Most small businesses suffered under Barry...

Bullshit. Small business' boomed in Metro Detroit sponging off all the middle class Americans the Big 3 Unions created.

My small business buddies understands if the masses don't have money to spend, their business won't take off. Liberal policies created the middle class. You republicans will only wipe out the middle class with your trickle down policies. We've all seen this one before. I can't believe Americans have such short memories.

GOP Delegates Say the Economy Is Terrible—Except Where They Live
Nothing destroyed small businesses faster than frivolous laws and regulations… Fact

If that were true you could name a few.

Name the top 3 regulations that are hurting small business'?

Name the top 3 frivolous laws hurting small business'?

My guess is this is a right wing talking point you just parrot without knowing what the fuck you are talking about.

Frivolous lawsuits are a HUGE problem for small businesses.

Obamacare, Federal Tax Code and state licensing requirements are all regulatory nightmares for SMALL BUSINESSES.

There are many employment laws, including harassment, discrimination and wrongful termination laws that are abused by small business employees.

Intellectual property laws are also abused by employees and need to be strengthen to protect small businesses.

Do you want to examine these one at a time?


What tort reformers don’t tell you is that the legal system already has three safety mechanisms in place to prevent, dismiss, and correct “frivolous lawsuits” and “runaway jury verdicts.”

The Myth Of The Frivolous Lawsuit | Tort Deform

In 2006 you guys argued that frivolous lawsuits were hurting tax payers. Today you're worrying about the small business'.

Companies with 50 or more employees are required to provide healthcare or pay a penalty. So the ACA isn't hurting any "small business". Not the kind of small business' who got Trump elected. Those people all have less than 50 employees so a non issue for small business.

The Federal Tax code? You mean paying taxes? Can you show me their federal taxes went up under Obama?

Maybe small business' problem is they make a shitty product, don't sell enough, overprice their crap and they fuck up so much they get sued. Don't blame the government because your business is a failure.

Intellectual property laws are abused by employees? From my perspective corporations have all the power and make us sign non compete contracts so we can't even go work for the competitor after they use us up and spit us out after 5 years. Can you provide evidence this is an issue?

51 employees isn't a "SMALL" business, but 49 employees is a "SMALL" business?

You are absolutely FOS that the ACA does not have any negative affect on "SMALL BUSINESSES".

THE SMALL BUSINESS ACT OF 1953 defines a "SMALL BUSINESS" as "one which is independently owned and operated and which is not dominant in its field of operation."
There is NOTHING about "50" employees.

Your arbitrary number of "50" employees to DEFINE a SMALL BUSINESS is simply bullshit.

That's for starters.

YOUR claim is that "SMALL BUSINESSES" are not affected AT ALL....NOT ONE BIT by Obamacare...

Since December 2012, rates for small employers grew 588 percent in Washington state, though this astounding increase is likely due to the small sample size and additional state regulations. Premiums rose 66 percent in Pennsylvania, 37 percent in California, 34 percent in Indiana, 30 percent in Kentucky and 29 percent in Colorado.

For small businesses that help pay for their employees healthcare.....THE RATES ARE UP.
Do you want to stay on this, or do you want to go to the next issue?

Are we still on the REPUBLICAN "TALKING POINTS"?

What about OVERTIME laws and Silicia regulations? Should we deep dive on those?

Relatively small

Slower Premium Growth Under Obama -
Bullshit. Small business' boomed in Metro Detroit sponging off all the middle class Americans the Big 3 Unions created.

My small business buddies understands if the masses don't have money to spend, their business won't take off. Liberal policies created the middle class. You republicans will only wipe out the middle class with your trickle down policies. We've all seen this one before. I can't believe Americans have such short memories.

GOP Delegates Say the Economy Is Terrible—Except Where They Live
Nothing destroyed small businesses faster than frivolous laws and regulations… Fact some along with statistics showing a decline in small businesses

That's basically what I asked him for.
Bullshit. Small business' boomed in Metro Detroit sponging off all the middle class Americans the Big 3 Unions created.

My small business buddies understands if the masses don't have money to spend, their business won't take off. Liberal policies created the middle class. You republicans will only wipe out the middle class with your trickle down policies. We've all seen this one before. I can't believe Americans have such short memories.

GOP Delegates Say the Economy Is Terrible—Except Where They Live
Nothing destroyed small businesses faster than frivolous laws and regulations… Fact some along with statistics showing a decline in small businesses

This is when either his head explodes or he just moves on to the next argument completely forgetting the utter bullshit comment he made here and then about a month later he will make the same claim and just hope no one calls him on it again like we did.

