Most Republicans Support Declaring the United States a Christian Nation

To get a response. And I appreciate your response. Every word.

So, are we done now?
Apparently you're not. You keep bringing it up.

This guy is taking trolling lessons from Rightwinger whose sole goal is to up his post count.
I have no interest in a theocratic nation. I would like to see this nation reestablish itself on a foundation of Morality and Values, bot NOT on religion.

Morality and values come from religion.

That's why it was started to begin with. As a way to keep the rabble from going native. Religion kept them in check and gave them the values and morals such as don't steal, don't murder.

Without religion people slide into chaos as we see now. Religion is being put on the back burner and not a part of society as much as it used to be. So we see a rise in crimes, people actually publicly talking about being a minor attracted person's without fear, people burning and looting shit, people turnning against america because God and country aren't taught anymore and a whole lot more. America is very gradually becoming Sodom and Gomorrah which was a godless place.
There are fallible human beings in every organization. But the teachings of Jesus' Church are perfect
I’ll agree with your first sentence but the second one doesn’t line up with my personal experiences.

Even if they were, it’s actions/results that truly mean something to me, and the clergy/members of every religion I’ve seen are flawed.
No we weren’t. If we were, many of the signers of the Declaration of Independence and ratifies of the Constitution would not have gone along it’s it. Those men sought a Moral nation, not a Religious one. Their mistake was in not enshrining those Morals and Calues in the Constitution for posterity.
Morality and values come from religion
Morals and Values predate religion. They have existed since the beginnings of mankind. Religion has used (some) of them to trap people into an institutional construct for the betterment of the Religion, not the people.
No fucking way. How much money has the Catholic Church paid out in pedophilia claims??? The Catholic Church sold its soul for wealth and power a more than a thousand years ago.

There is no denomination I would want to see as the national religion, including my own.

You know, as much as Mashmouth supports the catholic church, one is forced to wonder what his real values might be...
Leftwingers/atheists believe life should be a bowl of cherries, that they should never be inconvenienced, that there should never be unpleasant consequences for actions. But the suffering I'm talking about should be self-imposed, not imposed on others.

A cushy self-centered life does not make for a strong soul, build character, or lead to a happy life. That's why leftwingers/atheists lead all groups in depression, alcohol abuse, substance abuse, and suicides.

And what's your opinion of that catholic church when it comes to sexual abuse of children by its priests?
Nope. I didn't read post #68.
I'm conversing with you. Since I didn't say what you're axing, You need to axe post #68.

Treaty of Tripoli, article 11

Art. 11. As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility, of Mussulmen (Muslims); and as the said States never entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mahometan (Mohammedan) nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.

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