Mother Jones, another hit piece on John Lott...he responds....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
they really hate what John Lott did for the 2nd Amendment in this country...he and Gary Kleck are their main targets for of course they have to lie....

Mother Jones is latest left wing effort to discredit John Lott - Crime Prevention Research Center

1) "The National Research Council, a branch of the National Academy of Sciences, assembled a panel to look into the impact of concealed-carry laws; 15 of 16 panel members concluded that the existing research, including Lott's, provided "no credible evidence" that right-to-carry laws had any effect on violent crime.”

The National Research Council report actually concluded as follows: “The committee concludes that with the current evidence it is not possible to determine that there is a causal link between the passage of right-to-carry laws and crime rates.” The majority of the panel advocated that more money be available to academics to fund additional research. Lurie somehow manages not to mention that despite evaluating every gun law that has been studied, the Council found no evidence supporting that any law had any impact.

Right-to-carry laws were actually the only type of law where there was dissent. James Q. Wilson, who at the time was possibly the “most influential criminal justice scholar of the 20th century,” concluded: “I find that the evidence presented by Lott and his supporters suggests that [right-to-carry] laws do in fact help drive down the murder rate.”

2) Were my results biased because the crack cocaine epidemic in the late 1980s and early 1990s?

My research from the very first work with David Mustard dealt with the crack cocaine issue. As Florenz Plassmann and John Whitley(Stanford Law Review, 2003) summarize the research:
"One of Ayres and Donohue’s greatest concerns is the apparent failure of previous research to account for the differential geographic impact of cocaine on crime. Lott’s book (and the Lott and Mustard paper) reported that including price data for cocaine did not alter the results. Using yearly county-level pricing data (as opposed to short-run changes in prices) has the advantage of picking up cost but not demand differences between counties, thus measuring the differences in availability across counties. Research conducted by Steve Bronars and John Lott examined the crime rates for neighboring counties . . . on either side of a state border. When the counties adopting the law experienced a drop in violent crime, neighboring counties directly on the other side of the border without right-to-carry laws experienced an increase. . . . Ayres and Donohue argue that different parts of the country may have experienced differential impacts from the crack epidemic. Yet, if there are two urban counties next to each other, how can the crack cocaine hypothesis explain why one urban county faces a crime increase from drugs, when the neighbor- ing urban county is experiencing a drop? Such isolation would be particularly surprising as criminals can easily move between these counties. . . . Even though Lott gave Ayres and Donohue the cocaine price data from 1977 to 1992, they have never reported using it.”
My third edition of More Guns, Less Crime in 2010 also used new data from Fryer et al that was published in Economic Inquiry that attempted to measure the impact of crack cocaine from 1980 to 2000.

The claim that the research supporting right-to-carry laws somehow ignores the potential impact on crime is simply wrong. Even worse, critics, such as Ayres and Donohue, who claim that the results could be explained away by the impact of crack cocaine have never provided any estimates that include this factor to show that is true.

Would it have been that difficult for Ms. Lurie to ask about this point if she were going to write about it? Alternatively, Lurie could have just looked in the appendix in More Guns, Less crime to see all the discussions of crack cocaine.

3) "When [Ayres and Donohue] extended their survey by five years, they found that more guns were linked to more crime, with right-to-carry states showing an eight percent increase in aggravated assault."

This is a simple counting error. Ayres and Donohue made the false claim, and Lurie never bothered to confirm it. The Second edition of More Guns, Less Crime, which was published in 2000, used data from 1977 to 1996. Ayres and Donohue’s 2003 paper used data from 1977 to 1997. I provided Ayres and Donohue my data from 1977 to 1996 and they added one year to the data. Adding that one year to the 20 that were already being examined didn’t make a difference. They obtained somewhat different results because they used a different specification and misinterpreted their results.

In any case, even the first edition of More Guns, Less Crime had some estimates presented up through 1994. That means that Ayres and Donohue could only have added three years on top of what was in the first edition.

Again, either a fast look at either the second or third editions of More Guns, Less Crime would have let her realize that this claim of five years was incorrect.

there is more.....but only if you are really interested....
Funny how anyone can disprove Lott's contention in maybe five seconds. No need to read Mother Jones, just think for a moment.

Visualizing gun deaths - Comparing the U.S. to rest of the world

"In an interview with comedian Marc Maron that aired Monday, President Obama cited Australia's gun laws as an example the United States should follow. Australia established strict gun control in response to a massacre in Tasmania that left 35 people dead in 1996. Since then, Australia hasn't witnessed any mass shootings.

"It was just so shocking the entire country said, ‘Well, we’re going to completely change our gun laws’, and they did. And it hasn’t happened since," Obama said, discussing the shooting deaths of nine people at a historic black church in Charleston last week."

Here s the deal with the Australian gun control law that Obama is talking about - The Washington Post
Funny how anyone can disprove Lott's contention in maybe five seconds. No need to read Mother Jones, just think for a moment.

Visualizing gun deaths - Comparing the U.S. to rest of the world

"In an interview with comedian Marc Maron that aired Monday, President Obama cited Australia's gun laws as an example the United States should follow. Australia established strict gun control in response to a massacre in Tasmania that left 35 people dead in 1996. Since then, Australia hasn't witnessed any mass shootings.

