Moscow Mitch

What happened to Moscow Mueller?
Getting bashed by lying republicans that don't know their ass from their elbows
How many Russian Edwards does it take to give Putin his Daily Blow Job?
Trump has been down there for almost 3 years Don't worry Tree your turn is next

Why do you give Putin a reach around every day?
That's a question best answered by the guy who's in Putins Pocket Your master Trump
The Fake Russia Hoax is old news and as stale as your pickup lines at a bar. No wonder you are a frustrated lonely dork & snowflake.

Why do you play pocket pool with Putin, China, and Iran? And do you have a favorite set of balls you like to play with?
That's a question best answered by the guy who's in Putins Pocket Your master Trump
Yet another attempt to push a debunked false narrative after it has been proven that it was Hillary who lined her pockets with Russian Rubles in exchange for some influence / effort in favor of Putin's effort to acquire uranium.

She is the same person who paid a Trump-hating, Obama Coup-Assisting, Foreign Spy for Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda in an attempt to alter / control a Presidential election even MORE than she , Barry, his administration, and the DNC had already done by protecting her from Indictment and GIVING her the nomination in 2016.

The man who coined that name for McConnell is a deep state fraud. He was what you would skewer. He did not change. He gets paid well for a few hundred thousand people watching nationally. He even got away with murder. We have had a grace period of looking at our elected officials and gather introspection. We have learned nothing. Its Progs and Non Progs with people voting for what is shoved at us.
The man who coined that name for McConnell is a deep state fraud. He was what you would skewer. He did not change. He gets paid well for a few hundred thousand people watching nationally. He even got away with murder. We have had a grace period of looking at our elected officials and gather introspection. We have learned nothing. Its Progs and Non Progs with people voting for what is shoved at us.
WTF are you talking about?
I could watch this video all day! If “Moscow Mitch” thinks that this is going to stop, he’s mistaken. I hope that people continue this chant everywhere he goes until he is voted out of office. If there is anyone on this planet that deserves a good throat punch it’s this guy. He has literally refused to let any bills get voted on that would help prevent Russia interfering in our next election. He is more concerned with re-electing Trump than stopping Russia from interfering in our election process. Mitch McConnell is a TRAITOR!

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McConnell On Stage At Fancy Farm Picnic As Crowd Chants "Moscow Mitch"
I don't really like Mush-mouth Mitch, but an ass clown like you should shut the fuck up. Your nonsense is making him popular.

Wrong. Completely wrong. Voters in WV are seeing Mitch for what he really is, finally. A slimy weasel taking their health care away.
I could watch this video all day! If “Moscow Mitch” thinks that this is going to stop, he’s mistaken. I hope that people continue this chant everywhere he goes until he is voted out of office. If there is anyone on this planet that deserves a good throat punch it’s this guy. He has literally refused to let any bills get voted on that would help prevent Russia interfering in our next election. He is more concerned with re-electing Trump than stopping Russia from interfering in our election process. Mitch McConnell is a TRAITOR!

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McConnell On Stage At Fancy Farm Picnic As Crowd Chants "Moscow Mitch"
Why are The Democrat Terrorist Organizations like ANTIFA and KKK standing outside Mitch's house while he is healing from a broken shoulder and shouting death threats to him at 3:00 AM?

Why are you Doxing Republicans and inciting Violence and Murder against them?

Why are you embracing violent fascism and communism and refusing to denounce The Leftist Organizations that sponsored and encouraged Mass Shootings?
This is a war. Don't you recognize it when you see it?

Ocasio-Cortez, Omar, Pressley All Refuse to Condemn Antifa Terror Attack on ICE Facility

I know full well it is a war. All the targets of Mass Shootings have been within The Conservative and GOP Demographic Groups.

Country Music Concerts, Walmart, Immigration Centers, Court Houses, Synagogues, Food Festivals, Churches, Congressional Softball Practice, A Republican Entertainment District in Dayton, Assassinations of Police Officers. Most of the attacks over the last 10 years have been carried out by Radical Islamocists, or their Radical Left Allies.
Man, you fucking people have completely lost it.
Getting bashed by lying republicans that don't know their ass from their elbows
How many Russian Edwards does it take to give Putin his Daily Blow Job?
Trump has been down there for almost 3 years Don't worry Tree your turn is next

Why do you give Putin a reach around every day?
That's a question best answered by the guy who's in Putins Pocket Your master Trump
The Fake Russia Hoax is old news and as stale as your pickup lines at a bar. No wonder you are a frustrated lonely dork & snowflake.

Why do you play pocket pool with Putin, China, and Iran? And do you have a favorite set of balls you like to play with?
Not your ballz, Beotch!
Did you forget ,,the murderous leaders of Russia and China are Trumps best friends?
World leaders are supposed to meet with each other.
Are they supposed to ask for help from another country offering them lots of cash if they'd help find info to bash a dem presidential candidate? I'd say if and when that's proven we yank the pos out of the WH on his fat ass
Did you forget ,,the murderous leaders of Russia and China are Trumps best friends?
World leaders are supposed to meet with each other.
Are they supposed to ask for help from another country offering them lots of cash if they'd help find info to bash a dem presidential candidate? I'd say if and when that's proven we yank the pos out of the WH on his fat ass
Curious timing for Moscow Mitch to find Jesus (pun) and support funding for election security, what with the Trump hiding a quid pro quo with Ukraine.
...funny how snowflakes never gave a damn about the Ukraine when it was revealed Biden blackmailed them to drop charges on his son and when Barry's criminal administration worked with their foreign intelligence agents to go after Trump / Trump's team, but now that another Deep State Intel Agency conspirator has launched Coup Attempt 4.0 the Ukraine is the 'flavor of the month' again... :p
Once more Trump proves he's crazy repeating his Russian mistake asking them for help Now he asks Ukrain to help him get Bidens ?? Crazy is repeating the same mistake looking for a different result
Once more Trump proves he's crazy repeating his Russian mistake asking them for help Now he asks Ukrain to help him get Bidens ?? Crazy is repeating the same mistake looking for a different result
I just don't think he sees why its wrong to ask a for govt to help him in an election and to release money to get them to agree. And I don't think he saw anything wrong is asking Putin. It's how Trump does biz. This time though, his minions may not have cleared the documentary trail. I'm surprised Bill Barr hasn't had the IG guy disappeared.
Once more Trump proves he's crazy repeating his Russian mistake asking them for help Now he asks Ukrain to help him get Bidens ?? Crazy is repeating the same mistake looking for a different result
I just don't think he sees why its wrong to ask a for govt to help him in an election and to release money to get them to agree. And I don't think he saw anything wrong is asking Putin. It's how Trump does biz. This time though, his minions may not have cleared the documentary trail. I'm surprised Bill Barr hasn't had the IG guy disappeared.
AND Guiliani admitted asking Ukraine rep about Biden Just who do our republican dolts think put him up to that?
Once more Trump proves he's crazy repeating his Russian mistake asking them for help Now he asks Ukrain to help him get Bidens ?? Crazy is repeating the same mistake looking for a different result
I just don't think he sees why its wrong to ask a for govt to help him in an election and to release money to get them to agree. And I don't think he saw anything wrong is asking Putin. It's how Trump does biz. This time though, his minions may not have cleared the documentary trail. I'm surprised Bill Barr hasn't had the IG guy disappeared.
AND Guiliani admitted asking Ukraine rep about Biden Just who do our republican dolts think put him up to that?
Trump should stick to using Bill Barr to cover up crimes rather than Drunk Grandpa. LOL

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