Moscow Mitch

This is a war. Don't you recognize it when you see it?

Ocasio-Cortez, Omar, Pressley All Refuse to Condemn Antifa Terror Attack on ICE Facility

I know full well it is a war. All the targets of Mass Shootings have been within The Conservative and GOP Demographic Groups.

Country Music Concerts, Walmart, Immigration Centers, Court Houses, Synagogues, Food Festivals, Churches, Congressional Softball Practice, A Republican Entertainment District in Dayton, Assassinations of Police Officers. Most of the attacks over the last 10 years have been carried out by Radical Islamocists, or their Radical Left Allies.

One small problem with your information. It's about 75% false. Over 75% of the political motivated violence has been done from the rightwing. But don't let that little fact get in your way in a good rant.
Wrong. Do your research.

ANTIFA SCUM and DEMNAZI Loyalists all believe in taking power through Rebellion, Sedition, and THE RESISTANCE which is a Democrat Lead Initiative based on Sedition, Slander, Libel, Propaganda, and Violence and Intimidation.

All three shooters have been proven to be Leftists.

The one in Walmart was clearly operating on the Trumpsters bidding. He even made his Manifesto that mirrored much of what your strumpster has said in the past. You can keep saying this over and over but no matter how many times you say a lie, it's still a lie. No free rides.
You are completely wrong. Your Narrative that you generated is nothing but lies. They have quotes from the Snowflake, and he checks off every box as a Liberal Fascist.

Social Justice Warrior
Global Warming Convert
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He also had a "Hit List"

Jewish and Christian Churches
Law Enforcement
Republican Politicians
And Smelly Walmart Shoppers

All three mass shooters were Leftist Snowflakes. So were The Synagogue Shooters, The Pulse Nightclub Shooter, The Congressional Softball Practice Shooter.

And it makes perfect sense since these people, like all Leftists I have ever met, are Emotionally Fragile and easily triggered.

I mean, seriously, you people riot if you disagree with a Conservative Speaker at a University and try to "Burn that Bitch Down"


If you tell a lie enough times can that make it true? Nope, it's still a lie. And you are lying.
Ocasio-Cortez, Omar, Pressley All Refuse to Condemn Antifa Terror Attack on ICE Facility

I know full well it is a war. All the targets of Mass Shootings have been within The Conservative and GOP Demographic Groups.

Country Music Concerts, Walmart, Immigration Centers, Court Houses, Synagogues, Food Festivals, Churches, Congressional Softball Practice, A Republican Entertainment District in Dayton, Assassinations of Police Officers. Most of the attacks over the last 10 years have been carried out by Radical Islamocists, or their Radical Left Allies.

One small problem with your information. It's about 75% false. Over 75% of the political motivated violence has been done from the rightwing. But don't let that little fact get in your way in a good rant.
Wrong. Do your research.

ANTIFA SCUM and DEMNAZI Loyalists all believe in taking power through Rebellion, Sedition, and THE RESISTANCE which is a Democrat Lead Initiative based on Sedition, Slander, Libel, Propaganda, and Violence and Intimidation.

All three shooters have been proven to be Leftists.

The one in Walmart was clearly operating on the Trumpsters bidding. He even made his Manifesto that mirrored much of what your strumpster has said in the past. You can keep saying this over and over but no matter how many times you say a lie, it's still a lie. No free rides.
You are completely wrong. Your Narrative that you generated is nothing but lies. They have quotes from the Snowflake, and he checks off every box as a Liberal Fascist.

Social Justice Warrior
Global Warming Convert
Free Universal Health Care
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Free College

He also had a "Hit List"

Jewish and Christian Churches
Law Enforcement
Republican Politicians
And Smelly Walmart Shoppers

All three mass shooters were Leftist Snowflakes. So were The Synagogue Shooters, The Pulse Nightclub Shooter, The Congressional Softball Practice Shooter.

And it makes perfect sense since these people, like all Leftists I have ever met, are Emotionally Fragile and easily triggered.

I mean, seriously, you people riot if you disagree with a Conservative Speaker at a University and try to "Burn that Bitch Down"


If you tell a lie enough times can that make it true? Nope, it's still a lie. And you are lying.

I see by your message count that you have told over 10,000 lies here.

All mass murders are usually Leftists

Hitler - Socialist Leftist
Stalin - Communist Leftist
Mao - Communist Leftist
Margaret Sanger - Socialist Leftist

Here is an excellent coverage of Moscow Mitch. Moscow Mitch might be in serious trouble when he leaves office.

