Move over Rev. Wright--TED CRUZ attends function with sponsors that believe Gays should be executed


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
When you're a candidate running for the highest office in the world, it's probably NOT a good idea to go to functions where there are radical speakers.

"In early November, Cruz, along with Mike Huckabee and Bobby Jindal, spoke at the National Religious Liberties Conference in Iowa. At that event, host Kevin Swanson openly called for the death penalty for homosexuals—albeit only after they’ve had a chance to “repent.” Another speaker at the conference distributed literature advocating the death penalty for homosexuals.

While appearing on stage with Swanson, Cruz said that a nonreligious person “isn’t fit to be commander-in-chief of this country.” But who isn’t fit to be president is anyone who shares the stage, purposely and in camaraderie, with a man who openly calls for the (future) mass murder of homosexuals.

Huckabee tried the dodge that he didn’t have “any knowledge” of Swanson’s views before hand—as though he had never heard of Google. Right Wing Watch alone has posted dozens of articles about Swanson.

Cruz can’t even claim Huckabee’s excuse. Before Cruz attended the event, CNN’s Jake Tapper warned Cruz on television that Swanson (as Tapper paraphrases) thinks “the faithful [should] put gays to death because what they do is an abomination.”

It is no stretch to liken Swanson to the Taliban. Swanson doesn’t want to see random acts of terror against the general citizenry; he “merely” wants to eventually see state-sanctioned terror against homosexuals (among others), along the lines of the policies of murderous theocracies such as Iran and Saudia Arabia.

By appearing on stage in friendship with Swanson, Cruz has completely destroyed any credibility he may have had as a leader against violent religious movements.

Jindal has already dropped out, and I don’t expect much from Huckabee. But Cruz is now showing up in third place in Iowa polls, and I expect that the campaigns of one or both of the current leaders, Donald Trump and Ben Carson, will eventually implode. So Cruz, it seems now, is seriously positioned to potentially be the GOP nominee for president—which adds considerable urgency for sensible people to speak out against him.
Why I Will Vote for Any Democrat over Ted Cruz | Ari Armstrong

I suppose that Ted Cruz & Huckabee could form a 3rd party called the Taliwacker party. None of the other candidates showed up for this gay hating party. Apparently they were smart enough to avoid it.

There's a lot of information on this Pastor Kevin Swanson. Like he stated that the people that were slaughtered in Paris recently deserved it, and that little girls that watch the Disney movie, Ice Princess are doomed to be Lesbians when they grow up--LOL Here he is on his rant.

Oh My, he MAY HAVE insulted, IF ALL THE QUEERS are counted, perhaps 3% of the population! BUT I bet he'll pick up MORE OF THE RELIGIOUS RIGHT who look upon the gov't FORCING THEM to BAKE A CAKE for the FAGERALS, a DIRECT CHALLENGE to their CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS to follow their religion!
When you're a candidate running for the highest office in the world, it's probably NOT a good idea to go to functions where there are radical speakers.

"In early November, Cruz, along with Mike Huckabee and Bobby Jindal, spoke at the National Religious Liberties Conference in Iowa. At that event, host Kevin Swanson openly called for the death penalty for homosexuals—albeit only after they’ve had a chance to “repent.” Another speaker at the conference distributed literature advocating the death penalty for homosexuals.

While appearing on stage with Swanson, Cruz said that a nonreligious person “isn’t fit to be commander-in-chief of this country.” But who isn’t fit to be president is anyone who shares the stage, purposely and in camaraderie, with a man who openly calls for the (future) mass murder of homosexuals.

Huckabee tried the dodge that he didn’t have “any knowledge” of Swanson’s views before hand—as though he had never heard of Google. Right Wing Watch alone has posted dozens of articles about Swanson.

Cruz can’t even claim Huckabee’s excuse. Before Cruz attended the event, CNN’s Jake Tapper warned Cruz on television that Swanson (as Tapper paraphrases) thinks “the faithful [should] put gays to death because what they do is an abomination.”

It is no stretch to liken Swanson to the Taliban. Swanson doesn’t want to see random acts of terror against the general citizenry; he “merely” wants to eventually see state-sanctioned terror against homosexuals (among others), along the lines of the policies of murderous theocracies such as Iran and Saudia Arabia.

