Mother of 5-Year-Old Transgender Girl Fights Texas School District Over Bathroom Access

The Left hates discrimination. They hate exceptionalism. They hate individualism. They hate religion except for Islam, which really isn't a religion. They want a gray world where everything is equally non distinct.

It will never be achieved

No, they never will. But they'll cause a lot of distress and suffering to others along the way. The Left are really an awful group of people.
The Left hates discrimination. They hate exceptionalism. They hate individualism. They hate religion except for Islam, which really isn't a religion. They want a gray world where everything is equally non distinct.

It will never be achieved

It won't be achieved, because these twisted freaks are going to be stopped, forcibly if need be.

This is why the left despises homeschooling and private schools...they can't get their grimy and filthy paws on all the children
Mother of 5-Year-Old Transgender Girl Fights Texas School District Over Bathroom Access

The mother of a 5-year-old transgender girl in Pearland, Texas, is continuing her fight against the Pearland Independent School District to allow her daughter to use the girls' bathroom.

Kimberly Shappley -- mom of soon-to-be kindergartner, Kai Shappley -- said her fight against the school district started in May. The district allows students to use gender-neutral bathrooms, found in some areas of the school, but the mom says that isn't enough.

"I went to the campus and approached the school district to try and work with them," she told ABC News today. "I wanted to make sure Kai wouldn't be discriminated against and be able to use the girl's bathroom, but it soon became very apparent that the superintendent has a very strong, prejudiced stance against the LGBTQ community."

Coincidentally, later that month, the Obama administration issued a directive to schools saying that transgender students should be able to use bathrooms that match their gender identity.


It is never going to stop. It is only going to get worse as we can see.

This child should be removed from that home environment, and either adopted or fostered, the so-called Mother should be arrested for child abuse and also she should be sterilised.

Some people don't deserve to have children, this woman is one of those people.

A 5 year-old child knows nothing about sexuality, as such this child cannot have made the decision to Transgender, this decision has been made by the fucked-up woman to Transgender this child.
See? In a RW Theocratic Christer world, children are forcibly taken from their homes and mothers arrested and sterilized because it goes against the Christers religion.
Got any more strawmen, dufus?
The mother of a 5-year-old transgender girl in Pearland, Texas, is continuing her fight against the Pearland Independent School District to allow her daughter to use the girls' bathroom.

The child should be removed from this abusive mother.
Mother of 5-Year-Old Transgender Girl Fights Texas School District Over Bathroom Access

The mother of a 5-year-old transgender girl in Pearland, Texas, is continuing her fight against the Pearland Independent School District to allow her daughter to use the girls' bathroom.

Kimberly Shappley -- mom of soon-to-be kindergartner, Kai Shappley -- said her fight against the school district started in May. The district allows students to use gender-neutral bathrooms, found in some areas of the school, but the mom says that isn't enough.

"I went to the campus and approached the school district to try and work with them," she told ABC News today. "I wanted to make sure Kai wouldn't be discriminated against and be able to use the girl's bathroom, but it soon became very apparent that the superintendent has a very strong, prejudiced stance against the LGBTQ community."

Coincidentally, later that month, the Obama administration issued a directive to schools saying that transgender students should be able to use bathrooms that match their gender identity.


It is never going to stop. It is only going to get worse as we can see.

This child should be removed from that home environment, and either adopted or fostered, the so-called Mother should be arrested for child abuse and also she should be sterilised.

Some people don't deserve to have children, this woman is one of those people.

A 5 year-old child knows nothing about sexuality, as such this child cannot have made the decision to Transgender, this decision has been made by the fucked-up woman to Transgender this child.
See? In a RW Theocratic Christer world, children are forcibly taken from their homes and mothers arrested and sterilized because it goes against the Christers religion.

This is about protecting the child and children, we know Leftists aren't bothered about that sort of thing, you promote the act of millions of the unborn around the planet being murdered in the womb, not to mention your supporting the vile filth called Planned Parenthood selling baby body parts for profit.

With that grotesque record, Leftists can hardly state that they're pro-children. Neither can Leftists at this point say that they have ANY morals whatsoever, you're pretty much circling the drain with your degeneracy and decay.
The mother of a 5-year-old transgender girl in Pearland, Texas, is continuing her fight against the Pearland Independent School District to allow her daughter to use the girls' bathroom.

