Mr. Mueller psssst a deplorable here we are your worst enemy and your team is toast

It's simply amazing how many of the self-righteous have allowed themselves to be misled by the great Deceiver, and bow down to him in supplication.

Simply amazing.

Seriously? How has he "deceived" me? He is after all, keeping most of his campaign promises.

Do I have a single regret for having voted for the man? Nary a one.

What "campaign promises" has he kept, exactly?

Where's "cheaper, better insurance for everyone"? Where's the wall? Where are the coal jobs? Where are any of the manufacturing jobs?

the only crap he passed was thru executive order which doesn't need anything or anybody but his pen & chicken scratch signature. he hasn't signed ANY legislation into law because he has a failed presidency with a stalled congress & they are both (R) majorities.

where's all that winning?
...and is there something to learn from that? Don't stump the Trump. :biggrin:

Or....dump the Trump :D

Not gonna be as easy as you think.

Unless an actual crime is committed (like Nixon) it would be hard. I'm not actually looking for that. Pence would be worse because unlike Trump, Pence is sane, mature, and competent.

Well all I can say is "Be careful what you wish for."

Trump is a funny guy. I like his rough NYC sense of humor. BUt that Pence guy, I don't trust him. He has the eyes of a natural-born killer.

Funny that you say that. I can't stand Trump but what you see is what and always has been despite people's delusions. Pence is something else and he knows how to work with Congress to achieve an agenda which will be one I don't agree with.
It's simply amazing how many of the self-righteous have allowed themselves to be misled by the great Deceiver, and bow down to him in supplication.

Simply amazing.

Seriously? How has he "deceived" me?

Take off your blindfold, willfully blind monkey.

Start by asking Trump to produce the replacement for ObamaCare he told you he had.

You know, the one he was going to introduce on day one.

No, seriously. How has he "deceived" me? I never wanted a replacement for Obamacare, I wanted nothing less than a total repeal of it. Is it his fault there are so many tainted Republican in Congress?

Trump has his pen and is waiting 24/7. Do you think if Congress approved a bill to repeal it, Trump wouldn't sign it?

Rather it's you Democrats who have had the wool pulled over your eyes. From Hillary's lying, deceitful, and incompetent campaign to her underhanded method of forcing Sanders out of the race, it's pretty clear who the fools are here.
This meltdown of the Liberals is cracking me up.

This is just too much fun...................


I know!!! This Mueller conflict of interest touched a nerve on all liberal loonies! :lmao:

Could it be that it's because they have put so much faith in Mueller? he is their last desperate attempt to hurt the President .... even though deep in their hearts they know Mueller will fail!

Oh well ....guess the left will just have to deal with it.....yet again!:biggrin:
lol.... trump supporters sure are little snowflakes that sound way too buttercuppy lately.

i love irony.
You progs sound especially stupid when you try and use OUR term describing YOU people. You lack even an ounce of imagination to think up your own words, you have to COPY conservatives. You're as pathetic as they come, and you ARE a snowflake, because you ARE a whiny little liberal ass clown.
To b fair, we stole their term "fake news"

But even on this, we did a better job with it...
No we didn't. President Trump coined the term fake news.
It's simply amazing how many of the self-righteous have allowed themselves to be misled by the great Deceiver, and bow down to him in supplication.

Simply amazing.

Seriously? How has he "deceived" me? He is after all, keeping most of his campaign promises.

Do I have a single regret for having voted for the man? Nary a one.

What "campaign promises" has he kept, exactly?

Where's "cheaper, better insurance for everyone"? Where's the wall? Where are the coal jobs? Where are any of the manufacturing jobs?

the only crap he passed was thru executive order which doesn't need anything or anybody but his pen & chicken scratch signature. he hasn't signed ANY legislation into law because he has a failed presidency with a stalled congress & they are both (R) majorities.

where's all that winning?

So it was alright when Obama made use of executive orders, but not Trump?

Please tell me again: In 8 years, what piece of egislation did Obama get passed besides Obamacare? And of course, he had to lie through his teeth to get that passed.
Special prosecutor - Wikipedia

The current special counsel regulations specify that:[6]

The Special Counsel may be disciplined or removed from office only by the personal action of the Attorney General. The Attorney General may remove a Special Counsel for misconduct, dereliction of duty, incapacity, conflict of interest, or for other good cause, including violation of Departmental policies. The Attorney General shall inform the Special Counsel in writing of the specific reason for his or her removal.

Trump cannot fire him directly.

I'm sure that Robert Mueller is shaking in his boots, terrified of the consequences of being "the worst enemy" of a drunken clown on a message board.

Drunken clown on a message board? Last time I looked you were a moderator.
he can't directly. he has to go thru hoops to do it.

exactly how is that going to help him in any way shape or form.

the smell of nixon is already hanging heavy in the air.

Fact Check
Hillary Clinton was not fired from the House Judiciary Committee's Watergate investigation by Chief Counsel Jerry Zeifman.

Hillary Clinton was fired from the House Judiciary Committee's Watergate investigation by Chief Counsel Jerry Zeifman. See Example(s)

Collected via e-mail, 2014

As a 27 year old staff attorney for the House Judiciary Committee during the Watergate investigation, Hillary Rodham was fired by her supervisor, lifelong Democrat Jerry Zeifman. When asked why Hillary Rodham was fired, Zeifman said in an interview, “Because she was a liar. She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer, she conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the Committee, and the rules of confidentiality.”


