Mother of 4 deported

Well maybe you have a child who falls in love and marries a woman like this, now you have a family here that is getting ripped apart.
Her fault, not ours.
Please do not depict all Americans as cold-hearted legalists who lack common humanity.

No, but from that statement, I can depict you and people like you as those who hold no regard for the law whatsoever. Compassion in application of the law renders the law meaningless. The rules, as they are, lose their power when we keep bending them for the sake of our "common humanity." Where does it stop, Eloy? Hmm? Where is the breaking point? Should we just stop enforcing the law at all?

At what point do we put our foot down and say enough is enough?
Well maybe you have a child who falls in love and marries a woman like this, now you have a family here that is getting ripped apart.
Her fault, not ours.
Please do not depict all Americans as cold-hearted legalists who lack common humanity.

No, I can depict you and people like you as those who hold no regard for the law whatsoever. Compassion renders the law meaningless. The rules, as they are, lose their power when we keep bending them for the sake of our "common humanity."

Thanks for making that easy for me.
Americans have an nature to protect the underdog (with the exception of racists).
Well maybe you have a child who falls in love and marries a woman like this, now you have a family here that is getting ripped apart.
Her fault, not ours.
Please do not depict all Americans as cold-hearted legalists who lack common humanity.

No, but from that statement, I can depict you and people like you as those who hold no regard for the law whatsoever. Compassion in application of the law renders the law meaningless. The rules, as they are, lose their power when we keep bending them for the sake of our "common humanity." Where does it stop, Eloy? Hmm? Where is the breaking point? Should we just stop enforcing the law at all?

At what point do we put our foot down and say enough is enough?
You gotta get off this "liberals have no respect for the law" horse that you are on. There can be rules and there can be enforcement, but I think it is fair to say that if the penalty is ripping families apart and effecting communities in a negative way by deportations then perhaps the punishments are too harsh an something else should be considered. If you all weren't so hard headed and combative and if you were able to civilly engage in a productive conversation about his subject then you could simply ask a very legitimate question to your opponents. Ask them to propose a solution that is fair to both undocumented in this country and for those who wait for years to immigrate the legal way. Search for middle ground and see what you all can come up with
Well maybe you have a child who falls in love and marries a woman like this, now you have a family here that is getting ripped apart.
Her fault, not ours.
Please do not depict all Americans as cold-hearted legalists who lack common humanity.

No, I can depict you and people like you as those who hold no regard for the law whatsoever. Compassion renders the law meaningless. The rules, as they are, lose their power when we keep bending them for the sake of our "common humanity."

Thanks for making that easy for me.
Americans have an nature to protect the underdog (with the exception of racists).

Yeah, including harboring criminals. Because that's what they are. No plight or struggle is worth becoming a criminal for. There is no decency or accomplishment in disregarding our immigration laws and, thenceforth, they have demonstrated their complete disregard of American jurisprudence by setting foot on American soil illegally.
Well maybe you have a child who falls in love and marries a woman like this, now you have a family here that is getting ripped apart.
Her fault, not ours.
Please do not depict all Americans as cold-hearted legalists who lack common humanity.

No, I can depict you and people like you as those who hold no regard for the law whatsoever. Compassion renders the law meaningless. The rules, as they are, lose their power when we keep bending them for the sake of our "common humanity."

Thanks for making that easy for me.
Americans have an nature to protect the underdog (with the exception of racists).

Yeah, including harboring criminals. Because that's what they are. No plight or struggle is worth becoming a criminal for. There is no decency or accomplishment in disregarding our immigration laws and, thenceforth, they have demonstrated their complete disregard of American jurisprudence by setting foot on American soil illegally.
Typically, immigrants to the United States are not criminals and because entering without the required documentation is a misdemeanor, this alone does not make criminals of hard working and decent family people.
You gotta get off this "liberals have no respect for the law" horse that you are on. There can be rules and there can be enforcement, but I think it is fair to say that if the penalty is ripping families apart and effecting communities in a negative way by deportations then perhaps the punishments are too harsh an something else should be considered.

Begging your pardon, but the punishment fits the crime. So, either we change the 14th Amendment to exclude children born to foreigners on American soil from being automatic citizens, or we enforce existing law. Since the former is highly unlikely given our current political climate, we are left with the latter.

