Most Interesting

For Bevin the problem was,

"How do I become 'noticeable' among a whole bunch of other conservative, tea bagging assholes?".......
and the quip, "Give me liberty or give me death" has already been used.....
Let's see, maybe calling for a revolution will make me more macho-like???

Why is it that conservatives are thinking that the only way to fix the country is via bloodshed?

Liberals believe in violence too. It is known as the statism.
Liberals get retribution by burning, trashing and looting.

Well...maybe not the elites...but those under there control do.

Remember Obama telling the Ferguson rioters to 'stay the course'?

You lie.

Please what?

Is your naivety so severe that you are completely oblivious to the fact that the things you support maintain systematic and institutionalized violence?

Every time you advocate for a new progressive law, you are answering the question " How should I bully, control, and intimidate the American public next?"
Why is it that conservatives are thinking that the only way to fix the country is via bloodshed?

Liberals believe in violence too. It is known as the statism.

I wish you had not added "too."

Violence has long been a tool of the Left.

Georges Eugène Sorel (2 November 1847 in Cherbourg – 29 August 1922 in Boulogne-sur-Seine) was a French philosopher and theorist of revolutionary syndicalism. His notion of the power of myth in people's lives inspired Marxists and Fascists, it is, together with his defense of violence, the contribution for which he is most often remembered.
But what about conservatism?

You just described Sharia Law.

Anyone with a mind for history knows that America's perverted conception of conservatism is a fast track to fascism.

Or maybe you have not encountered very many of your fellow conservatives.
But what about conservatism?

You just described Sharia Law.

Anyone with a mind for history knows that America's perverted conception of conservatism is a fast track to fascism.

Or maybe you have not encountered very many of your fellow conservatives.
A strict Constitutionialist which is closer to a conservative than today's liberal, believes in the bill of rights. Liberals don't. Better to call them Progressive than liberal. A Progressive believes in big government, intrusive government, a world order, and massive regulation. Fascism basically.
A strict Constitutionialist which is closer to a conservative than today's liberal believes in the bill of rights. Liberals don't.

The bill of rights wont protect you.

Conservatives do the most complaining without any of the solutions.

If you repeal everything you hate and start from scratch, what is to prevent history from taking its course again?

In retrospect, conservatives end up supporting the same endgame as liberals. Big corporate government.
Democrats have driven the country over the cliff....

There is no good outcome of the coming election...

If Trump wins, the democrat,plantation will riot and burn America down....

If hitlery wins, Americans will revolt......

The end, it is near.....prepare accordingly....

Just when I think you couldn't get any dumber, you post something as assinine as this.

OTOH, it would wipe out the "too stupid" faction of Trump supporters, which would be an improvement.
Democrats have driven the country over the cliff....

There is no good outcome of the coming election...

If Trump wins, the democrat,plantation will riot and burn America down....

If hitlery wins, Americans will revolt......

The end, it is near.....prepare accordingly....

Just when I think you couldn't get any dumber, you post something as assinine as this.

OTOH, it would wipe out the "too stupid" faction of Trump supporters, which would be an improvement.
Your ignorance is your bliss...:lol:
Another 'we came unarmed, this time' pussy. And he's a 'governor'? Why are you 'revulushin is a cummin' crowd waiting? Aren't you just letting 'the problem' get worse? You should get activated and get busy. Your rallying cry could be 'Eat mor chikin'. Jesus you people are terrified of some clowns walking around in the woods and now you think you will take on the US military?

Derps, in a democracy when you don't inspire enough people to vote for you and your beliefs you then have to live with whoever does get elected and the laws they vote on. 'Twas always thus and always thus will be. The fact that conservatives thought that by taking over state houses they would be able to ignore federal law and start passing draconian anti-abortion, Jim Crow, and voter suppression State laws and now they have found out they're wrong doesn't mean you get to now pick up guns and start shooting people 'cuz yer mad'.

Grow the f up and adjust to the world as adults always have to do. You aren't going to overthrow anything, your 'don't tread on me' bullshit is meaningless, and you WILL have to suck it up and accept the vote of the electorate. In the adult world you don't always get what you want. Ask Bin Laden.
Why is it that conservatives are thinking that the only way to fix the country is via bloodshed?

Liberals believe in violence too. It is known as the statism.

