Mother of 4 deported

When we are dealing with illegals it should be UN alienable because they are UN wanted here. You libs oughta take in to your home and take care of them. Of course you libs will have to be responsible for them. Wait, did I just say "lib" and "responsible" in the same sentence?
WILLHAFTAWAITE and Doc1... Did either of you put yourself in the position of this lady or her family. Think for just a second, what if this happened to my family?

Give one second to look at this with empathy or are you that selfish and entitled that you don't think that way about others?
How could American citizens put themselves in that position? The woman had twenty years to fix her problem. She did nothing. Take her kids with her to Mexico. I don't feel bad for them at all. SHE HAD TWENTY YEARS TO FIX IT!
She did exactly what ICE told her to do for 18 years ya dumbass
WILLHAFTAWAITE and Doc1... Did either of you put yourself in the position of this lady or her family. Think for just a second, what if this happened to my family?

Give one second to look at this with empathy or are you that selfish and entitled that you don't think that way about others?
How could American citizens put themselves in that position? The woman had twenty years to fix her problem. She did nothing. Take her kids with her to Mexico. I don't feel bad for them at all. SHE HAD TWENTY YEARS TO FIX IT!

We are talking about a completely irresponsible person here. From the report, it seems she doesn't know a word of English. If you just got here last week, somewhat understandable. But to not be able to communicate in a country you moved to 20 years ago? Come on now.
I speak Spanish pretty decent, but if I was being interviewed on Spanish TV I'm defaulting to English. Stop making assumptions about things you know nothing about.
Every foreigner has a pathway to live here legally and become a citizen. Why not create a harder, longer, more expensive path for those that Are here and undocumented. At least then we can work it out together instead of having millions hiding in the shadows. I'd think you hardliners would like this idea... this way we have record of all that are here and they will have to earn it
If we did that, we would be sending a message to the 600,000,000 people living south of the border and all the other people living in poverty or danger in the world that if they can get here illegally, then they can become US citizens. It makes no sense to bolster border security and then send invitations to everyone to violate it.
Not necessarily. Crossing illegally and overstaying visas can still have penalties. AND the pathway for the undocumented can be less attractive and less incentivizing than the current legal path. Trying thinking out of the box
You're not thinking out of the box, you're just simply not thinking. Offering any path to citizenship for people who entered the US illegally is still an open invitation to 600,000,000 people living south of our border to violate our immigration laws: demonstrate your contempt for our laws by entering the US illegally and we will reward you by making you citizens.
I didn't say make them citizens. Are we at the point were you start distorting my argument because you don't want to consider or discuss other ideas? I said a pathway to legal status... and I said A harder more expensive more intensive path. Maybe they pay fines, are required todo community service, serve in military etc. my point is, there should be a path for existing undocumented. Penalties including deportation for new illegal crossers, and a more incentivizing path for people who wait in line an immigrate the legal way
lol Don't try to hide from your own words, a path to citizenship means making them citizens. Even with your fines and community service, what you are proposing is another amnesty, and this will only encourage more illegals to violate our immigration laws to get because the message you are sending is clear: violate our immigration laws and all you will have to do to become a US citizen is pay a fine and do some community service. Make it apply only to those who are already here? That's what you said the last time.

Undocumented is a weasel word. Every time you call them undocumented instead of what they are, illegal, you are expressing your own contempt for our immigration laws, which is expressing contempt for US sovereignty, the same contempt for our laws and sovereignty these illegals expressed when they came here. When you call them undocumented instead of illegal, you are saying it makes little difference if they showed respect for our laws by coming here legally or contempt for our laws by violating them.

Why should some one in Mexico choose to wait years to emigrate to the US legally if he can cross the border illegally now and after paying a fine become a US citizen? If we demonstrate we don't respect our own laws, as you clearly don't, by allowing illegals to become citizens, why would we expect anyone else to respect our laws? If we are to control our borders we must send a clear message that if you enter the US legally, we will make you welcome, but if you come illegally, we will do our best to make you unwelcome.
I said legal not citizen. I'd be fine with citizenship but I know the hizzy y'all get into when it comes to the vote so legal is a fine compromise as far as I'm concerned
I just saw this story on CNN. This mother of 4 got caught trying to cross the border with a fake visa 20 years ago, because of this she couldn't not get another visa but was told she could stay in the US but had to check in with ICE twice a year, which she did for the past 18 years. Now her entire family is here (mother, husband, 4 children and they are all American citizens. CNN covers her journey to check in with ICE as they were all nervous about the changes that came with President Trump.

