Most Republicans EXPECT people to pay their own way...why does that suck?

I constantly find myself in a debate over this...why do Democrats get so mad about what should be a very fundamental standard and expectation of our fellow countrymen?

save the “all people on the .GOV tit are old and disabled..etc” for another thread please. Thanks in advance.

Disclaimer: Don't talk about anything that's not convenient for my argument.
I think most Democrats would prefer to see everybody pay their own way. But they also want to support programs for those who are down on their luck, or elderly or disabled.

Yes, socialism for me, capitalism for thee.

The true vision of the democratic two tired system of the plantation masters and their plebs.
Was that supposed to make sense?

No, the leftist plan doesn't make sense indeed.
From the sound of your posts I highly doubt you understand or even possess the ability to articulate the democrats plan

From the sound of your post you are a complete moron. I doubt your IQ is high enough to tie the shoelaces. After all you fall for the vision of democratic free shit, because you have nothing of value to offer to anyone.

I am sorry for insulting morons, even they have something to offer. Some are even hard working.
Your posts are nothing but empty insults and false assumptions. You really shouldn’t be talking about IQ when you can’t write anything of substance or make an intelligent argument to back up your opinions.
Yes, socialism for me, capitalism for thee.

The true vision of the democratic two tired system of the plantation masters and their plebs.
Was that supposed to make sense?

No, the leftist plan doesn't make sense indeed.
From the sound of your posts I highly doubt you understand or even possess the ability to articulate the democrats plan

From the sound of your post you are a complete moron. I doubt your IQ is high enough to tie the shoelaces. After all you fall for the vision of democratic free shit, because you have nothing of value to offer to anyone.

I am sorry for insulting morons, even they have something to offer. Some are even hard working.
Your posts are nothing but empty insults and false assumptions. You really shouldn’t be talking about IQ when you can’t write anything of substance or make an intelligent argument to back up your opinions.

Do we have a leftist projecting again?

Yes we do... never saw this coming.
Why is it only socialism when an average person gets help from the government, but never when the corporations, banks, wall street get bailouts. By the way, the people are mentioned in the constitution but never the corporations.
Was that supposed to make sense?

No, the leftist plan doesn't make sense indeed.
From the sound of your posts I highly doubt you understand or even possess the ability to articulate the democrats plan

From the sound of your post you are a complete moron. I doubt your IQ is high enough to tie the shoelaces. After all you fall for the vision of democratic free shit, because you have nothing of value to offer to anyone.

I am sorry for insulting morons, even they have something to offer. Some are even hard working.
Your posts are nothing but empty insults and false assumptions. You really shouldn’t be talking about IQ when you can’t write anything of substance or make an intelligent argument to back up your opinions.

Do we have a leftist projecting again?

Yes we do... never saw this coming.
Another empty insult... shocking
Why is it only socialism when an average person gets help from the government, but never when the corporations, banks, wall street get bailouts. By the way, the people are mentioned in the constitution but never the corporations.

And I'll bet there are lots of republican voters receiving government help also. Probably some right wingers on these forums too.
No, the leftist plan doesn't make sense indeed.
From the sound of your posts I highly doubt you understand or even possess the ability to articulate the democrats plan

From the sound of your post you are a complete moron. I doubt your IQ is high enough to tie the shoelaces. After all you fall for the vision of democratic free shit, because you have nothing of value to offer to anyone.

I am sorry for insulting morons, even they have something to offer. Some are even hard working.
Your posts are nothing but empty insults and false assumptions. You really shouldn’t be talking about IQ when you can’t write anything of substance or make an intelligent argument to back up your opinions.

Do we have a leftist projecting again?

Yes we do... never saw this coming.
Another empty insult... shocking

Given that's all you do, you must be super shocked indeed. Of course, I merely pointed out the fact and now you continue with your projection.

