Most Republicans EXPECT people to pay their own way...why does that suck?

An honest days work for an honest days pay.

When did the honest days pay drop out of the picture?

What do you consider an honest days pay?

Your wages are set by supply and demand. Your labor is only worth as much as your employer can find somebody else to do the same quality of work at the same pay.

In other words, if you don't think you are making enough, quit your job, and your employer finds somebody else to do the same job for the same money, that's all the money you were worth.

If you quit your job, and your employer finds somebody to do the job for less money, you were being overpaid for your work.

If you quit your job, and your employer must pay more money to find somebody to do your work, then you were underpaid.

Your value as an employee is set by how many other people can do your kind of work. The less people that can do your job, the more money your labor is worth.
If some Mexican or China man is willing to do your job for a dollar a day then it should only pay a dollar a day right?
we should be satisfied with slave wages because there are so many poor people in this world who don't even make that?
To answer the question, go ask children under 16 years of age getting food or health care help from the government.
I constantly find myself in a debate over this...why do Democrats get so mad about what should be a very fundamental standard and expectation of our fellow countrymen?

save the “all people on the .GOV tit are old and disabled..etc” for another thread please. Thanks in advance.
I think most Democrats would prefer to see everybody pay their own way. But they also want to support programs for those who are down on their luck, or elderly or disabled.

Republicans don’t have a problem with helping those “down on their luck”...we want strict, aggressive guidelines followed. Democrats hate qualifiers and guidelines....”that’s cruel”


Watch the threads here. RWs are always against food stamps. That means they are against vets, elderly, active military, children, single mothers and they know it.

Same with trump - look at what he has done so far that harms all of those groups and more and yet, RWNJs love him and actually seem to believe they're "winning".

Same RWNJs want lower or even no taxes. They say taxes are theft. IOW, they want use of the services but want Dems to pay for them.

Again, you intentionly misrepresented what the OP said. No one is suggesting taking money from the elderly, disabled or those down on their luck. Can you address the issue instead of trying to divert the subject.
Taking away money from them,. nobody said that.
end subsidizes that allow them to live, that's another story. You say fuckem let em die.
I constantly find myself in a debate over this...why do Democrats get so mad about what should be a very fundamental standard and expectation of our fellow countrymen?

save the “all people on the .GOV tit are old and disabled..etc” for another thread please. Thanks in advance.

Lol! False premise .

For example . Look at Texas after the storms . Deep red state , has no problem cashing fema welfare checks .
We really do have to many people collecting every thing they can from the government. but how do we police that & not harm the needy?
I constantly find myself in a debate over this...why do Democrats get so mad about what should be a very fundamental standard and expectation of our fellow countrymen?

save the “all people on the .GOV tit are old and disabled..etc” for another thread please. Thanks in advance.
I think most Democrats would prefer to see everybody pay their own way. But they also want to support programs for those who are down on their luck, or elderly or disabled.

Yes, socialism for me, capitalism for thee.

The true vision of the democratic two tired system of the plantation masters and their plebs.
And the lying thieving scumbag Mega rich GOP is 4 poor houses and Potter's fields. And you dupes are nuts...
I constantly find myself in a debate over this...why do Democrats get so mad about what should be a very fundamental standard and expectation of our fellow countrymen?

save the “all people on the .GOV tit are old and disabled..etc” for another thread please. Thanks in advance.
I think most Democrats would prefer to see everybody pay their own way. But they also want to support programs for those who are down on their luck, or elderly or disabled.

Republicans don’t have a problem with helping those “down on their luck”...we want strict, aggressive guidelines followed. Democrats hate qualifiers and guidelines....”that’s cruel”


Watch the threads here. RWs are always against food stamps. That means they are against vets, elderly, active military, children, single mothers and they know it.

Same with trump - look at what he has done so far that harms all of those groups and more and yet, RWNJs love him and actually seem to believe they're "winning".

Same RWNJs want lower or even no taxes. They say taxes are theft. IOW, they want use of the services but want Dems to pay for them.

Again, you intentionly misrepresented what the OP said. No one is suggesting taking money from the elderly, disabled or those down on their luck. Can you address the issue instead of trying to divert the subject.
Taking away money from them,. nobody said that.
end subsidizes that allow them to live, that's another story. You say fuckem let em die.

I stated no such thing, neither did the OP.

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