She met with ICE and they told her she was good for another year. She left the building, gave her children hugs and then got called back in by ICE to find out that they were deporting her in July.

I get deporting violent criminals, I hear people asking Trump and his surrogates what they will do with non-violent criminal illegal immigrants and I hear them kicking the can saying they will deal with it later. But then I see stories like this were a mother who is not a violent criminal gets deported and a family is ripped apart.


Using fraudulent papers should have meant she was deported at the time she was caught.

Because the previous governments allowed her to stay was their choice but what she did was a automatic deportation and because it is happening now is sad for her family but law is the law.

I know you will most likely tell me I am harsh and should be deported instead but think of it this way if you illegally enter Mexico or let say North Korea with fake papers what would happen!?!

If you write well that is different, well sure but other countries would toss you in prison and after your family paid or you did your time they would then deport you, well North Korea might kill you.

So her just checking in over eighteen years was nice but the government has told her it is time to leave.

Her family has hard decision to make and they need to remember their family members broke the law and in the end they knew she was not staying and if they did not know this, well they should have known...

I actually agree, if the law says that people illegally crossing the border get deported then thats what should have happened. If she wasn't deported and instead she was told she could stay if she checked in with ICE twice a year and thats what she did then it is pretty messed up to deport her after 18 years of doing what she was supposed to do. If the situation played out like this then it is our government that messed up and we need to take responsibly for that. Deporting her is the wrong move.

With checking in she was not going to stay. Over the years they were punting the decision to the next year, and now she has been told she need to leave.

You do understand if she was going to be granted a stay the government would have done it and not require her to report in.

So it will be sad for her family members but in the end she was not staying.

CHICAGO — An undocumented Mexican immigrant pleaded publicly Monday for a chance to stay in the country with her husband and six children, and sought to delay any action until after the next president takes office.

An attorney for Francisca Lino — who was scheduled to be deported Tuesday — filed a petition with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement to delay her deportation for one year.

Illegal immigrant pleads for chance to stay in US.
Every foreigner has a pathway to live here legally and become a citizen. Why not create a harder, longer, more expensive path for those that Are here and undocumented. At least then we can work it out together instead of having millions hiding in the shadows. I'd think you hardliners would like this idea... this way we have record of all that are here and they will have to earn it
If we did that, we would be sending a message to the 600,000,000 people living south of the border and all the other people living in poverty or danger in the world that if they can get here illegally, then they can become US citizens. It makes no sense to bolster border security and then send invitations to everyone to violate it.
Not necessarily. Crossing illegally and overstaying visas can still have penalties. AND the pathway for the undocumented can be less attractive and less incentivizing than the current legal path. Trying thinking out of the box
You're not thinking out of the box, you're just simply not thinking. Offering any path to citizenship for people who entered the US illegally is still an open invitation to 600,000,000 people living south of our border to violate our immigration laws: demonstrate your contempt for our laws by entering the US illegally and we will reward you by making you citizens.
I didn't say make them citizens. Are we at the point were you start distorting my argument because you don't want to consider or discuss other ideas? I said a pathway to legal status... and I said A harder more expensive more intensive path. Maybe they pay fines, are required todo community service, serve in military etc. my point is, there should be a path for existing undocumented. Penalties including deportation for new illegal crossers, and a more incentivizing path for people who wait in line an immigrate the legal way
lol Don't try to hide from your own words, a path to citizenship means making them citizens. Even with your fines and community service, what you are proposing is another amnesty, and this will only encourage more illegals to violate our immigration laws to get because the message you are sending is clear: violate our immigration laws and all you will have to do to become a US citizen is pay a fine and do some community service. Make it apply only to those who are already here? That's what you said the last time.

Undocumented is a weasel word. Every time you call them undocumented instead of what they are, illegal, you are expressing your own contempt for our immigration laws, which is expressing contempt for US sovereignty, the same contempt for our laws and sovereignty these illegals expressed when they came here. When you call them undocumented instead of illegal, you are saying it makes little difference if they showed respect for our laws by coming here legally or contempt for our laws by violating them.