If you all weren't so hard headed and combative and if you were able to civilly engage in a productive conversation about his subject then you could simply ask a very legitimate question to your opponents.

Not being hard headed or combative. I'm expecting people to obey the same law I obey. Is that such an unreasonable expectation?

Ask them to propose a solution that is fair to both undocumented in this country and for those who wait for years to immigrate the legal way. Search for middle ground and see what you all can come up with

The middle ground doesn't exist. But the ground where their home country rests does.

People who come here illegally should not be rewarded with anything except the consequences of their actions.
Her fault, not ours.
Please do not depict all Americans as cold-hearted legalists who lack common humanity.

No, I can depict you and people like you as those who hold no regard for the law whatsoever. Compassion renders the law meaningless. The rules, as they are, lose their power when we keep bending them for the sake of our "common humanity."

Thanks for making that easy for me.
Americans have an nature to protect the underdog (with the exception of racists).

Yeah, including harboring criminals. Because that's what they are. No plight or struggle is worth becoming a criminal for. There is no decency or accomplishment in disregarding our immigration laws and, thenceforth, they have demonstrated their complete disregard of American jurisprudence by setting foot on American soil illegally.
Typically, immigrants to the United States are not criminals and because entering without the required documentation is a misdemeanor, this alone does not make criminals of hard working and decent family people.

Okay, immigrants. We're talking illegal immigrants. Note how the two aren't alike in any way.
Please do not depict all Americans as cold-hearted legalists who lack common humanity.

No, I can depict you and people like you as those who hold no regard for the law whatsoever. Compassion renders the law meaningless. The rules, as they are, lose their power when we keep bending them for the sake of our "common humanity."

Thanks for making that easy for me.
Americans have an nature to protect the underdog (with the exception of racists).

Yeah, including harboring criminals. Because that's what they are. No plight or struggle is worth becoming a criminal for. There is no decency or accomplishment in disregarding our immigration laws and, thenceforth, they have demonstrated their complete disregard of American jurisprudence by setting foot on American soil illegally.
Typically, immigrants to the United States are not criminals and because entering without the required documentation is a misdemeanor, this alone does not make criminals of hard working and decent family people.

Okay, immigrants. We're talking illegal immigrants. Note how the two aren't alike in any way.
There is no such person as an illegal immigrant.
No, I can depict you and people like you as those who hold no regard for the law whatsoever. Compassion renders the law meaningless. The rules, as they are, lose their power when we keep bending them for the sake of our "common humanity."

Thanks for making that easy for me.
Americans have an nature to protect the underdog (with the exception of racists).

Yeah, including harboring criminals. Because that's what they are. No plight or struggle is worth becoming a criminal for. There is no decency or accomplishment in disregarding our immigration laws and, thenceforth, they have demonstrated their complete disregard of American jurisprudence by setting foot on American soil illegally.
Typically, immigrants to the United States are not criminals and because entering without the required documentation is a misdemeanor, this alone does not make criminals of hard working and decent family people.

Okay, immigrants. We're talking illegal immigrants. Note how the two aren't alike in any way.
There is no such person as an illegal immigrant.

Wow. That is perhaps the most ignorant thing I've read thus far at this late hour. Perhaps I mistook you for a serious poster.

Good day.
Americans have an nature to protect the underdog (with the exception of racists).

Yeah, including harboring criminals. Because that's what they are. No plight or struggle is worth becoming a criminal for. There is no decency or accomplishment in disregarding our immigration laws and, thenceforth, they have demonstrated their complete disregard of American jurisprudence by setting foot on American soil illegally.
Typically, immigrants to the United States are not criminals and because entering without the required documentation is a misdemeanor, this alone does not make criminals of hard working and decent family people.

Okay, immigrants. We're talking illegal immigrants. Note how the two aren't alike in any way.
There is no such person as an illegal immigrant.

Wow. That is perhaps the most ignorant thing I've read thus far at this late hour. Perhaps I mistook you for a serious poster.

Good day.
It is not a late hour where I live.
Yeah, including harboring criminals. Because that's what they are. No plight or struggle is worth becoming a criminal for. There is no decency or accomplishment in disregarding our immigration laws and, thenceforth, they have demonstrated their complete disregard of American jurisprudence by setting foot on American soil illegally.
Typically, immigrants to the United States are not criminals and because entering without the required documentation is a misdemeanor, this alone does not make criminals of hard working and decent family people.