Did you get tired of defending Moscow Mueller and claiming that Hillary Clinton and Obama Bin Lying never bought Russian Propaganda from PUTIN?
One small problem with your information. It's about 75% false. Over 75% of the political motivated violence has been done from the rightwing. But don't let that little fact get in your way in a good rant.
Wrong. Do your research.

ANTIFA SCUM and DEMNAZI Loyalists all believe in taking power through Rebellion, Sedition, and THE RESISTANCE which is a Democrat Lead Initiative based on Sedition, Slander, Libel, Propaganda, and Violence and Intimidation.

All three shooters have been proven to be Leftists.

The one in Walmart was clearly operating on the Trumpsters bidding. He even made his Manifesto that mirrored much of what your strumpster has said in the past. You can keep saying this over and over but no matter how many times you say a lie, it's still a lie. No free rides.
You are completely wrong. Your Narrative that you generated is nothing but lies. They have quotes from the Snowflake, and he checks off every box as a Liberal Fascist.

Social Justice Warrior
Global Warming Convert
Free Universal Health Care
Guaranteed Income
Free College

He also had a "Hit List"

Jewish and Christian Churches
Law Enforcement
Republican Politicians
And Smelly Walmart Shoppers

All three mass shooters were Leftist Snowflakes. So were The Synagogue Shooters, The Pulse Nightclub Shooter, The Congressional Softball Practice Shooter.

And it makes perfect sense since these people, like all Leftists I have ever met, are Emotionally Fragile and easily triggered.

I mean, seriously, you people riot if you disagree with a Conservative Speaker at a University and try to "Burn that Bitch Down"


If you tell a lie enough times can that make it true? Nope, it's still a lie. And you are lying.

I see by your message count that you have told over 10,000 lies here.

All mass murders are usually Leftists

Hitler - Socialist Leftist
Stalin - Communist Leftist
Mao - Communist Leftist
Margaret Sanger - Socialist Leftist

You got 3 out of 4 right.

Hate to break it to you but you can put the words Socialist in the name of anything but that doesn't make it socialist or communist. Hitler was a right wing Fascist who fashioned his Government in the manner of his hero, Mussolini. Both did not confiscate the guns from the common people. They did confiscate the guns from those that opposed them. Both of them used the ultra rich to come to power and stay in power. Both of them were hard core Capitalists. But what you see is what they turned into which is what every out of control Capitalist controlled Government does just like every out of control Socialist controlled government does and that is a Dictatorship. I won't bother trying to explain it to you since you don't have the capacity to learn. You only go by what you hear on the radio and TV in your narrow brand of "Entertainment" news.

The sooner we boot the Trump and his criminals including Moscow Mitch out of office the better this nation will be. But it's going to take at least a decade to put the Republican Party back together again. Until then, the Indies will be the largest block of voters and you Trumpets are far outnumbered by us. You broke it and then you say, it was the other guy but trust us, we can fix it.
Here is an excellent coverage of Moscow Mitch. Moscow Mitch might be in serious trouble when he leaves office.

Did you get tired of defending Moscow Mueller and claiming that Hillary Clinton and Obama Bin Lying never bought Russian Propaganda from PUTIN?

Obama is not the President. He holds no office in any government. Hillary does not hold any office in the Government. Your weak kneed misdirection is noted. And Obama tried to get Congress to take a good hard look into the Russian problem in 2016 but it was blocked by Moscow Mitch. We are just now learning why.
Wrong. Do your research.

ANTIFA SCUM and DEMNAZI Loyalists all believe in taking power through Rebellion, Sedition, and THE RESISTANCE which is a Democrat Lead Initiative based on Sedition, Slander, Libel, Propaganda, and Violence and Intimidation.

All three shooters have been proven to be Leftists.

The one in Walmart was clearly operating on the Trumpsters bidding. He even made his Manifesto that mirrored much of what your strumpster has said in the past. You can keep saying this over and over but no matter how many times you say a lie, it's still a lie. No free rides.
You are completely wrong. Your Narrative that you generated is nothing but lies. They have quotes from the Snowflake, and he checks off every box as a Liberal Fascist.

Social Justice Warrior
Global Warming Convert
Free Universal Health Care
Guaranteed Income
Free College

He also had a "Hit List"

Jewish and Christian Churches
Law Enforcement
Republican Politicians
And Smelly Walmart Shoppers

All three mass shooters were Leftist Snowflakes. So were The Synagogue Shooters, The Pulse Nightclub Shooter, The Congressional Softball Practice Shooter.