Why should some one in Mexico choose to wait years to emigrate to the US legally if he can cross the border illegally now and after paying a fine become a US citizen? If we demonstrate we don't respect our own laws, as you clearly don't, by allowing illegals to become citizens, why would we expect anyone else to respect our laws? If we are to control our borders we must send a clear message that if you enter the US legally, we will make you welcome, but if you come illegally, we will do our best to make you unwelcome.
I think a system that makes people wait years before being able to come into our country is broken so that needs to be improved upon. As for the undocumented that are here something needs to be done and there will be a pathway presented in the near future as it is the only logical way to deal with the problem. I call them undocumented instead of illegal or alien because they are humans and I'm not an asshole
If we did that, we would be sending a message to the 600,000,000 people living south of the border and all the other people living in poverty or danger in the world that if they can get here illegally, then they can become US citizens. It makes no sense to bolster border security and then send invitations to everyone to violate it.
Not necessarily. Crossing illegally and overstaying visas can still have penalties. AND the pathway for the undocumented can be less attractive and less incentivizing than the current legal path. Trying thinking out of the box
You're not thinking out of the box, you're just simply not thinking. Offering any path to citizenship for people who entered the US illegally is still an open invitation to 600,000,000 people living south of our border to violate our immigration laws: demonstrate your contempt for our laws by entering the US illegally and we will reward you by making you citizens.
I didn't say make them citizens. Are we at the point were you start distorting my argument because you don't want to consider or discuss other ideas? I said a pathway to legal status... and I said A harder more expensive more intensive path. Maybe they pay fines, are required todo community service, serve in military etc. my point is, there should be a path for existing undocumented. Penalties including deportation for new illegal crossers, and a more incentivizing path for people who wait in line an immigrate the legal way
lol Don't try to hide from your own words, a path to citizenship means making them citizens. Even with your fines and community service, what you are proposing is another amnesty, and this will only encourage more illegals to violate our immigration laws to get because the message you are sending is clear: violate our immigration laws and all you will have to do to become a US citizen is pay a fine and do some community service. Make it apply only to those who are already here? That's what you said the last time.

Undocumented is a weasel word. Every time you call them undocumented instead of what they are, illegal, you are expressing your own contempt for our immigration laws, which is expressing contempt for US sovereignty, the same contempt for our laws and sovereignty these illegals expressed when they came here. When you call them undocumented instead of illegal, you are saying it makes little difference if they showed respect for our laws by coming here legally or contempt for our laws by violating them.

Why should some one in Mexico choose to wait years to emigrate to the US legally if he can cross the border illegally now and after paying a fine become a US citizen? If we demonstrate we don't respect our own laws, as you clearly don't, by allowing illegals to become citizens, why would we expect anyone else to respect our laws? If we are to control our borders we must send a clear message that if you enter the US legally, we will make you welcome, but if you come illegally, we will do our best to make you unwelcome.
I said legal not citizen. I'd be fine with citizenship but I know the hizzy y'all get into when it comes to the vote so legal is a fine compromise as far as I'm concerned
Actually, you said with a path to citizenship but even if was only legal, the message to all the people who might want to come here illegally is the same, it's ok to to violate US immigration laws because once you get in, they will make you legal. It is still an open invitation to enter the US illegally.
WILLHAFTAWAITE and Doc1... Did either of you put yourself in the position of this lady or her family. Think for just a second, what if this happened to my family?

Give one second to look at this with empathy or are you that selfish and entitled that you don't think that way about others?
How could American citizens put themselves in that position? The woman had twenty years to fix her problem. She did nothing. Take her kids with her to Mexico. I don't feel bad for them at all. SHE HAD TWENTY YEARS TO FIX IT!
She did exactly what ICE told her to do for 18 years ya dumbass

WILLHAFTAWAITE and Doc1... Did either of you put yourself in the position of this lady or her family. Think for just a second, what if this happened to my family?

Give one second to look at this with empathy or are you that selfish and entitled that you don't think that way about others?
How could American citizens put themselves in that position? The woman had twenty years to fix her problem. She did nothing. Take her kids with her to Mexico. I don't feel bad for them at all. SHE HAD TWENTY YEARS TO FIX IT!

We are talking about a completely irresponsible person here. From the report, it seems she doesn't know a word of English. If you just got here last week, somewhat understandable. But to not be able to communicate in a country you moved to 20 years ago? Come on now.
I speak Spanish pretty decent, but if I was being interviewed on Spanish TV I'm defaulting to English. Stop making assumptions about things you know nothing about.

