Most Republicans Support Declaring the United States a Christian Nation

The problem is that many, many people have fallen into the trap of believing that morals and values emanate from religions. They fail to realize that morals and values predate the human construct thst is religion.
Religions in US have become more and more tribal... They are a club you join to feel part of a group, the tribe protects you and gives you comfort...

A few miles from me here in Ireland there is a small order of nuns in a closed order. They don't contact the outside world (even though they live in a city) generally... They have no modern devices and they are silent for large parts of the day...
This to me is devotion, they gave up every thing for their faith... It is selfless life....
I am sorry but I equate this to God & Guns Christian who wears a shirt with 'Fuck your feelings' on it... Then tells me I am not a Christian...

I maybe not a devote Christian but I respect those nuns and know what it is to be devote...
Leftwingers/atheists believe life should be a bowl of cherries, that they should never be inconvenienced, that there should never be unpleasant consequences for actions. But the suffering I'm talking about should be self-imposed, not imposed on others.
So you want people to be in pain and you want them to suffer.

Like I said.
Of course they do, but.....


is what they really want


Trust me.
In your circle, very few. In my circle, many.
Give me a number, dipshit!

You have got to be the most ignorant person on this message board. The truly horrific part is that it is self-inflicted. You never answer questions, provide links to your information, and constantly talk about the Bible, but it is readily apparent you never read it. You know nothing about the Reformation and the decline of Catholicism throughout history.
That's not what FOUNDED A Christian nation means
Then what does it mean?

Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence and he was definitely NOT a Christian. He rewrote the Bible.

"This Bible was focused only on Jesus, but none of his mystical works. It didn’t include major scenes like the resurrection or ascension to heaven, or miracles like turning water into wine or walking on water. Instead, Jefferson’s Bible focused on Jesus as a man of morals, a teacher whose truths were expressed without the help of miracles or the supernatural powers of God."

Does that disqualify him? I think it does!

George Washington was a Deist and not a Christian.

Conversely, James Madison wrote the 1st Amendment regarding religious freedom and he was an ordained minister. This was his original proposed section of the 1st Amendment:

The civil rights of none shall be abridged on account of religious belief or worship, nor shall any national religion be established, nor shall the full and equal rights of conscience be in any manner, or on any pretext infringed.

Now, about that Christian nation bullshit?
Of course not. It doesn't say that anywhere, regardless of what you saw on the internet, or wherever.

I'm just encouraging you to say what you're thinking, because this pathology fascinates me.
What do you think _founded as a Christian nation" means? I'm pretty sure you believe it means we force citizens to accept Christianity in our personal lives, and must be the foundation of all our laws. I know libs. You think a Christian nation would be a theocracy.

The anti God's need fear. They can't survive reason.
What do you think _founded as a Christian nation" means? I'm pretty sure you believe it means we force citizens to accept Christianity in our personal lives, and must be the foundation of all our laws. I know libs. You think a Christian nation would be a theocracy.

The anti God's need fear. They can't survive reason.
Good thing folks have you to tell them what they "need".

There's the problem, in a nutshell.
Most Republicans Support Declaring the United States a Christian Nation

We followed up by asking: “Would You Favor or Oppose the United States Officially Declaring the United States to be a Christian Nation?” The findings were striking. Overall, 62 percent of respondents said they opposed such a declaration, including 83 percent of Democrats and 39 percent of Republicans. Fully 61 percent of Republicans supported declaring the United States a Christian nation.

Guys, Mashie was ahead of the curve on this one. Recall, I was one of the first to ever bring this idea up in my well-received thread last January It’s Time to Formally Declare America A Christian Nation.

People had never heard that before. People acted shocked at the notion. Leftwingers barked about the 1st Amendment (Never mind, they trash the 2nd Amendment). People act like there haven't been 27 Amendments already.

This article recognizes my point that separation of church and state is impossible. But my rationale remains the best, and I'm the only one who has mentioned it. When you try to avoid enacting Christian laws, you enact atheist laws by default. There is no such thing as a void. The reason America needs to be declared officially a Christian nation is because it has unofficially become an atheist nation, pushing atheist laws. And so, since we have to choose between atheism and theism, with no other alternative possible, we should choose the BEST belief, which is Christianity. My preference is Roman Catholicism.

Prominent Republican politicians have made the themes critical to their message to voters in the run up to the 2022 midterm elections. Doug Mastriano, the Republican nominee for governor in Pennsylvania, has argued that America is a Christian nation and that the separation of church and state is a “myth.”

