Mosque shooting in New Zealand

Moron, actual research shows that armed citizens have a 94% success rate when they have their guns with them at stopping mass shooters, and saving lives.......but don't let facts get in your way.


Keep in mind almost all mass public shootings take place in government mandated gun free zones for law abiding they don't have their legal guns with them most of the time....but when they do?

Armed Citizens Are Successful 94% Of The Time At Active Shooter Events [FBI]

Of all the active shooter events there were 33 at which an armed citizen was present. Of those, Armed Citizens were successful at stopping the Active shooter 75.8% of the time (25 incidents) and were successful in reducing the loss of life in an additional 18.2% (6) of incidents. In only 2 of the 33 incidents (6.1%) was the Armed Citizen(s) not helpful in any way in stopping the active shooter or reducing the loss of life.

Thus the headline of our report that Armed Citizens Are Successful 94% Of The Time At Active Shooter Events.

In the 2 incidents at which the armed citizen “failed” to stop or slow the active shooter, one is the previously mentioned incident with hunters. The other is an incident in which the CCWer was shot in the back in a Las Vegas Walmart when he failed to identify that there were 2 Active Shooters involved in the attack. He neglected to identify the one that shot him in the back while he was trying to ambush the other perpetrator.

We also decided to look at the breakdown of events that took place in gun free zones and the relative death toll from events in gun free zones vs non-gun-free zones.

Of the 283 incidents in our data pool, we were unable to identify if the event took place in a gun-free zone in a large number (41%) of the events. Most of the events took place at a business, church, home, or other places at which as a rule of law it is not a gun free zone but potentially could have been declared one by the property owner. Without any information in the FBI study or any indication one way or the other from the news reports, we have indicated that event with a question mark.

If you look at all of the Active Shooter events (pie chart on the top) you see that for those which we have the information, almost twice as many took place in gun free zones than not; but realistically the vast majority of those for which we have no information (indicated as ?) are probably NOT gun free zones.

If you isolate just the events at which 8 or more people were killed the data paints a different picture (pie chart on the bottom). In these incidents, 77.8% took place in a gun-free zone suggesting that gun free zones lead to a higher death rate vs active shooter events in general


One of the final metrics we thought was important to consider is the potential tendency for armed citizens to injure or kill innocent people in their attempt to “save the day.” A common point in political discussions is to point out the lack of training of most armed citizens and the decrease in safety inherent in their presence during violent encounters.

As you can see below, however, at the 33 incidents at which Armed Citizens were present, there were zero situations at which the Armed Citizen injured or killed an innocent person. It never happened.

How many armed people stood outside at Parkland.

Your statistics are bullshit.

Mass shootings at bars, churches/mosques, businesses.
You do know that people with legal carry permits are not allowed to carry on the grounds of any school don't you?

So if there were a bunch of people who were armed at the school they would all be breaking the law and since the vast majority of gun owners are all law abiding , they were not at the school with guns.
So they could carry an assault type rifle to within 100 feet or less of an entrance and be perfectly legal.

Are you really this stupid? What part of the gun free zone laws currently in place stop this from happening already? And all of the mass school shootings we have had could have been carried out with 6 shot moron....

The only thing that keeps these shooters away is getting rid of gun free zones...

We know this, this is a fact.....these shooters, including the Sandy Hook shooter choose their locations because they want gun free zones.....their notes, their statements tell us guys don't want to stop the killing, you just want to ban guns for law abiding gun are sick. are a real genius --NZ's murder rate is FIVE times lower than the US--and you use it for gun control NOT working....????!!!!!!!!!?????? also bring up the UK--murder rate FOUR times lower

..correct me if I'm wrong---we want LOWER murder rates--not higher-----right??
There are more things under heaven and on earth that effect murder rates, Harmonica, than gun laws.
......the US has one of the highest gun owner ships in the world--yet the murder rate is MANY times higher than France, Japan, UK, NZ, etc
..please explain....
what else Affects murder rates?

You do know that we are different from France, Japan etc don't you?