She couldn't communicate in English. That's not an assumption, that's on the video you posted. She needed somebody to translate for her.
I guarantee that if I lived in Mexico for a year or less I could speak the language. Not prefect maybe but well enough to communicate.
If we did that, we would be sending a message to the 600,000,000 people living south of the border and all the other people living in poverty or danger in the world that if they can get here illegally, then they can become US citizens. It makes no sense to bolster border security and then send invitations to everyone to violate it.
Not necessarily. Crossing illegally and overstaying visas can still have penalties. AND the pathway for the undocumented can be less attractive and less incentivizing than the current legal path. Trying thinking out of the box
You're not thinking out of the box, you're just simply not thinking. Offering any path to citizenship for people who entered the US illegally is still an open invitation to 600,000,000 people living south of our border to violate our immigration laws: demonstrate your contempt for our laws by entering the US illegally and we will reward you by making you citizens.
I didn't say make them citizens. Are we at the point were you start distorting my argument because you don't want to consider or discuss other ideas? I said a pathway to legal status... and I said A harder more expensive more intensive path. Maybe they pay fines, are required todo community service, serve in military etc. my point is, there should be a path for existing undocumented. Penalties including deportation for new illegal crossers, and a more incentivizing path for people who wait in line an immigrate the legal way
lol Don't try to hide from your own words, a path to citizenship means making them citizens. Even with your fines and community service, what you are proposing is another amnesty, and this will only encourage more illegals to violate our immigration laws to get because the message you are sending is clear: violate our immigration laws and all you will have to do to become a US citizen is pay a fine and do some community service. Make it apply only to those who are already here? That's what you said the last time.

Undocumented is a weasel word. Every time you call them undocumented instead of what they are, illegal, you are expressing your own contempt for our immigration laws, which is expressing contempt for US sovereignty, the same contempt for our laws and sovereignty these illegals expressed when they came here. When you call them undocumented instead of illegal, you are saying it makes little difference if they showed respect for our laws by coming here legally or contempt for our laws by violating them.

Why should some one in Mexico choose to wait years to emigrate to the US legally if he can cross the border illegally now and after paying a fine become a US citizen? If we demonstrate we don't respect our own laws, as you clearly don't, by allowing illegals to become citizens, why would we expect anyone else to respect our laws? If we are to control our borders we must send a clear message that if you enter the US legally, we will make you welcome, but if you come illegally, we will do our best to make you unwelcome.
I think a system that makes people wait years before being able to come into our country is broken so that needs to be improved upon. As for the undocumented that are here something needs to be done and there will be a pathway presented in the near future as it is the only logical way to deal with the problem. I call them undocumented instead of illegal or alien because they are humans and I'm not an asshole

We don't need any more people here. We have enough of them. 315 million is not a nation starving for more population.
Try crossing into the Muslem countries that the left seems to protect or a Sharia dominated country with a fake visa or try entering North Korea and get 15 years at hard labor. I'm sure U.S. authorities would not stop the children from going to Mexico with their mother. Get used to it lefties, the criminals who are in the U.S. illegally are going back if they commit a crime.

6 mos later, Mexico would lock up the kids for being down there illegally............or over-stay of "reverse" Visa.

If the mother is Mexican, wouldn't her kids be Mexican citizens also?
If we did that, we would be sending a message to the 600,000,000 people living south of the border and all the other people living in poverty or danger in the world that if they can get here illegally, then they can become US citizens. It makes no sense to bolster border security and then send invitations to everyone to violate it.
Not necessarily. Crossing illegally and overstaying visas can still have penalties. AND the pathway for the undocumented can be less attractive and less incentivizing than the current legal path. Trying thinking out of the box
You're not thinking out of the box, you're just simply not thinking. Offering any path to citizenship for people who entered the US illegally is still an open invitation to 600,000,000 people living south of our border to violate our immigration laws: demonstrate your contempt for our laws by entering the US illegally and we will reward you by making you citizens.
I didn't say make them citizens. Are we at the point were you start distorting my argument because you don't want to consider or discuss other ideas? I said a pathway to legal status... and I said A harder more expensive more intensive path. Maybe they pay fines, are required todo community service, serve in military etc. my point is, there should be a path for existing undocumented. Penalties including deportation for new illegal crossers, and a more incentivizing path for people who wait in line an immigrate the legal way
lol Don't try to hide from your own words, a path to citizenship means making them citizens. Even with your fines and community service, what you are proposing is another amnesty, and this will only encourage more illegals to violate our immigration laws to get because the message you are sending is clear: violate our immigration laws and all you will have to do to become a US citizen is pay a fine and do some community service. Make it apply only to those who are already here? That's what you said the last time.

