Most Americans approve of Trump-Russia probe, and nearly half think Trump committed a crime

Trump may have no choice but to fire Mueller, BUT the repercussions will be a sight to behold. Of course, right wingers will blame or disregard the source of the poll.

More than twice as many Americans approve as disapprove of special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation of possible coordination between Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign and the Russian government, a new Washington Post-ABC News pollfinds, indicating that the conservative effort to discredit the probe has fallen flat as the case has progressed toward its first public charges.

A 58 percent majority say they approve of Mueller’s handling of the investigation while 28 percent say they disapprove, the Post-ABC poll finds.

Post-ABC poll: Most Americans approve of Trump-Russia probe, and nearly half think Trump committed a crime
Well I guess now that you are back it's back to ignore for you!

DarkFlurry is a "true" linguist......LOL
Trump may have no choice but to fire Mueller, BUT the repercussions will be a sight to behold. Of course, right wingers will blame or disregard the source(s) of the poll.

More than twice as many Americans approve as disapprove of special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation of possible coordination between Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign and the Russian government, a new Washington Post-ABC News pollfinds, indicating that the conservative effort to discredit the probe has fallen flat as the case has progressed toward its first public charges.

A 58 percent majority say they approve of Mueller’s handling of the investigation while 28 percent say they disapprove, the Post-ABC poll finds.

Post-ABC poll: Most Americans approve of Trump-Russia probe, and nearly half think Trump committed a crime

Here's another way to look at this poll: only half of all Americans believe in reality
OK, let's cut to the chase: Assume, The Russians got in touch with The Donald. They tell him that they have "dirt" on Hillary. The Donald says, "Oh, Goody! Gimme it"! They give it to him, in writing. He reads it out loud at his next press conference.

No crime. Not illegal. Nothing Burger.

Assume The Russians tell The Donald they have hundreds of potentially incriminating emails that have been "hacked" from the DNC server. The Donald tells them to make them public, through WikiLeaks, and tells them exactly when to release them to the Press, to have the greatest damaging effect on Hillary's campaign. WikiLeads does it.

No crime. Not illegal. Nothing Burger.

Next question?
Well I guess now that you are back it's back to ignore for you!

Back to?

Did she blow you and get your attention briefly?

These bed wetters love to rely on polls that either focus on college campuses or strictly in democrook cities.

Ask anyone who wakes up and drives to work at 6AM 5 days a week and they are delighted the meat puppet faggot was not replaced by a sadistic criminally insane collectivist sociopath hag.

Ask the bed wetter who rides a bike to work at Panera Bread 4 days a week at various times after 9AM and you might find a different result

As someone who drives to work at 6AM, 5-6 times a week, it will be my pleasure to see the Orange man baby go away forever. Hell, I'm fine with sending Hillary up the river as well. Perhaps it turns out they *sigh* both colluded with Russia, I don't give a shit. Jettison them both if that's the case. It won't affect me either way.

The election turned out to be a total shitshow with candidates that had zero to offer the country but more 1%er bullshit. That's what annoys me. Pity we have so many stupid people in this country who choose to vote.

So I just shot your 'working man' theory all to hell.
We need a poll of how many dumb dysfunctional righties still believe that Russia did not send fake news bots to interfere with the election..

How many dumb righties still think that this is fake news ..

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app
OK, let's cut to the chase: Assume, The Russians got in touch with The Donald. They tell him that they have "dirt" on Hillary. The Donald says, "Oh, Goody! Gimme it"! They give it to him, in writing. He reads it out loud at his next press conference.

No crime. Not illegal. Nothing Burger.

Assume The Russians tell The Donald they have hundreds of potentially incriminating emails that have been "hacked" from the DNC server. The Donald tells them to make them public, through WikiLeaks, and tells them exactly when to release them to the Press, to have the greatest damaging effect on Hillary's campaign. WikiLeads does it.

No crime. Not illegal. Nothing Burger.

Next question?

Well I guess now that you are back it's back to ignore for you!

Back to?

Did she blow you and get your attention briefly?

These bed wetters love to rely on polls that either focus on college campuses or strictly in democrook cities.

