Most Republicans EXPECT people to pay their own way...why does that suck?

Luddly, you just said republicans hate everyone. I find that ludicrous and amusing. I especially like the part where you say democrats care about veterans. Aren't you guys the ones who constantly want to gut the military, and have it pay for trans surgeries? Aren't you guys the ones who pull troops out too soon so that you negate everything troops fought for. Don't you guys spit on soldiers and bar them from recruiting in high schools? Don't even tell me you care about military personnel. Heck, Obama wouldn't even solute the troops. I love what Obama did to the VA too, but that was a mess way before he got there. Nobody has a problem with helping people who need it, but Obama wasn't known as the food stamp president for nothing. We should be striving for a self reliant populace, that is common sense. The food stamp program might have more fraud than any other assistance program. You can sit home and do nothing and be eligible for the program. The single mothers could get at least a part time job. Getting rid of fraud will not hurt any of the people you have listed. My problem isn't with helping people, it is with intentionally ballooning a program mired in fraud. Instead of food stamp parties, there should be work requirements.
DustyInfinity thinks its funny that our veterans, our elderly, our active military, our children, our single mothers work but still need food stamps to survive.

I disagree. I don't find it funny at all.

So it's not their fault but societies?

Outside of children, every single person you listed were responsible for their own future.

If you got knocked up and stayed single with children, why is that our problem?
If you were in the armed forces, didn't take advantage of all the benefits they get, why is that our problem?
If you are elderly, why didn't you plan for your advanced years?
Our active military doesn't need food stamps. We pay for all their food.

Then there is the issue of "needing" food stamps and "taking advantage" of food stamps. For instance, several states created requirements for people with no dependents to receive SNAP's. Most of them dropped out of the program. Seems they weren't that hungry after all.
So, was MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN all Just bull crap too?

Trade deficits, fixing NAFTA, bringing manufacturing back home, tax cuts for corporations, and all that jazz....all just B.S.?

And creating...Good paying jobs for all the people stuck in low paying jobs all just another, "Mexico is going to pay for the Wall" hollow promise?

The lowest unemployment since the 90s, Americans bringing home more of their pay, Getting rid of Commie Care penalties, bringing North Korea to their knees, decreasing government dependency, a stable stock market are all part of making America great again. Just because you don't get everything you want doesn't mean it's not happening. And wait until you file your 2018 tax return next year. You're in for a big surprise.
An honest days work for an honest days pay.

When did the honest days pay drop out of the picture?

What’s dishonest about the pay one AGREES to work for?
Dishonest are the lazy deadbeat rich kids pretending to be "self-made."

So what business are they to you or taxpayers?
Some lazy deadbeat's title to inherited property means I'm not allowed to be on that property and the government (using resources from actual workers) prevents others from being there too.

Some lazy deadbeat's title to a patent means the government will prevent me from producing that substance or from buying it from overseas.
Everyone who works full time would love to be able to pay their own way....

Too many low paying jobs, not enough good paying jobs, is the problem.....

Not people needing assistance to make ends meet.....they'd love to not need it!

Sure they would. Our industry (transportation) needs tens of thousands of workers they can't find. So to the point they are hiring foreigners to do the work Americans don't want.

I spend every day in industrial areas. They are all littered with HELP WANTED signs. Those signs stay up day after day, week after week, month after month.
An honest days work for an honest days pay.

When did the honest days pay drop out of the picture?

What’s dishonest about the pay one AGREES to work for?
Dishonest are the lazy deadbeat rich kids pretending to be "self-made."

So what business are they to you or taxpayers?
Some lazy deadbeat's title to inherited property means I'm not allowed to be on that property and the government (using resources from actual workers) prevents others from being there too.

Some lazy deadbeat's title to a patent means the government will prevent me from producing that substance or from buying it from overseas.

WTF would you want to be on somebody's property? Do you mind if people go on your property?

Patents are protection. Are you saying Americans shouldn't have protection for their inventions?
An honest days work for an honest days pay.

When did the honest days pay drop out of the picture?

What do you consider an honest days pay?

Your wages are set by supply and demand. Your labor is only worth as much as your employer can find somebody else to do the same quality of work at the same pay.

In other words, if you don't think you are making enough, quit your job, and your employer finds somebody else to do the same job for the same money, that's all the money you were worth.

If you quit your job, and your employer finds somebody to do the job for less money, you were being overpaid for your work.

If you quit your job, and your employer must pay more money to find somebody to do your work, then you were underpaid.

