Most Republicans EXPECT people to pay their own way...why does that suck?

Everyone who works full time would love to be able to pay their own way....

Too many low paying jobs, not enough good paying jobs, is the problem.....

Not people needing assistance to make ends meet.....they'd love to not need it!
Everyone who works full time would love to be able to pay their own way....

Too many low paying jobs, not enough good paying jobs, is the problem.....

Not people needing assistance to make ends meet.....they'd love to not need it!

NEGATIVE...too many low skilled, low iQ people whom only qualify to work low paying, kids jobs is the problem. I know you know this though.
Everyone who works full time would love to be able to pay their own way....

Too many low paying jobs, not enough good paying jobs, is the problem.....

Not people needing assistance to make ends meet.....they'd love to not need it!

Sounds noble as all hell...but let’s get back to reality.
34 year old Guadalupe works at McDonalds, has four anchor babies and is pregnant with her fifth money you think she’s ashamed of not being able to “pay her own way”?
Do you honestly believe she’s fighting to become self funded?
Everyone who works full time would love to be able to pay their own way....

Too many low paying jobs, not enough good paying jobs, is the problem.....

Not people needing assistance to make ends meet.....they'd love to not need it!

NEGATIVE...too many low skilled, low iQ people whom only qualify to work low paying, kids jobs is the problem. I know you know this though.
You live in never neverland, if that's what you really believe....

The main reason the Trumpster won, was he promised more good paying jobs......America first was all about good paying middle class jobs for Americans again.......

You, my dear, are wrong in your assumptions....
Everyone who works full time would love to be able to pay their own way....

Too many low paying jobs, not enough good paying jobs, is the problem.....

Not people needing assistance to make ends meet.....they'd love to not need it!

NEGATIVE...too many low skilled, low iQ people whom only qualify to work low paying, kids jobs is the problem. I know you know this though.
You live in never neverland, if that's what you really believe....

The main reason the Trumpster won, was he promised more good paying jobs......America first was all about good paying middle class jobs for Americans again.......

You, my dear, are wrong in your assumptions....

I’m wrong because you say so?
So, was MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN all Just bull crap too?

Trade deficits, fixing NAFTA, bringing manufacturing back home, tax cuts for corporations, and all that jazz....all just B.S.?

And creating...Good paying jobs for all the people stuck in low paying jobs all just another, "Mexico is going to pay for the Wall" hollow promise?
Everyone who works full time would love to be able to pay their own way....

Too many low paying jobs, not enough good paying jobs, is the problem.....

Not people needing assistance to make ends meet.....they'd love to not need it!

NEGATIVE...too many low skilled, low iQ people whom only qualify to work low paying, kids jobs is the problem. I know you know this though.
A while back we had a developer pitch a jobs and housing project to "revitalize" the city. Of course that would require tax breaks, loan guarantees, etc.. Sounds great.

Looking at the details, though, the jobs would be in the 20K bracket and the housing would be for people making 100K and up. It was like...WTF... how did he think that was going to work.

Our country has been moving in that direction for a long time.
So, was MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN all Just bull crap too?

Trade deficits, fixing NAFTA, bringing manufacturing back home, tax cuts for corporations, and all that jazz....all just B.S.?

And creating...Good paying jobs for all the people stuck in low paying jobs all just another, "Mexico is going to pay for the Wall" hollow promise?

You don’t see America becoming great again? It’s happening right before your eyes...Are you blind?
Mexico is paying for the wall both directly and must have a third grade level iQ to see it though.
Everyone who works full time would love to be able to pay their own way....

Too many low paying jobs, not enough good paying jobs, is the problem.....

Not people needing assistance to make ends meet.....they'd love to not need it!

NEGATIVE...too many low skilled, low iQ people whom only qualify to work low paying, kids jobs is the problem. I know you know this though.
A while back we had a developer pitch a jobs and housing project to "revitalize" the city. Of course that would require tax breaks, loan guarantees, etc.. Sounds great.

Looking at the details, though, the jobs would be in the 20K bracket and the housing would be for people making 100K and up. It was like...WTF... how did he think that was going to work.

