Most people don't even know what a "Public Option" is.

I wonder, how many people who support Obama's plan realize that it's not a public option, though that's what he calls it ... I wonder ...
No drama or hyperbole at all.....It's a fact.

If you don't purchase insurance, you'll be forced onto the "public option", meaning that you'll indeed have no option at all.
i do have problems with the mandate as well....without good competition, it is nothing but a gift horse of 30-45 million new customers just handed to the insurance companies without having to even compete for them.... sheesh
i do have problems with the mandate as well....without good competition, it is nothing but a gift horse of 30-45 million new customers just handed to the insurance companies without having to even compete for them.... sheesh
Proof positive that the term "public option" is an out-and-out lie.
No drama or hyperbole at all.....It's a fact.

If you don't purchase insurance, you'll be forced onto the "public option", meaning that you'll indeed have no option at all.

nooooooooo, if you do not buy insurance you will be penalized/ WILL NOT BE FORCED in to the public insurance option? where did you get that from, because you have not understood it correctly?
No drama or hyperbole at all.....It's a fact.

If you don't purchase insurance, you'll be forced onto the "public option", meaning that you'll indeed have no option at all.

nooooooooo, if you do not buy insurance you will be penalized/ WILL NOT BE FORCED in to the public insurance option? where did you get that from, because you have not understood it correctly?

According to the politicians that's basically what the fine pays for. ;)

It's semantics, the whole thing is. That's why I won't support it, or almost anything Obama has done so far. He's playing semantics with everything, and I hate semantics.

Though the word sounds cool.
No drama or hyperbole at all.....It's a fact.

If you don't purchase insurance, you'll be forced onto the "public option", meaning that you'll indeed have no option at all.

nooooooooo, if you do not buy insurance you will be penalized/ WILL NOT BE FORCED in to the public insurance option? where did you get that from, because you have not understood it correctly?

And if you refuse to pay the penalties/fines, how long before someone with a gun strapped to them comes to scoop you up to "get your head right"?

Like I said.....They're goig to do this at gunpoint, if necessary.
No drama or hyperbole at all.....It's a fact.

If you don't purchase insurance, you'll be forced onto the "public option", meaning that you'll indeed have no option at all.

Yes indeed.

BTW, Oregon is already forcing its employees out of Kaiser and Blue Cross/Blue Shield. As of October, we have to enroll in an HMO, or be dropped.
well, even the AARP worded it WRONGLY...

it is NOT a government funded
public plan?????

it is funded by those who buy the policies themselves, like any insurance policy.
At gunpoint, if necessary.

please not you too dude....enough of the drama queenism.... :razz:
if you are required to either have a private plan or be a part of the "public option" what would you call it?
I wonder, how many people who support Obama's plan realize that it's not a public option, though that's what he calls it ... I wonder ...

there has been so much disinformation from both sides it's hard for anyone to truly keep track....

like i said, even the aarp has got it wrong on their poll wording....

it's a boondoggle at this point!!!!
No drama or hyperbole at all.....It's a fact.

If you don't purchase insurance, you'll be forced onto the "public option", meaning that you'll indeed have no option at all.

nooooooooo, if you do not buy insurance you will be penalized/ WILL NOT BE FORCED in to the public insurance option? where did you get that from, because you have not understood it correctly?

According to the politicians that's basically what the fine pays for. ;)

It's semantics, the whole thing is. That's why I won't support it, or almost anything Obama has done so far. He's playing semantics with everything, and I hate semantics.

Though the word sounds cool.
I'm very deeply into NLP and hypnosis....Except for the very few times he's without TOTUS or prepared remarks, substanceless semantic games are all that Barry the Manchild plays.
I wonder, how many people who support Obama's plan realize that it's not a public option, though that's what he calls it ... I wonder ...

there has been so much disinformation from both sides it's hard for anyone to truly keep track....

like i said, even the aarp has got it wrong on their poll wording....

it's a boondoggle at this point!!!!
Then what makes you so sure you can keep
At gunpoint, if necessary.

please not you too dude....enough of the drama queenism.... :razz:
if you are required to either have a private plan or be a part of the "public option" what would you call it?

i am not arguing that the entire plan is not mandated...

i am arguing that NO ONE, WOULD BE FORCED in to the PUBLIC Option plan....

which is what dude said....and this is simply not true, no one will be FORCED in to the public option, it will just be on the insurance exchange as another insurance company that you can BUY a plan from....

you will have to pay a penalty if you do not buy a plan, max $950 per person, capped at $3500 i believe....this will be means tested somehow as well, i had read....
I wonder, how many people who support Obama's plan realize that it's not a public option, though that's what he calls it ... I wonder ...

there has been so much disinformation from both sides it's hard for anyone to truly keep track....

like i said, even the aarp has got it wrong on their poll wording....

it's a boondoggle at this point!!!!

Also note that there is a lot more going on than this one issue. It would not surprise me if Obama's admin brought this into play just to distract people since they finally got off the mustard crap. As I said, politicians are crooked, period. You can't trust them.
I wonder, how many people who support Obama's plan realize that it's not a public option, though that's what he calls it ... I wonder ...

there has been so much disinformation from both sides it's hard for anyone to truly keep track....

like i said, even the aarp has got it wrong on their poll wording....

it's a boondoggle at this point!!!!
Then what makes you so sure you can keep

because i do not work anymore and i am a workaholic at heart....i spend hours on researching these type things...i view it as a job! i really really really do!!! i'd be bored to death, otherwise!!!!:lol:
i agree
so then, if none of these answers is correct, then whos fault is that?

what's the verdict on the definition of public option any way?
i'm holding my opinion until vast decides to inform us how all those options were wrong

lol i'm sure "don't know" can be a wrong answer. haha but yeah untill i know what it is with the healthcare then i really can't feel anyway about it.
(3) PROVISION OF BENEFIT LEVELS.—The public health insurance option—
(A) shall offer basic, enhanced, and premium plans; and
(B) may offer premium-plus plans.
Americans are idiots.

Medicare is a public option.

No one is giving up their Medicare.

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