By appearing on stage in friendship with Swanson, Cruz has completely destroyed any credibility he may have had as a leader against violent religious movements.

Jindal has already dropped out, and I don’t expect much from Huckabee. But Cruz is now showing up in third place in Iowa polls, and I expect that the campaigns of one or both of the current leaders, Donald Trump and Ben Carson, will eventually implode. So Cruz, it seems now, is seriously positioned to potentially be the GOP nominee for president—which adds considerable urgency for sensible people to speak out against him.
Why I Will Vote for Any Democrat over Ted Cruz | Ari Armstrong

I suppose that Ted Cruz & Huckabee could form a 3rd party called the Taliwacker party. None of the other candidates showed up for this gay hating party. Apparently they were smart enough to avoid it.

There's a lot of information on this Pastor Kevin Swanson. Like he stated that the people that were slaughtered in Paris recently deserved it, and that little girls that watch the Disney movie, Ice Princess are doomed to be Lesbians when they grow up--LOL Here he is on his rant.

Carly is LOSING
When you're a candidate running for the highest office in the world, it's probably NOT a good idea to go to functions where there are radical speakers.

"In early November, Cruz, along with Mike Huckabee and Bobby Jindal, spoke at the National Religious Liberties Conference in Iowa. At that event, host Kevin Swanson openly called for the death penalty for homosexuals—albeit only after they’ve had a chance to “repent.” Another speaker at the conference distributed literature advocating the death penalty for homosexuals.

While appearing on stage with Swanson, Cruz said that a nonreligious person “isn’t fit to be commander-in-chief of this country.” But who isn’t fit to be president is anyone who shares the stage, purposely and in camaraderie, with a man who openly calls for the (future) mass murder of homosexuals.

Huckabee tried the dodge that he didn’t have “any knowledge” of Swanson’s views before hand—as though he had never heard of Google. Right Wing Watch alone has posted dozens of articles about Swanson.

Cruz can’t even claim Huckabee’s excuse. Before Cruz attended the event, CNN’s Jake Tapper warned Cruz on television that Swanson (as Tapper paraphrases) thinks “the faithful [should] put gays to death because what they do is an abomination.”

It is no stretch to liken Swanson to the Taliban. Swanson doesn’t want to see random acts of terror against the general citizenry; he “merely” wants to eventually see state-sanctioned terror against homosexuals (among others), along the lines of the policies of murderous theocracies such as Iran and Saudia Arabia.

By appearing on stage in friendship with Swanson, Cruz has completely destroyed any credibility he may have had as a leader against violent religious movements.

Jindal has already dropped out, and I don’t expect much from Huckabee. But Cruz is now showing up in third place in Iowa polls, and I expect that the campaigns of one or both of the current leaders, Donald Trump and Ben Carson, will eventually implode. So Cruz, it seems now, is seriously positioned to potentially be the GOP nominee for president—which adds considerable urgency for sensible people to speak out against him.
Why I Will Vote for Any Democrat over Ted Cruz | Ari Armstrong

I suppose that Ted Cruz & Huckabee could form a 3rd party called the Taliwacker party. None of the other candidates showed up for this gay hating party. Apparently they were smart enough to avoid it.

There's a lot of information on this Pastor Kevin Swanson. Like he stated that the people that were slaughtered in Paris recently deserved it, and that little girls that watch the Disney movie, Ice Princess are doomed to be Lesbians when they grow up--LOL Here he is on his rant.

First and foremost, you're a liar, the sponsor plainly stated he DID NOT ADVOCATE KILLING GAYS, so after that anything else you said is moot bullshit.

Second you're the third or fourth regressive that has posted this bullshit, how many times were you instructed to spam the board with this crap? Reported as duplicate thread.
When you're a candidate running for the highest office in the world, it's probably NOT a good idea to go to functions where there are radical speakers.

"In early November, Cruz, along with Mike Huckabee and Bobby Jindal, spoke at the National Religious Liberties Conference in Iowa. At that event, host Kevin Swanson openly called for the death penalty for homosexuals—albeit only after they’ve had a chance to “repent.” Another speaker at the conference distributed literature advocating the death penalty for homosexuals.