Pro tip, this maybe why you can't contribute anything worthwhile to society and need the government looted free stuff to pay for your way.
I constantly find myself in a debate over this...why do Democrats get so mad about what should be a very fundamental standard and expectation of our fellow countrymen?

save the “all people on the .GOV tit are old and disabled..etc” for another thread please. Thanks in advance.
A few reasons.

1. Because many only voice those beliefs until they decide to dip into the government pot, like Ayn Rand.

2. Because many rich people only got rich thanks to the government. Pharma got rich because the government prevents anyone else from making and selling certain drugs.

3. If you give your kid the title to your land, that title is a government title. Without the government, your title to many things is meaningless.

So the real issue is republicans only think they're paying their own way. Really what they're doing is benefiting the most from the government while pointing their fingers at other welfare recipients.
From the sound of your posts I highly doubt you understand or even possess the ability to articulate the democrats plan

From the sound of your post you are a complete moron. I doubt your IQ is high enough to tie the shoelaces. After all you fall for the vision of democratic free shit, because you have nothing of value to offer to anyone.

I am sorry for insulting morons, even they have something to offer. Some are even hard working.
Your posts are nothing but empty insults and false assumptions. You really shouldn’t be talking about IQ when you can’t write anything of substance or make an intelligent argument to back up your opinions.

Do we have a leftist projecting again?

Yes we do... never saw this coming.
Another empty insult... shocking

Given that's all you do, you must be super shocked indeed. Of course, I merely pointed out the fact and now you continue with your projection.

Pro tip, this maybe why you can't contribute anything worthwhile to society and need the government to pay for your way.
I did contribute a substantive post a few back where I actually shared my ideas and observations in a non biased way. Give it a shot sometime
I constantly find myself in a debate over this...why do Democrats get so mad about what should be a very fundamental standard and expectation of our fellow countrymen?

save the “all people on the .GOV tit are old and disabled..etc” for another thread please. Thanks in advance.

Disclaimer: Don't talk about anything that's not convenient for my argument.

Well, I know how “some folks” latch on to the two percentile and pretend the 98% doesn’t exist.
There is nothing wrong with pay your own way. That is common sense. The liberal safety net seems to encompass more than helping those who are disabled or elderly. They want sweeping one size fits all programs that are 'universal' instead of targeted to those two groups. They literally give aid to the hated 1%. Does that make sense? If you help the disabled and elderly without creating a huge group that are generationally dependent, I have no problem with that. I do have a problem when you encourage able bodied people not to work.
Pay there own way?
Why is the EPA head buying a 43 thousand dollar phone?
Why is the head of the Treasury getting military aircraft to take them on vacation?
Why does the head of HUD want a 31 thousand breakfast table?
Why does................
Well, you know..........
If they were paying their own way, why steal from taxpayers?
You wanted socialism you got socialism
I constantly find myself in a debate over this...why do Democrats get so mad about what should be a very fundamental standard and expectation of our fellow countrymen?

save the “all people on the .GOV tit are old and disabled..etc” for another thread please. Thanks in advance.

Disclaimer: Don't talk about anything that's not convenient for my argument.

Well, I know how “some folks” latch on to the two percentile and pretend the 98% doesn’t exist.

Or possibly you're so obsessed about it, that that's all you read.
Why is it only socialism when an average person gets help from the government, but never when the corporations, banks, wall street get bailouts. By the way, the people are mentioned in the constitution but never the corporations.
Also when an emerging business takes govt incentives and tax breaks or uses govt developed technology:
If it is successful it is another success of capitalism.
If it fails it is big govt waste and socialism.
Why is it only socialism when an average person gets help from the government, but never when the corporations, banks, wall street get bailouts. By the way, the people are mentioned in the constitution but never the corporations.

That gets rather trivial and complex....most “corporate welfare” is paid back one way or another. The welfare paid out to Guadalupe never comes back.
An honest days work for an honest days pay.

When did the honest days pay drop out of the picture?
An honest days work for an honest days pay.

When did the honest days pay drop out of the picture?

When people have jobs that don’t pay them what they think they’re worth...guess what, they get a different job...TA-DA!

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