Rustic, we are waiting for a few examples.

Sealy, let's start with the ACA. It's a regulation that hurts small businesses. What is your specific evidence that OBAMACARE does NOT hurt small businesses financially?

Six Reasons Businesses Fail:
Leadership failure
Not unique and no value
Not in touch with customers needs
Unprofitable Business Model
Poor financial management
Can't deliver

Not frivolous lawsuits or over regulations. If you guys want to fix the court system fine but what we will probably see is business will be able to break the law and the penalties will be less and fewer.
You're on a touch with most Americans, especially small business Americans...
Nothing destroyed small businesses faster than frivolous laws and regulations… Fact some along with statistics showing a decline in small businesses

That's basically what I asked him for.
Nothing destroyed small businesses faster than frivolous laws and regulations… Fact some along with statistics showing a decline in small businesses

This is when either his head explodes or he just moves on to the next argument completely forgetting the utter bullshit comment he made here and then about a month later he will make the same claim and just hope no one calls him on it again like we did.

Rustic, we are waiting for a few examples.

Sealy, let's start with the ACA. It's a regulation that hurts small businesses. What is your specific evidence that OBAMACARE does NOT hurt small businesses financially?

Six Reasons Businesses Fail:
Leadership failure
Not unique and no value
Not in touch with customers needs
Unprofitable Business Model
Poor financial management
Can't deliver

Not frivolous lawsuits or over regulations. If you guys want to fix the court system fine but what we will probably see is business will be able to break the law and the penalties will be less and fewer.
You're on a touch with most Americans, especially small business Americans...

From the conversations I've had with small business owners it is them who are out of touch.

Or course they don't see that the reason they are failing is the system is rigged. Small business can't compete with big business. Try to compete with Walmart. Go for it!

And proof they have a leadership problem is the fact that they overwhelmingly voted GOP this election. Their business' will continue to fail because their customers (the rabble) won't have any money to spend after the next few years. Watch and see.

It's so obvious to me the GOP's plan is bullshit.
Nothing destroyed small businesses faster than frivolous laws and regulations… Fact some along with statistics showing a decline in small businesses

That's basically what I asked him for.
Nothing destroyed small businesses faster than frivolous laws and regulations… Fact some along with statistics showing a decline in small businesses

This is when either his head explodes or he just moves on to the next argument completely forgetting the utter bullshit comment he made here and then about a month later he will make the same claim and just hope no one calls him on it again like we did.

Rustic, we are waiting for a few examples.

Sealy, let's start with the ACA. It's a regulation that hurts small businesses. What is your specific evidence that OBAMACARE does NOT hurt small businesses financially?

Six Reasons Businesses Fail:
Leadership failure
Not unique and no value
Not in touch with customers needs
Unprofitable Business Model
Poor financial management
Can't deliver

Not frivolous lawsuits or over regulations. If you guys want to fix the court system fine but what we will probably see is business will be able to break the law and the penalties will be less and fewer.
You're on a touch with most Americans, especially small business Americans...

And hey, don't listen to me. You get to try everything you want the next 4 years. Good luck. some along with statistics showing a decline in small businesses

That's basically what I asked him for. some along with statistics showing a decline in small businesses

This is when either his head explodes or he just moves on to the next argument completely forgetting the utter bullshit comment he made here and then about a month later he will make the same claim and just hope no one calls him on it again like we did.

Rustic, we are waiting for a few examples.

Sealy, let's start with the ACA. It's a regulation that hurts small businesses. What is your specific evidence that OBAMACARE does NOT hurt small businesses financially?

Six Reasons Businesses Fail:
Leadership failure
Not unique and no value
Not in touch with customers needs
Unprofitable Business Model
Poor financial management
Can't deliver

Not frivolous lawsuits or over regulations. If you guys want to fix the court system fine but what we will probably see is business will be able to break the law and the penalties will be less and fewer.
You're on a touch with most Americans, especially small business Americans...

From the conversations I've had with small business owners it is them who are out of touch.

Or course they don't see that the reason they are failing is the system is rigged. Small business can't compete with big business. Try to compete with Walmart. Go for it!

And proof they have a leadership problem is the fact that they overwhelmingly voted GOP this election. Their business' will continue to fail because their customers (the rabble) won't have any money to spend after the next few years. Watch and see.

