electing Trump than stopping Russia from interfering in our election process. Mitch McConnell is a TRAITOR!

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McConnell On Stage At Fancy Farm Picnic As Crowd Chants "Moscow Mitch"

Mitch's chickens have come home to roost.
I could watch this video all day! If “Moscow Mitch” thinks that this is going to stop, he’s mistaken. I hope that people continue this chant everywhere he goes until he is voted out of office. If there is anyone on this planet that deserves a good throat punch it’s this guy. He has literally refused to let any bills get voted on that would help prevent Russia interfering in our next election. He is more concerned with re-electing Trump than stopping Russia from interfering in our election process. Mitch McConnell is a TRAITOR!

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McConnell On Stage At Fancy Farm Picnic As Crowd Chants "Moscow Mitch"

Mitch's chickens have come home to roost.

Commie chickens stopped fellating Russia for the first time in 100 years. Hilarious!!!
I could watch this video all day! If “Moscow Mitch” thinks that this is going to stop, he’s mistaken. I hope that people continue this chant everywhere he goes until he is voted out of office. If there is anyone on this planet that deserves a good throat punch it’s this guy. He has literally refused to let any bills get voted on that would help prevent Russia interfering in our next election. He is more concerned with re-electing Trump than stopping Russia from interfering in our election process. Mitch McConnell is a TRAITOR!

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McConnell On Stage At Fancy Farm Picnic As Crowd Chants "Moscow Mitch"

Lefties are such NPCs.

You are a fucking mindless bot.

You parrot whatever your liberal overlords tell you to say.
FU col. and your ah band of racists Just keep kissing trumps ass

You are such a brainless and feckless sheep. Such a puppet of your left wing marionettes. I hope you are like 17. If you are over 25, you’re really dumb.

You never actually, discuss anything. You are a intellectual lightweight. I am surprised you don’t drown when it’s raining,

Your idea of discussion is for us all to blindly agree with everything you say. Not going to happen, cupcake.

Making Trumpsters.

Ocasio-Cortez, Omar, Pressley All Refuse to Condemn Antifa Terror Attack on ICE Facility

I know full well it is a war. All the targets of Mass Shootings have been within The Conservative and GOP Demographic Groups.

Country Music Concerts, Walmart, Immigration Centers, Court Houses, Synagogues, Food Festivals, Churches, Congressional Softball Practice, A Republican Entertainment District in Dayton, Assassinations of Police Officers. Most of the attacks over the last 10 years have been carried out by Radical Islamocists, or their Radical Left Allies.

One small problem with your information. It's about 75% false. Over 75% of the political motivated violence has been done from the rightwing. But don't let that little fact get in your way in a good rant.
Wrong. Do your research.

ANTIFA SCUM and DEMNAZI Loyalists all believe in taking power through Rebellion, Sedition, and THE RESISTANCE which is a Democrat Lead Initiative based on Sedition, Slander, Libel, Propaganda, and Violence and Intimidation.

All three shooters have been proven to be Leftists.

The one in Walmart was clearly operating on the Trumpsters bidding. He even made his Manifesto that mirrored much of what your strumpster has said in the past. You can keep saying this over and over but no matter how many times you say a lie, it's still a lie. No free rides.

And the ANTIFA shooter in Dayton was triggered by the left.

He was triggered by poor mental health. Unlike the Walmart Shooter, the Dayton shooter didn't have any political reason. He just wanted to kill and be killed. Trying to use sane mentality on someone like that just doesn't work. He had been building up to it for a long time. And he didn't give a rats ass if he killed a right winger or a leftwinger. Keep telling that lie. No matter how many times you tell it, it's still a lie.

You don’t understand sarcasm and irony...I get it.
It's really not resonating like lefties thought it would despite the amateurish photo shopped junk that the left interprets as a political argument. Here's the deal, democrats were in charge and they hired a foreign agent who may have been a Russian stooge in order to disrupt the election. Hoards of illegals are massing at the border but the democrat majority blocks every effort to fix it. A two year investigation exonerated the President of the ludicrous charge of "collusion" but the left remains insane. How long is the mainstream media going to continue to be the propaganda arm of Russian stooges in the democrat party?
I could watch this video all day! If “Moscow Mitch” thinks that this is going to stop, he’s mistaken. I hope that people continue this chant everywhere he goes until he is voted out of office. If there is anyone on this planet that deserves a good throat punch it’s this guy. He has literally refused to let any bills get voted on that would help prevent Russia interfering in our next election. He is more concerned with re-electing Trump than stopping Russia from interfering in our election process. Mitch McConnell is a TRAITOR!

