Motion to expel Adam Schiff from the House is filed.

1. Podesta's password was "password". The hackers weren't Russians, they were "hackers" that posted the emails on wikileaks. No Russians or Trump involvement dumbass.

2. Congressmen can lie all they want as long as they are democrats, Schiff said he saw evidence that Trump colluded with Russians, that was a lie that affected Trump's presidency.

3. Now that the Biden Crime Family has been found to be laundering millions of foreign cash thru bogus LLCs, the FBI does nothing. The FBI is the DNC's GESTAPO.
All three points are contrary to known reality.
so this isn't reality to you?

hahahaahahhahahaha only a blind fk like you says shit like that.
Kyzr debunked #1 for us. 2 is more of the same talking point claiming his opinion spoken on TV are to be taken like he was sworn under oath. 3 is just a lying talking points where they have no evidence of laundering money by the Biden's.
The whataboutism from the Republican criminal-enablers isn't working, hence their panic.

Republicans know how bad they look now. But they still act badly, because TheParty orders them to, and none of them possesses integrity or a spine. TheParty orders them to act like shit humans, so they're going to act like shit humans.
Magaturds are garbage people. :dunno: It doesn't take much.
Way overdue.

The Durham report further confirms he lied for years about Russia collusion.

He needs to be thrown out.

Congresswoman files resolution to expel Rep. Adam Schiff for pushing 'false narratives' in Durham report​

Rep. Anna Paulina Luna says Rep. Adam Schiff's lie 'cost American taxpayers millions of dollars'​

Florida Rep. Anna Paulina Luna filed a resolution on Wednesday evening to expel Rep. Adam Schiff, formerly the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, from Congress alleging that he pushed a false narrative to the American people in the Trump-Russia investigation.

"Adam Schiff lied to the American people. He used his position on House Intelligence to push a lie that cost American taxpayers millions of dollars and abused the trust placed in him as Chairman. He is a dishonor to the House of Representatives," Luna said in a press release Wednesday, May 17.

Republicans, like Luna, have been vocal that lawmakers should face the consequences for the report after the Durham report found significant FBI failures and no evidence that Donald Trump's campaign was coordinated with Russia to influence the 2016 presidential election.

The full report was released by the Justice Department on Monday, May 15 after a year-long investigation in a report that spans more than 300 pages.

"The Durham report makes clear that the Russian collusion was a lie from day one and Schiff knowingly used his position in an attempt to divide our country," Luna added.

That Durham Report is nothing more than a partisan hack job. They couldn't find any evidence my ass! Don Jr. had a meeting with the Russians in Trump tower to get dirt on Hillary. In fact, the big mouth prick himself solicited the Russians at a campaign rally asking them to "find the emails". That is fucking collusion!
You're lying, RW.
This is the topic...

"Motion to expel Adam Schiff from the House is filed."

Stay on topic going forward.
Eat shit, you fucking hypocrite. This is magaturds going tit for tat on Santos' expulsion vote. Because the brilliant plans of magaturds are usually transparent in their retribution, as if concocted by children.

Stop gatekeeping the thread, asshole.
Voting to expel requires the concurrence of two-thirds of the members. This is set out in Article 1, Section 5, Clause 2 of the United States Constitution.

They would be better off to censure him.....It just takes a majority.

Sadly the bastard will expel himself when he runs for Feinstein's seat in the Senate and likely wins.
The voters in his district trusted him to do his job representing them. It may not have occurred to them that Congressman Schiff tells lie after lie in support of the deep State liars who are trying to push socialism to the point of being killer communism. Telling lies for political gain should not be the trait of a Congressman who took an oath of office to defend the Constitution. Lying does not befit a person who had no intention of being truthful under the fire of truth and responsibility that most, but not all Americans observe. Lying seems to be the product of demanding selfish purposes seeming more important than setting an example of truth for the state's youngsters to abide by. What a Congressman in the United States House of Representatives does has consequences across the nation. And precincts who put their trust in an elected official deserve the truth, whatever it might be.
The Durham reposrt is one big lie. It is contradicted by the IG report and by the Mueller report. Durham is the one who wasted millions of dollars and found nothing. Jim Jordan and these other right wing kooks are wasting millions and have nothing to show for it except hot air.

Florida Nazi Anna Paulina LUNATIC should go back to communist Cuba. She would feel right at home. Schiff will simply run in a special election and win easily.
You sound like you really believe that. I'm so sorry.
You have no evidence you claim is true. If this was a court of law, you'd be laughed out of it along with the Trump Big Lie lawyers.

Prove he lied.
huh? I claim shitt has no evidence, you don't provide any and I lose? How's that game played?
The Durham reposrt is one big lie. It is contradicted by the IG report and by the Mueller report. Durham is the one who wasted millions of dollars and found nothing. Jim Jordan and these other right wing kooks are wasting millions and have nothing to show for it except hot air.

Florida Nazi Anna Paulina LUNATIC should go back to communist Cuba. She would feel right at home. Schiff will simply run in a special election and win easily.
at the 3:50 point in this video says the mueller report is garbage.

Nope. Not factual.
This is why no one took bed wetters seriously for so long. Then somehow in spite of natural selection these vermin reproduced and corrupted so many of the next generation's minds that the best we can hope for is an actual plague that really does cull about 2/3 of our urban dwelling democrook parasites.

They really are freakishly stupid and deliberately ignorant. Jesus Christ HIMSELF could slam down in their fuckin living room riding a lighting bolt, tell them to their vapid fuckin faces that their world view and perspective is as wrong as a cub scout eating a brownie and without skipping a beat the bed wetter would reply that this has to be staged and that such a scenario is an expression of love forbidden by fascist troglodyte "x-tians".

Then upon entering hell insist their comments were taken out of context and that they've always been devout Catholics fighting pedophilia amidst the priesthood. No matter the circumstance, the bed wetters will insist they know everything, anyone who contradicts them is a liar, any proof is dismissed as manufactured, any confession was manipulated or coerced, and if all bullshit retorts aren't sufficient, then they were misled.

That's how these pathetic vile parasites work, I hope God forgives them but keeps them away from me in the next life.

This is why no one took bed wetters seriously for so long. Then somehow in spite of natural selection these vermin reproduced and corrupted so many of the next generation's minds that the best we can hope for is an actual plague that really does cull about 2/3 of our urban dwelling democrook parasites.

They really are freakishly stupid and deliberately ignorant. Jesus Christ HIMSELF could slam down in their fuckin living room riding a lighting bolt, tell them to their vapid fuckin faces that their world view and perspective is as wrong as a cub scout eating a brownie and without skipping a beat the bed wetter would reply that this has to be staged and that such a scenario is an expression of love forbidden by fascist troglodyte "x-tians".

Then upon entering hell insist their comments were taken out of context and that they've always been devout Catholics fighting pedophilia amidst the priesthood. No matter the circumstance, the bed wetters will insist they know everything, anyone who contradicts them is a liar, any proof is dismissed as manufactured, any confession was manipulated or coerced, and if all bullshit retorts aren't sufficient, then they were misled.

That's how these pathetic vile parasites work, I hope God forgives them but keeps them away from me in the next life.

U mad, bro?
huh? I claim shitt has no evidence, you don't provide any and I lose? How's that game played?
You're talking to a bed wetter, just go out to some city park and play chess with a pigeon. They're more intelligent, sanitary and better looking.

A large part of the Steele Dossier has been confirmed, while some of it never proven.

It's clear that Putin took actions to promote Trump and to undermine Clinton. What's not known is whether Trump or his organization colluded with Putin.

O.K. - You can start attacking Wikipedia now.

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