It's so obvious to me the GOP's plan is bullshit.
I've owned small businesses for 20+ years… It's a constant fight dealing with the federal government. Fact
Small business has fully embraced the Republicans. Let's see if they figure out the problem isn't the government the problem is their customers don't have money.

And you Republicans are now back to saying poor people spend too much. These are reasons why you're wrong
The fact remains small business and socialism cannot coexist...
Bullshit. Small business' boomed in Metro Detroit sponging off all the middle class Americans the Big 3 Unions created.

My small business buddies understands if the masses don't have money to spend, their business won't take off. Liberal policies created the middle class. You republicans will only wipe out the middle class with your trickle down policies. We've all seen this one before. I can't believe Americans have such short memories.

GOP Delegates Say the Economy Is Terrible—Except Where They Live
Nothing destroyed small businesses faster than frivolous laws and regulations… Fact

If that were true you could name a few.

Name the top 3 regulations that are hurting small business'?

Name the top 3 frivolous laws hurting small business'?

My guess is this is a right wing talking point you just parrot without knowing what the fuck you are talking about.

Frivolous lawsuits are a HUGE problem for small businesses.

Obamacare, Federal Tax Code and state licensing requirements are all regulatory nightmares for SMALL BUSINESSES.

There are many employment laws, including harassment, discrimination and wrongful termination laws that are abused by small business employees.

Intellectual property laws are also abused by employees and need to be strengthen to protect small businesses.

Do you want to examine these one at a time?
So it seems small business is always the victim of "frivolous" lawsuits from customers, employees and those who object to them disposing of toxic waste into rivers
That's basically what I asked him for.
This is when either his head explodes or he just moves on to the next argument completely forgetting the utter bullshit comment he made here and then about a month later he will make the same claim and just hope no one calls him on it again like we did.

Rustic, we are waiting for a few examples.

Sealy, let's start with the ACA. It's a regulation that hurts small businesses. What is your specific evidence that OBAMACARE does NOT hurt small businesses financially?

Six Reasons Businesses Fail:
Leadership failure
Not unique and no value
Not in touch with customers needs
Unprofitable Business Model
Poor financial management
Can't deliver

Not frivolous lawsuits or over regulations. If you guys want to fix the court system fine but what we will probably see is business will be able to break the law and the penalties will be less and fewer.
You're on a touch with most Americans, especially small business Americans...

From the conversations I've had with small business owners it is them who are out of touch.

Or course they don't see that the reason they are failing is the system is rigged. Small business can't compete with big business. Try to compete with Walmart. Go for it!

And proof they have a leadership problem is the fact that they overwhelmingly voted GOP this election. Their business' will continue to fail because their customers (the rabble) won't have any money to spend after the next few years. Watch and see.

It's so obvious to me the GOP's plan is bullshit.
I've owned small businesses for 20+ years… It's a constant fight dealing with the federal government. Fact
Most small businesses never hear from the federal government
Sealy, let's start with the ACA. It's a regulation that hurts small businesses. What is your specific evidence that OBAMACARE does NOT hurt small businesses financially?

Six Reasons Businesses Fail:
Leadership failure
Not unique and no value
Not in touch with customers needs
Unprofitable Business Model
Poor financial management
Can't deliver

Not frivolous lawsuits or over regulations. If you guys want to fix the court system fine but what we will probably see is business will be able to break the law and the penalties will be less and fewer.
You're on a touch with most Americans, especially small business Americans...

From the conversations I've had with small business owners it is them who are out of touch.

Or course they don't see that the reason they are failing is the system is rigged. Small business can't compete with big business. Try to compete with Walmart. Go for it!

And proof they have a leadership problem is the fact that they overwhelmingly voted GOP this election. Their business' will continue to fail because their customers (the rabble) won't have any money to spend after the next few years. Watch and see.

It's so obvious to me the GOP's plan is bullshit.
I've owned small businesses for 20+ years… It's a constant fight dealing with the federal government. Fact
Most small businesses never hear from the federal government
They hear from them all the time they have to pay shit loads of frivolous taxes...
It's pretty clear that Trump will be better for American Small Businesses, and frankly almost ANY business in America other than those in the Hillary Clinton swag business.
The fact remains a socialist regime like the one under Barry and was very hostile towards small-business people in general, But he was one hell of a...