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McConnell On Stage At Fancy Farm Picnic As Crowd Chants "Moscow Mitch"

I looked at his opponent. She's actually running as a trump supporter. In WV, if you don't support Trump, you are toast. Even a Democrat had better at least pay lip service to Trump. Her speeches are closely monitored not do say anything negative about Trump. But she's a bear when it comes to McConnel. And you can see what affect it's having.
It's a shame when something stinks as badly as Trump and McConnell people are not allowed to speak out Look at the repub cowards in the Senate Their silence about the evil pos trump speaks 1000 words
The person who named McConnell.... Moscow Mitch is much more then a picture. He is psychopath murderer who you love. One day you will get your Karma Suetra. The Lake of Fire has not received its commupance yet.
Let us know if he hires a foreign ex spy and buys Russian Counter-Intelligence propaganda to use in an election...

:p. Bwuhahahahaha
Laugh all you 'd like to but this REpub POS is a traitor doing his best to get trump re elected And you supporting the scum doesn't speak well of you either
Time to use voter registration rolls to identify and attack all Republicans. They are trying to get Trump re-elected.
I could watch this video all day! If “Moscow Mitch” thinks that this is going to stop, he’s mistaken. I hope that people continue this chant everywhere he goes until he is voted out of office. If there is anyone on this planet that deserves a good throat punch it’s this guy. He has literally refused to let any bills get voted on that would help prevent Russia interfering in our next election. He is more concerned with re-electing Trump than stopping Russia from interfering in our election process. Mitch McConnell is a TRAITOR!

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McConnell On Stage At Fancy Farm Picnic As Crowd Chants "Moscow Mitch"

I looked at his opponent. She's actually running as a trump supporter. In WV, if you don't support Trump, you are toast. Even a Democrat had better at least pay lip service to Trump. Her speeches are closely monitored not do say anything negative about Trump. But she's a bear when it comes to McConnel. And you can see what affect it's having.
It's a shame when something stinks as badly as Trump and McConnell people are not allowed to speak out Look at the repub cowards in the Senate Their silence about the evil pos trump speaks 1000 words
The person who named McConnell.... Moscow Mitch is much more then a picture. He is psychopath murderer who you love. One day you will get your Karma Suetra. The Lake of Fire has not received its commupance yet.
Please!! Trump is no more than garbage pulled up from the NY sewers by republicans
It's really not resonating like lefties thought it would despite the amateurish photo shopped junk that the left interprets as a political argument. Here's the deal, democrats were in charge and they hired a foreign agent who may have been a Russian stooge in order to disrupt the election. Hoards of illegals are massing at the border but the democrat majority blocks every effort to fix it. A two year investigation exonerated the President of the ludicrous charge of "collusion" but the left remains insane. How long is the mainstream media going to continue to be the propaganda arm of Russian stooges in the democrat party?
Was he exonerated for obstruction ?? Seems to me there are 10 possible charges awaiting him if he loses in 2020
It's really not resonating like lefties thought it would despite the amateurish photo shopped junk that the left interprets as a political argument. Here's the deal, democrats were in charge and they hired a foreign agent who may have been a Russian stooge in order to disrupt the election. Hoards of illegals are massing at the border but the democrat majority blocks every effort to fix it. A two year investigation exonerated the President of the ludicrous charge of "collusion" but the left remains insane. How long is the mainstream media going to continue to be the propaganda arm of Russian stooges in the democrat party?

Rave on lunatic. The Bills that the House has presented along those lines have all been met by Moscow Mitch who put them in the hold file which is very similar to the round file. Glad Moscow Mitch is going to be working for the Aluminum Factory he sponsored in by the Russians.
It's really not resonating like lefties thought it would despite the amateurish photo shopped junk that the left interprets as a political argument. Here's the deal, democrats were in charge and they hired a foreign agent who may have been a Russian stooge in order to disrupt the election. Hoards of illegals are massing at the border but the democrat majority blocks every effort to fix it. A two year investigation exonerated the President of the ludicrous charge of "collusion" but the left remains insane. How long is the mainstream media going to continue to be the propaganda arm of Russian stooges in the democrat party?