There are many factors that affect murder rates besides gun laws

That you see gun laws as a panacea for murder illustrates your simplistic thinking

Many states with lax gun laws have murder rates as low as the UK
....I asked you to state those factors--and you DID NOT--because you know it's bullshit
one more time--state the factors

Poverty, unemployment under employment, shit schools, break down of the family unit,

Where do most murders and violent crimes take place in this country?

Poor urban areas all afflicted by the above.

Denying that we have very significant, political, cultural, and socioeconomic differences from those European countries you love so much is extremely simplistic

Fatherless boys are the issue.......of all the gun murders, the majority are committed by fatherless boys...the sons of single teenage mothers, or divorced parents with an absentee father........that is the issue...but it would be in conflict with left wing social theory to actually try to put the nuclear family back together......
Apparently, gun control doesn't work in New Zealand......they have had a mass public shooting against two Mosques. The shooter....who had a gun.......may have killed 49 people....... but this isn't possible, because they have gun control in New initial reports are likely wrong....

And, of course, the sites were gun free zones....right?

And before the anti-gunners start......I used to wait to comment on these attacks....until the anti-gunners would be the first on the scene, walking through the blood, dragging the bodies to the nearest camera calling for taking guns away from the very people who could have stopped the attack...

Christchurch shooting: 49 dead in terror attack at two mosques – live updates

  • Forty-nine people have been killed in shootings at two mosques in the New Zealand city of Christchurch. They included 41 people killed at the Deans Avenue mosque and seven at Linwood mosque. Another victim died later in Christchurch hospital.
So, Gun Control, means no one has any guns?
We already have plenty of gun control laws
Evidently, not enough.
We have more than enough we just don't enforce them

We can ban these stupid assault type rifles.

Cars killed 38,659 people in 2017.

Guns used in murder killed 10,982

According to your logic, we need to ban
So, Gun Control, means no one has any guns?
We already have plenty of gun control laws
Evidently, not enough.
We have more than enough we just don't enforce them

We can ban these stupid assault type rifles.

Why? They kill fewer people than knives do every single you want to ban knives too?

Knives kill more people every single year than all rifle they kill way more people than AR-15 rifles in, according to you, we need to ban knives...right?

Knives are deadlier each year than these you want to ban all knives?

A rental Truck in Nice, France, Driven by a muslim terrorist was used to murder 86 people, more people than in any of our mass public shootings, and he injured 435 you want to ban them too?

Rifles are used to kill fewer people than knives, clubs and even bare hands.....

For 2017.....with now more than 17.25 million Americans carrying guns for self defense....10,982

Rifles...still kill fewer people each year than knives... 403


Hands and feet......696


All of those numbers are dwarfed by the number of Americans who are slaughtered in Planned Parenthood clinics and other abortuaries across the Fruited Plain. And these folks are saluted and financed by the Deep State. Kermit Gosnell, who is in a Pennsylvania penitentiary today, would be a hero in New York today for his advances in post-birth abortions. Gosnell received many liberal awards over his career.
I cannot believe you are actually celebrating the failure of gun control. There is no limit to the depths you will sink to,
Says she who proudly stands on the bodies and bathes herself in the blood of innocent victims while screaming for more gun control.

We don't need more gun control in Canada. We need Americans to stop smuggling guns into our country.

You need a wall. It would stop Canadians from smuggling American guns into Canada.

(no title)

Canadian man gets 51 months in border gun smuggling case

30 handguns seized in investigation into cross-border smuggling: police

Wrong....Canada doesn't have a gun murder problem...they have gun control there......which is why their gun murder problem is going up......more and more fatherless boys raised by single teenage mothers......fix that, and you fix your gun problem.
We already have plenty of gun control laws
Evidently, not enough.
We have more than enough we just don't enforce them

We can ban these stupid assault type rifles.

Why? They kill fewer people than knives do every single you want to ban knives too?

Knives kill more people every single year than all rifle they kill way more people than AR-15 rifles in, according to you, we need to ban knives...right?

Knives are deadlier each year than these you want to ban all knives?

A rental Truck in Nice, France, Driven by a muslim terrorist was used to murder 86 people, more people than in any of our mass public shootings, and he injured 435 you want to ban them too?