And it makes perfect sense since these people, like all Leftists I have ever met, are Emotionally Fragile and easily triggered.

I mean, seriously, you people riot if you disagree with a Conservative Speaker at a University and try to "Burn that Bitch Down"


If you tell a lie enough times can that make it true? Nope, it's still a lie. And you are lying.

I see by your message count that you have told over 10,000 lies here.

All mass murders are usually Leftists

Hitler - Socialist Leftist
Stalin - Communist Leftist
Mao - Communist Leftist
Margaret Sanger - Socialist Leftist

You got 3 out of 4 right.

Hate to break it to you but you can put the words Socialist in the name of anything but that doesn't make it socialist or communist. Hitler was a right wing Fascist who fashioned his Government in the manner of his hero, Mussolini. Both did not confiscate the guns from the common people. They did confiscate the guns from those that opposed them. Both of them used the ultra rich to come to power and stay in power. Both of them were hard core Capitalists. But what you see is what they turned into which is what every out of control Capitalist controlled Government does just like every out of control Socialist controlled government does and that is a Dictatorship. I won't bother trying to explain it to you since you don't have the capacity to learn. You only go by what you hear on the radio and TV in your narrow brand of "Entertainment" news.

The sooner we boot the Trump and his criminals including Moscow Mitch out of office the better this nation will be. But it's going to take at least a decade to put the Republican Party back together again. Until then, the Indies will be the largest block of voters and you Trumpets are far outnumbered by us. You broke it and then you say, it was the other guy but trust us, we can fix it.
Has Putin's Bobble Head Doll become lodged in your ANUS?
Who is this "Moscow Mitch'?
Nobody seems to know but you.

The Trump Administration has been tougher on Russia than any administration previous.

So nobody really knows what you geigh terds are talking about.

Care to explain that to us....what has you all in a rage?
You aren't near a gun store are you today?
The one in Walmart was clearly operating on the Trumpsters bidding. He even made his Manifesto that mirrored much of what your strumpster has said in the past. You can keep saying this over and over but no matter how many times you say a lie, it's still a lie. No free rides.
You are completely wrong. Your Narrative that you generated is nothing but lies. They have quotes from the Snowflake, and he checks off every box as a Liberal Fascist.

Social Justice Warrior
Global Warming Convert
Free Universal Health Care
Guaranteed Income
Free College

He also had a "Hit List"

Jewish and Christian Churches
Law Enforcement
Republican Politicians
And Smelly Walmart Shoppers

All three mass shooters were Leftist Snowflakes. So were The Synagogue Shooters, The Pulse Nightclub Shooter, The Congressional Softball Practice Shooter.

And it makes perfect sense since these people, like all Leftists I have ever met, are Emotionally Fragile and easily triggered.

I mean, seriously, you people riot if you disagree with a Conservative Speaker at a University and try to "Burn that Bitch Down"


If you tell a lie enough times can that make it true? Nope, it's still a lie. And you are lying.

I see by your message count that you have told over 10,000 lies here.

All mass murders are usually Leftists

Hitler - Socialist Leftist
Stalin - Communist Leftist
Mao - Communist Leftist
Margaret Sanger - Socialist Leftist

You got 3 out of 4 right.

Hate to break it to you but you can put the words Socialist in the name of anything but that doesn't make it socialist or communist. Hitler was a right wing Fascist who fashioned his Government in the manner of his hero, Mussolini. Both did not confiscate the guns from the common people. They did confiscate the guns from those that opposed them. Both of them used the ultra rich to come to power and stay in power. Both of them were hard core Capitalists. But what you see is what they turned into which is what every out of control Capitalist controlled Government does just like every out of control Socialist controlled government does and that is a Dictatorship. I won't bother trying to explain it to you since you don't have the capacity to learn. You only go by what you hear on the radio and TV in your narrow brand of "Entertainment" news.

The sooner we boot the Trump and his criminals including Moscow Mitch out of office the better this nation will be. But it's going to take at least a decade to put the Republican Party back together again. Until then, the Indies will be the largest block of voters and you Trumpets are far outnumbered by us. You broke it and then you say, it was the other guy but trust us, we can fix it.
Has Putin's Bobble Head Doll become lodged in your ANUS?
Who is this "Moscow Mitch'?
Nobody seems to know but you.

The Trump Administration has been tougher on Russia than any administration previous.

So nobody really knows what you geigh terds are talking about.

Care to explain that to us....what has you all in a rage?
You aren't near a gun store are you today?

