Mother of Slain Benghazi Officer: "They want me to shut up"


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Libs, don't waste your time bashing the source to deflect. There is audio where you can hear the mother talking about this. If this were any other case, such as the mother of a shooting victim talking about people wanting her to shut up, the left would be all over it. It is frightening that we have not heard anything from the 40 or so survivors of the Benghazi attack. That just isn't normal and there is no defending that. I have never seen such silence from an administration or the media like this.

Within hours, the Obama administration was claiming that a video was responsible for the attacks. Now, months later, as details slowly surface, all we get is 'what difference does it make?' Well, it makes a big difference.

Mother of Slain Benghazi Officer to Hannity: They Want Me To Shut Up
First it was "stand down", now it's "shut up".
Curiouser and curiouser...
Yea, stand down, shut up and if we want your opinion, we'll give it to you.
[ame=]Mother of Slain Benghazi Officer to Hannity: They Want Me To Shut Up - YouTube[/ame]!
"I was told I was causing a lot of problems, to shut up --- I lost my son."
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WHO told her to shut up?

The interview I saw on Fox and Friends the other day had her saying it was her family members telling her to clam up. Is that the case here as well?

Who is the demon? Is it Obama? Clinton? Or her relatives who are embarrassed by her dopey crusade?

They decide.
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Kinda funny that none of the survivors who were actually there are in the news. None of them have said a word.

One would suppose that they were told to shut up.

Any guesses as to where those orders came from??
"I was told I was causing a lot of problems, to shut up --- I lost my son."

Where is the MSM on this?

Standing at the water cooler laughing at how much of a hack Hannity is.
laugh all you want you filthy bastard .......this woman wants answers and deserves them !! it wouldn't matter to you if Obamas palls "the Muslim Brotherhood " were behind the assassinations you would still say it doesn't matter.
Kinda funny that none of the survivors who were actually there are in the news. None of them have said a word.

One would suppose that they were told to shut up.

Any guesses as to where those orders came from??

But as we have been reminded by the Left, survivors have been interviewed extensively by the "authorities".

So now we should all shut up. :eusa_eh:
If we did not have FOX news , No one would have heard anything about benghazi other then the initial attack. It would have been swept under the rug. It was them who kept at it and they had to answer some questions just like fast and furious . But , libs still dont care that Obama is hiding things from us . Because he is cool and all
Kinda funny that none of the survivors who were actually there are in the news. None of them have said a word.

One would suppose that they were told to shut up.

Any guesses as to where those orders came from??

Maybe they have nothing to say and don't want to talk to Hannity of all people. That practically guarantees you've got a screw lose.
Kinda funny that none of the survivors who were actually there are in the news. None of them have said a word.

One would suppose that they were told to shut up.

Any guesses as to where those orders came from??

Maybe they have nothing to say and don't want to talk to Hannity of all people. That practically guarantees you've got a screw lose.

LMAO PLeeaasse. I have a screw loose because I seriously doubt the administrations tale of Benghazi??

One might come to the conclusion that the powers that be, i.e. the Obama State Department, have told them to keep quiet.

I'm sure if they wanted to talk Hannity wouldn't be the only one wanting to listen. I don't l isten to Hannity but I'm sure there are others out there that I do listen to that would be more than happy to interview survivors.

Seems you have a screw loose there Conrad baby.
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Libs, don't waste your time bashing the source to deflect. There is audio where you can hear the mother talking about this. If this were any other case, such as the mother of a shooting victim talking about people wanting her to shut up, the left would be all over it. It is frightening that we have not heard anything from the 40 or so survivors of the Benghazi attack. That just isn't normal and there is no defending that. I have never seen such silence from an administration or the media like this.

Within hours, the Obama administration was claiming that a video was responsible for the attacks. Now, months later, as details slowly surface, all we get is 'what difference does it make?' Well, it makes a big difference.

Mother of Slain Benghazi Officer to Hannity: They Want Me To Shut Up

I agree with you, Clementine. Keep in mind after the plane landed in the Hudson river in NY years ago the Captain and flight crew were detained for a week or so before being permitted to answer questions to the public. Do you remember that? So I am thinking there is a precedent for a time period in which information is gathered and people are interviewed.

The problem with the Benghazi story is nothing makes sense. I believe the stand down order had to come from the president. According to a former CIA person interviewed on The Blaze - the president watched Benghazi under attack from the situation room and still did not give the stand down order, he went to bed. That is the story I've heard. It makes sense because the chain of command would have to have led to him making that decision. Why give a stand down order and even fire those who disobeyed it later on? Shouldn't they have been commended? It is apparent to me there was a plan that was interupted.

If you rewind back to days before the attack you find the president of Egypt, Morsi, was requesting that the blind sheik who was involved in the first attack on twin tower be released by the USA and returned Egypt. There was a big outcry from the Muslim Brotherhood concerning his release. Obama could not release the blind sheik prior to his election as it would be disasterous. A plan that would work for both parties would be US Embassy Ambassador Stephens is kidnapped and a prisoner exchange is arranged. I believe that was the original plan.

When the seals disobeyed orders scaling walls and rushing to the rescue of Stephens the people doing the operation - possibly working for muslim brotherhood or Morsi - discovered they were being fired upon - they believed they had been double crossed and went into overkill mode - which is where the pictures of the Ambassador being raped in the streets - photographs of his body being carried, etc surfaced.

If you examine Obama's behavior closely right afterwards, you will note it was the eve of his 1st debate with Romney when the story was breaking and there was alot of commotion going on in Washington I'm sure. Obama couldn't even concentrate to answer Romney's rebuttals during the debate. He was unusually distracted to the point of the american public asking the next day, What happened to him? Why was he so distracted? I believe that is the reason why. He was afraid the american people were going to find out. Had it not been for appointing Patraeus to head of CIA - arranging the seduction of same general with Broadwell - one of their own - I believe we would have been able to hear the truth of the standdown order directly from him but due to the Generals own position being compromised it never came out.

For anyone who believes Broadwell was a coincidence, something that just "happened" - you need to take a closer look at her. She even looks like him. This woman was custom picked for him. Her assignment? To write a book about him? Praising his abilities, building him up, it was the ultimate set up. I have not a doubt in my mind she was sent in there to do what she did. To add to the mystery we see two of the GOP's greatest traitors take up the investigation of Benghazi. John McCain and Lyndsey Graham. Thus assuring the American people will never get to the bottom of what happened in Benghazi. If there were not anything for this adminstration to hide they would not be trying to silence the family members & survivors months after the tragedy happened. Something is rotten and it isn't in Denmark, folks. That is my 2 cents.

- Jeri
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Kinda funny that none of the survivors who were actually there are in the news. None of them have said a word.

One would suppose that they were told to shut up.

Any guesses as to where those orders came from??

Maybe they have nothing to say and don't want to talk to Hannity of all people. That practically guarantees you've got a screw lose.
The ones with the loose screws are you idiot libtards.
Well when the debate is lost slander becomes the tool of the loser. Were it not for slander I doubt some here would have anything to say at all. Still the best thing to do is keep right on posting the facts, the links, the questions that lead to the obvious. Obama has lied to the American people about Benghazi. Which leads us to the next question. What else is this administration lying about?

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