Ask anyone who wakes up and drives to work at 6AM 5 days a week and they are delighted the meat puppet faggot was not replaced by a sadistic criminally insane collectivist sociopath hag.

Ask the bed wetter who rides a bike to work at Panera Bread 4 days a week at various times after 9AM and you might find a different result

As someone who drives to work at 6AM, 5-6 times a week, it will be my pleasure to see the Orange man baby go away forever. Hell, I'm fine with sending Hillary up the river as well. Perhaps it turns out they *sigh* both colluded with Russia, I don't give a shit. Jettison them both if that's the case. It won't affect me either way.

The election turned out to be a total shitshow with candidates that had zero to offer the country but more 1%er bullshit. That's what annoys me. Pity we have so many stupid people in this country who choose to vote.

So I just shot your 'working man' theory all to hell.

Using a foreign source to incriminate their running mate is illegal. Trying to obstruct the investigation is illegal. Using the presidental platform to cover up meetings with Russia is illegal.
Trump may have no choice but to fire Mueller, BUT the repercussions will be a sight to behold. Of course, right wingers will blame or disregard the source(s) of the poll.

More than twice as many Americans approve as disapprove of special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation of possible coordination between Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign and the Russian government, a new Washington Post-ABC News pollfinds, indicating that the conservative effort to discredit the probe has fallen flat as the case has progressed toward its first public charges.

A 58 percent majority say they approve of Mueller’s handling of the investigation while 28 percent say they disapprove, the Post-ABC poll finds.

Post-ABC poll: Most Americans approve of Trump-Russia probe, and nearly half think Trump committed a crime

Yes, same polls that told us that the hillary was going to win. The radical left wing fringe nuts are the only ones frothing over this conspiracy. Everyone else knows about the mueller, comey, fbi, clinton, russia collusion.
OK, let's cut to the chase: Assume, The Russians got in touch with The Donald. They tell him that they have "dirt" on Hillary. The Donald says, "Oh, Goody! Gimme it"! They give it to him, in writing. He reads it out loud at his next press conference.

No crime. Not illegal. Nothing Burger.

Assume The Russians tell The Donald they have hundreds of potentially incriminating emails that have been "hacked" from the DNC server. The Donald tells them to make them public, through WikiLeaks, and tells them exactly when to release them to the Press, to have the greatest damaging effect on Hillary's campaign. WikiLeads does it.

No crime. Not illegal. Nothing Burger.

Next question?

Well I guess now that you are back it's back to ignore for you!

Back to?

Did she blow you and get your attention briefly?

These bed wetters love to rely on polls that either focus on college campuses or strictly in democrook cities.

Ask anyone who wakes up and drives to work at 6AM 5 days a week and they are delighted the meat puppet faggot was not replaced by a sadistic criminally insane collectivist sociopath hag.

Ask the bed wetter who rides a bike to work at Panera Bread 4 days a week at various times after 9AM and you might find a different result

As someone who drives to work at 6AM, 5-6 times a week, it will be my pleasure to see the Orange man baby go away forever. Hell, I'm fine with sending Hillary up the river as well. Perhaps it turns out they *sigh* both colluded with Russia, I don't give a shit. Jettison them both if that's the case. It won't affect me either way.

The election turned out to be a total shitshow with candidates that had zero to offer the country but more 1%er bullshit. That's what annoys me. Pity we have so many stupid people in this country who choose to vote.

So I just shot your 'working man' theory all to hell.

Using a foreign source to incriminate their running mate is illegal. Trying to obstruct the investigation is illegal. Using the presidental platform to cover up meetings with Russia is illegal.

Precisely. Did you have a point, or are you just ruminating?
As someone who drives to work at 6AM, 5-6 times a week, it will be my pleasure to see the Orange man baby go away forever. Hell, I'm fine with sending Hillary up the river as well. Perhaps it turns out they *sigh* both colluded with Russia, I don't give a shit. Jettison them both if that's the case. It won't affect me either way.

The election turned out to be a total shitshow with candidates that had zero to offer the country but more 1%er bullshit. That's what annoys me. Pity we have so many stupid people in this country who choose to vote.