Small Business Owners' Optimism Skyrockets Following Trump Victory

Where does it say that most businesses suffered under Obama?
cant speak for most but I can tell you that My brother in law owns a small business and the ACA and the added costs to all insurances did cause a great deal of financial hardship.
But barry and the assholes that vote democrat dont care, its no problem at all if their policy costs others money, business owners can afford twice the insurance premiums, higher taxes higher wages, all of it right?, there is no limit to what a business owner can afford.
And then We can blam Wal-Mart when the mom and pops close down.
Six Reasons Businesses Fail:
Leadership failure
Not unique and no value
Not in touch with customers needs
Unprofitable Business Model
Poor financial management
Can't deliver

Not frivolous lawsuits or over regulations. If you guys want to fix the court system fine but what we will probably see is business will be able to break the law and the penalties will be less and fewer.
You're on a touch with most Americans, especially small business Americans...

From the conversations I've had with small business owners it is them who are out of touch.

Or course they don't see that the reason they are failing is the system is rigged. Small business can't compete with big business. Try to compete with Walmart. Go for it!

And proof they have a leadership problem is the fact that they overwhelmingly voted GOP this election. Their business' will continue to fail because their customers (the rabble) won't have any money to spend after the next few years. Watch and see.

It's so obvious to me the GOP's plan is bullshit.
I've owned small businesses for 20+ years… It's a constant fight dealing with the federal government. Fact
Most small businesses never hear from the federal government
They hear from them all the time they have to pay shit loads of frivolous taxes...
Make a profit, you pay taxes on your profit
Welcome to America

Small business deals primarily with their municipality and then the state
The fact remains a socialist regime like the one under Barry and was very hostile towards small-business people in general, But he was one hell of a...

Small Business Owners' Optimism Skyrockets Following Trump Victory

Where does it say that most businesses suffered under Obama?
Frivolous laws and regulations will hurt small business more than any other reason. You obviously don't understand small business/entrepreneurship.
Obamacare Has/will destroy thousands of small businesses.
In the low population area where I live I'm already hearing about people that are gonna start up their businesses again after closing them down during the Obama regime…
The majority of small businesses were exempt from employer mandates.

I understand small business. You don't make money by fucking over your employees by not offering decent benefits.
The fact remains a socialist regime like the one under Barry and was very hostile towards small-business people in general, But he was one hell of a...

Small Business Owners' Optimism Skyrockets Following Trump Victory

Where does it say that most businesses suffered under Obama?
cant speak for most but I can tell you that My brother in law owns a small business and the ACA and the added costs to all insurances did cause a great deal of financial hardship.
But barry and the assholes that vote democrat dont care, its no problem at all if their policy costs others money, business owners can afford twice the insurance premiums, higher taxes higher wages, all of it right?, there is no limit to what a business owner can afford.
And then We can blam Wal-Mart when the mom and pops close down.
How? Did he offer health insurance before? I bet it did not go up at a higher rate than before the ACA. What business taxes went up? What person taxes went up. I wish you whiners would quit lying & blaming Obama because you can't run a business.
Where does it say that most businesses suffered under Obama?
Frivolous laws and regulations will hurt small business more than any other reason. You obviously don't understand small business/entrepreneurship.
Obamacare Has/will destroy thousands of small businesses.
In the low population area where I live I'm already hearing about people that are gonna start up their businesses again after closing them down during the Obama regime…

Didn't answer my question.
It's just a fact, small business suffered greatly under the Obama regime.

Assets of small businesses rose from $5.9 Trillion in 2008 to $11.3 Trillion today. That $5.4 trillion increase is the largest in history

Way to go President Obama!

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
Na, people quit their small businesses record numbers you got that backwards.:lmao:
Do ya think they went bout of business during the Bush recession? Of course you blame everything on Obama. Man up & accept your past responsibility for George W Bush & your future with the giant Cheeto.
Obama has made everyone associated with GUN manufacturing and sales VERY VERY VERY rich.


Remington now sells over 1.5 million guns/year and have an annual revenue of over $1 billion.




We are not the ones who overpaid for guns and ammo

Enjoy them suckers
Most people that sell firearms/ammo like myself kept them same price or cheaper... fact

LOL....sure you did
Actually I sold over the counter ARs for under $500 the whole time… They were by far my best sellers, still are.
I still sell over the counter ARs for under 500 dollars...
Probably cheap imports screwing American workers.
Bullshit. Small business' boomed in Metro Detroit sponging off all the middle class Americans the Big 3 Unions created.