Rifles are used to kill fewer people than knives, clubs and even bare hands.....

For 2017.....with now more than 17.25 million Americans carrying guns for self defense....10,982

Rifles...still kill fewer people each year than knives... 403


Hands and feet......696


All of those numbers are dwarfed by the number of Americans who are slaughtered in Planned Parenthood clinics and other abortuaries across the Fruited Plain. And these folks are saluted and financed by the Deep State. Kermit Gosnell, who is in a Pennsylvania penitentiary today, would be a hero in New York today for his advances in post-birth abortions. Gosnell received many liberal awards over his career.

Yep........the democrat party is the party of madness, racism, hate, misogyny...............they need to be voted out of power at every level...
Cars killed 38,659 people in 2017.

Guns used in murder killed 10,982

According to your logic, we need to ban

Do I unerstand this correctly?
You want to give Muslim immigrants the right to own and carry guns?
That's smart.
Cars killed 38,659 people in 2017.

Guns used in murder killed 10,982

According to your logic, we need to ban

Do I unerstand this correctly?
You want to give Muslim immigrants the right to own and carry guns?
That's smart.

If they are U.S. citizens they can already own, buy and carry guns.....I see them from time to time at the gun store already......any citizen of the U.S. is covered by our Bill of Rights, including the 2nd Amendment.
Evidently, not enough.
We have more than enough we just don't enforce them

We can ban these stupid assault type rifles.

Why? They kill fewer people than knives do every single you want to ban knives too?

Knives kill more people every single year than all rifle they kill way more people than AR-15 rifles in, according to you, we need to ban knives...right?

Knives are deadlier each year than these you want to ban all knives?

A rental Truck in Nice, France, Driven by a muslim terrorist was used to murder 86 people, more people than in any of our mass public shootings, and he injured 435 you want to ban them too?

Rifles are used to kill fewer people than knives, clubs and even bare hands.....

For 2017.....with now more than 17.25 million Americans carrying guns for self defense....10,982

Rifles...still kill fewer people each year than knives... 403


Hands and feet......696


All of those numbers are dwarfed by the number of Americans who are slaughtered in Planned Parenthood clinics and other abortuaries across the Fruited Plain. And these folks are saluted and financed by the Deep State. Kermit Gosnell, who is in a Pennsylvania penitentiary today, would be a hero in New York today for his advances in post-birth abortions. Gosnell received many liberal awards over his career.

Yep........the democrat party is the party of madness, racism, hate, misogyny...............they need to be voted out of power at every level...
You voted for Trump. You can't get any dumber than that.

Please, quit this shit you assfucks ate doing but taking Trump's fault & applying them to Democrts. It just makes you look dumber than you already are.
We have more than enough we just don't enforce them

We can ban these stupid assault type rifles.

Why? They kill fewer people than knives do every single you want to ban knives too?

Knives kill more people every single year than all rifle they kill way more people than AR-15 rifles in, according to you, we need to ban knives...right?

Knives are deadlier each year than these you want to ban all knives?

A rental Truck in Nice, France, Driven by a muslim terrorist was used to murder 86 people, more people than in any of our mass public shootings, and he injured 435 you want to ban them too?

Rifles are used to kill fewer people than knives, clubs and even bare hands.....

For 2017.....with now more than 17.25 million Americans carrying guns for self defense....10,982

Rifles...still kill fewer people each year than knives... 403


Hands and feet......696


All of those numbers are dwarfed by the number of Americans who are slaughtered in Planned Parenthood clinics and other abortuaries across the Fruited Plain. And these folks are saluted and financed by the Deep State. Kermit Gosnell, who is in a Pennsylvania penitentiary today, would be a hero in New York today for his advances in post-birth abortions. Gosnell received many liberal awards over his career.

Yep........the democrat party is the party of madness, racism, hate, misogyny...............they need to be voted out of power at every level...
You voted for Trump. You can't get any dumber than that.

Please, quit this shit you assfucks ate doing but taking Trump's fault & applying them to Democrts. It just makes you look dumber than you already are.

