Motion to expel Adam Schiff from the House is filed.

You have no evidence you claim is true. If this was a court of law, you'd be laughed out of it along with the Trump Big Lie lawyers.

Prove he lied.
well sure he has evidence, he presented it. You prove what he presented is wrong. move along now.
How the fuck can Russians hacking Hillary's illegal bathroom server have anything to do with Trump colluding with Russia? That was Hillary selling influence and avoiding FOIA.

If you are referring to Podesta's hack and wiki publishing data, that was Podesta using a password of "password" again, zero to do with Trump colluding with Russians.

You need to tap dance better than that to prove Schiff wasn't lying thru his big fuckiong nose.
and wasted millions of tax payer revenues.
No, he did not present evidence and claim that Schiff lied. You're making shit up.

post where Durham says "Schiff lied."
he found no evidence of a russian influence in Trump's campaign and administration. Adolescent claimed he had that evidence, yet for some reason, there isn't any at all...... that make Adolescent a liar.
Thread summary:

Democrats voted to expel the open criminal George Santos.

Each Republican, being aware of their own criminal nature, understands that someday it might be themselves being held accountable for their crimes. That means each Republican in congress must defend other Republican criminals tooth-and-nail. That's why they're protecting their criminal pal Santos with this deflection.

Yes, all Republicans really do suckle at the anus of corruption, and the GOP really is just a criminal gang.

Santos lies like Biden. Though he hasn't done it for a half century like Biden.

What's your favorite Biden lie, anyway? I like the one he was in the top HALF of his law class, as if that's a big deal, and it was STILL a lie. That was hilarious.

So what's your favorite Biden lie?
he found no evidence of a russian influence in Trump's campaign and administration. Adolescent claimed he had that evidence, yet for some reason, there isn't any at all...... that make Adolescent a liar.
MAnafort the campaign manager went to prison. We know he colluded with Russians. He gave them campaign polling data in order to have the Russians help influence an aMerican presidential election. How many people did Mueller's investigation get prosecuted? How many with Durham? Facts are inconvenient for weirdos like you. What did the DOJ IG's report say? No bias, only errors, mistakes made. omfg!:auiqs.jpg:
Santos lies like Biden. Though he hasn't done it for a half century like Biden.

What's your favorite Biden lie, anyway? I like the one he was in the top HALF of his law class, as if that's a big deal, and it was STILL a lie. That was hilarious.

So what's your favorite Biden lie?
TRUMP santos dark plus.jpg

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