"It was just so shocking the entire country said, ‘Well, we’re going to completely change our gun laws’, and they did. And it hasn’t happened since," Obama said, discussing the shooting deaths of nine people at a historic black church in Charleston last week."

Here s the deal with the Australian gun control law that Obama is talking about - The Washington Post

Funny how anyone can disprove Lott's contention in maybe five seconds

So disprove it, I'll give you 10 seconds.
Funny how anyone can disprove Lott's contention in maybe five seconds. No need to read Mother Jones, just think for a moment.

Visualizing gun deaths - Comparing the U.S. to rest of the world

"In an interview with comedian Marc Maron that aired Monday, President Obama cited Australia's gun laws as an example the United States should follow. Australia established strict gun control in response to a massacre in Tasmania that left 35 people dead in 1996. Since then, Australia hasn't witnessed any mass shootings.

"It was just so shocking the entire country said, ‘Well, we’re going to completely change our gun laws’, and they did. And it hasn’t happened since," Obama said, discussing the shooting deaths of nine people at a historic black church in Charleston last week."

Here s the deal with the Australian gun control law that Obama is talking about - The Washington Post

You realize that our gun murder rate declined more than Australia....and we kept our guns....and that they still have gun crime and it is increasing.....right? And that their gun crime, like ours, is confined to their biker gangs and immigrant communities.........and that their gun crime, on a big increasing.....
Funny how anyone can disprove Lott's contention in maybe five seconds. No need to read Mother Jones, just think for a moment.

Visualizing gun deaths - Comparing the U.S. to rest of the world

"In an interview with comedian Marc Maron that aired Monday, President Obama cited Australia's gun laws as an example the United States should follow. Australia established strict gun control in response to a massacre in Tasmania that left 35 people dead in 1996. Since then, Australia hasn't witnessed any mass shootings.

"It was just so shocking the entire country said, ‘Well, we’re going to completely change our gun laws’, and they did. And it hasn’t happened since," Obama said, discussing the shooting deaths of nine people at a historic black church in Charleston last week."

Here s the deal with the Australian gun control law that Obama is talking about - The Washington Post

And here are a couple of links you should try....

Gun found every two days in Melbourne s red zone

Police are discovering guns in cars every two days in Melbourne's north-west, which has been dubbed the "red zone" by officers concerned about a growing gangster culture in the region.

The alarming figure, obtained from The Police Association, follows anecdotal and statistical evidence of a burgeoning gun culture among young men in the city's north-western fringe.

Police working in the large region, which includes Broadmeadows, Sunshine and Werribee, have reported:

  • Firearm-related incidents, such as drive-by shootings, every six days.
  • An increasing trend of children as young as 16 carrying guns.
  • Regularly finding guns in cars, including sawn-off shotguns and an automatic machine gun, during routine car intercepts.
  • Guns stolen from rural homes being used in violent crime in the north-west. Some 530 guns were stolen in rural Victoria in 2013.
It comes as the Crime Statistics Agency released figures on Thursday showing an almost threefold jump in firearm offences in the north-west over the past five years, from 581 in the year to March 2011 to 1332 in the 12 months to April 2015.

A similar trend was reported statewide, with firearm offences rising more than 50 per cent to 13,626.

The figures follow recent high-profile shootings in which two men have been killed - one in Keysborough, the other in Altona Meadows - and significant gun seizures by police. In March, an automatic machine gun was found during a car intercept in Sunbury, and in February, an M16 assault rifle and Thureon machine gun were seized in raids on homes in the city's west.

Read more: Gun found every two days in Melbourne s red zone

news video on increasing gun crime...shows robbery and injured...

Gun crime red zone
Funny how anyone can disprove Lott's contention in maybe five seconds. No need to read Mother Jones, just think for a moment.

Visualizing gun deaths - Comparing the U.S. to rest of the world

"In an interview with comedian Marc Maron that aired Monday, President Obama cited Australia's gun laws as an example the United States should follow. Australia established strict gun control in response to a massacre in Tasmania that left 35 people dead in 1996. Since then, Australia hasn't witnessed any mass shootings.

"It was just so shocking the entire country said, ‘Well, we’re going to completely change our gun laws’, and they did. And it hasn’t happened since," Obama said, discussing the shooting deaths of nine people at a historic black church in Charleston last week."

Here s the deal with the Australian gun control law that Obama is talking about - The Washington Post

That's your proof? Two comedians talking to each other.
Funny how anyone can disprove Lott's contention in maybe five seconds. No need to read Mother Jones, just think for a moment.

Visualizing gun deaths - Comparing the U.S. to rest of the world

"In an interview with comedian Marc Maron that aired Monday, President Obama cited Australia's gun laws as an example the United States should follow. Australia established strict gun control in response to a massacre in Tasmania that left 35 people dead in 1996. Since then, Australia hasn't witnessed any mass shootings.

"It was just so shocking the entire country said, ‘Well, we’re going to completely change our gun laws’, and they did. And it hasn’t happened since," Obama said, discussing the shooting deaths of nine people at a historic black church in Charleston last week."

Here s the deal with the Australian gun control law that Obama is talking about - The Washington Post

That's your proof? Two comedians talking to each other.

He's not very bright.

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