Most US Companies avoid paying income tax

Greed. It will be the downfall of us.

There is good greed and bad greed. Without good greed, America would not be the greatest nation the world has ever seen.

Well, the question is always, do people work for the money or for the good the work does. It seems to me most people who get very rich keep working anyway because the work is more meaningful than the money or being a beach vegetable to them. This makes it hard to call them greedy at all.

Steve Jobs, for example, would perhaps write on his tombstone: here lies the man who invented the PC, not, here lies a man who was worth $18 billion.

I don't give a frog what they call themselves. I seldom listen to what people SAY but I watch closely what they DO.

Steve Jobs and Bill Gates BOTH were obsessed with dominating the PC market. Their greed led to thousands of millionaires, millions of new jobs, an entirely new way of doing business and changed the world.

Henry Ford didn't invent the assembly line to be kind to his workers, he invented it so he could dominate the new car market. Did VW not do the same thing when they began importing and selling the Beetle hand over fist.

Bad greed would be Kim Jong-un starves his millions of citizens so he may live in opulent luxury and pursue his nuclear and ICBM goals.
Greed. It will be the downfall of us.

There is good greed and bad greed. Without good greed, America would not be the greatest nation the world has ever seen.

Well, the question is always, do people work for the money or for the good the work does. It seems to me most people who get very rich keep working anyway because the work is more meaningful than the money or being a beach vegetable to them. This makes it hard to call them greedy at all.

Steve Jobs, for example, would perhaps write on his tombstone: here lies the man who invented the PC, not, here lies a man who was worth $18 billion.

So, why would you suggest paying a person who loves working billions, but those who labor in crap jobs as close to nothing as you can?

A person is paid what they are worth.
Greed. It will be the downfall of us.

There is good greed and bad greed. Without good greed, America would not be the greatest nation the world has ever seen.

Well, the question is always, do people work for the money or for the good the work does. It seems to me most people who get very rich keep working anyway because the work is more meaningful than the money or being a beach vegetable to them. This makes it hard to call them greedy at all.

Steve Jobs, for example, would perhaps write on his tombstone: here lies the man who invented the PC, not, here lies a man who was worth $18 billion.

So, why would you suggest paying a person who loves working billions, but those who labor in crap jobs as close to nothing as you can?

A person is paid what they are worth.

Nope, a lot of people are actually not paid what they are worth.
Greed. It will be the downfall of us.

There is good greed and bad greed. Without good greed, America would not be the greatest nation the world has ever seen.

Well, the question is always, do people work for the money or for the good the work does. It seems to me most people who get very rich keep working anyway because the work is more meaningful than the money or being a beach vegetable to them. This makes it hard to call them greedy at all.

Steve Jobs, for example, would perhaps write on his tombstone: here lies the man who invented the PC, not, here lies a man who was worth $18 billion.

I don't give a frog what they call themselves. I seldom listen to what people SAY but I watch closely what they DO.

Steve Jobs and Bill Gates BOTH were obsessed with dominating the PC market. Their greed led to thousands of millionaires, millions of new jobs, an entirely new way of doing business and changed the world.

Henry Ford didn't invent the assembly line to be kind to his workers, he invented it so he could dominate the new car market. Did VW not do the same thing when they began importing and selling the Beetle hand over fist.

Bad greed would be Kim Jong-un starves his millions of citizens so he may live in opulent luxury and pursue his nuclear and ICBM goals.

Sure, but there comes a time when it is just getting out of hand. It's not so much how much money the CEOs and executives are making. It's that the employees who also have a hand in making a company successful, get shortchanged. Not in every case, but in a lot of them. Wages have not kept up with inflation. Thirty five percent of our population (approximately) is collecting SOME form of social service support and a percentage of those are working at full time jobs. So, what is actually going on is that the employers salaries keep going up, while the employees on the lower rungs of the totem pole get shafted. Meanwhile, we taxpayers have to pick up the slack to pay for these employees social service support. Double win for the business.
Greed. It will be the downfall of us.

There is good greed and bad greed. Without good greed, America would not be the greatest nation the world has ever seen.

Well, the question is always, do people work for the money or for the good the work does. It seems to me most people who get very rich keep working anyway because the work is more meaningful than the money or being a beach vegetable to them. This makes it hard to call them greedy at all.

