Moscow under heavy security

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This is a good old fashioned coup attempt, boys and girls. Will the Muslim horde from Chechnya save Putin? Will Trump post on Twitter that Putin is a "genius"? Will the Trump cult switch sides from Putin to Prigozhin?

Stay tuned folks.
Joe Biden has been briefed on the chaotic situation in Russia with US officials describing it as “serious”

- The Telegraph
Live report from the United States: "Trump supporters remain confused this evening as a man their President admired greatly is facing an armed insurrection attempt that disgraced former President Trump thinks would have been a far better way to claim the Presidency in 2020 than inspiring a bunch of rednecks to attack and trash the United States Capitol Building. Stay tuned for further updates."
America somehow made it look like Russia attacked its own troops
It was America Khmer Rouge
This is a good old fashioned coup attempt, boys and girls. Will the Muslim horde from Chechnya save Putin? Will Trump post on Twitter that Putin is a "genius"? Will the Trump cult switch sides from Putin to Prigozhin?

Stay tuned folks.

Will he move his troops out of the Ukraine to deal with it?
Will he move his troops out of the Ukraine to deal with it?
Would it matter? And would they fight? And if they did fight, could they win? Not likely, unless you include the Air Force, heavy armor and perhaps special forces, most of whom would probably follow orders. We'll see. Wagner Group are infantry with more experience than any of the forces under Putin's command, time in Syria, Africa, and who knows where else. The Muslim horde from Chechnya will probably wait to see who is winning.
"if Putin gives the order to have me killed, I will be killed" - Mikhail Khorkosvky, Russian dissident who was jailed for 10 years but recently got out
Would it matter? And would they fight? And if they did fight, could they win? Not likely, unless you include the Air Force, heavy armor and perhaps special forces, most of whom would probably follow orders. We'll see. Wagner Group are infantry with more experience than any of the forces under Putin's command, time in Syria, Africa, and who knows where else. The Muslim horde from Chechnya will probably wait to see who is winning.

Yes it matter.
Scenario 1) Putin moves his troops out of the Ukraine and potentially Crimea to deal with the coup at home. Ukraine wins. Putin, even if he defeats the coup, is suddenly in a bad position.
2) Putin doesn't move troops, and he doesn't have enough troops to deal with the coup and is ousted.
Obvious there are other scenarios that are a mix of both.
Wagner hasn't denounced Putin, but has denounced rich oligarchs. Putin likes to have his high level people at each others' throats all the time.
However Putin has to choose one side or the other. And it seems to have gone past the point of no return. It would seem EASIER to attack Wagner, they're smaller than the military, and have less money and resources.

However they might be able to make life very uncomfortable.

This is a Ukrainian guy I've been watching recently, a bit of propaganda but informative none the less. I'm watching this video at the moment.
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