Rave on lunatic. The Bills that the House has presented along those lines have all been met by Moscow Mitch who put them in the hold file which is very similar to the round file. Glad Moscow Mitch is going to be working for the Aluminum Factory he sponsored in by the Russians.
the factory that donates to trump him and his wife?
It's really not resonating like lefties thought it would despite the amateurish photo shopped junk that the left interprets as a political argument. Here's the deal, democrats were in charge and they hired a foreign agent who may have been a Russian stooge in order to disrupt the election. Hoards of illegals are massing at the border but the democrat majority blocks every effort to fix it. A two year investigation exonerated the President of the ludicrous charge of "collusion" but the left remains insane. How long is the mainstream media going to continue to be the propaganda arm of Russian stooges in the democrat party?

Rave on lunatic. The Bills that the House has presented along those lines have all been met by Moscow Mitch who put them in the hold file which is very similar to the round file. Glad Moscow Mitch is going to be working for the Aluminum Factory he sponsored in by the Russians.

He put them in the Reid file?
It's really not resonating like lefties thought it would despite the amateurish photo shopped junk that the left interprets as a political argument. Here's the deal, democrats were in charge and they hired a foreign agent who may have been a Russian stooge in order to disrupt the election. Hoards of illegals are massing at the border but the democrat majority blocks every effort to fix it. A two year investigation exonerated the President of the ludicrous charge of "collusion" but the left remains insane. How long is the mainstream media going to continue to be the propaganda arm of Russian stooges in the democrat party?

Rave on lunatic. The Bills that the House has presented along those lines have all been met by Moscow Mitch who put them in the hold file which is very similar to the round file. Glad Moscow Mitch is going to be working for the Aluminum Factory he sponsored in by the Russians.
the factory that donates to trump him and his wife?

Here is a good one. Malania is terrified of Putin. I wonder why.

Why are The Democrat Terrorist Organizations like ANTIFA and KKK standing outside Mitch's house while he is healing from a broken shoulder and shouting death threats to him at 3:00 AM?

Why are you Doxing Republicans and inciting Violence and Murder against them?

Why are you embracing violent fascism and communism and refusing to denounce The Leftist Organizations that sponsored and encouraged Mass Shootings?
This is a war. Don't you recognize it when you see it?

Ocasio-Cortez, Omar, Pressley All Refuse to Condemn Antifa Terror Attack on ICE Facility

I know full well it is a war. All the targets of Mass Shootings have been within The Conservative and GOP Demographic Groups.

Country Music Concerts, Walmart, Immigration Centers, Court Houses, Synagogues, Food Festivals, Churches, Congressional Softball Practice, A Republican Entertainment District in Dayton, Assassinations of Police Officers. Most of the attacks over the last 10 years have been carried out by Radical Islamocists, or their Radical Left Allies.

One small problem with your information. It's about 75% false. Over 75% of the political motivated violence has been done from the rightwing. But don't let that little fact get in your way in a good rant.
Wrong. Do your research.

ANTIFA SCUM and DEMNAZI Loyalists all believe in taking power through Rebellion, Sedition, and THE RESISTANCE which is a Democrat Lead Initiative based on Sedition, Slander, Libel, Propaganda, and Violence and Intimidation.

All three shooters have been proven to be Leftists.

The one in Walmart was clearly operating on the Trumpsters bidding. He even made his Manifesto that mirrored much of what your strumpster has said in the past. You can keep saying this over and over but no matter how many times you say a lie, it's still a lie. No free rides.
You are completely wrong. Your Narrative that you generated is nothing but lies. They have quotes from the Snowflake, and he checks off every box as a Liberal Fascist.

Social Justice Warrior
Global Warming Convert
Free Universal Health Care
Guaranteed Income
Free College

He also had a "Hit List"

Jewish and Christian Churches
Law Enforcement
Republican Politicians
And Smelly Walmart Shoppers

All three mass shooters were Leftist Snowflakes. So were The Synagogue Shooters, The Pulse Nightclub Shooter, The Congressional Softball Practice Shooter.

And it makes perfect sense since these people, like all Leftists I have ever met, are Emotionally Fragile and easily triggered.

I mean, seriously, you people riot if you disagree with a Conservative Speaker at a University and try to "Burn that Bitch Down"


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