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The only thing that's worse than nationalism is globalism…

I never know what people mean when they talk about globalism.

Like a one world government? I do not see that happening. Just inter-governmental diplomatic organizations and international NGOs.

Do you mean international free trade and global freedom of movement, because I will vigorously defend those concepts.
OWG is the goal of Progressive Liberals. Clintons, Obamas, Kerrys, Schumer, Pelosi and on and on and on. Got the picture?
The only thing that's worse than nationalism is globalism…

I never know what people mean when they talk about globalism.

Like a one world government? I do not see that happening. Just inter-governmental diplomatic organizations and international NGOs.

Do you mean international free trade and global freedom of movement, because I will vigorously defend those concepts.
International government and law... Globalism
The doing away with all localized government
True, this country is past the point of no return. With an debt far too large to ever pay and Beyond corrupt progressive federal government... Socialism has made the experiment fail…

Socialism began in 1787 when the US cult of personality decided to collectivize the economy and increase the power of government, in response to minor tax protests and inner state competition.
Perhaps, though I encourage you to read Hamilton's thoughts on the subject of political parties (Federalist Papers) and Washington's Farewell Address. Just because things never were the way they should have been, doesn't mean that we should not strive towards a better tomorrow.

We had a better past, and it was taken for granted.

Almost all of America was self-reliant prior the constitution, the state governments were powerless, and the continental army did not steal from its citizens.

Alexander Hamilton was a smart economist, but politically speaking his head space was still geared towards monarchy.
Got any quotes from prominent Dem politicians who are calling for bloodshed?

Whether they are calling for it directly or not is irrelevant.

The state is organized and systematic violence/control/intimidation against the civil population.
Those who can do, those who cannot, complain.

Nobody is capable of anything right now.

It takes more than one person to tear down the military-industrial complex that keeps us all entrapped.
Jokes aside though this is not and never has been a uniquely conservative idea so I don't know where that came from.
And these are the same people who shit all over BLM?

Man conservatives have really become group of fucking drama queens !
You got a link to that? Seriously... I'd pay money to see that.
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