While appearing on stage with Swanson, Cruz said that a nonreligious person “isn’t fit to be commander-in-chief of this country.” But who isn’t fit to be president is anyone who shares the stage, purposely and in camaraderie, with a man who openly calls for the (future) mass murder of homosexuals.

Huckabee tried the dodge that he didn’t have “any knowledge” of Swanson’s views before hand—as though he had never heard of Google. Right Wing Watch alone has posted dozens of articles about Swanson.

Cruz can’t even claim Huckabee’s excuse. Before Cruz attended the event, CNN’s Jake Tapper warned Cruz on television that Swanson (as Tapper paraphrases) thinks “the faithful [should] put gays to death because what they do is an abomination.”

It is no stretch to liken Swanson to the Taliban. Swanson doesn’t want to see random acts of terror against the general citizenry; he “merely” wants to eventually see state-sanctioned terror against homosexuals (among others), along the lines of the policies of murderous theocracies such as Iran and Saudia Arabia.

By appearing on stage in friendship with Swanson, Cruz has completely destroyed any credibility he may have had as a leader against violent religious movements.

Jindal has already dropped out, and I don’t expect much from Huckabee. But Cruz is now showing up in third place in Iowa polls, and I expect that the campaigns of one or both of the current leaders, Donald Trump and Ben Carson, will eventually implode. So Cruz, it seems now, is seriously positioned to potentially be the GOP nominee for president—which adds considerable urgency for sensible people to speak out against him.
Why I Will Vote for Any Democrat over Ted Cruz | Ari Armstrong

I suppose that Ted Cruz & Huckabee could form a 3rd party called the Taliwacker party. None of the other candidates showed up for this gay hating party. Apparently they were smart enough to avoid it.

There's a lot of information on this Pastor Kevin Swanson. Like he stated that the people that were slaughtered in Paris recently deserved it, and that little girls that watch the Disney movie, Ice Princess are doomed to be Lesbians when they grow up--LOL Here he is on his rant.

First and foremost, you're a liar, the sponsor plainly stated he DID NOT ADVOCATE KILLING GAYS, so after that anything else you said is moot bullshit.

Second you're the third or fourth regressive that has posted this bullshit, how many times were you instructed to spam the board with this crap? Reported as duplicate thread.

He's just a butthurt Fiorina supporter.

Pretty pathetic how you have to tear down one to ATTEMPT to raise another. She deserves our attention as a viable candidate, this kind of assholery is unnecessary
When you're a candidate running for the highest office in the world, it's probably NOT a good idea to go to functions where there are radical speakers.

"In early November, Cruz, along with Mike Huckabee and Bobby Jindal, spoke at the National Religious Liberties Conference in Iowa. At that event, host Kevin Swanson openly called for the death penalty for homosexuals—albeit only after they’ve had a chance to “repent.” Another speaker at the conference distributed literature advocating the death penalty for homosexuals.

While appearing on stage with Swanson, Cruz said that a nonreligious person “isn’t fit to be commander-in-chief of this country.” But who isn’t fit to be president is anyone who shares the stage, purposely and in camaraderie, with a man who openly calls for the (future) mass murder of homosexuals.

Huckabee tried the dodge that he didn’t have “any knowledge” of Swanson’s views before hand—as though he had never heard of Google. Right Wing Watch alone has posted dozens of articles about Swanson.

Cruz can’t even claim Huckabee’s excuse. Before Cruz attended the event, CNN’s Jake Tapper warned Cruz on television that Swanson (as Tapper paraphrases) thinks “the faithful [should] put gays to death because what they do is an abomination.”

It is no stretch to liken Swanson to the Taliban. Swanson doesn’t want to see random acts of terror against the general citizenry; he “merely” wants to eventually see state-sanctioned terror against homosexuals (among others), along the lines of the policies of murderous theocracies such as Iran and Saudia Arabia.

By appearing on stage in friendship with Swanson, Cruz has completely destroyed any credibility he may have had as a leader against violent religious movements.