My small business buddies understands if the masses don't have money to spend, their business won't take off. Liberal policies created the middle class. You republicans will only wipe out the middle class with your trickle down policies. We've all seen this one before. I can't believe Americans have such short memories.

GOP Delegates Say the Economy Is Terrible—Except Where They Live
Nothing destroyed small businesses faster than frivolous laws and regulations… Fact

If that were true you could name a few.

Name the top 3 regulations that are hurting small business'?

Name the top 3 frivolous laws hurting small business'?

My guess is this is a right wing talking point you just parrot without knowing what the fuck you are talking about.

Frivolous lawsuits are a HUGE problem for small businesses.

Obamacare, Federal Tax Code and state licensing requirements are all regulatory nightmares for SMALL BUSINESSES.

There are many employment laws, including harassment, discrimination and wrongful termination laws that are abused by small business employees.

Intellectual property laws are also abused by employees and need to be strengthen to protect small businesses.

Do you want to examine these one at a time?


What tort reformers don’t tell you is that the legal system already has three safety mechanisms in place to prevent, dismiss, and correct “frivolous lawsuits” and “runaway jury verdicts.”

The Myth Of The Frivolous Lawsuit | Tort Deform

In 2006 you guys argued that frivolous lawsuits were hurting tax payers. Today you're worrying about the small business'.

Companies with 50 or more employees are required to provide healthcare or pay a penalty. So the ACA isn't hurting any "small business". Not the kind of small business' who got Trump elected. Those people all have less than 50 employees so a non issue for small business.

The Federal Tax code? You mean paying taxes? Can you show me their federal taxes went up under Obama?

Maybe small business' problem is they make a shitty product, don't sell enough, overprice their crap and they fuck up so much they get sued. Don't blame the government because your business is a failure.

Intellectual property laws are abused by employees? From my perspective corporations have all the power and make us sign non compete contracts so we can't even go work for the competitor after they use us up and spit us out after 5 years. Can you provide evidence this is an issue?

51 employees isn't a "SMALL" business, but 49 employees is a "SMALL" business?

You are absolutely FOS that the ACA does not have any negative affect on "SMALL BUSINESSES".

THE SMALL BUSINESS ACT OF 1953 defines a "SMALL BUSINESS" as "one which is independently owned and operated and which is not dominant in its field of operation."
There is NOTHING about "50" employees.

Your arbitrary number of "50" employees to DEFINE a SMALL BUSINESS is simply bullshit.

That's for starters.

YOUR claim is that "SMALL BUSINESSES" are not affected AT ALL....NOT ONE BIT by Obamacare...

Since December 2012, rates for small employers grew 588 percent in Washington state, though this astounding increase is likely due to the small sample size and additional state regulations. Premiums rose 66 percent in Pennsylvania, 37 percent in California, 34 percent in Indiana, 30 percent in Kentucky and 29 percent in Colorado.

For small businesses that help pay for their employees healthcare.....THE RATES ARE UP.
Do you want to stay on this, or do you want to go to the next issue?

Are we still on the REPUBLICAN "TALKING POINTS"?

What about OVERTIME laws and Silicia regulations? Should we deep dive on those?

And I guess you weren't around before the ACA when they rose in near double digits every year.

Statistics show the ACA slowed the growth of premiums,.

Quit pretending everything was great for health insuramnce premiums prior to the ACA. You are being dishonest...and stupid.
That's basically what I asked him for.
This is when either his head explodes or he just moves on to the next argument completely forgetting the utter bullshit comment he made here and then about a month later he will make the same claim and just hope no one calls him on it again like we did.

Rustic, we are waiting for a few examples.

Sealy, let's start with the ACA. It's a regulation that hurts small businesses. What is your specific evidence that OBAMACARE does NOT hurt small businesses financially?

Six Reasons Businesses Fail:
Leadership failure
Not unique and no value
Not in touch with customers needs
Unprofitable Business Model
Poor financial management
Can't deliver

Not frivolous lawsuits or over regulations. If you guys want to fix the court system fine but what we will probably see is business will be able to break the law and the penalties will be less and fewer.
You're on a touch with most Americans, especially small business Americans...

From the conversations I've had with small business owners it is them who are out of touch.

Or course they don't see that the reason they are failing is the system is rigged. Small business can't compete with big business. Try to compete with Walmart. Go for it!

And proof they have a leadership problem is the fact that they overwhelmingly voted GOP this election. Their business' will continue to fail because their customers (the rabble) won't have any money to spend after the next few years. Watch and see.