This article published by Marxist-funded Yahoo blatant LIED, however, when they said Christians want a white Christian country. This is completely unsubstantiated. There was never any evidence offered to support this lie in the article or anywhere else.
Fuck your christofascist bullshit. This is NOT a Christian nation. Republicans are such self-righteous idiots.
Most Republicans Support Declaring the United States a Christian Nation

We followed up by asking: “Would You Favor or Oppose the United States Officially Declaring the United States to be a Christian Nation?” The findings were striking. Overall, 62 percent of respondents said they opposed such a declaration, including 83 percent of Democrats and 39 percent of Republicans. Fully 61 percent of Republicans supported declaring the United States a Christian nation.

Guys, Mashie was ahead of the curve on this one. Recall, I was one of the first to ever bring this idea up in my well-received thread last January It’s Time to Formally Declare America A Christian Nation.

People had never heard that before. People acted shocked at the notion. Leftwingers barked about the 1st Amendment (Never mind, they trash the 2nd Amendment). People act like there haven't been 27 Amendments already.

This article recognizes my point that separation of church and state is impossible. But my rationale remains the best, and I'm the only one who has mentioned it. When you try to avoid enacting Christian laws, you enact atheist laws by default. There is no such thing as a void. The reason America needs to be declared officially a Christian nation is because it has unofficially become an atheist nation, pushing atheist laws. And so, since we have to choose between atheism and theism, with no other alternative possible, we should choose the BEST belief, which is Christianity. My preference is Roman Catholicism.

Prominent Republican politicians have made the themes critical to their message to voters in the run up to the 2022 midterm elections. Doug Mastriano, the Republican nominee for governor in Pennsylvania, has argued that America is a Christian nation and that the separation of church and state is a “myth.”

This article published by Marxist-funded Yahoo blatant LIED, however, when they said Christians want a white Christian country. This is completely unsubstantiated. There was never any evidence offered to support this lie in the article or anywhere else.
That is a pretty fucked up, un-American thing to say! Separation of church and state, yo.
Most Republicans Support Declaring the United States a Christian Nation

We followed up by asking: “Would You Favor or Oppose the United States Officially Declaring the United States to be a Christian Nation?” The findings were striking. Overall, 62 percent of respondents said they opposed such a declaration, including 83 percent of Democrats and 39 percent of Republicans. Fully 61 percent of Republicans supported declaring the United States a Christian nation.

Guys, Mashie was ahead of the curve on this one. Recall, I was one of the first to ever bring this idea up in my well-received thread last January It’s Time to Formally Declare America A Christian Nation.

People had never heard that before. People acted shocked at the notion. Leftwingers barked about the 1st Amendment (Never mind, they trash the 2nd Amendment). People act like there haven't been 27 Amendments already.

This article recognizes my point that separation of church and state is impossible. But my rationale remains the best, and I'm the only one who has mentioned it. When you try to avoid enacting Christian laws, you enact atheist laws by default. There is no such thing as a void. The reason America needs to be declared officially a Christian nation is because it has unofficially become an atheist nation, pushing atheist laws. And so, since we have to choose between atheism and theism, with no other alternative possible, we should choose the BEST belief, which is Christianity. My preference is Roman Catholicism.

Prominent Republican politicians have made the themes critical to their message to voters in the run up to the 2022 midterm elections. Doug Mastriano, the Republican nominee for governor in Pennsylvania, has argued that America is a Christian nation and that the separation of church and state is a “myth.”

This article published by Marxist-funded Yahoo blatant LIED, however, when they said Christians want a white Christian country. This is completely unsubstantiated. There was never any evidence offered to support this lie in the article or anywhere else.

It was a stupid idea when you suggested it, and it's still a stupid idea. Stupid and dangerous.
The Founders had that same opportunity and they carefully separated church and state.

Which branch of Christianity is to be the national religion?

You don't know what separation of church and state means. You must be Canadian
I don't believe the OP at all. Christians no that declaring a Nation as being " Christian" will not bring any non Christians to a belief in Christ.

Saying we are a "Christian" nation just means that is who we are, not what we expect anyone else to be.

It's pretty meaningless. I believe in a higher power, but I don't consider myself Christian. But it's pretty meaningless and I don't really give a shit. This is another political objective by the left. They'd be fine if we declared ourselves a Muslim nation. Anything but Christian or Jew. Democrats hate us, that's their only religious view

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