Steve Jobs, for example, would perhaps write on his tombstone: here lies the man who invented the PC, not, here lies a man who was worth $18 billion.

I don't give a frog what they call themselves. I seldom listen to what people SAY but I watch closely what they DO.

Steve Jobs and Bill Gates BOTH were obsessed with dominating the PC market. Their greed led to thousands of millionaires, millions of new jobs, an entirely new way of doing business and changed the world.

Henry Ford didn't invent the assembly line to be kind to his workers, he invented it so he could dominate the new car market. Did VW not do the same thing when they began importing and selling the Beetle hand over fist.

Bad greed would be Kim Jong-un starves his millions of citizens so he may live in opulent luxury and pursue his nuclear and ICBM goals.

Sure, but there comes a time when it is just getting out of hand. It's not so much how much money the CEOs and executives are making. It's that the employees who also have a hand in making a company successful, get shortchanged. Not in every case, but in a lot of them. Wages have not kept up with inflation. Thirty five percent of our population (approximately) is collecting SOME form of social service support and a percentage of those are working at full time jobs. So, what is actually going on is that the employers salaries keep going up, while the employees on the lower rungs of the totem pole get shafted. Meanwhile, we taxpayers have to pick up the slack to pay for these employees social service support. Double win for the business.

Wages have not kept up with inflation.

Why look at such a narrow measure?

Thirty five percent of our population (approximately) is collecting SOME form of social service support and a percentage of those are working at full time jobs.

Import 12 million low skilled illegals, they'll reduce the income of low skilled Americans.

Meanwhile, we taxpayers have to pick up the slack to pay for these employees social service support. Double win for the business.

Boot the illegals and we'll reduce social services spending while raising Americans' wages. Double win for America.
Unlike the rest of us, most U.S. corporations and foreign companies doing business in the United States pay no federal income tax, according to a new report from Congress. The study by the Government Accountability Office, expected to be released Tuesday, said two-thirds of U.S. corporations paid no federal income taxes between 1998 and 2005, and about 68 percent of foreign companies doing business in the U.S. avoided corporate taxes over the same period.

news feeds | The Daily Scare

Your link is to a fraud site, and your post is utter stupidity.

As always, you are an uneducated, ignorant fool posting utter bullshit based on shit you pulled out of your ass.

The study’s key findings include:

  • The United States has the second highest marginal effective tax rate on corporate investment in the developed world at 35.3 percent—behind only France.
  • While the U.S.’s marginal effective tax rate has remained stagnant around 35 percent over the last 10 years, the average marginal effective tax rate on corporate investment has fallen by 2.9 percent in the OECD and 6.8 percent in the G7.
  • Since 2005, 63 countries have cut their statutory corporate tax rate, lowering the average statutory tax rate to 24.4 percent across the 95 countries surveyed. Meanwhile, the U.S. corporate tax rate has remained stagnant at above 39 percent.
  • The lack of U.S. corporate tax competitiveness reduces investment and economic growth, undermines productivity, and encourages companies to move business to other countries.
  • Options to reform the U.S. corporate tax code include: reducing the top rate to 25 percent, limiting tax preferences, moving to a territorial tax system, and improving the integration of the individual and corporate tax codes.}
How Much Do Corporations Pay In Taxes?
Unlike the rest of us, most U.S. corporations and foreign companies doing business in the United States pay no federal income tax, according to a new report from Congress. The study by the Government Accountability Office, expected to be released Tuesday, said two-thirds of U.S. corporations paid no federal income taxes between 1998 and 2005, and about 68 percent of foreign companies doing business in the U.S. avoided corporate taxes over the same period.

news feeds | The Daily Scare

Your link is to a fraud site, and your post is utter stupidity.

As always, you are an uneducated, ignorant fool posting utter bullshit based on shit you pulled out of your ass.

The study’s key findings include:

  • The United States has the second highest marginal effective tax rate on corporate investment in the developed world at 35.3 percent—behind only France.
  • While the U.S.’s marginal effective tax rate has remained stagnant around 35 percent over the last 10 years, the average marginal effective tax rate on corporate investment has fallen by 2.9 percent in the OECD and 6.8 percent in the G7.
  • Since 2005, 63 countries have cut their statutory corporate tax rate, lowering the average statutory tax rate to 24.4 percent across the 95 countries surveyed. Meanwhile, the U.S. corporate tax rate has remained stagnant at above 39 percent.
  • The lack of U.S. corporate tax competitiveness reduces investment and economic growth, undermines productivity, and encourages companies to move business to other countries.
  • Options to reform the U.S. corporate tax code include: reducing the top rate to 25 percent, limiting tax preferences, moving to a territorial tax system, and improving the integration of the individual and corporate tax codes.}
How Much Do Corporations Pay In Taxes?
First you guys denied that US corporations were paying no taxes.

