Movement to primary Speaker Paul Ryan picks up steam

Dems gave up shit too . It's how grown ups get things done . You think the dems wanted to lift the bad on oil exports!?
LOL that's it? something that BRINGS IN MONEY! Wow such a bad thing to "give up"

Just an example . I haveny gone over the whole budget . Have you ? You conservative seem to be more upset that there IS an agreement rather than what's in it . Do you hate the black guy that much ?
I saw enough of what we wanted taken out or changed that was just GIVEN away to know its a BAD deal. When the enemy is THIS gleeful over the deal you fucked up.
Dems gave up shit too . It's how grown ups get things done . You think the dems wanted to lift the bad on oil exports!?
LOL that's it? something that BRINGS IN MONEY! Wow such a bad thing to "give up"

Just an example . I haveny gone over the whole budget . Have you ? You conservative seem to be more upset that there IS an agreement rather than what's in it . Do you hate the black guy that much ?
I saw enough of what we wanted taken out or changed that was just GIVEN away to know its a BAD deal. When the enemy is THIS gleeful over the deal you fucked up.

Would you agree that infrastructure, science, r&d and education are areas that both should agree to fund? I mean there was plenty of bullshit in this bull, but I don't get the reasoning behind slashing these important areas another cent.

Personally, I'd of also cut foreign aid to zero. Fuck other countries! America should always come first!
They broke "it" up to $20T DEBT by year 8. Fix it. Tear it down and rebuild it. Whatever it takes. Not rocket science. Do the same thing Private industry has to do quite often. If not, it will "fix itself" and be more painful. I have given the first suggested steps many times.
Dems gave up shit too . It's how grown ups get things done . You think the dems wanted to lift the bad on oil exports!?
LOL that's it? something that BRINGS IN MONEY! Wow such a bad thing to "give up"

Just an example . I haveny gone over the whole budget . Have you ? You conservative seem to be more upset that there IS an agreement rather than what's in it . Do you hate the black guy that much ?
I saw enough of what we wanted taken out or changed that was just GIVEN away to know its a BAD deal. When the enemy is THIS gleeful over the deal you fucked up.

Would you agree that infrastructure, science, r&d and education are areas that both should agree to fund? I mean there was plenty of bullshit in this bull, but I don't get the reasoning behind slashing these important areas another cent.

Personally, I'd of also cut foreign aid to zero. Fuck other countries! America should always come first!
Yep I agree 100%. Bringing in "refugees" does NOT need to be in the bill,Funding PP doesn't either. Among other things.
Would you agree that infrastructure, science, r&d and education are areas that both should agree to fund?

Deep sigh. You know they had ~$1T stimulus but did almost no infrastructure, yet they don't have to answer for that? All that money wasted, nothing to show for all that spending. Theft is better word.

Education? Spend more than anywhere in world, rank very low. Some HS grad at 6 grade level. Time to pull out of ED at FED level. Back to states.

Back to basics till they prove they can handle that. No tax increase until proven cleanup.
Here is Paul Ryan taking Obamacare apart in 6 minutes.

And again here is your Tea Party hero "I guess talking about Obamacare"--LOL

And you morons want to replace Paul Ryan? I know which one I would replace and it sure wouldn't be Paul Ryan.

What did Paul Ryan do about Obamacare when he had the chance?
Obama’s approval rating near record low as 70% say US on wrong track

Oreo you just prove my point. Paul Ryan's videos(which are old) are very sober and thought out. Has even one of his suggestions been instituted? Where is the push back on Obamacare? What can the republican congress point to as a conservative success, as any success. All they have is the Obama defense, well it would have been even worse if we weren't there.

The reason for failure is a lack of coherent strategy, lack of imagination, lack of backbone, lack of media savvy, and generally just a dearth of the best and the brightest at the top of the republican hierarchy. I don't want to start sounding like Mathew with the same blah blah blah every post . Tell you hat Oreo, you tell me what the repub accomplishments have been that are not democratic priorities. Selling oil,overseas doesn't even move the political needle.

Lets distill the problem down to,it's essence. You can't fix stupid!
Ryan compromises !? How dare he !!! Burn him!!!

Guess it was true , all this time the problem has been the GOP and not Obama . Members of the GOP feel it's a crime to come to compromise . Sad .

No, they need to teach the Dictator in Chief how to compromise something Obama has no inkling of

Dems gave up shit too . It's how grown ups get things done . You think the dems wanted to lift the bad on oil exports!?
LOL that's it? something that BRINGS IN MONEY! Wow such a bad thing to "give up"

Just an example . I haveny gone over the whole budget . Have you ? You conservative seem to be more upset that there IS an agreement rather than what's in it . Do you hate the black guy that much ?
I saw enough of what we wanted taken out or changed that was just GIVEN away to know its a BAD deal. When the enemy is THIS gleeful over the deal you fucked up.

Would you agree that infrastructure, science, r&d and education are areas that both should agree to fund? I mean there was plenty of bullshit in this bull, but I don't get the reasoning behind slashing these important areas another cent.

Personally, I'd of also cut foreign aid to zero. Fuck other countries! America should always come first!

yep. I also do not want to sound lie broken record. This GOVT budget crap is very painful. They could cut it but none of them want to do that? Until when? when they collapse it all again? I am sure there a $100's bil waste, $100's bil to cut, $100's bil in efficiency, $100's bil not needed on and on. I bet 25% overnight. Then see what is left. I am done with it. Very upsetting to watch what goes on and listen to non-stop spin about it.

Finally I am not sure a guy like Trump will reduce anything? But he may re-direct it to better? That is our best hope? We coming into huge troubles.
Dems gave up shit too . It's how grown ups get things done . You think the dems wanted to lift the bad on oil exports!?
LOL that's it? something that BRINGS IN MONEY! Wow such a bad thing to "give up"

Just an example . I haveny gone over the whole budget . Have you ? You conservative seem to be more upset that there IS an agreement rather than what's in it . Do you hate the black guy that much ?
I saw enough of what we wanted taken out or changed that was just GIVEN away to know its a BAD deal. When the enemy is THIS gleeful over the deal you fucked up.

Would you agree that infrastructure, science, r&d and education are areas that both should agree to fund? I mean there was plenty of bullshit in this bull, but I don't get the reasoning behind slashing these important areas another cent.

Personally, I'd of also cut foreign aid to zero. Fuck other countries! America should always come first!
Yep I agree 100%. Bringing in "refugees" does NOT need to be in the bill,Funding PP doesn't either. Among other things.

Neither do all those destructive EPA regulations designed to destroy the coal industry.
Example #3,960 that there is a faction of the Republican party so stridently ideological and disconnected from the rest of the country.

Is insisting on a balanced budget "strikingly ideological?"
Ryan is worse than John Boehner,

Shame on Republicans

Both political parties are as bad.

Globalists all.

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