The child should be removed from this abusive mother.

Yesterday we had the Leftists telling us we were "spooking" them and that we were some weird people obsessing about what happens in other peoples' bedrooms, this was because we thought it was wrong that a Mother was fucking her 19 year-old son.

We were told "who cares" and it was "nobody's business" what they were doing.

So as many have predicted, once they got the LGBT Agenda on the road, next up was going to be incest, paedophilia and bestiality to all be made normal.

As I said, they're circling the drain, anything normal and healthy is evil, everything degenerate and depraved is championed as the way "forward" in a "decent" society :uhoh3:
Mother of 5-Year-Old Transgender Girl Fights Texas School District Over Bathroom Access

The mother of a 5-year-old transgender girl in Pearland, Texas, is continuing her fight against the Pearland Independent School District to allow her daughter to use the girls' bathroom.

Kimberly Shappley -- mom of soon-to-be kindergartner, Kai Shappley -- said her fight against the school district started in May. The district allows students to use gender-neutral bathrooms, found in some areas of the school, but the mom says that isn't enough.

"I went to the campus and approached the school district to try and work with them," she told ABC News today. "I wanted to make sure Kai wouldn't be discriminated against and be able to use the girl's bathroom, but it soon became very apparent that the superintendent has a very strong, prejudiced stance against the LGBTQ community."

Coincidentally, later that month, the Obama administration issued a directive to schools saying that transgender students should be able to use bathrooms that match their gender identity.


It is never going to stop. It is only going to get worse as we can see.

This child should be removed from that home environment, and either adopted or fostered, the so-called Mother should be arrested for child abuse and also she should be sterilised.

Some people don't deserve to have children, this woman is one of those people.

^^^THAT!!!!! There is no way a 5 y/o is dreaming this stuff up, no way and no how
See? Another Theocratic Christer agrees that c
Have they arrested the child's parents yet?
In a RW world she would be...and the child beaten.
What did the child do that you would whip her like your common plantation blacks?
See? In a RW world, we're still in the 19th century.
Islam states that it is appropriate for 50 year old men to marry 6 year old little girls and to have sex with them at 9. Expect the Left to accept this form of child abuse, if not now then soon.
Mother of 5-Year-Old Transgender Girl Fights Texas School District Over Bathroom Access

The mother of a 5-year-old transgender girl in Pearland, Texas, is continuing her fight against the Pearland Independent School District to allow her daughter to use the girls' bathroom.

Kimberly Shappley -- mom of soon-to-be kindergartner, Kai Shappley -- said her fight against the school district started in May. The district allows students to use gender-neutral bathrooms, found in some areas of the school, but the mom says that isn't enough.

"I went to the campus and approached the school district to try and work with them," she told ABC News today. "I wanted to make sure Kai wouldn't be discriminated against and be able to use the girl's bathroom, but it soon became very apparent that the superintendent has a very strong, prejudiced stance against the LGBTQ community."

Coincidentally, later that month, the Obama administration issued a directive to schools saying that transgender students should be able to use bathrooms that match their gender identity.


It is never going to stop. It is only going to get worse as we can see.

This child should be removed from that home environment, and either adopted or fostered, the so-called Mother should be arrested for child abuse and also she should be sterilised.

Some people don't deserve to have children, this woman is one of those people.

A 5 year-old child knows nothing about sexuality, as such this child cannot have made the decision to Transgender, this decision has been made by the fucked-up woman to Transgender this child.
See? In a RW Theocratic Christer world, children are forcibly taken from their homes and mothers arrested and sterilized because it goes against the Christers religion. our world, we hold the parents responsible.......
Have they arrested the child's parents yet?
In a RW world she would be...and the child beaten.

You really need to stop, cow
Don't be know you want to.

Like I said, cow, you really need to stop. You're making yourself out to be a bigger ass than you usually do. Time to grow up
Or...I'm arrested? As in the RW world you envision? Publicly horsewhipped like in the RW world you envision?
Mother of 5-Year-Old Transgender Girl Fights Texas School District Over Bathroom Access

The mother of a 5-year-old transgender girl in Pearland, Texas, is continuing her fight against the Pearland Independent School District to allow her daughter to use the girls' bathroom.