Then you guys admitted it but only because the GE CEO is now Obama's czar and now you are ok with admitting it because now you can point to Obama.

And now you are back to denying it.

Ultimately I know you will defend it because you righties don't think corporations should pay any taxes. And they shouldn't pay a decent wage either. All you care about are shareholder profits. Scum.
Unlike the rest of us, most U.S. corporations and foreign companies doing business in the United States pay no federal income tax, according to a new report from Congress. The study by the Government Accountability Office, expected to be released Tuesday, said two-thirds of U.S. corporations paid no federal income taxes between 1998 and 2005, and about 68 percent of foreign companies doing business in the U.S. avoided corporate taxes over the same period.

news feeds | The Daily Scare
So do most of the democrats in Washington. Yet you vote for them over and over.
They're cheating and should be punished for doing so. They use our resources from our roads to our police.

If they don't want to pay taxes = they should be fined big time.
Unlike the rest of us, most U.S. corporations and foreign companies doing business in the United States pay no federal income tax, according to a new report from Congress. The study by the Government Accountability Office, expected to be released Tuesday, said two-thirds of U.S. corporations paid no federal income taxes between 1998 and 2005, and about 68 percent of foreign companies doing business in the U.S. avoided corporate taxes over the same period.

news feeds | The Daily Scare

Your link is to a fraud site, and your post is utter stupidity.

As always, you are an uneducated, ignorant fool posting utter bullshit based on shit you pulled out of your ass.

The study’s key findings include:

  • The United States has the second highest marginal effective tax rate on corporate investment in the developed world at 35.3 percent—behind only France.
  • While the U.S.’s marginal effective tax rate has remained stagnant around 35 percent over the last 10 years, the average marginal effective tax rate on corporate investment has fallen by 2.9 percent in the OECD and 6.8 percent in the G7.
  • Since 2005, 63 countries have cut their statutory corporate tax rate, lowering the average statutory tax rate to 24.4 percent across the 95 countries surveyed. Meanwhile, the U.S. corporate tax rate has remained stagnant at above 39 percent.
  • The lack of U.S. corporate tax competitiveness reduces investment and economic growth, undermines productivity, and encourages companies to move business to other countries.
  • Options to reform the U.S. corporate tax code include: reducing the top rate to 25 percent, limiting tax preferences, moving to a territorial tax system, and improving the integration of the individual and corporate tax codes.}
How Much Do Corporations Pay In Taxes?
First you guys denied that US corporations were paying no taxes.

Then you guys admitted it but only because the GE CEO is now Obama's czar and now you are ok with admitting it because now you can point to Obama.

And now you are back to denying it.

Ultimately I know you will defend it because you righties don't think corporations should pay any taxes. And they shouldn't pay a decent wage either. All you care about are shareholder profits. Scum.

First you guys denied that US corporations were paying no taxes.

Corporate tax receipts last year.....over $340 billion.

Obviously corporations don't pay any taxes. Derp!

Ultimately I know you will defend it because you righties don't think corporations should pay any taxes.

It's not an efficient way to collect taxes. Especially with the highest rate in the world and our moronic insistence on taxing worldwide income, instead of only local income, like the rest of the advanced world.
They're cheating and should be punished for doing so. They use our resources from our roads to our police.

If they don't want to pay taxes = they should be fined big time.

They use our resources from our roads to our police.

They pay Federal, State, Local, payroll, property, sales, fuel and road use taxes.
Only morons think they do not.

Oh, there you are. Derp!
First you guys denied that US corporations were paying no taxes.

Then you guys admitted it but only because the GE CEO is now Obama's czar and now you are ok with admitting it because now you can point to Obama.

And now you are back to denying it.

Ultimately I know you will defend it because you righties don't think corporations should pay any taxes. And they shouldn't pay a decent wage either. All you care about are shareholder profits. Scum.

Again, you are so ignorant and lacking in education that communicating with you is difficult.