Our country has been moving in that direction for a long time.

Are you confused?
I’m trying to put your puzzle together...Are you saying that people working at McDonalds in Beverly Hills should be able to afford a Beverly Hills mansion because they work in BH?
Everyone who works full time would love to be able to pay their own way....

Too many low paying jobs, not enough good paying jobs, is the problem.....

Not people needing assistance to make ends meet.....they'd love to not need it!

NEGATIVE...too many low skilled, low iQ people whom only qualify to work low paying, kids jobs is the problem. I know you know this though.
A while back we had a developer pitch a jobs and housing project to "revitalize" the city. Of course that would require tax breaks, loan guarantees, etc.. Sounds great.

Looking at the details, though, the jobs would be in the 20K bracket and the housing would be for people making 100K and up. It was like...WTF... how did he think that was going to work.

Our country has been moving in that direction for a long time.

Hence using the term "revitalize" the city. Proposing projects to accommodate those in the 20K bracket, is just that, proposing "projects". And we know project housing is not all that revitalizing to a neighborhood.
Everyone who works full time would love to be able to pay their own way....

Too many low paying jobs, not enough good paying jobs, is the problem.....

Not people needing assistance to make ends meet.....they'd love to not need it!

NEGATIVE...too many low skilled, low iQ people whom only qualify to work low paying, kids jobs is the problem. I know you know this though.
A while back we had a developer pitch a jobs and housing project to "revitalize" the city. Of course that would require tax breaks, loan guarantees, etc.. Sounds great.

Looking at the details, though, the jobs would be in the 20K bracket and the housing would be for people making 100K and up. It was like...WTF... how did he think that was going to work.

Our country has been moving in that direction for a long time.

Are you confused?
I’m trying to put your puzzle together...Are you saying that people working at McDonalds in Beverly Hills should be able to afford a Beverly Hills mansion because they work in BH?
This wasn't BH, it is all over the place.
Everyone who works full time would love to be able to pay their own way....

Too many low paying jobs, not enough good paying jobs, is the problem.....

Not people needing assistance to make ends meet.....they'd love to not need it!

NEGATIVE...too many low skilled, low iQ people whom only qualify to work low paying, kids jobs is the problem. I know you know this though.
A while back we had a developer pitch a jobs and housing project to "revitalize" the city. Of course that would require tax breaks, loan guarantees, etc.. Sounds great.

Looking at the details, though, the jobs would be in the 20K bracket and the housing would be for people making 100K and up. It was like...WTF... how did he think that was going to work.

Our country has been moving in that direction for a long time.

Hence using the term "revitalize" the city. Proposing projects to accommodate those in the 20K bracket, is just that, proposing "projects". And we know project housing is not all that revitalizing to a neighborhood.
Thanks, but that wasn't the point.
I constantly find myself in a debate over this...why do Democrats get so mad about what should be a very fundamental standard and expectation of our fellow countrymen?

save the “all people on the .GOV tit are old and disabled..etc” for another thread please. Thanks in advance.
I think most Democrats would prefer to see everybody pay their own way. But they also want to support programs for those who are down on their luck, or elderly or disabled.

Republicans don’t have a problem with helping those “down on their luck”...we want strict, aggressive guidelines followed. Democrats hate qualifiers and guidelines....”that’s cruel”


Watch the threads here. RWs are always against food stamps. That means they are against vets, elderly, active military, children, single mothers and they know it.

Same with trump - look at what he has done so far that harms all of those groups and more and yet, RWNJs love him and actually seem to believe they're "winning".

Same RWNJs want lower or even no taxes. They say taxes are theft. IOW, they want use of the services but want Dems to pay for them.
DustyInfinity thinks its funny that our veterans, our elderly, our active military, our children, our single mothers work but still need food stamps to survive.

I disagree. I don't find it funny at all.
An honest days work for an honest days pay.

When did the honest days pay drop out of the picture?

What’s dishonest about the pay one AGREES to work for?
Dishonest are the lazy deadbeat rich kids pretending to be "self-made."

Versus the poor kids pretending not to be poor?
Could you try to make sense?

Figure it out bud...think ENGLISH.

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