Moscow under heavy security

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Fluid situation. Putin hasn't been seen or heard from.

Just more of leftist propaganda, totally made up... how anyone can believe in any of this crap?

Tell the CIA you're planning a coup on Russia.
CIA gives you $6.2 billion dollars.
You do nothing, then run to Belarus.
It seems that CIA isn't what it used to be. I guess, it starts with diversity hires.

By the way, about the same time, the US government discovers $6.2 billion accounting error.
Fluid situation. Putin hasn't been seen or heard from.


Maybe give it 2-3 year before the Russian President Putin is shaking hands with either Trump or Biden.

Neocon - “ putin is the monster”

“ putin invaded Ukraine “

Ahh step back a second neocon …. The United States of America, invaded Iraq, Russia invaded Ukraine. Do you know how many millions of people in the world think America is the biggest terrorist in the world?

I’ve never understood all of these people who keep saying that Vladimir Putin is a monster, whether it’s the neoconservatives or the far left wing. I think most Americans and understand that warfare, violence, political intrigue is something that occurs in America and Russia, and every country of the world sure on different levels, but among the nuclear powers, it’s quite interesting
Head of US Intelligence Committee says success of Ukrainian intelligence depends on US.
Terrorist attacks in Russia are organized by Ukrainian intelligence. Their success also depends on the US?
There are countries which sponsor terrorism, and the U.S. is a country which fosters terrorism.

Will Putin now launch extensive purges of disloyal military offices and siloviki? Has Russia’s top Air Force general been arrested in connection with Wagner rebellion? Various reports would indicate this is the case.​

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Will Putin now launch extensive purges of disloyal military offices and siloviki? Has Russia’s top Air Force general been arrested in connection with Wagner rebellion? Various reports would indicate this is the case.​

This is why socialist militaries are usually really bad.........the paranoia of guys like putin and xi will kill off competent military commanders at all levels, leaving the kiss asses and those afraid of their own shadow for fear of being executed........
This is why socialist militaries are usually really bad.........the paranoia of guys like putin and xi will kill off competent military commanders at all levels, leaving the kiss asses and those afraid of their own shadow for fear of being executed........
The Russian military is not a “socialist military” and Russia is not a socialist state. But good try.
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