To claim US Corporations "pay no taxes" is utter stupidity. it may get you morons on the hate sites excited, but it is a fantasy repeated among retards that has no basis in real life.

Secondly, Immelt hasn't been Obama Job czar in years. That shit was just cover for him to move all lighbulb manufacturing to China. Once he and Obama put all the Americans out of work, the position had served it's purpose and was dissolved.

You live in a fantasy world of hatred, ignorance and bigotry.

Here are some fun facts you cannot grasp as you wallow in your ignorance.

90% of all corporations in the USA have less than 10 employees. You see monkey boi, you don't know what incorporation is, or what it is used for.

Money paid in (C) corporate taxes has already been taxed and is thus double taxed.

A corporation from Korea, is not subject to the government of the USA and owes no taxes to America. Only through tariffs and import duties can taxes be laid on foreign corporations.
So, why would you suggest paying a person who loves working billions, but those who labor in crap jobs as close to nothing as you can?

I don't suggest paying him anything its simple a matter of what others freely pay him. . Changing his pay at the point of a liberal gun is counterproductive because its violent and because it interferes with the natural will of consumers who allocate all of our very scarce resources as efficiently as possible with their purchase decisions. Do you understand?
Unlike the rest of us, most U.S. corporations and foreign companies doing business in the United States pay no federal income tax, according to a new report from Congress. The study by the Government Accountability Office, expected to be released Tuesday, said two-thirds of U.S. corporations paid no federal income taxes between 1998 and 2005, and about 68 percent of foreign companies doing business in the U.S. avoided corporate taxes over the same period.

news feeds | The Daily Scare

Your link is to a fraud site, and your post is utter stupidity.

As always, you are an uneducated, ignorant fool posting utter bullshit based on shit you pulled out of your ass.

The study’s key findings include:

  • The United States has the second highest marginal effective tax rate on corporate investment in the developed world at 35.3 percent—behind only France.
  • While the U.S.’s marginal effective tax rate has remained stagnant around 35 percent over the last 10 years, the average marginal effective tax rate on corporate investment has fallen by 2.9 percent in the OECD and 6.8 percent in the G7.
  • Since 2005, 63 countries have cut their statutory corporate tax rate, lowering the average statutory tax rate to 24.4 percent across the 95 countries surveyed. Meanwhile, the U.S. corporate tax rate has remained stagnant at above 39 percent.
  • The lack of U.S. corporate tax competitiveness reduces investment and economic growth, undermines productivity, and encourages companies to move business to other countries.
  • Options to reform the U.S. corporate tax code include: reducing the top rate to 25 percent, limiting tax preferences, moving to a territorial tax system, and improving the integration of the individual and corporate tax codes.}
How Much Do Corporations Pay In Taxes?
First you guys denied that US corporations were paying no taxes.

Then you guys admitted it but only because the GE CEO is now Obama's czar and now you are ok with admitting it because now you can point to Obama.

And now you are back to denying it.

Ultimately I know you will defend it because you righties don't think corporations should pay any taxes. And they shouldn't pay a decent wage either. All you care about are shareholder profits. Scum.

First you guys denied that US corporations were paying no taxes.

Corporate tax receipts last year.....over $340 billion.

Obviously corporations don't pay any taxes. Derp!

Ultimately I know you will defend it because you righties don't think corporations should pay any taxes.

It's not an efficient way to collect taxes. Especially with the highest rate in the world and our moronic insistence on taxing worldwide income, instead of only local income, like the rest of the advanced world.
Nationalized healthcare. The rest of the civilized world has that too
Unlike the rest of us, most U.S. corporations and foreign companies doing business in the United States pay no federal income tax, according to a new report from Congress. The study by the Government Accountability Office, expected to be released Tuesday, said two-thirds of U.S. corporations paid no federal income taxes between 1998 and 2005, and about 68 percent of foreign companies doing business in the U.S. avoided corporate taxes over the same period.

news feeds | The Daily Scare

Your link is to a fraud site, and your post is utter stupidity.

As always, you are an uneducated, ignorant fool posting utter bullshit based on shit you pulled out of your ass.