The democrat party wants to kill living babies, supports anti-semitism, supports misogyny, racism and hate.....not belong to them, you are a vile human.
I cannot believe you are actually celebrating the failure of gun control. There is no limit to the depths you will sink to,
Says she who proudly stands on the bodies and bathes herself in the blood of innocent victims while screaming for more gun control.

We don't need more gun control in Canada. We need Americans to stop smuggling guns into our country.

You need a wall. It would stop Canadians from smuggling American guns into Canada.

(no title)

Canadian man gets 51 months in border gun smuggling case

30 handguns seized in investigation into cross-border smuggling: police

Wrong....Canada doesn't have a gun murder problem...they have gun control there......which is why their gun murder problem is going up......more and more fatherless boys raised by single teenage mothers......fix that, and you fix your gun problem.
Msybe you shouldn't bitch so much about abortion & birth control?
We have more than enough we just don't enforce them

We can ban these stupid assault type rifles.

Why? They kill fewer people than knives do every single you want to ban knives too?

Knives kill more people every single year than all rifle they kill way more people than AR-15 rifles in, according to you, we need to ban knives...right?

Knives are deadlier each year than these you want to ban all knives?

A rental Truck in Nice, France, Driven by a muslim terrorist was used to murder 86 people, more people than in any of our mass public shootings, and he injured 435 you want to ban them too?

Rifles are used to kill fewer people than knives, clubs and even bare hands.....

For 2017.....with now more than 17.25 million Americans carrying guns for self defense....10,982

Rifles...still kill fewer people each year than knives... 403


Hands and feet......696


All of those numbers are dwarfed by the number of Americans who are slaughtered in Planned Parenthood clinics and other abortuaries across the Fruited Plain. And these folks are saluted and financed by the Deep State. Kermit Gosnell, who is in a Pennsylvania penitentiary today, would be a hero in New York today for his advances in post-birth abortions. Gosnell received many liberal awards over his career.

Yep........the democrat party is the party of madness, racism, hate, misogyny...............they need to be voted out of power at every level...
You voted for Trump. You can't get any dumber than that.

Please, quit this shit you assfucks ate doing but taking Trump's fault & applying them to Democrts. It just makes you look dumber than you already are.

And you didn't respond to the actual you want to ban cars or not? If you want to ban rifles because they kill far less than 400 people a year, then cars killing over 38,000 people a year must drive you nuts...

Ban them...right?
I cannot believe you are actually celebrating the failure of gun control. There is no limit to the depths you will sink to,
Says she who proudly stands on the bodies and bathes herself in the blood of innocent victims while screaming for more gun control.

We don't need more gun control in Canada. We need Americans to stop smuggling guns into our country.

You need a wall. It would stop Canadians from smuggling American guns into Canada.

(no title)

Canadian man gets 51 months in border gun smuggling case

30 handguns seized in investigation into cross-border smuggling: police

Wrong....Canada doesn't have a gun murder problem...they have gun control there......which is why their gun murder problem is going up......more and more fatherless boys raised by single teenage mothers......fix that, and you fix your gun problem.
Msybe you shouldn't bitch so much about abortion & birth control?

How about answering the question?
We can ban these stupid assault type rifles.

Why? They kill fewer people than knives do every single you want to ban knives too?

Knives kill more people every single year than all rifle they kill way more people than AR-15 rifles in, according to you, we need to ban knives...right?

Knives are deadlier each year than these you want to ban all knives?

A rental Truck in Nice, France, Driven by a muslim terrorist was used to murder 86 people, more people than in any of our mass public shootings, and he injured 435 you want to ban them too?

Rifles are used to kill fewer people than knives, clubs and even bare hands.....

For 2017.....with now more than 17.25 million Americans carrying guns for self defense....10,982

Rifles...still kill fewer people each year than knives... 403


Hands and feet......696


All of those numbers are dwarfed by the number of Americans who are slaughtered in Planned Parenthood clinics and other abortuaries across the Fruited Plain. And these folks are saluted and financed by the Deep State. Kermit Gosnell, who is in a Pennsylvania penitentiary today, would be a hero in New York today for his advances in post-birth abortions. Gosnell received many liberal awards over his career.