I would say that you are just playing stupid but I don't think you are playing at it, Comrade.
I could watch this video all day! If “Moscow Mitch” thinks that this is going to stop, he’s mistaken. I hope that people continue this chant everywhere he goes until he is voted out of office. If there is anyone on this planet that deserves a good throat punch it’s this guy. He has literally refused to let any bills get voted on that would help prevent Russia interfering in our next election. He is more concerned with re-electing Trump than stopping Russia from interfering in our election process. Mitch McConnell is a TRAITOR!

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McConnell On Stage At Fancy Farm Picnic As Crowd Chants "Moscow Mitch"

Mitch McConnell Rails Against ‘Moscow Mitch’ Nickname: It’s ‘Over The Top’

It's getting under his skin. Good. He deserves it.
I could watch this video all day! If “Moscow Mitch” thinks that this is going to stop, he’s mistaken. I hope that people continue this chant everywhere he goes until he is voted out of office. If there is anyone on this planet that deserves a good throat punch it’s this guy. He has literally refused to let any bills get voted on that would help prevent Russia interfering in our next election. He is more concerned with re-electing Trump than stopping Russia from interfering in our election process. Mitch McConnell is a TRAITOR!

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McConnell On Stage At Fancy Farm Picnic As Crowd Chants "Moscow Mitch"

I looked at his opponent. She's actually running as a trump supporter. In WV, if you don't support Trump, you are toast. Even a Democrat had better at least pay lip service to Trump. Her speeches are closely monitored not do say anything negative about Trump. But she's a bear when it comes to McConnel. And you can see what affect it's having.

Hey dumb ass, why would Mitch be running against someone in WV, he's form Kentucky.

I could watch this video all day! If “Moscow Mitch” thinks that this is going to stop, he’s mistaken. I hope that people continue this chant everywhere he goes until he is voted out of office. If there is anyone on this planet that deserves a good throat punch it’s this guy. He has literally refused to let any bills get voted on that would help prevent Russia interfering in our next election. He is more concerned with re-electing Trump than stopping Russia from interfering in our election process. Mitch McConnell is a TRAITOR!

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McConnell On Stage At Fancy Farm Picnic As Crowd Chants "Moscow Mitch"

Mitch's chickens have come home to roost.

Can you say commie astroturf?

It's really not resonating like lefties thought it would despite the amateurish photo shopped junk that the left interprets as a political argument. Here's the deal, democrats were in charge and they hired a foreign agent who may have been a Russian stooge in order to disrupt the election. Hoards of illegals are massing at the border but the democrat majority blocks every effort to fix it. A two year investigation exonerated the President of the ludicrous charge of "collusion" but the left remains insane. How long is the mainstream media going to continue to be the propaganda arm of Russian stooges in the democrat party?
Was he exonerated for obstruction ?? Seems to me there are 10 possible charges awaiting him if he loses in 2020

You're a fucking liar, he was cleared of obstruction.

It's really not resonating like lefties thought it would despite the amateurish photo shopped junk that the left interprets as a political argument. Here's the deal, democrats were in charge and they hired a foreign agent who may have been a Russian stooge in order to disrupt the election. Hoards of illegals are massing at the border but the democrat majority blocks every effort to fix it. A two year investigation exonerated the President of the ludicrous charge of "collusion" but the left remains insane. How long is the mainstream media going to continue to be the propaganda arm of Russian stooges in the democrat party?

Rave on lunatic. The Bills that the House has presented along those lines have all been met by Moscow Mitch who put them in the hold file which is very similar to the round file. Glad Moscow Mitch is going to be working for the Aluminum Factory he sponsored in by the Russians.

Harry Reid trained those round files well, they just automatically suck up the oppositions bills. :laughing0301:

I could watch this video all day! If “Moscow Mitch” thinks that this is going to stop, he’s mistaken. I hope that people continue this chant everywhere he goes until he is voted out of office. If there is anyone on this planet that deserves a good throat punch it’s this guy. He has literally refused to let any bills get voted on that would help prevent Russia interfering in our next election. He is more concerned with re-electing Trump than stopping Russia from interfering in our election process. Mitch McConnell is a TRAITOR!

About this website


McConnell On Stage At Fancy Farm Picnic As Crowd Chants "Moscow Mitch"

Mitch's chickens have come home to roost.

Can you say commie astroturf?