The study’s key findings include:

  • The United States has the second highest marginal effective tax rate on corporate investment in the developed world at 35.3 percent—behind only France.
  • While the U.S.’s marginal effective tax rate has remained stagnant around 35 percent over the last 10 years, the average marginal effective tax rate on corporate investment has fallen by 2.9 percent in the OECD and 6.8 percent in the G7.
  • Since 2005, 63 countries have cut their statutory corporate tax rate, lowering the average statutory tax rate to 24.4 percent across the 95 countries surveyed. Meanwhile, the U.S. corporate tax rate has remained stagnant at above 39 percent.
  • The lack of U.S. corporate tax competitiveness reduces investment and economic growth, undermines productivity, and encourages companies to move business to other countries.
  • Options to reform the U.S. corporate tax code include: reducing the top rate to 25 percent, limiting tax preferences, moving to a territorial tax system, and improving the integration of the individual and corporate tax codes.}
How Much Do Corporations Pay In Taxes?
First you guys denied that US corporations were paying no taxes.

Then you guys admitted it but only because the GE CEO is now Obama's czar and now you are ok with admitting it because now you can point to Obama.

And now you are back to denying it.

Ultimately I know you will defend it because you righties don't think corporations should pay any taxes. And they shouldn't pay a decent wage either. All you care about are shareholder profits. Scum.

First you guys denied that US corporations were paying no taxes.

Corporate tax receipts last year.....over $340 billion.

Obviously corporations don't pay any taxes. Derp!

Ultimately I know you will defend it because you righties don't think corporations should pay any taxes.

It's not an efficient way to collect taxes. Especially with the highest rate in the world and our moronic insistence on taxing worldwide income, instead of only local income, like the rest of the advanced world.
Nationalized healthcare. The rest of the civilized world has that too

Yes, lots of countries have made that mistake.
Greed. It will be the downfall of us.

There is good greed and bad greed. Without good greed, America would not be the greatest nation the world has ever seen.

Well, the question is always, do people work for the money or for the good the work does. It seems to me most people who get very rich keep working anyway because the work is more meaningful than the money or being a beach vegetable to them. This makes it hard to call them greedy at all.

Steve Jobs, for example, would perhaps write on his tombstone: here lies the man who invented the PC, not, here lies a man who was worth $18 billion.

So, why would you suggest paying a person who loves working billions, but those who labor in crap jobs as close to nothing as you can?

A person is paid what they are worth.

Nope, a lot of people are actually not paid what they are worth.

Who do you have in mind and why?
Unlike the rest of us, most U.S. corporations and foreign companies doing business in the United States pay no federal income tax, according to a new report from Congress. The study by the Government Accountability Office, expected to be released Tuesday, said two-thirds of U.S. corporations paid no federal income taxes between 1998 and 2005, and about 68 percent of foreign companies doing business in the U.S. avoided corporate taxes over the same period.

news feeds | The Daily Scare

Your link is to a fraud site, and your post is utter stupidity.

As always, you are an uneducated, ignorant fool posting utter bullshit based on shit you pulled out of your ass.

The study’s key findings include:

  • The United States has the second highest marginal effective tax rate on corporate investment in the developed world at 35.3 percent—behind only France.
  • While the U.S.’s marginal effective tax rate has remained stagnant around 35 percent over the last 10 years, the average marginal effective tax rate on corporate investment has fallen by 2.9 percent in the OECD and 6.8 percent in the G7.
  • Since 2005, 63 countries have cut their statutory corporate tax rate, lowering the average statutory tax rate to 24.4 percent across the 95 countries surveyed. Meanwhile, the U.S. corporate tax rate has remained stagnant at above 39 percent.
  • The lack of U.S. corporate tax competitiveness reduces investment and economic growth, undermines productivity, and encourages companies to move business to other countries.
  • Options to reform the U.S. corporate tax code include: reducing the top rate to 25 percent, limiting tax preferences, moving to a territorial tax system, and improving the integration of the individual and corporate tax codes.}
How Much Do Corporations Pay In Taxes?
First you guys denied that US corporations were paying no taxes.

Then you guys admitted it but only because the GE CEO is now Obama's czar and now you are ok with admitting it because now you can point to Obama.

And now you are back to denying it.

Ultimately I know you will defend it because you righties don't think corporations should pay any taxes. And they shouldn't pay a decent wage either. All you care about are shareholder profits. Scum.

First you guys denied that US corporations were paying no taxes.

Corporate tax receipts last year.....over $340 billion.

Obviously corporations don't pay any taxes. Derp!

