Mosque shooting in New Zealand

How did the lack of gun control lower the number of victims in PA?

How do you know he shot up the synagogue because he hated trump? Why shoot jews? Was it just after trump went to Israel?

Trump loves to fight. He might want to tone it down. He’s working everyone up on both sides.

The suspect in Pennsylvania made his motive clear, he hated Trump according to his social media. Trump Hatred drives a lot of people insane.
Is Trump threatening violence here?

Trump warned in an interview that his supporters could “play tough” and make things “very, very bad” if they “reach a certain point.” He cited the police, military and Bikers for Trump as his backers.

He didn’t define what that “certain point” might be in the Breitbart interview published Tuesday. But the implication was that his supporters would stand for a limited amount of political decisions that they opposed until the “tough people” made things “very, very bad.” Violence by a military opposed to political decisions would be a coup.

“I have the support of the police, the support of the military, the support of Bikers for Trump,” he said. “I have the tough people, but they don’t play it tough until they go to a certain point, and then it would be very bad, very bad.”

The president also noted that the “left” plays it “cuter and tougher.” But he didn’t indicate that the “left” would go overboard at any point.

Trump has hinted at possible violence by his supporters a number of times and has even supported it. During his campaign, he once encouraged supporters to “beat the crap out of” protesters, offering to pay the legal fees of anyone who did.

Trump hinted at possible violence by Bikers for Trump at a campaign rally last year for now-Sen. Josh Hawlery (R-Mo.). “They’re peaceful people, and antifa and all — they’d better hope they stay that way,” he said. The Washington Post said that Trump’s stated “hopes” at various times that the situation will remain peaceful provide him with “plausible deniability” should violence erupt.

But it’s “clear” from his repeated comments that he’s suggesting his supporters from the military, law enforcement and bikers “could be tempted to rise up if things don’t go Trump’s way,” the Post noted.

Trump’s former personal attorney and convicted felon Michael Cohen hinted at an American coup in his testimony before Congress earlier this month, warning that he feared if Trump didn’t win the 2020 election, he wouldn’t peacefully quit the presidency.

“Given my experience working for Mr. Trump, I fear that if he loses the election in 2020, that there will never be a peaceful transition of power,” Cohen told the House oversight committee.

Rump already threatened "riots" in the event he didn't win the 2016 election.

And needless to say all the exhortations to "beat the crap out of 'im" at his sermons, which was kind of like warming up pitchers in the bullpen.

During the 2016 election, Hillary Clinton hired Robert Creamer to recruit homeless and other activists to disrupt and cause fights at the President's rallies. Any violence associated with the Trumpster belongs to the Leftards.

Sure they did. Link?

The same asshat who sat here and tried to sell the idea that fricking worshipers in a church in New Zealand should have been packing.
Hypocrisy, in all its splendor, CNN talk about the fact that Muslims are hated by whites but all the terrorist attacks that were made by them Muslims against westerners is never serious. Pff what asshole world we live in today.

Muslim is not a "race" and they sometimes do allow whites to join. The shoe bomber and Cat Stevens are both Honky muslims.
Yes, i know is not a race, CNN is saying Anti-muslim is all around us.

The CNN globalist pigs are screaming about white racism. Yet they promote refugees and Islamic scum in Western countries. Extremism breeds extremism, they can’t just push radical ideas and not expect a response from the other side.
twit...had someone been armed, they could have stopped the shooter.....but no, you prefer the killers to be the only ones armed.

No, I prefer nobody be armed, because people like you who fantasize about shooting people all day genuinely scare me.

Nobody be armed...yeah that is realistic. OMG the dumbassery.
JoeB131 isn't known for being smart or right, almost ever!
Wrong .997 , that's JoeB.
Wow, the leftism got so bad they had to strike out at religion.

He was inspired in part by Trump and white supremacy.