So I just shot your 'working man' theory all to hell.

No you didn't.

You seem to believe I am happy we have the world's richest professional clown as a president. I won't deny he has done plenty of things I support, and few things I contest but he has done nothing to purge collectivist sociopaths from the federal establishment.

So don't ASS U ME anything about what I think until you know more about what I believe in.
As someone who drives to work at 6AM, 5-6 times a week, it will be my pleasure to see the Orange man baby go away forever. Hell, I'm fine with sending Hillary up the river as well. Perhaps it turns out they *sigh* both colluded with Russia, I don't give a shit. Jettison them both if that's the case. It won't affect me either way.

The election turned out to be a total shitshow with candidates that had zero to offer the country but more 1%er bullshit. That's what annoys me. Pity we have so many stupid people in this country who choose to vote.

So I just shot your 'working man' theory all to hell.

No you didn't.

You seem to believe I am happy we have the world's richest professional clown as a president. I won't deny he has done plenty of things I support, and few things I contest but he has done nothing to purge collectivist sociopaths from the federal establishment.

So don't ASS U ME anything about what I think until you know more about what I believe in.

Fair enough. Try not ASS U ME ing I was attempting to smear your character. Only offering a perspective.
OK, let's cut to the chase: Assume, The Russians got in touch with The Donald. They tell him that they have "dirt" on Hillary. The Donald says, "Oh, Goody! Gimme it"! They give it to him, in writing. He reads it out loud at his next press conference.

No crime. Not illegal. Nothing Burger.

Assume The Russians tell The Donald they have hundreds of potentially incriminating emails that have been "hacked" from the DNC server. The Donald tells them to make them public, through WikiLeaks, and tells them exactly when to release them to the Press, to have the greatest damaging effect on Hillary's campaign. WikiLeads does it.

No crime. Not illegal. Nothing Burger.

Next question?

Nathaniel Persily at Stanford University Law School said one relevant statute is the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002.

"A foreign national spending money to influence a federal election can be a crime," Persily said. "And if a U.S. citizen coordinates, conspires or assists in that spending, then it could be a crime."

Persily pointed to a 2011 U.S. District Court ruling based on the 2002 law. The judges said that the law bans foreign nationals "from making expenditures to expressly advocate the election or defeat of a political candidate."

Polling Data
Poll Date Sample Approve Disapprove Spread
RCP Average 10/14 - 11/1 -- 38.8 56.6 -17.8
Gallup 10/30 - 11/1 1500 A 38 58 -20
Rasmussen Reports 10/30 - 11/1 1500 LV 43 56 -13
Economist/YouGov 10/29 - 10/31 1291 RV 43 52 -9
Reuters/Ipsos 10/27 - 10/31 1798 A 36 60 -24
CBS News 10/27 - 10/30 1109 A 39 55 -16
PPP (D) 10/27 - 10/29 572 RV 38 56 -18
Pew Research 10/25 - 10/30 1504 A 34 59 -25
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 10/23 - 10/26 900 A 38 58 -20
FOX News 10/22 - 10/24 1005 RV 38 57 -19
Harvard-Harris 10/14 - 10/18 2159 RV 42 58 -16
Marist 10/15 - 10/17 928 RV 38 54 -16
All President Trump Job Approval Polling Data
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

As the evidence rolls out, the spread will expand past -25 for the treasonous fat senile old orange clown. A narcissistic pathological liar infesting the White House is not a good thing.
Trump may have no choice but to fire Mueller, BUT the repercussions will be a sight to behold. Of course, right wingers will blame or disregard the source of the poll.

More than twice as many Americans approve as disapprove of special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation of possible coordination between Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign and the Russian government, a new Washington Post-ABC News pollfinds, indicating that the conservative effort to discredit the probe has fallen flat as the case has progressed toward its first public charges.

A 58 percent majority say they approve of Mueller’s handling of the investigation while 28 percent say they disapprove, the Post-ABC poll finds.

Post-ABC poll: Most Americans approve of Trump-Russia probe, and nearly half think Trump committed a crime
Well I guess now that you are back it's back to ignore for you!
Was he gone?
In a manner of speaking he still is.

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