Move over Rev. Wright--TED CRUZ attends function with sponsors that believe Gays should be executed

Oh, sheesh. . . . So because one speaker at an otherwise-ordinary pro-family function says something crazy, everybody else who attended or spoke is tainted? Gee, does that apply to when Obama appeared on the podium with Raila Odinga, a murdering thug Kenyan politican, when he visited Kenya in 2008, and even spoke in support of Odinga's candidacy? "Oh, oh, but that's different," right?

HYMAN: Obama's Kenya ghosts - Washington Times

You mean to tell me that little kids were are this so-called "Religious Freedom" event listening to some fanatic telling them that Gays are to be executed? This is what you mean by a "family event."

Look this is the equivalent of Hillary Clinton showing up at a KKK rally-ditto-head.
Oh My, he MAY HAVE insulted, IF ALL THE QUEERS are counted, perhaps 3% of the population! BUT I bet he'll pick up MORE OF THE RELIGIOUS RIGHT who look upon the gov't FORCING THEM to BAKE A CAKE for the FAGERALS, a DIRECT CHALLENGE to their CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS to follow their religion!

Well, your problem is that this 3% of the population have family and friends that are just as outraged by these type comments are, as Gays are. Believe it or not there are Registered Republicans that are GAY, and they have families that are Republicans.
Your problem is you actually believe that shit! Most of us have no problem with you queers, as long as YOU keep it in your pants, instead of taking it out everywhere you go and waving it around like a red flag!
When you're a candidate running for the highest office in the world, it's probably NOT a good idea to go to functions where there are radical speakers.

"In early November, Cruz, along with Mike Huckabee and Bobby Jindal, spoke at the National Religious Liberties Conference in Iowa. At that event, host Kevin Swanson openly called for the death penalty for homosexuals—albeit only after they’ve had a chance to “repent.” Another speaker at the conference distributed literature advocating the death penalty for homosexuals.

While appearing on stage with Swanson, Cruz said that a nonreligious person “isn’t fit to be commander-in-chief of this country.” But who isn’t fit to be president is anyone who shares the stage, purposely and in camaraderie, with a man who openly calls for the (future) mass murder of homosexuals.

Huckabee tried the dodge that he didn’t have “any knowledge” of Swanson’s views before hand—as though he had never heard of Google. Right Wing Watch alone has posted dozens of articles about Swanson.

Cruz can’t even claim Huckabee’s excuse. Before Cruz attended the event, CNN’s Jake Tapper warned Cruz on television that Swanson (as Tapper paraphrases) thinks “the faithful [should] put gays to death because what they do is an abomination.”

It is no stretch to liken Swanson to the Taliban. Swanson doesn’t want to see random acts of terror against the general citizenry; he “merely” wants to eventually see state-sanctioned terror against homosexuals (among others), along the lines of the policies of murderous theocracies such as Iran and Saudia Arabia.

By appearing on stage in friendship with Swanson, Cruz has completely destroyed any credibility he may have had as a leader against violent religious movements.

Jindal has already dropped out, and I don’t expect much from Huckabee. But Cruz is now showing up in third place in Iowa polls, and I expect that the campaigns of one or both of the current leaders, Donald Trump and Ben Carson, will eventually implode. So Cruz, it seems now, is seriously positioned to potentially be the GOP nominee for president—which adds considerable urgency for sensible people to speak out against him.
Why I Will Vote for Any Democrat over Ted Cruz | Ari Armstrong

I suppose that Ted Cruz & Huckabee could form a 3rd party called the Taliwacker party. None of the other candidates showed up for this gay hating party. Apparently they were smart enough to avoid it.

There's a lot of information on this Pastor Kevin Swanson. Like he stated that the people that were slaughtered in Paris recently deserved it, and that little girls that watch the Disney movie, Ice Princess are doomed to be Lesbians when they grow up--LOL Here he is on his rant.