Undocumented is a weasel word. Every time you call them undocumented instead of what they are, illegal, you are expressing your own contempt for our immigration laws, which is expressing contempt for US sovereignty, the same contempt for our laws and sovereignty these illegals expressed when they came here. When you call them undocumented instead of illegal, you are saying it makes little difference if they showed respect for our laws by coming here legally or contempt for our laws by violating them.

Why should some one in Mexico choose to wait years to emigrate to the US legally if he can cross the border illegally now and after paying a fine become a US citizen? If we demonstrate we don't respect our own laws, as you clearly don't, by allowing illegals to become citizens, why would we expect anyone else to respect our laws? If we are to control our borders we must send a clear message that if you enter the US legally, we will make you welcome, but if you come illegally, we will do our best to make you unwelcome.
I think a system that makes people wait years before being able to come into our country is broken so that needs to be improved upon. As for the undocumented that are here something needs to be done and there will be a pathway presented in the near future as it is the only logical way to deal with the problem. I call them undocumented instead of illegal or alien because they are humans and I'm not an asshole
It takes years to get here because so many people want to come and the US can only reasonably accept fewer; there's nothing wrong with the system but there is something wrong with the rest of the world that can't provide for its own people.

Something is being done about the millions of illegals who are already here, they are being sent back. Those that show remorse for breaking our laws by turning themselves in and leaving voluntarily will get a second chance to apply for legal immigration without this violation of US law being held against them and those who are deported will never be allowed to enter the US legally again.

You use the word, undocumented, instead of illegal because you are essentially dishonest and irresponsible and have no respect for US immigration laws or US sovereignty. Your claim to believe in inalienable human rights is your attempt to justify being a dishonest, irresponsible asshole.
Every foreigner has a pathway to live here legally and become a citizen. Why not create a harder, longer, more expensive path for those that Are here and undocumented. At least then we can work it out together instead of having millions hiding in the shadows. I'd think you hardliners would like this idea... this way we have record of all that are here and they will have to earn it
If we did that, we would be sending a message to the 600,000,000 people living south of the border and all the other people living in poverty or danger in the world that if they can get here illegally, then they can become US citizens. It makes no sense to bolster border security and then send invitations to everyone to violate it.
Not necessarily. Crossing illegally and overstaying visas can still have penalties. AND the pathway for the undocumented can be less attractive and less incentivizing than the current legal path. Trying thinking out of the box

We already did that with the Reagan era amnesty. You have to seal the border or you get what we got. We do NOT need to rinse and repeat. Amnesty has already been granted so the next step is to seal the border. You don't get to keep repeating step 1. Surely you see how that just creates an exponentially bigger problem. Seal the border and then you can start talking "path to status," as the numbers are at least finite.
I agree, but I don't see why we can't discuss a plan about what to do about millions of undocumented people who live here at the same time as we work on the border
Again, undocumented is a weasel word that suggests entering the US illegally is just a trivial clerical matter and not an expression of contempt for US law and sovereignty. There is only one thing to do about the millions of illegals which sends the correct policy message to others who want to come here, send them back to where they came from.
Yes to a degree I think it's trivial. It's paperwork. It's unfair to those who immigrate legally so there should be punishment, but banishment is too extreme IMO. I committed the same crime in high school. Got a fake ID to buy booze. I don't think I should be sent to jail 20 years later if that ID was found. I believe in every humans unalienable right for life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. While I committed my felony to buy booze these people committed theirs to give their family's a better life. Some coming from third world crime filled cesspools. While I think we need a system that works better and I believe we should be more organized than simple open borders, I also have compassion for these people as humans. They should face consequences but not be discarded like common criminals.
Try crossing into the Muslem countries that the left seems to protect or a Sharia dominated country with a fake visa or try entering North Korea and get 15 years at hard labor. I'm sure U.S. authorities would not stop the children from going to Mexico with their mother. Get used to it lefties, the criminals who are in the U.S. illegally are going back if they commit a crime.

6 mos later, Mexico would lock up the kids for being down there illegally............or over-stay of "reverse" Visa.