I wish you had not added "too."

Violence has long been a tool of the Left.

Georges Eugène Sorel (2 November 1847 in Cherbourg – 29 August 1922 in Boulogne-sur-Seine) was a French philosopher and theorist of revolutionary syndicalism. His notion of the power of myth in people's lives inspired Marxists and Fascists, it is, together with his defense of violence, the contribution for which he is most often remembered.
He can't help it...he is one of them....
Grow the f up and adjust to the world as adults always have to do. You aren't going to overthrow anything, your 'don't tread on me' bullshit is meaningless, and you WILL have to suck it up and accept the vote of the electorate. In the adult world you don't always get what you want. Ask Bin Laden.

The only thing I hate more than an apologist is someone who holds people down by casting doubt.
I wish you had not added "too."

Violence has long been a tool of the Left.]

Only because it is the truth.

I am not your hack. I am not going to absolve conservatives of their violent tendencies.

Like this?

.... every presidential assassin in the history of the nation has been a liberal- or has not been associated with a political outlook- none were right-wingers.

a. John Wilkes Booth was opposed to President Lincoln’s Republican war policies. His letter to is family explained he was furious with Lincoln for having brought war to the South! THE MURDERER OF MR. LINCOLN.; Extraordinary Letter of John Wilkes Booth Proof that He Meditated His Crime Months Ago His Excuses for the Contemplated Act His Participation in the Execution of John Brown. Commissioners of Public Charities and Correction. Fires. The Seventh Ward Fire Note from Chief Engineer Decker.
Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth, “…an angry Copperhead, a.k.a., ‘peace democrat,’ (when that meant pro-slavery, of course.) John Wilkes Booth - Liberapedia
John Wilkes Booth

"In the 1860s, the Copperheads comprised a vocal faction of Democrats in the Northern United States of the Union who opposed the American Civil War, wanting an immediate peace settlement with the Confederates. Republicans started calling anti-war Democrats "Copperheads", likening them to the venomous snake."
Copperhead (politics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. Charles J. Guiteau, who shot President James Garfield, was part of a utopian commune, the Oneida Community, where free love was practiced. Ackerman, “Dark Horse: The Surprise Election and Political Murder of President James A. Garfield,” p.135
c. Leon Czolgosz, who killed President McKinley, was a socialist and anarchist, whose act was instigated by a speech he heard by socialist Emma Goldman. American Experience | Emma Goldman | Transcript | PBS
d. John Schrank, who shot and wounded Teddy Roosevelt in 1912, seemed to have no affiliation other than opposition to a third term. Theodore Roosevelt shot in Milwaukee - Oct 14, 1912 -
e. Giuseppe Zangara, who came close to killing President Roosevelt in 1933, (he killed Mayor Cermak) hated the rich and sought to “make even with the capitalists.” Outside of shooting elected officials, he would have made an ideal pick for Obama’ws cabinet.
f. Lee Harvey Oswald, who shot JFK, had been a communist ever since he read a communist pamphlet about the Rosenbergs. As soon as he was arrested, he called John Abt, lawyer for the American Communist Party. "CIA confirmed Oswald contacted Cubans, Soviets before assassination, memo shows" CIA confirmed Oswald contacted Cubans, Soviets before assassination, memo shows
A strict Constitutionialist which is closer to a conservative than today's liberal believes in the bill of rights. Liberals don't.

The bill of rights wont protect you.

Conservatives do the most complaining without any of the solutions.

If you repeal everything you hate and start from scratch, what is to prevent history from taking its course again?

In retrospect, conservatives end up supporting the same endgame as liberals. Big corporate government.
The bill of rights was written and passed to give us freedoms from government, not give the government power to abuse us. Anyone who thinks otherwise basically has a problem with freedom in general.

Obamacare, or the unaffordable care act, is only the largest tax increase in US history. It was created through tortured language to subjugate us, not provide healthcare. It is dying a slow death. Better to put it out of its misery.
Grow the f up and adjust to the world as adults always have to do. You aren't going to overthrow anything, your 'don't tread on me' bullshit is meaningless, and you WILL have to suck it up and accept the vote of the electorate. In the adult world you don't always get what you want. Ask Bin Laden.

The only thing I hate more than an apologist is someone who holds people down by casting doubt.

Or do you...

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