Swanson also said the Paris terrorism victims all deserved it. And Christians scoff when their religion is compared to Islam.
When you're a candidate running for the highest office in the world, it's probably NOT a good idea to go to functions where there are radical speakers.

"In early November, Cruz, along with Mike Huckabee and Bobby Jindal, spoke at the National Religious Liberties Conference in Iowa. At that event, host Kevin Swanson openly called for the death penalty for homosexuals—albeit only after they’ve had a chance to “repent.” Another speaker at the conference distributed literature advocating the death penalty for homosexuals.

While appearing on stage with Swanson, Cruz said that a nonreligious person “isn’t fit to be commander-in-chief of this country.” But who isn’t fit to be president is anyone who shares the stage, purposely and in camaraderie, with a man who openly calls for the (future) mass murder of homosexuals.

Huckabee tried the dodge that he didn’t have “any knowledge” of Swanson’s views before hand—as though he had never heard of Google. Right Wing Watch alone has posted dozens of articles about Swanson.

Cruz can’t even claim Huckabee’s excuse. Before Cruz attended the event, CNN’s Jake Tapper warned Cruz on television that Swanson (as Tapper paraphrases) thinks “the faithful [should] put gays to death because what they do is an abomination.”

It is no stretch to liken Swanson to the Taliban. Swanson doesn’t want to see random acts of terror against the general citizenry; he “merely” wants to eventually see state-sanctioned terror against homosexuals (among others), along the lines of the policies of murderous theocracies such as Iran and Saudia Arabia.

By appearing on stage in friendship with Swanson, Cruz has completely destroyed any credibility he may have had as a leader against violent religious movements.

Jindal has already dropped out, and I don’t expect much from Huckabee. But Cruz is now showing up in third place in Iowa polls, and I expect that the campaigns of one or both of the current leaders, Donald Trump and Ben Carson, will eventually implode. So Cruz, it seems now, is seriously positioned to potentially be the GOP nominee for president—which adds considerable urgency for sensible people to speak out against him.
Why I Will Vote for Any Democrat over Ted Cruz | Ari Armstrong

I suppose that Ted Cruz & Huckabee could form a 3rd party called the Taliwacker party. None of the other candidates showed up for this gay hating party. Apparently they were smart enough to avoid it.

There's a lot of information on this Pastor Kevin Swanson. Like he stated that the people that were slaughtered in Paris recently deserved it, and that little girls that watch the Disney movie, Ice Princess are doomed to be Lesbians when they grow up--LOL Here he is on his rant.

i think huckabee and jindahl were at the psycho's little event, as well. jindahl's out of the race now. is huckabee still in?

amazing what desperation allows candidates to do.

and this is why the wingers can't win national elections.
Oh My, he MAY HAVE insulted, IF ALL THE QUEERS are counted, perhaps 3% of the population! BUT I bet he'll pick up MORE OF THE RELIGIOUS RIGHT who look upon the gov't FORCING THEM to BAKE A CAKE for the FAGERALS, a DIRECT CHALLENGE to their CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS to follow their religion!

Well, your problem is that this 3% of the population have family and friends that are just as outraged by these type comments are, as Gays are. Believe it or not there are Registered Republicans that are GAY, and they have families that are Republicans.
Your problem is you actually believe that shit! Most of us have no problem with you queers, as long as YOU keep it in your pants, instead of taking it out everywhere you go and waving it around like a red flag!

Are you claiming you've seen Oreo's penis?

whoa. simmer down, big fella.
When you're a candidate running for the highest office in the world, it's probably NOT a good idea to go to functions where there are radical speakers.

"In early November, Cruz, along with Mike Huckabee and Bobby Jindal, spoke at the National Religious Liberties Conference in Iowa. At that event, host Kevin Swanson openly called for the death penalty for homosexuals—albeit only after they’ve had a chance to “repent.” Another speaker at the conference distributed literature advocating the death penalty for homosexuals.

While appearing on stage with Swanson, Cruz said that a nonreligious person “isn’t fit to be commander-in-chief of this country.” But who isn’t fit to be president is anyone who shares the stage, purposely and in camaraderie, with a man who openly calls for the (future) mass murder of homosexuals.