Moscow Mitch has overstepped and people have had it.
I could watch this video all day! If “Moscow Mitch” thinks that this is going to stop, he’s mistaken. I hope that people continue this chant everywhere he goes until he is voted out of office. If there is anyone on this planet that deserves a good throat punch it’s this guy. He has literally refused to let any bills get voted on that would help prevent Russia interfering in our next election. He is more concerned with re-electing Trump than stopping Russia from interfering in our election process. Mitch McConnell is a TRAITOR!
Oh look, another de-bunked propaganda-pushing snowflake who can't let go of the Left's 'Russian Collusion' any more than they can finally come to grips with the outcome of the 2016 election....

Time for people to activate their 'Stupid' Filter to make ignoring these idiots and any reference to Russia / Moscow in an attack on Conservatives / Russians easier....and time to pray that they find a cure soon for their debilitating mental illness.

I could watch this video all day! If “Moscow Mitch” thinks that this is going to stop, he’s mistaken. I hope that people continue this chant everywhere he goes until he is voted out of office. If there is anyone on this planet that deserves a good throat punch it’s this guy. He has literally refused to let any bills get voted on that would help prevent Russia interfering in our next election. He is more concerned with re-electing Trump than stopping Russia from interfering in our election process. Mitch McConnell is a TRAITOR!
Oh look, another de-bunked propaganda-pushing snowflake who can't let go of the Left's 'Russian Collusion' any more than they can finally come to grips with the outcome of the 2016 election....

Time for people to activate their 'Stupid' Filter to make ignoring these idiots and any reference to Russia / Moscow in an attack on Conservatives / Russians easier....and time to pray that they find a cure soon for their debilitating mental illness.

Sure easy ,lets forget all about Russia helping trump win an election and forget about how the scum in our WH welcomes their help again Are you living in a cave ? and don't give a shit for america just Republicans?
I could watch this video all day! If “Moscow Mitch” thinks that this is going to stop, he’s mistaken. I hope that people continue this chant everywhere he goes until he is voted out of office. If there is anyone on this planet that deserves a good throat punch it’s this guy. He has literally refused to let any bills get voted on that would help prevent Russia interfering in our next election. He is more concerned with re-electing Trump than stopping Russia from interfering in our election process. Mitch McConnell is a TRAITOR!
Oh look, another de-bunked propaganda-pushing snowflake who can't let go of the Left's 'Russian Collusion' any more than they can finally come to grips with the outcome of the 2016 election....

Time for people to activate their 'Stupid' Filter to make ignoring these idiots and any reference to Russia / Moscow in an attack on Conservatives / Russians easier....and time to pray that they find a cure soon for their debilitating mental illness.

Sure easy ,lets forget all about Russia helping trump win an election and forget about how the scum in our WH welcomes their help again Are you living in a cave ? and don't give a shit for america just Republicans?

How many of your friends were tricked into changing their Hillary vote......because of Russian memes?
Sure easy ,lets forget all about Russia helping trump win an election and forget about how the scum in our WH welcomes their help again
Dude, you SERIOUSLY need f*ing psychiatric help! I urge the monitors on the board to release your name and information to the authorities in compliance with the Red Flag Laws that prevent mentally unstable people like you from being able to own or have a firearm in their possession.

That BS 'Russia Collusion' Obama Coup Cover Story was obliterated long ago, reduced to ash the moment Mueller sat before Congress and revealed he was a puppet / figurehead who sat in an empty office every day coloring, eating a snake, and enjoying his juice box while Weismann ran Obama's Witch Hunt.

It was razed when it was revealed Hillary Clinton paid a foreign Trump-hating spy for Russian Counter-Intelligence propaganda fed to her and Obama's team, which they used illegally in an attempt to alter an election and used in a failed attempt to pull off their coup of an elected President of the united States.

It was utterly rendered useless when it was reported not 1 single vote was ever changed form Hillary to Trump during an election altered by Democrats who protected Hillary from indictment / prison so she could remain the DNC candidate instead of occupying a prison cell.

Even the Democratic Party politicians and their surrogate propaganda-pushing Leftist media REFUSE to continue to push this exposed lie / coup attempt cover story because it has been so thoroughly and completely exposed as THEIR illegal attempt to alter / control the outcome of an election.

The only people still pushing the crap are snowflakes like yourself who hide out on USMB, the last bastion of reality-denying snowflakes, where they can huddle together with other reality-denying Trump-haters, verbally pat each other on the ass, and support each other as they cling to the alternate reality where they claim Trump did what Barry, Hillary, Donna Brazil actually tried to do but got caught - attempting to alter / control the 2016 election results.

As I said, you need SERIOUS psychiatric help...

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