FALSE: Jerry Zeifman Fired Hillary Clinton from the Watergate Investigation

Not false, as usual, just altered slightly to appease the shitbitch. True as hell and known always by those who lived through the time. You liberals and the little protectors in the media and hidden in the government offices can BS those who do not know real history, BUT those who saw it happen you liars can't BS with the shit you put out. LIARS!!!
Rather it's you Democrats who have had the wool pulled over your eyes. From Hillary's lying, deceitful, and incompetent campaign

The evil despise the good. That's in the Bible somewhere. It explains why you despise Clinton, along with all moral people.

to her underhanded method of forcing Sanders out of the race,

By getting more votes? Curse that democracy! How underhanded! No wonder you hate her so.

it's pretty clear who the fools are here.

You're not a fool. You're more of a malignant evil, one out to destroy American democracy.

I'm sure that Robert Mueller is shaking in his boots, terrified of the consequences of being "the worst enemy" of a drunken clown on a message board.

First off I made an official complaint against you. You are a moderator. You have just attacked me. Drunken clown?
Rather it's you Democrats who have had the wool pulled over your eyes. From Hillary's lying, deceitful, and incompetent campaign

The evil despise the good. That's in the Bible somewhere. It explains why you despise Clinton, along with all moral people.

to her underhanded method of forcing Sanders out of the race,

By getting more votes? Curse that democracy! How underhanded! No wonder you hate her so.

it's pretty clear who the fools are here.

You're not a fool. You're more of a malignant evil, one out to destroy American democracy.

You are the first person I've ever hear who used ""Clinton" and "good" in the same sentence. <insert rolleyes.gif here>

The Clintons are despicable people who only rose to power by means of intimidation.
You are the first person I've ever hear who used ""Clinton" and "good" in the same sentence. <insert rolleyes.gif here>

She is a good human being. That's not disputable by any honest and informed person. Only the dishonest and those duped by a RepubliRussian-based fake news campaign will disagree.

I know it's not PC to state such simple truth these days, but I'm not PC. She is a good woman, and her detractors are evil. And I know that will trigger the snowflakes, but tough luck, snowflakes.

I'm sure that Robert Mueller is shaking in his boots, terrified of the consequences of being "the worst enemy" of a drunken clown on a message board.

Now silly man. Call me a drunken clown all you want but I will remind you to last election. When I warned Jake Starkey I was going to flip all the hype on their new fave Ewan.

I worked day and nght. I worked comment sections. To overthrow the bullshit that Glenn Beck and others put out there over Melania.

I won. You lost.

You as a moderator needs to be bitch slapped into a new tomorrow for trying to go after me. Not cool man.
You guys were all hunky dory over Mueller.

Until he started to look closely at Trump.

Just like you adored Comey for investigating Clinton.

Until he started to look closely at Trump.

Kind of interesting - they're great. Until they investigate the Trumpster.

No he was okay until he proved he was just there to try to dig up dirt instead of investigating the FACTS of the reason he was empowered. ANYTHING TRUMP did before he started his campaign has no business being investigated AT all by any member of the office of the special council. But if they want to go down the road, you just need to be ready to sit back and be quiet when the shitbitch campaign and the oshitass obstruction is investigated and they reopen Whitewater, and the oshitass birther shit and the bengotem attack since after all they all happened after 2008 but whitewater and some of the shit the special council is delving into is before 2008. So!!! we don't give a shit if it will be okay when the clintons are charged with treason, and obstruction, and racketeering, and oshit and most of his staff are executed after being tried for complicity in murder, ETC ETC ETC because there is credible proof of all these things and a real reason to empower a special PROSECUTOR for them. Don't worry their investigation will take about three weeks before their execution dates are set.
Mueller you think you can take out a President that the people of America gave with their votes.

Sir. Get ready. You and all your team are going to get so rocked you are going to wish you died as a child (mods from Good Morning Vietnam)

I've been having fun. Let's get them.

If one just one person on the team bought a tooth brush off a Russian lets smote them.

that sounds like a threat on his person.
Rather it's you Democrats who have had the wool pulled over your eyes. From Hillary's lying, deceitful, and incompetent campaign

The evil despise the good. That's in the Bible somewhere. It explains why you despise Clinton, along with all moral people.

to her underhanded method of forcing Sanders out of the race,

By getting more votes? Curse that democracy! How underhanded! No wonder you hate her so.

it's pretty clear who the fools are here.

You're not a fool. You're more of a malignant evil, one out to destroy American democracy.

You are the first person I've ever hear who used ""Clinton" and "good" in the same sentence. <insert rolleyes.gif here>

The Clintons are despicable people who only rose to power by means of intimidation.

Agree! ^^^

here is the insert roll eyes :biggrin:
You are the first person I've ever hear who used ""Clinton" and "good" in the same sentence. <insert rolleyes.gif here>

She is a good human being. That's not disputable by any honest and informed person. Only the dishonest and those duped by a RepubliRussian-based fake news campaign will disagree.

I know it's not PC to state such simple truth these days, but I'm not PC. She is a good woman, and her detractors are evil. And I know that will trigger the snowflakes, but tough luck, snowflakes.

Really? Why did she fuck over the Haitians? She lost Florida because of what she did
First off I made an official complaint against you. You are a moderator. You have just attacked me. Drunken clown?

Attacks aren't against board rules, as long as content goes along with them.

Thus, I can point out how you openly serve Satan, the Lord of Lies, and while that may be an attack, it's not against board rules, as there is content going along with it.

Thus, you shouldn't keep making bogus complaints about such things.

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