Huckabee tried the dodge that he didn’t have “any knowledge” of Swanson’s views before hand—as though he had never heard of Google. Right Wing Watch alone has posted dozens of articles about Swanson.

Cruz can’t even claim Huckabee’s excuse. Before Cruz attended the event, CNN’s Jake Tapper warned Cruz on television that Swanson (as Tapper paraphrases) thinks “the faithful [should] put gays to death because what they do is an abomination.”

It is no stretch to liken Swanson to the Taliban. Swanson doesn’t want to see random acts of terror against the general citizenry; he “merely” wants to eventually see state-sanctioned terror against homosexuals (among others), along the lines of the policies of murderous theocracies such as Iran and Saudia Arabia.

By appearing on stage in friendship with Swanson, Cruz has completely destroyed any credibility he may have had as a leader against violent religious movements.

Jindal has already dropped out, and I don’t expect much from Huckabee. But Cruz is now showing up in third place in Iowa polls, and I expect that the campaigns of one or both of the current leaders, Donald Trump and Ben Carson, will eventually implode. So Cruz, it seems now, is seriously positioned to potentially be the GOP nominee for president—which adds considerable urgency for sensible people to speak out against him.
Why I Will Vote for Any Democrat over Ted Cruz | Ari Armstrong

I suppose that Ted Cruz & Huckabee could form a 3rd party called the Taliwacker party. None of the other candidates showed up for this gay hating party. Apparently they were smart enough to avoid it.

There's a lot of information on this Pastor Kevin Swanson. Like he stated that the people that were slaughtered in Paris recently deserved it, and that little girls that watch the Disney movie, Ice Princess are doomed to be Lesbians when they grow up--LOL Here he is on his rant.

i think huckabee and jindahl were at the psycho's little event, as well. jindahl's out of the race now. is huckabee still in?

amazing what desperation allows candidates to do.

and this is why the wingers can't win national elections.

Yes 2010 and 2014 were such bad years for Republicans!
Oh, sheesh. . . . So because one speaker at an otherwise ordinary pro-family function says something crazy, everybody else who attended or spoke is tainted? Gee, does that apply to when Obama appeared on the podium with Raila Odinga, a murdering thug Kenyan politican, when he visited Kenya in 2008, and even spoke in support of Odinga's candidacy? "Oh, oh, but that's different," right?

HYMAN: Obama's Kenya ghosts - Washington Times

It's apparently different to you because you consider that an Obama disqualification,

unless of course you believe that the information in the OP disqualifies Cruz

Bud, you really need to invest in a basic logic course. Obama appeared with Odinga and spoke on his behalf, several times. Cruz spoke at an otherwise-regular pro-family gathering where a single speaker said something nutty. Cruz did not endorse the man. Cruz was not on the podium with him. If you can't tell the difference, I don't know what else to say to you, except to invest in a basic logic course.

I wasn't aware Obama was running for a third term.
Oh My, he MAY HAVE insulted, IF ALL THE QUEERS are counted, perhaps 3% of the population! BUT I bet he'll pick up MORE OF THE RELIGIOUS RIGHT who look upon the gov't FORCING THEM to BAKE A CAKE for the FAGERALS, a DIRECT CHALLENGE to their CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS to follow their religion!

Well, your problem is that this 3% of the population have family and friends that are just as outraged by these type comments are, as Gays are. Believe it or not there are Registered Republicans that are GAY, and they have families that are Republicans.
Your problem is you actually believe that shit! Most of us have no problem with you queers, as long as YOU keep it in your pants, instead of taking it out everywhere you go and waving it around like a red flag!

Are you claiming you've seen Oreo's penis?

whoa. simmer down, big fella.

