Moscow under heavy security

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Fluid situation. Putin hasn't been seen or heard from.
No chance he took the 'Biden option'?
Whatever is happening in Moscow underscores how fortunate it is Joe Biden is POTUS now and not the bumblef**king moron Donald Trump.
Yeah, he be sucking up to Putin as we speak.
The absence in public of Putin so far in this crisis is striking
Biden option.... :biggrin:
Events going on in Russia make me thankful that we have a president who is steady, has surrounded himself with competent people in the NSC, Defense Dept and Intelligence community…and who doesn’t run our foreign policy by tweet.
Chicken man Joe Biden?
Yes, I remember Trump hiding in the White House bunker during peaceful Antifa marches in DC.
Then you must fondly remember Joe Biden's entire campaign in the basement , when they stole the election from Trump.
Both sides should at least attempt talks. It would suck if there was a nuclear incident that ends up effecting all of Earth.
Why would there be? Go to your hidey hole. You’re a sad excuse for an American. Maybe Trump has enough room in his bunker, if you have enough money.
Prigozhin ran a hot dog store in St Petersburg in the 1990s, later providing food for public officials, including Putin, who was his buddy at the time. he was known as "Putin's cook"
Prigozhin served 9 years in prison in the 80's for assaulting young men, bribery and fraud. he used his influence to get internet search engines to remove references to his criminal past
Prigozhin was and i believe still is wanted by the FBI for interfering in the 2016 US election!

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