Okay, immigrants. We're talking illegal immigrants. Note how the two aren't alike in any way.
There is no such person as an illegal immigrant.

Wow. That is perhaps the most ignorant thing I've read thus far at this late hour. Perhaps I mistook you for a serious poster.

Good day.
It is not a late hour where I live.

Perhaps you haven't heard about time zones yet. Google is your friend.

Allowing them to stay under any circumstances is antithetical to the principles on which our immigration policy is based. In 1965, the most liberal president in American history signed into law immigration reform legislation that is based on the principle that immigration into the US should be based on what America and Americans need from the rest of the world and not what the rest of the world needs from us.

As a result of this reform, the vast majority of illegals now in the country would never have been permitted to even apply for an immigration visa and would never have been welcome in this country under any circumstances because we simply don't need them. There is no way these people can be allowed to stay without contradicting and violating the very principles on which our immigration policies are based. No rational compromise is possible.
How many laps has the broken record spun with you... I get your argument... I agree with some of it and disagree with much of it.
There is no argument. It's a fact that allowing them to stay is antithetical to the principles on which our immigration policies are based. For that reason it would be unAmerican to allow them to stay.
Don't be calling Reagan unAmerican now, your Rhino friends might get offended
Reagan's amnesty continues to be an embarrassment to his supporters.

No, not really an embarrassment. Rather. it simply didn't work. We tried it. We implemented it. It didn't work.

What would be embarrassing, is if we were so stupid, that we saw it didn't work, admitted it didn't work, but then planned to do it again...... you know.... like what left-wing democrats keep trying to do.

Amnesty didn't work, so you guys promote it again. Socialism didn't work... so you are pushing for socialized health care. Government regulations on banks didn't work.... so you push for even more regulations on banks.

That should be embarrassing.
Actually, it did work. The whole purpose of the amnesty was to allow Reagan to avoid dealing with the difficult issue of illegal immigration, and it did do that. That's an embarrassment. Reagan was a great president but he made some serious mistakes.
Well maybe you have a child who falls in love and marries a woman like this, now you have a family here that is getting ripped apart.
Her fault, not ours.
Please do not depict all Americans as cold-hearted legalists who lack common humanity.
"Legalist?" Is that a euphemism meaning someone who believes in enforcing the law?

Why don't you just admit you use the Constitution for toilet paper?
No, I can depict you and people like you as those who hold no regard for the law whatsoever. Compassion renders the law meaningless. The rules, as they are, lose their power when we keep bending them for the sake of our "common humanity."

Thanks for making that easy for me.
Americans have an nature to protect the underdog (with the exception of racists).

Yeah, including harboring criminals. Because that's what they are. No plight or struggle is worth becoming a criminal for. There is no decency or accomplishment in disregarding our immigration laws and, thenceforth, they have demonstrated their complete disregard of American jurisprudence by setting foot on American soil illegally.
Typically, immigrants to the United States are not criminals and because entering without the required documentation is a misdemeanor, this alone does not make criminals of hard working and decent family people.

Okay, immigrants. We're talking illegal immigrants. Note how the two aren't alike in any way.
There is no such person as an illegal immigrant.

Correct. The proper term is "illegal alien," and we have 40 million of them.
20 years too late
I'll send you a tough guy award

Look, it's real simple.

If you looked at any other aspect of our laws, you wouldn't even question this.

If she murdered someone 20 years ago, we wouldn't be saying "but she's a mother of four!".

If she dumped toxic waste into a nearby water supply, we wouldn't be saying "but but four!"

If it was a guy, and he raped a couple of women 20 years ago, "but but but FOUR KIDS!"

In any other situation, we wouldn't be giving her a free pass simply because she's got kids.

Any animal can pop out kids.

We are humans. We have laws. There are consequences to breaking those laws. If you come here illegally, there are consequences.

The fact she had kids, simply means it was even more irresponsible for her to break our laws.

It's not a "tough guy" routine. It's the law. Do you want to live in anarchy where we have no laws? There are plenty of places you can go to. We have laws. You will obey those laws, or you will have consequences. Don't break the law. It's that simple. Years ago I got speeding tickets..... because I was speeding. It never occurred to me that "you all are just doing a tough guy act!"
Funny how you try and equate pursuing a more opportunistic life, with raping and murdering. Is that really how it is in your wrapped mind thinks?