Since YOU brought it up, I imagine you have! Little guy!... You queers must stick together, especially you subversive ones!
Gee, I wonder what liberals would be saying if Cruz had gone on a speaking tour with, and endorsed, a thug politician who has sought to establish an Islamic state and who is linked to the deaths of thousands of Christians in Kenya, as Obama did in 2008 in Kenya when he stumped with and for Raila Odinga, who also happens to be Obama's cousin.

HYMAN: Obama’s Kenya ghosts

Raila Odinga - Cousin of Barack Obama

Book Links Obama To Massacre Of Christians: 1000 Murdered!

Barack Obama's Cousin Raila Odinga - Agreement for Islamic Sharia Law : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive
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Oh My, he MAY HAVE insulted, IF ALL THE QUEERS are counted, perhaps 3% of the population! BUT I bet he'll pick up MORE OF THE RELIGIOUS RIGHT who look upon the gov't FORCING THEM to BAKE A CAKE for the FAGERALS, a DIRECT CHALLENGE to their CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS to follow their religion!

Well, your problem is that this 3% of the population have family and friends that are just as outraged by these type comments are, as Gays are. Believe it or not there are Registered Republicans that are GAY, and they have families that are Republicans.
Your problem is you actually believe that shit! Most of us have no problem with you queers, as long as YOU keep it in your pants, instead of taking it out everywhere you go and waving it around like a red flag!

I am just curious how many group sectors do you think you can run off, while expecting to win elections--LOL

In 2012 it was women, in 2016 it's Hispanics, and now gays. So besides yourselves who do you think is going to vote Republican anymore?
Thanks for posting this. The American people need to know this

Sent from my VS415PP using Tapatalk
Gee, I wonder what liberals would be saying if Cruz had gone on a speaking tour with, and endorsed, a thug politician who has sought to establish an Islamic state and who is linked to the deaths of thousands of Christians in Kenya, as Obama did in 2008 in Kenya when he stumped with and for Raila Odinga, who also happens to be Obama's cousin.

HYMAN: Obama’s Kenya ghosts

Raila Odinga - Cousin of Barack Obama

Book Links Obama To Massacre Of Christians: 1000 Murdered!

Too bad we can't harness deflections as an alternative energy source.
Oh My, he MAY HAVE insulted, IF ALL THE QUEERS are counted, perhaps 3% of the population! BUT I bet he'll pick up MORE OF THE RELIGIOUS RIGHT who look upon the gov't FORCING THEM to BAKE A CAKE for the FAGERALS, a DIRECT CHALLENGE to their CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS to follow their religion!

Well, your problem is that this 3% of the population have family and friends that are just as outraged by these type comments are, as Gays are. Believe it or not there are Registered Republicans that are GAY, and they have families that are Republicans.
Your problem is you actually believe that shit! Most of us have no problem with you queers, as long as YOU keep it in your pants, instead of taking it out everywhere you go and waving it around like a red flag!

I am just curious how many group sectors do you think you can run off, while expecting to win elections--LOL

In 2012 it was women, in 2016 it's Hispanics, and now gays. So besides yourselves who do you think is going to vote Republican anymore?

You FAGERALS still don't get it...after over 3 months and you don't understand....simply amazing, but that's what we've come to expect from low IQ NeoCommie/DemocRATS!
Oh My, he MAY HAVE insulted, IF ALL THE QUEERS are counted, perhaps 3% of the population! BUT I bet he'll pick up MORE OF THE RELIGIOUS RIGHT who look upon the gov't FORCING THEM to BAKE A CAKE for the FAGERALS, a DIRECT CHALLENGE to their CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS to follow their religion!

Well, your problem is that this 3% of the population have family and friends that are just as outraged by these type comments are, as Gays are. Believe it or not there are Registered Republicans that are GAY, and they have families that are Republicans.
Your problem is you actually believe that shit! Most of us have no problem with you queers, as long as YOU keep it in your pants, instead of taking it out everywhere you go and waving it around like a red flag!