If the mother is Mexican, wouldn't her kids be Mexican citizens also?
If either parent is a US citizen at the time of the birth, then the child is a natural born US citizen.
I disagree. I believe in these things called inalienable rights for all humans

How does that work? Everyone in the World has an INALIENABLE RIGHT to come to America?

No different than any other criminal.

For 20 years she had no second thoughts about becoming a legal immigrant or a citizen and was a happy camper. She and the family are ONLY SORRY because they got CAUGHT.

You never see a criminal weeping because they are sorry for committing a crime, ONLY for getting caught.
For the 30th time I'll correct you simpletons who either ignore the facts or don't take the time to actually understand the story. For 18 years she voluntarily checked in with ICE as instructed and was told she could stay. Her visa violation made her unable to get legal papers so our government kept her in a state of limbo as she obided by the rules they set forth. Now that the orange prince is ruling ICE seems to be getting more aggressive so when she checked in with ICE she got the boot. Imagine for a second that this happened to your family or the family of somebody you love. It would suck
If we did that, we would be sending a message to the 600,000,000 people living south of the border and all the other people living in poverty or danger in the world that if they can get here illegally, then they can become US citizens. It makes no sense to bolster border security and then send invitations to everyone to violate it.
Not necessarily. Crossing illegally and overstaying visas can still have penalties. AND the pathway for the undocumented can be less attractive and less incentivizing than the current legal path. Trying thinking out of the box

We already did that with the Reagan era amnesty. You have to seal the border or you get what we got. We do NOT need to rinse and repeat. Amnesty has already been granted so the next step is to seal the border. You don't get to keep repeating step 1. Surely you see how that just creates an exponentially bigger problem. Seal the border and then you can start talking "path to status," as the numbers are at least finite.
I agree, but I don't see why we can't discuss a plan about what to do about millions of undocumented people who live here at the same time as we work on the border
Again, undocumented is a weasel word that suggests entering the US illegally is just a trivial clerical matter and not an expression of contempt for US law and sovereignty. There is only one thing to do about the millions of illegals which sends the correct policy message to others who want to come here, send them back to where they came from.
Yes to a degree I think it's trivial. It's paperwork. It's unfair to those who immigrate legally so there should be punishment, but banishment is too extreme IMO. I committed the same crime in high school. Got a fake ID to buy booze. I don't think I should be sent to jail 20 years later if that ID was found. I believe in every humans unalienable right for life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. While I committed my felony to buy booze these people committed theirs to give their family's a better life. Some coming from third world crime filled cesspools. While I think we need a system that works better and I believe we should be more organized than simple open borders, I also have compassion for these people as humans. They should face consequences but not be discarded like common criminals.

Common criminals go to prison. We're just telling her the party is over and go home.

We can't take in every single person with a hardship story about their country. We spent plenty of money, had wars--even against each other to make this country what it is today. We are very generous with our country by allowing one million foreigners to join us every single year. That's enough already.
I disagree. I believe in these things called inalienable rights for all humans

How does that work? Everyone in the World has an INALIENABLE RIGHT to come to America?

No different than any other criminal.

For 20 years she had no second thoughts about becoming a legal immigrant or a citizen and was a happy camper. She and the family are ONLY SORRY because they got CAUGHT.

You never see a criminal weeping because they are sorry for committing a crime, ONLY for getting caught.
For the 30th time I'll correct you simpletons who either ignore the facts or don't take the time to actually understand the story. For 18 years she voluntarily checked in with ICE as instructed and was told she could stay. Her visa violation made her unable to get legal papers so our government kept her in a state of limbo as she obided by the rules they set forth. Now that the orange prince is ruling ICE seems to be getting more aggressive so when she checked in with ICE she got the boot. Imagine for a second that this happened to your family or the family of somebody you love. It would suck
So the government didn't do it's job then? No surprise, that's why we are over ran with them. I feel bad for her, but she had plenty of time to fix it.
If we did that, we would be sending a message to the 600,000,000 people living south of the border and all the other people living in poverty or danger in the world that if they can get here illegally, then they can become US citizens. It makes no sense to bolster border security and then send invitations to everyone to violate it.
Not necessarily. Crossing illegally and overstaying visas can still have penalties. AND the pathway for the undocumented can be less attractive and less incentivizing than the current legal path. Trying thinking out of the box