Ultimately I know you will defend it because you righties don't think corporations should pay any taxes.

It's not an efficient way to collect taxes. Especially with the highest rate in the world and our moronic insistence on taxing worldwide income, instead of only local income, like the rest of the advanced world.
Nationalized healthcare. The rest of the civilized world has that too

Which is failing in large countries.
Greed. It will be the downfall of us.

There is good greed and bad greed. Without good greed, America would not be the greatest nation the world has ever seen.

Well, the question is always, do people work for the money or for the good the work does. It seems to me most people who get very rich keep working anyway because the work is more meaningful than the money or being a beach vegetable to them. This makes it hard to call them greedy at all.

Steve Jobs, for example, would perhaps write on his tombstone: here lies the man who invented the PC, not, here lies a man who was worth $18 billion.

I don't give a frog what they call themselves. I seldom listen to what people SAY but I watch closely what they DO.

Steve Jobs and Bill Gates BOTH were obsessed with dominating the PC market. Their greed led to thousands of millionaires, millions of new jobs, an entirely new way of doing business and changed the world.

Henry Ford didn't invent the assembly line to be kind to his workers, he invented it so he could dominate the new car market. Did VW not do the same thing when they began importing and selling the Beetle hand over fist.

Bad greed would be Kim Jong-un starves his millions of citizens so he may live in opulent luxury and pursue his nuclear and ICBM goals.

Sure, but there comes a time when it is just getting out of hand. It's not so much how much money the CEOs and executives are making. It's that the employees who also have a hand in making a company successful, get shortchanged. Not in every case, but in a lot of them. Wages have not kept up with inflation. Thirty five percent of our population (approximately) is collecting SOME form of social service support and a percentage of those are working at full time jobs. So, what is actually going on is that the employers salaries keep going up, while the employees on the lower rungs of the totem pole get shafted. Meanwhile, we taxpayers have to pick up the slack to pay for these employees social service support. Double win for the business.

Specifically, how are those employees shortchanged? Are they not being paid what was agreed upon when they were hired?

Have you considered that the thresholds for government handouts are too low and there are loopholes along with few or no checks and balances?

How, specifically, are people on the lower rungs of the ladder shafted? Are you working under the assumption that they never move up the ladder?

In your opinion, do people in low income and middle-income groups remain there all their lives?
Last edited:
Unlike the rest of us, most U.S. corporations and foreign companies doing business in the United States pay no federal income tax, according to a new report from Congress. The study by the Government Accountability Office, expected to be released Tuesday, said two-thirds of U.S. corporations paid no federal income taxes between 1998 and 2005, and about 68 percent of foreign companies doing business in the U.S. avoided corporate taxes over the same period.

news feeds | The Daily Scare

Your link is to a fraud site, and your post is utter stupidity.

As always, you are an uneducated, ignorant fool posting utter bullshit based on shit you pulled out of your ass.

The study’s key findings include:

  • The United States has the second highest marginal effective tax rate on corporate investment in the developed world at 35.3 percent—behind only France.
  • While the U.S.’s marginal effective tax rate has remained stagnant around 35 percent over the last 10 years, the average marginal effective tax rate on corporate investment has fallen by 2.9 percent in the OECD and 6.8 percent in the G7.
  • Since 2005, 63 countries have cut their statutory corporate tax rate, lowering the average statutory tax rate to 24.4 percent across the 95 countries surveyed. Meanwhile, the U.S. corporate tax rate has remained stagnant at above 39 percent.
  • The lack of U.S. corporate tax competitiveness reduces investment and economic growth, undermines productivity, and encourages companies to move business to other countries.
  • Options to reform the U.S. corporate tax code include: reducing the top rate to 25 percent, limiting tax preferences, moving to a territorial tax system, and improving the integration of the individual and corporate tax codes.}
How Much Do Corporations Pay In Taxes?
First you guys denied that US corporations were paying no taxes.

Then you guys admitted it but only because the GE CEO is now Obama's czar and now you are ok with admitting it because now you can point to Obama.

And now you are back to denying it.

Ultimately I know you will defend it because you righties don't think corporations should pay any taxes. And they shouldn't pay a decent wage either. All you care about are shareholder profits. Scum.

The US corporate income tax rate is 38.9%, France is 33.30%. Only Chad, the UAE and Puerto Rico have higher rates.

The question remains, WHO pays corporate tax rates.

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