I am just curious how many group sectors do you think you can run off, while expecting to win elections--LOL

In 2012 it was women, in 2016 it's Hispanics, and now gays. So besides yourselves who do you think is going to vote Republican anymore?

no the question to you losers on the left is how many "GROUPS" can you use to cause division and hate for your party because you don't have a damn thing good you can run on. and your little games are you want to LUMP all Republicans into your lies for that division.
but you didn't blink an eyelash when it was known Obama hung out with domestic terrorist, but someone attending something that had someone blaaa blaaa blaaa. get freaking real for a change
no the question to you losers on the left is how many "GROUPS" can you use to cause division and hate for your party because you don't have a damn thing good you can run on. and your little games are you want to LUMP all Republicans into your lies for that division.


Now that is rich as Croesus. Whines about broad brushing while simultaneously broad brushing. Too funny!
When you're a candidate running for the highest office in the world, it's probably NOT a good idea to go to functions where there are radical speakers.

"In early November, Cruz, along with Mike Huckabee and Bobby Jindal, spoke at the National Religious Liberties Conference in Iowa. At that event, host Kevin Swanson openly called for the death penalty for homosexuals—albeit only after they’ve had a chance to “repent.” Another speaker at the conference distributed literature advocating the death penalty for homosexuals.

While appearing on stage with Swanson, Cruz said that a nonreligious person “isn’t fit to be commander-in-chief of this country.” But who isn’t fit to be president is anyone who shares the stage, purposely and in camaraderie, with a man who openly calls for the (future) mass murder of homosexuals.

Huckabee tried the dodge that he didn’t have “any knowledge” of Swanson’s views before hand—as though he had never heard of Google. Right Wing Watch alone has posted dozens of articles about Swanson.

Cruz can’t even claim Huckabee’s excuse. Before Cruz attended the event, CNN’s Jake Tapper warned Cruz on television that Swanson (as Tapper paraphrases) thinks “the faithful [should] put gays to death because what they do is an abomination.”

It is no stretch to liken Swanson to the Taliban. Swanson doesn’t want to see random acts of terror against the general citizenry; he “merely” wants to eventually see state-sanctioned terror against homosexuals (among others), along the lines of the policies of murderous theocracies such as Iran and Saudia Arabia.

By appearing on stage in friendship with Swanson, Cruz has completely destroyed any credibility he may have had as a leader against violent religious movements.

Jindal has already dropped out, and I don’t expect much from Huckabee. But Cruz is now showing up in third place in Iowa polls, and I expect that the campaigns of one or both of the current leaders, Donald Trump and Ben Carson, will eventually implode. So Cruz, it seems now, is seriously positioned to potentially be the GOP nominee for president—which adds considerable urgency for sensible people to speak out against him.
Why I Will Vote for Any Democrat over Ted Cruz | Ari Armstrong

I suppose that Ted Cruz & Huckabee could form a 3rd party called the Taliwacker party. None of the other candidates showed up for this gay hating party. Apparently they were smart enough to avoid it.

There's a lot of information on this Pastor Kevin Swanson. Like he stated that the people that were slaughtered in Paris recently deserved it, and that little girls that watch the Disney movie, Ice Princess are doomed to be Lesbians when they grow up--LOL Here he is on his rant.

Oh and I thought Cruz had attended the annual Muslim Day Prayer Breakfast. Like Obama does.
When you're a candidate running for the highest office in the world, it's probably NOT a good idea to go to functions where there are radical speakers.

"In early November, Cruz, along with Mike Huckabee and Bobby Jindal, spoke at the National Religious Liberties Conference in Iowa. At that event, host Kevin Swanson openly called for the death penalty for homosexuals—albeit only after they’ve had a chance to “repent.” Another speaker at the conference distributed literature advocating the death penalty for homosexuals.

While appearing on stage with Swanson, Cruz said that a nonreligious person “isn’t fit to be commander-in-chief of this country.” But who isn’t fit to be president is anyone who shares the stage, purposely and in camaraderie, with a man who openly calls for the (future) mass murder of homosexuals.