Brenton Tarrant: Christchurch shootings suspect said Trump is 'symbol of white supremacy'

Do you really want to go down that path? <hint> It ends up with faggots like you dead.

Trump is not racist, I am not racist. Blacks have been in and fought for America since the beginning.

Leftist fucktards like you may need to be purged in order to get back to peace and harmony, though.

Cool, the guy who has a gay fetish in a thread with the guy who has the gun fetish.

I didn't make up the shooters reason for his acts, I'm simply showing you it's white supremacy and Donald Trump who at least in part inspired the guy. So, fuck off ya' butt hurt deranged Trump fanatic and deal with it.
Fuck you!
You always try to use posts/threads like this to further your singular reason which is your gun fetish, to post on USMB.
You never show an ounce of empathy for the victims. Never. This shows what piece of shit you really are.
Wow. That was a compelling, reasoned, rational, response - sure to sway intelligent, thinking people to your point of view.
Yeah. What a wordsmith...

The rage and hatred of the Leftists once again makes itself obvious.

As obvious as a right wingnut murdering 49 people?
Hypocrisy, in all its splendor, CNN talk about the fact that Muslims are hated by whites but all the terrorist attacks that were made by them Muslims against westerners is never serious. Pff what asshole world we live in today.

Muslim is not a "race" and they sometimes do allow whites to join. The shoe bomber and Cat Stevens are both Honky muslims.
Yes, i know is not a race, CNN is saying Anti-muslim is all around us.

The CNN globalist pigs are screaming about white racism. Yet they promote refugees and Islamic scum in Western countries. Extremism breeds extremism, they can’t just push radical ideas and not expect a response from the other side.
CNN has become shit, here in France it's the only TV channel "Americaine" so it's all shows about Africans, I do not care about that me, I'm pro American
Hypocrisy, in all its splendor, CNN talk about the fact that Muslims are hated by whites but all the terrorist attacks that were made by them Muslims against westerners is never serious. Pff what asshole world we live in today.

Muslim is not a "race" and they sometimes do allow whites to join. The shoe bomber and Cat Stevens are both Honky muslims.
Yes, i know is not a race, CNN is saying Anti-muslim is all around us.

The CNN globalist pigs are screaming about white racism. Yet they promote refugees and Islamic scum in Western countries. Extremism breeds extremism, they can’t just push radical ideas and not expect a response from the other side.
oh really?
yeah I saw the video just minutes after it was streamed on FB. Horrible, horrible stuff, he kept going back in and repeatedly unloading on piles of people huddled in the corners of the room and I'd be surprised if any of them survive. One moment in particular was especially gruesome when he shot a woman outside and approached her as shes laying there whimpering then shoots her in the head, you can see a chunk of it come off.
ANYBODY who can take a life -- EXCEPT FOR SELF DEFENSE -- is a murderer and should be dealt with as such.

Reminiscent of the Breivik massacre.
The Muslims have done everything in their power to be the most hated group of people in the Western world, everything from demand of special privileges, demands that Sharia law be implemented, honor killings for rape victims, murder of homosexuals, female circumcision, terrorism, etc. If they wanted us to like them, they wouldn't act like this.
Their idiotology demands it which is why they just don't belong in Western lands.
Fuck you!
You always try to use posts/threads like this to further your singular reason which is your gun fetish, to post on USMB.
You never show an ounce of empathy for the victims. Never. This shows what piece of shit you really are.
Wow. That was a compelling, reasoned, rational, response - sure to sway intelligent, thinking people to your point of view.
Yeah. What a wordsmith...

The rage and hatred of the Leftists once again makes itself obvious.
youre projecting again
The Muslims have done everything in their power to be the most hated group of people in the Western world, everything from demand of special privileges, demands that Sharia law be implemented, honor killings for rape victims, murder of homosexuals, female circumcision, terrorism, etc. If they wanted us to like them, they wouldn't act like this.
Their idiotology demands it which is why they just don't belong in Western lands.