Yep........the democrat party is the party of madness, racism, hate, misogyny...............they need to be voted out of power at every level...
You voted for Trump. You can't get any dumber than that.

Please, quit this shit you assfucks ate doing but taking Trump's fault & applying them to Democrts. It just makes you look dumber than you already are.

The democrat party wants to kill living babies, supports anti-semitism, supports misogyny, racism and hate.....not belong to them, you are a vile human.
You are either lying or too God damn stupid top know about the bills you are misrepresenting. Which is it?

They do not support anti-Seminism.

You assfucks elected the misogynist, bigot & racist with Trump. So shove you bullshit.
We can ban these stupid assault type rifles.

Why? They kill fewer people than knives do every single you want to ban knives too?

Knives kill more people every single year than all rifle they kill way more people than AR-15 rifles in, according to you, we need to ban knives...right?

Knives are deadlier each year than these you want to ban all knives?

A rental Truck in Nice, France, Driven by a muslim terrorist was used to murder 86 people, more people than in any of our mass public shootings, and he injured 435 you want to ban them too?

Rifles are used to kill fewer people than knives, clubs and even bare hands.....

For 2017.....with now more than 17.25 million Americans carrying guns for self defense....10,982

Rifles...still kill fewer people each year than knives... 403


Hands and feet......696


All of those numbers are dwarfed by the number of Americans who are slaughtered in Planned Parenthood clinics and other abortuaries across the Fruited Plain. And these folks are saluted and financed by the Deep State. Kermit Gosnell, who is in a Pennsylvania penitentiary today, would be a hero in New York today for his advances in post-birth abortions. Gosnell received many liberal awards over his career.

Yep........the democrat party is the party of madness, racism, hate, misogyny...............they need to be voted out of power at every level...
You voted for Trump. You can't get any dumber than that.

Please, quit this shit you assfucks ate doing but taking Trump's fault & applying them to Democrts. It just makes you look dumber than you already are.

And you didn't respond to the actual you want to ban cars or not? If you want to ban rifles because they kill far less than 400 people a year, then cars killing over 38,000 people a year must drive you nuts...

Ban them...right?
Cars serve a purpose other than killing. Guns, not so much.
Says she who proudly stands on the bodies and bathes herself in the blood of innocent victims while screaming for more gun control.

We don't need more gun control in Canada. We need Americans to stop smuggling guns into our country.

You need a wall. It would stop Canadians from smuggling American guns into Canada.

(no title)

Canadian man gets 51 months in border gun smuggling case

30 handguns seized in investigation into cross-border smuggling: police

Wrong....Canada doesn't have a gun murder problem...they have gun control there......which is why their gun murder problem is going up......more and more fatherless boys raised by single teenage mothers......fix that, and you fix your gun problem.
Msybe you shouldn't bitch so much about abortion & birth control?

How about answering the question?

"Wrong....Canada doesn't have a gun murder problem...they have gun control there......which is why their gun murder problem is going up......more and more fatherless boys raised by single teenage mothers......fix that, and you fix your gun problem."

There is a question there?
Why? They kill fewer people than knives do every single you want to ban knives too?

Knives kill more people every single year than all rifle they kill way more people than AR-15 rifles in, according to you, we need to ban knives...right?

Knives are deadlier each year than these you want to ban all knives?

A rental Truck in Nice, France, Driven by a muslim terrorist was used to murder 86 people, more people than in any of our mass public shootings, and he injured 435 you want to ban them too?

Rifles are used to kill fewer people than knives, clubs and even bare hands.....

For 2017.....with now more than 17.25 million Americans carrying guns for self defense....10,982

Rifles...still kill fewer people each year than knives... 403


Hands and feet......696


All of those numbers are dwarfed by the number of Americans who are slaughtered in Planned Parenthood clinics and other abortuaries across the Fruited Plain. And these folks are saluted and financed by the Deep State. Kermit Gosnell, who is in a Pennsylvania penitentiary today, would be a hero in New York today for his advances in post-birth abortions. Gosnell received many liberal awards over his career.

Yep........the democrat party is the party of madness, racism, hate, misogyny...............they need to be voted out of power at every level...
You voted for Trump. You can't get any dumber than that.