We already did that with the Reagan era amnesty. You have to seal the border or you get what we got. We do NOT need to rinse and repeat. Amnesty has already been granted so the next step is to seal the border. You don't get to keep repeating step 1. Surely you see how that just creates an exponentially bigger problem. Seal the border and then you can start talking "path to status," as the numbers are at least finite.
I agree, but I don't see why we can't discuss a plan about what to do about millions of undocumented people who live here at the same time as we work on the border
Again, undocumented is a weasel word that suggests entering the US illegally is just a trivial clerical matter and not an expression of contempt for US law and sovereignty. There is only one thing to do about the millions of illegals which sends the correct policy message to others who want to come here, send them back to where they came from.
Yes to a degree I think it's trivial. It's paperwork. It's unfair to those who immigrate legally so there should be punishment, but banishment is too extreme IMO. I committed the same crime in high school. Got a fake ID to buy booze. I don't think I should be sent to jail 20 years later if that ID was found. I believe in every humans unalienable right for life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. While I committed my felony to buy booze these people committed theirs to give their family's a better life. Some coming from third world crime filled cesspools. While I think we need a system that works better and I believe we should be more organized than simple open borders, I also have compassion for these people as humans. They should face consequences but not be discarded like common criminals.
That's just irresponsible bullshit. Of course most of them come here because they want a better life for themselves and their families, but if they had committed similar offenses in their home countries and had police records for these crimes, they wouldn't have been allowed to come here legally, so what you are proposing is giving preferential treatment to them because they broke the law and got away with it for a while. Apparently, what motivates you to post such nonsense is not just your claim to have feelings of compassion for these people, but also a deep feeling of contempt for America and its laws.
If we did that, we would be sending a message to the 600,000,000 people living south of the border and all the other people living in poverty or danger in the world that if they can get here illegally, then they can become US citizens. It makes no sense to bolster border security and then send invitations to everyone to violate it.
Not necessarily. Crossing illegally and overstaying visas can still have penalties. AND the pathway for the undocumented can be less attractive and less incentivizing than the current legal path. Trying thinking out of the box
You're not thinking out of the box, you're just simply not thinking. Offering any path to citizenship for people who entered the US illegally is still an open invitation to 600,000,000 people living south of our border to violate our immigration laws: demonstrate your contempt for our laws by entering the US illegally and we will reward you by making you citizens.
I didn't say make them citizens. Are we at the point were you start distorting my argument because you don't want to consider or discuss other ideas? I said a pathway to legal status... and I said A harder more expensive more intensive path. Maybe they pay fines, are required todo community service, serve in military etc. my point is, there should be a path for existing undocumented. Penalties including deportation for new illegal crossers, and a more incentivizing path for people who wait in line an immigrate the legal way
lol Don't try to hide from your own words, a path to citizenship means making them citizens. Even with your fines and community service, what you are proposing is another amnesty, and this will only encourage more illegals to violate our immigration laws to get because the message you are sending is clear: violate our immigration laws and all you will have to do to become a US citizen is pay a fine and do some community service. Make it apply only to those who are already here? That's what you said the last time.

Undocumented is a weasel word. Every time you call them undocumented instead of what they are, illegal, you are expressing your own contempt for our immigration laws, which is expressing contempt for US sovereignty, the same contempt for our laws and sovereignty these illegals expressed when they came here. When you call them undocumented instead of illegal, you are saying it makes little difference if they showed respect for our laws by coming here legally or contempt for our laws by violating them.

Why should some one in Mexico choose to wait years to emigrate to the US legally if he can cross the border illegally now and after paying a fine become a US citizen? If we demonstrate we don't respect our own laws, as you clearly don't, by allowing illegals to become citizens, why would we expect anyone else to respect our laws? If we are to control our borders we must send a clear message that if you enter the US legally, we will make you welcome, but if you come illegally, we will do our best to make you unwelcome.
I think a system that makes people wait years before being able to come into our country is broken so that needs to be improved upon. As for the undocumented that are here something needs to be done and there will be a pathway presented in the near future as it is the only logical way to deal with the problem. I call them undocumented instead of illegal or alien because they are humans and I'm not an asshole
I call them undocumented instead of illegal or alien because they are humans and I'm not an asshole

They are human.

They are also in this country ILLEGALLY.


PC bullshit.

You can call a trash man a Sanitation Engineer, but his job hasn't changed.

You can call a prison guard a corrections officer, but his job hasn't changed.

You can make up PC names for everything under the sun, but it wont' change the facts.


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