Your value as an employee is set by how many other people can do your kind of work. The less people that can do your job, the more money your labor is worth.
Pay there own way?
Why is the EPA head buying a 43 thousand dollar phone?
Why is the head of the Treasury getting military aircraft to take them on vacation?
Why does the head of HUD want a 31 thousand breakfast table?
Why does................
Well, you know..........
If they were paying their own way, why steal from taxpayers?

All that should not be funded by the taxpayers, it’s wrong, what does that have to do with people paying their own way? Why can’t you address the question instead of trying to deflect the thread?
I constantly find myself in a debate over this...why do Democrats get so mad about what should be a very fundamental standard and expectation of our fellow countrymen?

save the “all people on the .GOV tit are old and disabled..etc” for another thread please. Thanks in advance.
I think most Democrats would prefer to see everybody pay their own way. But they also want to support programs for those who are down on their luck, or elderly or disabled.

He already made excluded the elderly and disabled, I. Would also include those down on their luck, however we need to help people get on their feet and off the government dole.
Why is it only socialism when an average person gets help from the government, but never when the corporations, banks, wall street get bailouts. By the way, the people are mentioned in the constitution but never the corporations.

So how many Republicans do you know that approve of bailouts?
Everyone who works full time would love to be able to pay their own way....

Too many low paying jobs, not enough good paying jobs, is the problem.....

Not people needing assistance to make ends meet.....they'd love to not need it!

Sounds noble as all hell...but let’s get back to reality.
34 year old Guadalupe works at McDonalds, has four anchor babies and is pregnant with her fifth money you think she’s ashamed of not being able to “pay her own way”?
Do you honestly believe she’s fighting to become self funded?
How could you or I know what Guadalupe is doing planning or thinking, do you even know Guadalupe?
Republicans don't pay their own way. They spend while lowering taxes and put it on the tab for someone else to pay for in the future.

I agree this needs to also stop, so does the idea that people can get and can continue to get welfare. We don’t need to subsidize anyone, unless they are elderly, disabled or down on their luck, not just giving and continuing to give money and not expect people to pay their own way.
Why is it only socialism when an average person gets help from the government, but never when the corporations, banks, wall street get bailouts. By the way, the people are mentioned in the constitution but never the corporations.
Corporate welfare should stop as well. We should expect people to pay their own way, corporation or individual.
I constantly find myself in a debate over this...why do Democrats get so mad about what should be a very fundamental standard and expectation of our fellow countrymen?

save the “all people on the .GOV tit are old and disabled..etc” for another thread please. Thanks in advance.
I think most Democrats would prefer to see everybody pay their own way. But they also want to support programs for those who are down on their luck, or elderly or disabled.

Republicans don’t have a problem with helping those “down on their luck”...we want strict, aggressive guidelines followed. Democrats hate qualifiers and guidelines....”that’s cruel”


Watch the threads here. RWs are always against food stamps. That means they are against vets, elderly, active military, children, single mothers and they know it.

Same with trump - look at what he has done so far that harms all of those groups and more and yet, RWNJs love him and actually seem to believe they're "winning".

Same RWNJs want lower or even no taxes. They say taxes are theft. IOW, they want use of the services but want Dems to pay for them.

Again, you intentionly misrepresented what the OP said. No one is suggesting taking money from the elderly, disabled or those down on their luck. Can you address the issue instead of trying to divert the subject.
An honest days work for an honest days pay.

When did the honest days pay drop out of the picture?

What’s dishonest about the pay one AGREES to work for?
Dishonest are the lazy deadbeat rich kids pretending to be "self-made."

So what business are they to you or taxpayers?
Some lazy deadbeat's title to inherited property means I'm not allowed to be on that property and the government (using resources from actual workers) prevents others from being there too.

Some lazy deadbeat's title to a patent means the government will prevent me from producing that substance or from buying it from overseas.

WTF would you want to be on somebody's property? Do you mind if people go on your property?

Patents are protection. Are you saying Americans shouldn't have protection for their inventions?
I answered your question of what business it is to me or taxpayers. You don't have to get defensive. If you think a certain rich person should get government-enforced exclusive right to produce something, the bottom line is the government resources (powered by other humans living under that government) are being used to deny others the ability to do something. It's the same reason you think it's your business when the government takes money currently assigned to you (printed by the government and originally titled to you courtesy solely of the government) and assigns it to someone else: government resources being used to deny you of something.

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