Various islamic subgroups engage in violence against each other as well. The shoot out at Jabbar's home in Washington by a rival islamonazi group wasn't out of the ordinary.
Apparently, gun control doesn't work in New Zealand......they have had a mass public shooting against two Mosques. The shooter....who had a gun.......may have killed 49 people....... but this isn't possible, because they have gun control in New initial reports are likely wrong....

And, of course, the sites were gun free zones....right?

And before the anti-gunners start......I used to wait to comment on these attacks....until the anti-gunners would be the first on the scene, walking through the blood, dragging the bodies to the nearest camera calling for taking guns away from the very people who could have stopped the attack...

Christchurch shooting: 49 dead in terror attack at two mosques – live updates

  • Forty-nine people have been killed in shootings at two mosques in the New Zealand city of Christchurch. They included 41 people killed at the Deans Avenue mosque and seven at Linwood mosque. Another victim died later in Christchurch hospital.

Fuck you!
You always try to use posts/threads like this to further your singular reason which is your gun fetish, to post on USMB.
You never show an ounce of empathy for the victims. Never. This shows what piece of shit you really are.

You do realize people can empathize without wanting to give up their rights don't you?

Do you not drive because you empathize with all those people killed in auto accidents?
We try to keep crazy people from driving cars. Keeping them from shooting up a church, mosque, synagogue ,school, mall, movie theaters, etc. is extremely difficult thanks to the gun/criminal lobby. Shooters will always have their rights but a classroom full of second graders...not so much.
Apparently, gun control doesn't work in New Zealand......they have had a mass public shooting against two Mosques. The shooter....who had a gun.......may have killed 49 people....... but this isn't possible, because they have gun control in New initial reports are likely wrong....

And, of course, the sites were gun free zones....right?

And before the anti-gunners start......I used to wait to comment on these attacks....until the anti-gunners would be the first on the scene, walking through the blood, dragging the bodies to the nearest camera calling for taking guns away from the very people who could have stopped the attack...

Christchurch shooting: 49 dead in terror attack at two mosques – live updates

  • Forty-nine people have been killed in shootings at two mosques in the New Zealand city of Christchurch. They included 41 people killed at the Deans Avenue mosque and seven at Linwood mosque. Another victim died later in Christchurch hospital.

Figures you would focus on that. Just in case it escaped your notice, this was a crime perpetuated for no other reason than they were Muslims. But there is no hatred of Muslims according to Trump supporters after the House condemned all hatred.
How did the lack of gun control lower the number of victims in PA?

How do you know he shot up the synagogue because he hated trump? Why shoot jews? Was it just after trump went to Israel?

Trump loves to fight. He might want to tone it down. He’s working everyone up on both sides.

The suspect in Pennsylvania made his motive clear, he hated Trump according to his social media. Trump Hatred drives a lot of people insane.
Is Trump threatening violence here?

Trump warned in an interview that his supporters could “play tough” and make things “very, very bad” if they “reach a certain point.” He cited the police, military and Bikers for Trump as his backers.

He didn’t define what that “certain point” might be in the Breitbart interview published Tuesday. But the implication was that his supporters would stand for a limited amount of political decisions that they opposed until the “tough people” made things “very, very bad.” Violence by a military opposed to political decisions would be a coup.

“I have the support of the police, the support of the military, the support of Bikers for Trump,” he said. “I have the tough people, but they don’t play it tough until they go to a certain point, and then it would be very bad, very bad.”

The president also noted that the “left” plays it “cuter and tougher.” But he didn’t indicate that the “left” would go overboard at any point.

Trump has hinted at possible violence by his supporters a number of times and has even supported it. During his campaign, he once encouraged supporters to “beat the crap out of” protesters, offering to pay the legal fees of anyone who did.