Jindal has already dropped out, and I don’t expect much from Huckabee. But Cruz is now showing up in third place in Iowa polls, and I expect that the campaigns of one or both of the current leaders, Donald Trump and Ben Carson, will eventually implode. So Cruz, it seems now, is seriously positioned to potentially be the GOP nominee for president—which adds considerable urgency for sensible people to speak out against him.
Why I Will Vote for Any Democrat over Ted Cruz | Ari Armstrong

I suppose that Ted Cruz & Huckabee could form a 3rd party called the Taliwacker party. None of the other candidates showed up for this gay hating party. Apparently they were smart enough to avoid it.

There's a lot of information on this Pastor Kevin Swanson. Like he stated that the people that were slaughtered in Paris recently deserved it, and that little girls that watch the Disney movie, Ice Princess are doomed to be Lesbians when they grow up--LOL Here he is on his rant.

First and foremost, you're a liar, the sponsor plainly stated he DID NOT ADVOCATE KILLING GAYS, so after that anything else you said is moot bullshit.

Second you're the third or fourth regressive that has posted this bullshit, how many times were you instructed to spam the board with this crap? Reported as duplicate thread.

He's just a butthurt Fiorina supporter.

Pretty pathetic how you have to tear down one to ATTEMPT to raise another. She deserves our attention as a viable candidate, this kind of assholery is unnecessary

Could have fooled me, he talks like a regressivecrat.
omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg

but having a domestic terrorist or two as friends and then he puts one in office is oh no big freaking deal.

check out -Bill Ayers and Obama
Eric Holder/Obama

you people are so hard up it's so boring already
Oh, sheesh. . . . So because one speaker at an otherwise-ordinary pro-family function says something crazy, everybody else who attended or spoke is tainted? Gee, does that apply to when Obama appeared on the podium with Raila Odinga, a murdering thug Kenyan politican, when he visited Kenya in 2008, and even spoke in support of Odinga's candidacy? "Oh, oh, but that's different," right?

HYMAN: Obama's Kenya ghosts - Washington Times
Oh, sheesh. . . . So because one speaker at an otherwise ordinary pro-family function says something crazy, everybody else who attended or spoke is tainted? Gee, does that apply to when Obama appeared on the podium with Raila Odinga, a murdering thug Kenyan politican, when he visited Kenya in 2008, and even spoke in support of Odinga's candidacy? "Oh, oh, but that's different," right?

HYMAN: Obama's Kenya ghosts - Washington Times

It's apparently different to you because you consider that an Obama disqualification,

unless of course you believe that the information in the OP disqualifies Cruz
Look at all the whiners trying to change the subject b/c Cruz, Jindal, and, Huckabee gladly attended a conference hosted by a rabidly anti-gay nut bar. Too funny. I take solace in knowing that Swanson and his supporters are powerless little twats.
Oh My, he MAY HAVE insulted, IF ALL THE QUEERS are counted, perhaps 3% of the population! BUT I bet he'll pick up MORE OF THE RELIGIOUS RIGHT who look upon the gov't FORCING THEM to BAKE A CAKE for the FAGERALS, a DIRECT CHALLENGE to their CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS to follow their religion!

No this speaker is a complete idiot full of hate, using the bible and lying.
And then dumb asses go out and spew their hate out in the public thinking its the Godly thing to do...because they can't think for themselves.

Ted Cruz walked out on stage afterwards, I find it disturbing.
Anyone with a normal brain would have walked out the door. Cruz is a crazy ass nut , who will do anything for $$ or a vote...

Oh My, he MAY HAVE insulted, IF ALL THE QUEERS are counted, perhaps 3% of the population! BUT I bet he'll pick up MORE OF THE RELIGIOUS RIGHT who look upon the gov't FORCING THEM to BAKE A CAKE for the FAGERALS, a DIRECT CHALLENGE to their CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS to follow their religion!

No this speaker is a complete idiot full of hate, using the bible and lying.
And then dumb asses go out and spew their hate out in the public thinking its the Godly thing to do...because they can't think for themselves.

Ted Cruz walked out on stage afterwards, I find it disturbing.
Anyone with a normal brain would have walked out the door. Cruz is a crazy ass nut , who will do anything for $$ or a vote...


Please post a video of Ted walking back!
libs consort with muslims who want same thing and thats good according to them.....makes ya go ....hhhmmmmm
When you're a candidate running for the highest office in the world, it's probably NOT a good idea to go to functions where there are radical speakers.

