Most Republicans Support Declaring the United States a Christian Nation

So you, a Christian, want people to suffer and be in pain.

And you wonder why people are turning away from Christianity. You people just don’t get it and I don’t think you ever will.
Leftwingers/atheists believe life should be a bowl of cherries, that they should never be inconvenienced, that there should never be unpleasant consequences for actions. But the suffering I'm talking about should be self-imposed, not imposed on others.

A cushy self-centered life does not make for a strong soul, build character, or lead to a happy life. That's why leftwingers/atheists lead all groups in depression, alcohol abuse, substance abuse, and suicides.
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Most Republicans Support Declaring the United States a Christian Nation

We followed up by asking: “Would You Favor or Oppose the United States Officially Declaring the United States to be a Christian Nation?” The findings were striking. Overall, 62 percent of respondents said they opposed such a declaration, including 83 percent of Democrats and 39 percent of Republicans. Fully 61 percent of Republicans supported declaring the United States a Christian nation.

Guys, Mashie was ahead of the curve on this one. Recall, I was one of the first to ever bring this idea up in my well-received thread last January It’s Time to Formally Declare America A Christian Nation.

People had never heard that before. People acted shocked at the notion. Leftwingers barked about the 1st Amendment (Never mind, they trash the 2nd Amendment). People act like there haven't been 27 Amendments already.

This article recognizes my point that separation of church and state is impossible. But my rationale remains the best, and I'm the only one who has mentioned it. When you try to avoid enacting Christian laws, you enact atheist laws by default. There is no such thing as a void. The reason America needs to be declared officially a Christian nation is because it has unofficially become an atheist nation, pushing atheist laws. And so, since we have to choose between atheism and theism, with no other alternative possible, we should choose the BEST belief, which is Christianity. My preference is Roman Catholicism.

Prominent Republican politicians have made the themes critical to their message to voters in the run up to the 2022 midterm elections. Doug Mastriano, the Republican nominee for governor in Pennsylvania, has argued that America is a Christian nation and that the separation of church and state is a “myth.”

This article published by Marxist-funded Yahoo blatant LIED, however, when they said Christians want a white Christian country. This is completely unsubstantiated. There was never any evidence offered to support this lie in the article or anywhere else.
Can you tell us, who is going to read the Bible and tell us how to live our lives....

Are we going with the Iran model of one guy (who we say is picked by God) or have a council?

Now I am big old reader of the Bible, when do we do this ?
Matthew 19:21 Jesus said: "If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."

Cause I want to give mine away the day before, thus I will be 'poor' and then bingo, everything coming my way....
Atheist laws are anti-Christian laws. There are plenty of them. First and foremost is abortion.

My choice is for us to be a Catholic nation.
For starters did the Republicans vote to be a Catholic Country? You might struggle to get 61% then...

BTW, I have met many Atheists who live a life a lot closer to Christ teachings than some Christians... Many Atheists have just high moral values as people follow a religion...
Whatever you'd like.

So what's the plan for getting us back to being a White Christian nation?

As it gets harder to have an abortion people will become more responsible. This will lead to a decline in the birth rate. Many you g couples are having no kids or only one. Hard to sustain things. The era of big families is over, done.
Show me in the founding documents they did that. There can’t be a national religion. There can be state religions.
Seriously, read a history book...
Look what religion did in Europe and why many US early immigrants fled the persecution of it...

We have horror story after horror story of what was done in the name of religion....
As it gets harder to have an abortion people will become more responsible. This will lead to a decline in the birth rate. Many you g couples are having no kids or only one. Hard to sustain things. The era of big families is over, done.
Hang on...

The OP want Catholics to be the state religion... That would mean the banning of contraception... How do you think those families are so big?
BTW, I have met many Atheists who live a life a lot closer to Christ teachings than some Christians... Many Atheists have just high moral values as people follow a religion...
I hear this all the time, but have rarely if ever observed it. It's true that atheists can act morally and be better people than those who claim a religion, but don't follow it.
Hang on...

The OP want Catholics to be the state religion... That would mean the banning of contraception... How do you think those families are so big?
Big families are wonderful. I came from one, and I have one. I wish it were bigger.
Big families are the right way to do it.
Seriously, read a history book...
Look what religion did in Europe and why many US early immigrants fled the persecution of it...

We have horror story after horror story of what was done in the name of religion....
Let's talk about the 150 million killed by atheist regimes in the last century within a 33-year period; more than all religions combined in the history of the world

I was quoting another poster. I think you know that. So you're being dishonest.

Second try: What's the plan? Or do you disagree with that poster? Would you like the post number to which I was referring?
You responded to my post, and implied with your question I said something about race. I said nothing about race. I don't pay attention to your side convos with other posters.
It is pain and suffering which hone character in people. As evidenced by the "Greatest Generation".
You people who decry suffering should read my thread on the beautiful St. Therese of Lisieux. She was an average 24 year girl old who became one of the greatest canonized saints in history. Her writings, borne of suffering and prayer were viewed as so influential, she was one of the very few given the title "Doctor of the Church". Zone1 - St. Therese Lisieux. Brilliant. Beautiful. Doctor of the Church

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