Trump hinted at possible violence by Bikers for Trump at a campaign rally last year for now-Sen. Josh Hawlery (R-Mo.). “They’re peaceful people, and antifa and all — they’d better hope they stay that way,” he said. The Washington Post said that Trump’s stated “hopes” at various times that the situation will remain peaceful provide him with “plausible deniability” should violence erupt.

But it’s “clear” from his repeated comments that he’s suggesting his supporters from the military, law enforcement and bikers “could be tempted to rise up if things don’t go Trump’s way,” the Post noted.

Trump’s former personal attorney and convicted felon Michael Cohen hinted at an American coup in his testimony before Congress earlier this month, warning that he feared if Trump didn’t win the 2020 election, he wouldn’t peacefully quit the presidency.

“Given my experience working for Mr. Trump, I fear that if he loses the election in 2020, that there will never be a peaceful transition of power,” Cohen told the House oversight committee.

Rump already threatened "riots" in the event he didn't win the 2016 election.

And needless to say all the exhortations to "beat the crap out of 'im" at his sermons, which was kind of like warming up pitchers in the bullpen.

During the 2016 election, Hillary Clinton hired Robert Creamer to recruit homeless and other activists to disrupt and cause fights at the President's rallies. Any violence associated with the Trumpster belongs to the Leftards.

Sure they did. Link?

The same asshat who sat here and tried to sell the idea that fricking worshipers in a church in New Zealand should have been packing.

This is coming from the same guys who set up ACORN. They are liars.

From the start, two things are clear: One, the videos are edited in ways that the context of the conversation or the meaning of the statement isn’t always clear, nor do you know when they took place. Two, Project Veritas’ undercover operatives are often goading their subjects with leading statements. It has the effect of making the viewer infer that the people said something that he or she didn’t literally say.

It should be noted, too, that for as problematic as Foval’s statements were, he also says in the tape that he did not coach people to stage confrontations inside the events.

"They’re not starting confrontations in the rally because once they’re inside the rally, they’re under Secret Service’s control," Foval said.

Nor did he say on tape that he told people to "be violent" and "start fist-fights," as Trump alleged. Instead, Foval’s stated goal was to bait Trump supporters into violent acts simply by wearing certain t-shirts or saying anti-Trump remarks.

Foval is recorded as saying:

• "If you’re there and you’re protesting and you do these actions, you will be attacked at Trump rallies. That’s what we want. The whole point of it is, we know Trump’s people will freak the (expletive) out, the security team will freak out, and his supporters will lose their (expletive)."

• "There’s a script. There’s a script of engagement. Sometimes the crazies bite, and the crazies don’t bite."

• "The key is initiating the conflict by having leading conversations with people who are naturally psychotic. I mean honestly, it is not hard to get some of these (expletive) to pop off. It’s a matter of showing up, to want to get in the rally in a Planned Parenthood T-shirt. Or Trump is a Nazi. You can message to draw them out and message them to punch you."

Tracking down the cause of violence at Trump rallies
The shooter........calls himself an Eco-fascist, zero population, anti-capitalist...........before the left wingers start up......

This was a white nationalist who apparently had a manifesto about white genocide. In other words, one of YOU. As a matter of fact some posters on this forum have used the term white genocide.
Is trump being fair to the New Zealand terrorists after they praise him?

Trump condemns New Zealand mosque attack as 'horrible massacre' | Reuters

The accused gunman's manifesto praised Trump as "a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose."


Didn’t seem fair to me. You know how Trump likes praise. And they’re just praising Trump’s words and actions. So why would he condemn them. After all it was Muslims they killed, right?
Doesn’t Trump hate Muslims the most? Except for the ones that give him money?
We try to keep crazy people from driving cars. Keeping them from shooting up a church, mosque, synagogue ,school, mall, movie theaters, etc. is extremely difficult thanks to the.....
...anti-gun loons who do everything they can to ensure the victims cannot protect themselves and the shooter is act to act with impunity.
Dead bodies - especially children - make it easier for the anti-gun loons to advance their agenda, see...

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