It's so obvious to me the GOP's plan is bullshit.
I've owned small businesses for 20+ years… It's a constant fight dealing with the federal government. Fact
I've run businesses for 40 years & government was never a problem.
Nothing destroyed small businesses faster than frivolous laws and regulations… Fact

If that were true you could name a few.

Name the top 3 regulations that are hurting small business'?

Name the top 3 frivolous laws hurting small business'?

My guess is this is a right wing talking point you just parrot without knowing what the fuck you are talking about.

Frivolous lawsuits are a HUGE problem for small businesses.

Obamacare, Federal Tax Code and state licensing requirements are all regulatory nightmares for SMALL BUSINESSES.

There are many employment laws, including harassment, discrimination and wrongful termination laws that are abused by small business employees.

Intellectual property laws are also abused by employees and need to be strengthen to protect small businesses.

Do you want to examine these one at a time?


What tort reformers don’t tell you is that the legal system already has three safety mechanisms in place to prevent, dismiss, and correct “frivolous lawsuits” and “runaway jury verdicts.”

The Myth Of The Frivolous Lawsuit | Tort Deform

In 2006 you guys argued that frivolous lawsuits were hurting tax payers. Today you're worrying about the small business'.

Companies with 50 or more employees are required to provide healthcare or pay a penalty. So the ACA isn't hurting any "small business". Not the kind of small business' who got Trump elected. Those people all have less than 50 employees so a non issue for small business.

The Federal Tax code? You mean paying taxes? Can you show me their federal taxes went up under Obama?

Maybe small business' problem is they make a shitty product, don't sell enough, overprice their crap and they fuck up so much they get sued. Don't blame the government because your business is a failure.

Intellectual property laws are abused by employees? From my perspective corporations have all the power and make us sign non compete contracts so we can't even go work for the competitor after they use us up and spit us out after 5 years. Can you provide evidence this is an issue?

51 employees isn't a "SMALL" business, but 49 employees is a "SMALL" business?

You are absolutely FOS that the ACA does not have any negative affect on "SMALL BUSINESSES".

THE SMALL BUSINESS ACT OF 1953 defines a "SMALL BUSINESS" as "one which is independently owned and operated and which is not dominant in its field of operation."
There is NOTHING about "50" employees.

Your arbitrary number of "50" employees to DEFINE a SMALL BUSINESS is simply bullshit.

That's for starters.

YOUR claim is that "SMALL BUSINESSES" are not affected AT ALL....NOT ONE BIT by Obamacare...

Since December 2012, rates for small employers grew 588 percent in Washington state, though this astounding increase is likely due to the small sample size and additional state regulations. Premiums rose 66 percent in Pennsylvania, 37 percent in California, 34 percent in Indiana, 30 percent in Kentucky and 29 percent in Colorado.

For small businesses that help pay for their employees healthcare.....THE RATES ARE UP.
Do you want to stay on this, or do you want to go to the next issue?

Are we still on the REPUBLICAN "TALKING POINTS"?

What about OVERTIME laws and Silicia regulations? Should we deep dive on those?

And I guess you weren't around before the ACA when they rose in near double digits every year.

Statistics show the ACA slowed the growth of premiums,.

Quit pretending everything was great for health insuramnce premiums prior to the ACA. You are being dishonest...and stupid.

I said the ACA has negatively impacted SMALL BUSINESSES for some do FEDERAL TAX REGULATIONS and LOCAL LICENSING and overtime laws and the advice exemption.

Bully for you that your business has not been negatively impacted at all ever by the government. I guess you speak for every business in America. Cool.

You fucking Hillary asslickers just can't help but to throw personal insults, can you? Well, you are being disingenuous....and stupid.
I find it difficult to believe that someone as stupid as Dave has run his own business for 40 years, but then again, it's not very difficult to wash windshields at intersections. Do you use a squeegee or old newspapers? What is the regulatory environment like for transients?
It's pretty clear that Trump will be better for American Small Businesses, and frankly almost ANY business in America other than those in the Hillary Clinton swag business.
The only way trump does that is to grow the middle class and for the last 36 years the GOP hasn't been good to the middle class. You think Paul Ryan legislation is designed to help workers? Those are the small business' customers. Because the rich have all the profits we aren't spending enough for your small business owners to be happy.

Let's see trump help workers buy more small business owners shit.

Oh, and when we complain workers aren't making enough you'll say they spend too much. You're illogical

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