Please, quit this shit you assfucks ate doing but taking Trump's fault & applying them to Democrts. It just makes you look dumber than you already are.

The democrat party wants to kill living babies, supports anti-semitism, supports misogyny, racism and hate.....not belong to them, you are a vile human.
You are either lying or too God damn stupid top know about the bills you are misrepresenting. Which is it?

They do not support anti-Seminism.

You assfucks elected the misogynist, bigot & racist with Trump. So shove you bullshit.

You just described the democrat party, not Trump. The only reason you guys call Trump a racist is he ran for President......he was more than welcome among all the race huslters in the democrat party before he did that...Oprah loved him, Will Smith had him on the Fresh Prince show, all the rappers loved him...

You are part of the worst political party in American history, filled with madness, violence, hate, racism and misogyny......
All of those numbers are dwarfed by the number of Americans who are slaughtered in Planned Parenthood clinics and other abortuaries across the Fruited Plain. And these folks are saluted and financed by the Deep State. Kermit Gosnell, who is in a Pennsylvania penitentiary today, would be a hero in New York today for his advances in post-birth abortions. Gosnell received many liberal awards over his career.

Yep........the democrat party is the party of madness, racism, hate, misogyny...............they need to be voted out of power at every level...
You voted for Trump. You can't get any dumber than that. Oh fuick you. YTou can't posdsibly be thkis fucking stupid.
Please, quit this shit you assfucks ate doing but taking Trump's fault & applying them to Democrts. It just makes you look dumber than you already are.

The democrat party wants to kill living babies, supports anti-semitism, supports misogyny, racism and hate.....not belong to them, you are a vile human.
You are either lying or too God damn stupid top know about the bills you are misrepresenting. Which is it?

They do not support anti-Seminism.

You assfucks elected the misogynist, bigot & racist with Trump. So shove you bullshit.

You just described the democrat party, not Trump. The only reason you guys call Trump a racist is he ran for President......he was more than welcome among all the race huslters in the democrat party before he did that...Oprah loved him, Will Smith had him on the Fresh Prince show, all the rappers loved him...

You are part of the worst political party in American history, filled with madness, violence, hate, racism and misogyny......

So, you are really this fucking stupid.
Do the anti-gunners realize that an armed good guy saved lives at the 2nd Mosque......?

Observations on Christchurch

3) From a policy standpoint, the only lesson that can be drawn from the Christchurch massacre is reflected in the difference in the casualty totals between the two attacks. Forty-one were killed at the Dean Ave. mosque, the first one that was targeted, where the murderer had plenty of time and at one point returned to his vehicle to reload. There were only seven killed at the Linwood mosque because one of the worshippers was armed:

A second shooting happened at a mosque in the Linwood area of the city.

One Friday prayer goer returned fire with a rifle or shotgun.

Witnesses said they heard multiple gunshots around 1.45 pm.

A well known Muslim local chased the shooters and fired two shots at them as they sped off.

He was heard telling police officers he was firing in “self defence”.

Early reports of catastrophic events like these always turn out to be wrong in some respects, but it does appear that armed self-defense was the key to the less tragic outcome at Linwood. Murder is the result of human evil and will never be eradicated in this world, but if more people arm themselves, there will be fewer mass murder events.
I cannot believe you are actually celebrating the failure of gun control. There is no limit to the depths you will sink to,
Says she who proudly stands on the bodies and bathes herself in the blood of innocent victims while screaming for more gun control.

We don't need more gun control in Canada. We need Americans to stop smuggling guns into our country.

You need a wall. It would stop Canadians from smuggling American guns into Canada.

(no title)

Canadian man gets 51 months in border gun smuggling case

30 handguns seized in investigation into cross-border smuggling: police

Wrong....Canada doesn't have a gun murder problem...they have gun control there......which is why their gun murder problem is going up......more and more fatherless boys raised by single teenage mothers......fix that, and you fix your gun problem.

Didn't read the thread, did you? dragonbiddy was impugning Americans for smuggling firearms into Canada. I was pointing out that they should build a wall to keep Canadians from trying to smuggle firearms into their own nation.

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