Kimberly Shappley -- mom of soon-to-be kindergartner, Kai Shappley -- said her fight against the school district started in May. The district allows students to use gender-neutral bathrooms, found in some areas of the school, but the mom says that isn't enough.

"I went to the campus and approached the school district to try and work with them," she told ABC News today. "I wanted to make sure Kai wouldn't be discriminated against and be able to use the girl's bathroom, but it soon became very apparent that the superintendent has a very strong, prejudiced stance against the LGBTQ community."

Coincidentally, later that month, the Obama administration issued a directive to schools saying that transgender students should be able to use bathrooms that match their gender identity.


It is never going to stop. It is only going to get worse as we can see.

This child should be removed from that home environment, and either adopted or fostered, the so-called Mother should be arrested for child abuse and also she should be sterilised.

Some people don't deserve to have children, this woman is one of those people.

A 5 year-old child knows nothing about sexuality, as such this child cannot have made the decision to Transgender, this decision has been made by the fucked-up woman to Transgender this child.
See? In a RW Theocratic Christer world, children are forcibly taken from their homes and mothers arrested and sterilized because it goes against the Christers religion. our world, we hold the parents responsible.......
Ah...that explains the arresting...the sterilizing...the public horsewhipping....
Mother of 5-Year-Old Transgender Girl Fights Texas School District Over Bathroom Access

The mother of a 5-year-old transgender girl in Pearland, Texas, is continuing her fight against the Pearland Independent School District to allow her daughter to use the girls' bathroom.

Kimberly Shappley -- mom of soon-to-be kindergartner, Kai Shappley -- said her fight against the school district started in May. The district allows students to use gender-neutral bathrooms, found in some areas of the school, but the mom says that isn't enough.

"I went to the campus and approached the school district to try and work with them," she told ABC News today. "I wanted to make sure Kai wouldn't be discriminated against and be able to use the girl's bathroom, but it soon became very apparent that the superintendent has a very strong, prejudiced stance against the LGBTQ community."

Coincidentally, later that month, the Obama administration issued a directive to schools saying that transgender students should be able to use bathrooms that match their gender identity.


It is never going to stop. It is only going to get worse as we can see.

This child should be removed from that home environment, and either adopted or fostered, the so-called Mother should be arrested for child abuse and also she should be sterilised.

Some people don't deserve to have children, this woman is one of those people.

A 5 year-old child knows nothing about sexuality, as such this child cannot have made the decision to Transgender, this decision has been made by the fucked-up woman to Transgender this child.
See? In a RW Theocratic Christer world, children are forcibly taken from their homes and mothers arrested and sterilized because it goes against the Christers religion. our world, we hold the parents responsible.......

On Planet Leftist there's no such thing as holding people responsible, because they're devoid of the concept of personal responsibilty.

On Planet Leftist it's either Anything Goes or blame someone else.
So as many have predicted, once they got the LGBT Agenda on the road, next up was going to be incest, paedophilia and bestiality to all be made normal.

Pedophilia and bestiality both don't have the consent of the other. This doesn't bother the Left.

As to religion: I would be asking my child if she wanted to attend service. I would not force it on her.
Have they arrested the child's parents yet?
In a RW world she would be...and the child beaten.

You really need to stop, cow
Don't be know you want to.

Like I said, cow, you really need to stop. You're making yourself out to be a bigger ass than you usually do. Time to grow up
Or...I'm arrested? As in the RW world you envision? Publicly horsewhipped like in the RW world you envision?

You started with child beating and now (as usual) you progress with your strawman building....every fucking time.
The normal arm flailing from 'the sky is falling crowd'.

Cons just a note. Every time some person in a tiny town in the middle of nowhere, or a large city somewhere, says or does something outside your experience in life, doesn't mean the world is ending. Relax, mow your lawn tomorrow clean the sweat off of your keyboard.
Your simplistic religious interpretations aside, comparing religion to gender confusion is bizarre. We all got here due to gender. Gender matters to normal people. It matters to the birds and the bees too. Liberals can't figure it out anymore, so something has gone horribly wrong with the human experiment.

The democrats, Communists actually, are waging war on reality. They seek to define what is based on a whim.

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