I committed the same crime in high school when I got a fake ID to buy some booze. I sure hope I don't get the electric chair if one day the authorities find that ID I once had.

Then here's what you do: Get another fake ID and go to Mexico and try living for a while. Let us know how it works out for you.
I understand that's what she claims to have done. I also understand a sympathetic press reports her claim without scrutiny because it makes for a better story.

I'm highly skeptical that 36 visits to immigration resulted in her being told every time that she's free to stay in this country illegally.

If she can prove that, perhaps it's the ICE agents who should be deported.
So is it your theory that she lied about checking in with ICE over the past 18 years but then just decided that she would roll the dice and do so for CNN and risk being deported?

Serious question...

Where did ICE get the power to determine if she can stay here for 18 years? Why wasn't she deported earlier?
Good question, I don't know.

Then it seems to me that they had no such power. How do you check in with ICE 36 times without being deported? How did she manage to give them the slip for so long?
Did you watch the news story?? They literally covered her trip from her house to ICE to check in, like she had done twice a year for the past 12 years. She came out of the meeting saying they gave her another year and then they called her back in and gave her the boot. It's pretty fucked up

What I would love to know is if ICE confirmed she did indeed check in twice a year.
No, I can depict you and people like you as those who hold no regard for the law whatsoever. Compassion renders the law meaningless. The rules, as they are, lose their power when we keep bending them for the sake of our "common humanity."

Thanks for making that easy for me.
Americans have an nature to protect the underdog (with the exception of racists).

Yeah, including harboring criminals. Because that's what they are. No plight or struggle is worth becoming a criminal for. There is no decency or accomplishment in disregarding our immigration laws and, thenceforth, they have demonstrated their complete disregard of American jurisprudence by setting foot on American soil illegally.
Typically, immigrants to the United States are not criminals and because entering without the required documentation is a misdemeanor, this alone does not make criminals of hard working and decent family people.

Okay, immigrants. We're talking illegal immigrants. Note how the two aren't alike in any way.
There is no such person as an illegal immigrant.
You are right they are just Illegal. Immigrants come here with proper paper work and have met all the requirements for legal entry the illegal criminals have not.
So is it your theory that she lied about checking in with ICE over the past 18 years but then just decided that she would roll the dice and do so for CNN and risk being deported?

Serious question...

Where did ICE get the power to determine if she can stay here for 18 years? Why wasn't she deported earlier?
Good question, I don't know.

Then it seems to me that they had no such power. How do you check in with ICE 36 times without being deported? How did she manage to give them the slip for so long?
Did you watch the news story?? They literally covered her trip from her house to ICE to check in, like she had done twice a year for the past 12 years. She came out of the meeting saying they gave her another year and then they called her back in and gave her the boot. It's pretty fucked up

What I would love to know is if ICE confirmed she did indeed check in twice a year.
What if that turns out to be true? Does it change your opinion at all or are you just trying to poke holes?
Serious question...

Where did ICE get the power to determine if she can stay here for 18 years? Why wasn't she deported earlier?
Good question, I don't know.

Then it seems to me that they had no such power. How do you check in with ICE 36 times without being deported? How did she manage to give them the slip for so long?
Did you watch the news story?? They literally covered her trip from her house to ICE to check in, like she had done twice a year for the past 12 years. She came out of the meeting saying they gave her another year and then they called her back in and gave her the boot. It's pretty fucked up

What I would love to know is if ICE confirmed she did indeed check in twice a year.
What if that turns out to be true? Does it change your opinion at all or are you just trying to poke holes?

Nope, just trying to seal some of the holes already there.

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Too bad people think they can drag their kids into this as an excuse to violate immigration laws and think we are fooled. Dreamers or anchor babies, Immigrants or illegal aliens. Euphemisms. Nobody is above the laws. Not even Mexicans. That might be a shocker. But it's true.
You saw the story, for 18 years she checked in with ICE and was told she could stay. Her mother is a citizen, her husband is a citizen, her four kids are citizens. She can't get papers because of what she did 20 years ago. Does this really sound right to you?

Yes. She fucked up and needs to face the consequences. The only mistake was EVER letting her into the country to begin with!

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