Huckabee tried the dodge that he didn’t have “any knowledge” of Swanson’s views before hand—as though he had never heard of Google. Right Wing Watch alone has posted dozens of articles about Swanson.

Cruz can’t even claim Huckabee’s excuse. Before Cruz attended the event, CNN’s Jake Tapper warned Cruz on television that Swanson (as Tapper paraphrases) thinks “the faithful [should] put gays to death because what they do is an abomination.”

It is no stretch to liken Swanson to the Taliban. Swanson doesn’t want to see random acts of terror against the general citizenry; he “merely” wants to eventually see state-sanctioned terror against homosexuals (among others), along the lines of the policies of murderous theocracies such as Iran and Saudia Arabia.

By appearing on stage in friendship with Swanson, Cruz has completely destroyed any credibility he may have had as a leader against violent religious movements.

Jindal has already dropped out, and I don’t expect much from Huckabee. But Cruz is now showing up in third place in Iowa polls, and I expect that the campaigns of one or both of the current leaders, Donald Trump and Ben Carson, will eventually implode. So Cruz, it seems now, is seriously positioned to potentially be the GOP nominee for president—which adds considerable urgency for sensible people to speak out against him.
Why I Will Vote for Any Democrat over Ted Cruz | Ari Armstrong

I suppose that Ted Cruz & Huckabee could form a 3rd party called the Taliwacker party. None of the other candidates showed up for this gay hating party. Apparently they were smart enough to avoid it.

There's a lot of information on this Pastor Kevin Swanson. Like he stated that the people that were slaughtered in Paris recently deserved it, and that little girls that watch the Disney movie, Ice Princess are doomed to be Lesbians when they grow up--LOL Here he is on his rant.

Oh and I thought Cruz had attended the annual Muslim Day Prayer Breakfast. Like Obama does.

it's the same ole dirty politics they play every damn election. they can't win any other way. the people don't want what they are selling. higher taxes, more freedoms stomped on, and all the ugly like we've had to deal with from the likes of Obama
When you're a candidate running for the highest office in the world, it's probably NOT a good idea to go to functions where there are radical speakers.

"In early November, Cruz, along with Mike Huckabee and Bobby Jindal, spoke at the National Religious Liberties Conference in Iowa. At that event, host Kevin Swanson openly called for the death penalty for homosexuals—albeit only after they’ve had a chance to “repent.” Another speaker at the conference distributed literature advocating the death penalty for homosexuals.

While appearing on stage with Swanson, Cruz said that a nonreligious person “isn’t fit to be commander-in-chief of this country.” But who isn’t fit to be president is anyone who shares the stage, purposely and in camaraderie, with a man who openly calls for the (future) mass murder of homosexuals.

Huckabee tried the dodge that he didn’t have “any knowledge” of Swanson’s views before hand—as though he had never heard of Google. Right Wing Watch alone has posted dozens of articles about Swanson.

Cruz can’t even claim Huckabee’s excuse. Before Cruz attended the event, CNN’s Jake Tapper warned Cruz on television that Swanson (as Tapper paraphrases) thinks “the faithful [should] put gays to death because what they do is an abomination.”

It is no stretch to liken Swanson to the Taliban. Swanson doesn’t want to see random acts of terror against the general citizenry; he “merely” wants to eventually see state-sanctioned terror against homosexuals (among others), along the lines of the policies of murderous theocracies such as Iran and Saudia Arabia.

By appearing on stage in friendship with Swanson, Cruz has completely destroyed any credibility he may have had as a leader against violent religious movements.

Jindal has already dropped out, and I don’t expect much from Huckabee. But Cruz is now showing up in third place in Iowa polls, and I expect that the campaigns of one or both of the current leaders, Donald Trump and Ben Carson, will eventually implode. So Cruz, it seems now, is seriously positioned to potentially be the GOP nominee for president—which adds considerable urgency for sensible people to speak out against him.
Why I Will Vote for Any Democrat over Ted Cruz | Ari Armstrong

I suppose that Ted Cruz & Huckabee could form a 3rd party called the Taliwacker party. None of the other candidates showed up for this gay hating party. Apparently they were smart enough to avoid it.

