Mr. President, Marines Still Use Bayonets

It is a good thing that he didn't say we stopped using bayonets then, just that we use fewer of them. No surprise that you are attacking him on this though after the shellacking he gave Romney last night.


"No, you CAN'T have a bayonet!!!

It is a good thing that he didn't say we stopped using bayonets then, just that we use fewer of them. No surprise that you are attacking him on this though after the shellacking he gave Romney last night.

Its strange how the right wants to split hairs on most topics; even more strange that on this one it isn't what our President said at all.
Poor liberals having to walk it back now.. ROFL!!!!!!!! The IDIOT Barry wouldn't know a weapon if it hit him in his pointy head!
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Marines themselves took to TWITTER, FACEBOOK, blogs last night and ALL BLASTED this BOY President... That's what Barry gets for acting like an AZZHOLE!
Someone needs to issue this President a brain.. perhaps then he would actually know what the f*ck he's talking about!??
BuzzFeedAndrew on October 22, 2012 @10:48 pm EDT RetweetRT @EWErickson: Marine emails Fox News -- Marines still use bayonets.

LIBERALS ARE ASSCLOWNS.. Plain and simple.. It's one of the reasons why the Military OVERWHELMINGLY vote REPUBLICAN.. They know liberals have a "BAYONET" read for their backs.. LIBRULS= The clueless Zombie Herd

I'm watching the replay right now...he said fewer horses and bayonets.
Anyone that says otherwise is simply wrong.

Hey DUMMY, how is it fewer when every single Marine is issued and trained with a bayonet????????????

Do you know that fewer means a smaller number?
It doesn't mean none at all.
seems to me..romney agreed with obama's policies more than his own

romney came off as the buffoon he is

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