"In early November, Cruz, along with Mike Huckabee and Bobby Jindal, spoke at the National Religious Liberties Conference in Iowa. At that event, host Kevin Swanson openly called for the death penalty for homosexuals—albeit only after they’ve had a chance to “repent.” Another speaker at the conference distributed literature advocating the death penalty for homosexuals.

While appearing on stage with Swanson, Cruz said that a nonreligious person “isn’t fit to be commander-in-chief of this country.” But who isn’t fit to be president is anyone who shares the stage, purposely and in camaraderie, with a man who openly calls for the (future) mass murder of homosexuals.

Huckabee tried the dodge that he didn’t have “any knowledge” of Swanson’s views before hand—as though he had never heard of Google. Right Wing Watch alone has posted dozens of articles about Swanson.

Cruz can’t even claim Huckabee’s excuse. Before Cruz attended the event, CNN’s Jake Tapper warned Cruz on television that Swanson (as Tapper paraphrases) thinks “the faithful [should] put gays to death because what they do is an abomination.”

It is no stretch to liken Swanson to the Taliban. Swanson doesn’t want to see random acts of terror against the general citizenry; he “merely” wants to eventually see state-sanctioned terror against homosexuals (among others), along the lines of the policies of murderous theocracies such as Iran and Saudia Arabia.

By appearing on stage in friendship with Swanson, Cruz has completely destroyed any credibility he may have had as a leader against violent religious movements.

Jindal has already dropped out, and I don’t expect much from Huckabee. But Cruz is now showing up in third place in Iowa polls, and I expect that the campaigns of one or both of the current leaders, Donald Trump and Ben Carson, will eventually implode. So Cruz, it seems now, is seriously positioned to potentially be the GOP nominee for president—which adds considerable urgency for sensible people to speak out against him.
Why I Will Vote for Any Democrat over Ted Cruz | Ari Armstrong

I suppose that Ted Cruz & Huckabee could form a 3rd party called the Taliwacker party. None of the other candidates showed up for this gay hating party. Apparently they were smart enough to avoid it.

There's a lot of information on this Pastor Kevin Swanson. Like he stated that the people that were slaughtered in Paris recently deserved it, and that little girls that watch the Disney movie, Ice Princess are doomed to be Lesbians when they grow up--LOL Here he is on his rant.

The Left shits themselves over goofball right wing extremist calling for the execution of gays yet considers it open minded, progressive, and tolerant to listen to Sharia Law.
Please post a video of Ted walking back!

I don't condone MSNBC but this video will show Cruz walking out on the stage. If it doesn't start with Cruz walking out, it is at 6:51 on the video.

Crazy ass huckleberry is there as well but who cares.

Oh, sheesh. . . . So because one speaker at an otherwise ordinary pro-family function says something crazy, everybody else who attended or spoke is tainted? Gee, does that apply to when Obama appeared on the podium with Raila Odinga, a murdering thug Kenyan politican, when he visited Kenya in 2008, and even spoke in support of Odinga's candidacy? "Oh, oh, but that's different," right?

HYMAN: Obama's Kenya ghosts - Washington Times

It's apparently different to you because you consider that an Obama disqualification,

unless of course you believe that the information in the OP disqualifies Cruz

Bud, you really need to invest in a basic logic course. Obama appeared with Odinga and spoke on his behalf, several times. Cruz spoke at an otherwise-regular pro-family gathering where a single speaker said something nutty. Cruz did not endorse the man. Cruz was not on the podium with him. If you can't tell the difference, I don't know what else to say to you, except to invest in a basic logic course.
Oh My, he MAY HAVE insulted, IF ALL THE QUEERS are counted, perhaps 3% of the population! BUT I bet he'll pick up MORE OF THE RELIGIOUS RIGHT who look upon the gov't FORCING THEM to BAKE A CAKE for the FAGERALS, a DIRECT CHALLENGE to their CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS to follow their religion!

Well, your problem is that this 3% of the population have family and friends that are just as outraged by these type comments are, as Gays are. Believe it or not there are Registered Republicans that are GAY, and they have families that are Republicans.

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