Moving forward, Israel has four bad options.

I haven't threatened anyone-----Iran has vowed to WIPE ISRAEL OFF THE MAP and
has engaged in terrorism against jews around the world giving YOU the opportunity,
over and over, to dance on the bodies of dead babies. I am intrigued----past
20 years? Can you give me three such threats since 2013? or two? you
are thinking of sunnis vs shiites

No they haven't . Israel finally paid Iran the $100 million they owed for Iranian oil (13 years late) and started threatening Iran. Got to keep US money flowing and Israelis scared.
No they haven't . Israel finally paid Iran the $100 million they owed for Iranian oil (13 years late) and started threatening Iran. Got to keep US money flowing and Israelis scared.
ok----so despite your repeated claims that Israel threatens to attack Iran ---EVERY
YEAR FOR THE PAST 20----you cannot cite even one example of such a threat----all
you have is your fantasy about "ISRAELIS SCARED" ----it must have been
Israelis in disguise who tore babies apart in Sderot----IN YOUR WORLD
I haven't threatened anyone-----Iran has vowed to WIPE ISRAEL OFF THE MAP and
has engaged in terrorism against jews around the world giving YOU the opportunity,
over and over, to dance on the bodies of dead babies. I am intrigued----past
20 years? Can you give me three such threats since 2013? or two? you
are thinking of sunnis vs shiites

Isn't the Israeli government in the process of wiping Gaza and Palestine off the map?
You posted up that picture already more than twice----what is your point?
Face reality----YOUR BENEFACTOR SAG is very concerned about Iran as
are SUNNNIS around the world----are you still living under a rock?

You're dealing with a Israel hating.... well you know
No they are in the process of going after HAMAS --your pals
This post of yours suggests you're in denial of reality.

The Israeli and Washington rhetoric so far says they're going to level Gaza, and it appears to me that they're doing so, and attempting genocide in the process.
This post of yours suggests you're in denial of reality.

The Israeli and Washington rhetoric so far says they're going to level Gaza, and it appears to me that they're doing so, and attempting genocide in the process.

Did Hamas do genocide?

This post of yours suggests you're in denial of reality.

The Israeli and Washington rhetoric so far says they're going to level Gaza, and it appears to me that they're doing so, and attempting genocide in the process.
leveling an organization that sends their boys out to decapitate infants is called GENOCIDE----was ELLIOT NESS a
genocidal maniac? The Night Chicago Died
This post of yours suggests you're in denial of reality.

The Israeli and Washington rhetoric so far says they're going to level Gaza, and it appears to me that they're doing so, and attempting genocide in the process.
They attempted it, on a very small scale. They don't have the firepower Tel Aviv has.

The Jews and Muslims have been killing each other since long before the US even existed. George Bush and the Neocons put us right in the middle of that religious insanity.

Hamas should have known better. Yeah?
They attempted it, on a very small scale. They don't have the firepower Tel Aviv has.

The Jews and Muslims have been killing each other since long before the US even existed. George Bush and the Neocons put us right in the middle of that religious insanity.
not exactly---the muslims have been killing Jews, zoroastrians ,christians, Hindus etc etc---since long before the US existed---and THEN la la la from the halls of Montezuma (aztec) to the hills of tripoli (MUSLIM PIRATES) we will fight our country's battles. etc etc. Before that was the filth of Cordoba
Christians responded to Muslims in the Crusades

If you don't know history stop pretending you do
That's what they teach in Christian schools, but that doesn't make it factual.

Here's a little historical insight you are probably not aware of regarding the behavior of Israel from early on.


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