There's a lot of information on this Pastor Kevin Swanson. Like he stated that the people that were slaughtered in Paris recently deserved it, and that little girls that watch the Disney movie, Ice Princess are doomed to be Lesbians when they grow up--LOL Here he is on his rant.

Oh and I thought Cruz had attended the annual Muslim Day Prayer Breakfast. Like Obama does.

it's the same ole dirty politics they play every damn election. they can't win any other way. the people don't want what they are selling. higher taxes, more freedoms stomped on, and all the ugly like we've had to deal with from the likes of Obama

The funny thing is the very things they accuse the GOP of doing they themselves have been doing for years. Obama has cozied up to Muslims, who regularly denounce homosexuals and in their home countries kill them with impunity.
When you're a candidate running for the highest office in the world, it's probably NOT a good idea to go to functions where there are radical speakers.

"In early November, Cruz, along with Mike Huckabee and Bobby Jindal, spoke at the National Religious Liberties Conference in Iowa. At that event, host Kevin Swanson openly called for the death penalty for homosexuals—albeit only after they’ve had a chance to “repent.” Another speaker at the conference distributed literature advocating the death penalty for homosexuals.

While appearing on stage with Swanson, Cruz said that a nonreligious person “isn’t fit to be commander-in-chief of this country.” But who isn’t fit to be president is anyone who shares the stage, purposely and in camaraderie, with a man who openly calls for the (future) mass murder of homosexuals.

Huckabee tried the dodge that he didn’t have “any knowledge” of Swanson’s views before hand—as though he had never heard of Google. Right Wing Watch alone has posted dozens of articles about Swanson.

Cruz can’t even claim Huckabee’s excuse. Before Cruz attended the event, CNN’s Jake Tapper warned Cruz on television that Swanson (as Tapper paraphrases) thinks “the faithful [should] put gays to death because what they do is an abomination.”

It is no stretch to liken Swanson to the Taliban. Swanson doesn’t want to see random acts of terror against the general citizenry; he “merely” wants to eventually see state-sanctioned terror against homosexuals (among others), along the lines of the policies of murderous theocracies such as Iran and Saudia Arabia.

By appearing on stage in friendship with Swanson, Cruz has completely destroyed any credibility he may have had as a leader against violent religious movements.

Jindal has already dropped out, and I don’t expect much from Huckabee. But Cruz is now showing up in third place in Iowa polls, and I expect that the campaigns of one or both of the current leaders, Donald Trump and Ben Carson, will eventually implode. So Cruz, it seems now, is seriously positioned to potentially be the GOP nominee for president—which adds considerable urgency for sensible people to speak out against him.
Why I Will Vote for Any Democrat over Ted Cruz | Ari Armstrong

I suppose that Ted Cruz & Huckabee could form a 3rd party called the Taliwacker party. None of the other candidates showed up for this gay hating party. Apparently they were smart enough to avoid it.

There's a lot of information on this Pastor Kevin Swanson. Like he stated that the people that were slaughtered in Paris recently deserved it, and that little girls that watch the Disney movie, Ice Princess are doomed to be Lesbians when they grow up--LOL Here he is on his rant.

Oh and I thought Cruz had attended the annual Muslim Day Prayer Breakfast. Like Obama does.

it's the same ole dirty politics they play every damn election. they can't win any other way. the people don't want what they are selling. higher taxes, more freedoms stomped on, and all the ugly like we've had to deal with from the likes of Obama

The funny thing is the very things they accuse the GOP of doing they themselves have been doing for years. Obama has cozied up to Muslims, who regularly denounce homosexuals and in their home countries kill them with impunity.

Yep, and what even more two faced. Is they are now sticking for the very people who comes from countries that looks down on and even KILLS homosexuals. but here they are whining over Cruz attending something with someone who was there who said, blaaa blaa blaa

that's the left, smears, lies and dirty politics

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